to medium-sized satellites, under operational condi-
tions. A notable application was the testing of the CE-
LESTA CubeSat’s radiation model before its space-
flight, marking the first system-level test of an en-
tire satellite. The facility is highly adaptable, pro-
viding a high-penetration radiation environment with
adjustable maximum dose rates and fluxes through
various configurations of target, shielding, and lo-
cation. Space applications particularly benefit from
CHARM’s capability to simultaneously test the three
main radiation effects of interest: single event ef-
fects, total ionizing dose, and displacement damage.
The radiation environment generated at CHARM is
also ideal for atmospheric neutron characterization of
avionic systems.
In 2018, CERN established a commercial agree-
ment with Innovative Solutions In Space (ISIS) BV, a
Dutch company specializing in nanosatellite solutions
(CERN, 2024c). In September 2018, ISIS experts
conducted tests at CERN on two CubeSat systems
that had previously flown multiple times, allowing for
direct comparisons between ground testing and flight
data. Future plans include offering ISIS customers the
opportunity to perform irradiation tests at CHARM.
Additionally, a test campaign in November 2018 sup-
ported the development of a radiation-tolerant micro-
camera for satellite applications, in collaboration with
MicroCameras & Space Exploration SA.
Figure 1: Radiation testing of CELESTA satellite in
CHARM facility (CERN, 2024a).
1.2 The Importance of Robotics at
CERN has a long-standing tradition of using robots
for inspection, especially when dealing with highly
radioactive components like ISOLDE targets (Cather-
all et al., 2017). Among these innovations is the
Train-Inspection-Monorail (TIM) robot, specifically
designed for the LHC. TIM integrates an electrical
train with a monorail system originally built for the
Large-Electron-Positron (LEP) Collider. This versa-
tile robot is employed for a variety of tasks, includ-
ing visual inspections, functional tests of the 3,600
beam-loss monitors, and conducting radiation sur-
veys within the LHC accelerator tunnel (Castro et al.,
2018). This not only helps to reduce accelerator
downtime but also significantly decreases the need
for human intervention in potentially hazardous envi-
ronments. Additionally, the Measurement & Inspec-
tion Robot for Accelerators (MIRA) is utilized for
performing auto-piloted robotic radiation surveys in
the SPS, further exemplifying CERN’s commitment
to enhancing the identification of beam-losses and ef-
ficiency in radiological risk planning through robotic
technology in the accelerator complex (Forkel et al.,
2023). In the CHARM facility, a frame with the in-
tegrated test components is changed weekly. The in-
stalled frame is picked up with an automated guided
vehicle (AGV) in the target zone and placed in the
shielded stock area. The frame prepared with the new
devices is then picked up by the AGV and placed back
in the target area. As this test device frame has to
be placed very precisely, it was necessary to install
cameras to monitor the exact positioning. In addition,
further frames containing test devices are conveyed
into the target area via monorails on the ceiling and
near the wall. However, the gamma radiation dose in
the target area is high enough for unprotected cameras
to fail after just a few weeks, starting with individual
dead pixels and ending with the camera failing com-
pletely as a result. It was therefore necessary to de-
velop a robust robotic solution that could perform the
visual inspection in the CHARM target area. In recent
years 3D LiDAR sensing devices have become more
compact and affordable, so a small robot platform
can easily incorporate one such sensor together with
a compact stereo vision system. The main advantage
of combining 3D LiDAR with stereo cameras is the
robustness against different conditions of the environ-
ment (Nickels et al., 2003). Also, dense stereo data
fills the gaps in the sparse 3D LiDAR cloud (Mad-
dern and Newman, 2016). The combination of both
sensors can improve object tracking (Dieterle et al.,
2017) and long-range depth estimation (Choe et al.,
1.3 CHARMBot - Mobile Robot Base
for Remote Inspection of Target
CERN has developed a new robot base for remote
inspection of the target exchange at CHARM facil-
ity, the so-called CHARMBot. It follows the CERN-
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics