MAEVE: An Agnostic Dataset Generator Framework for Predicting
Customer Behavior in Digital Marketing
William Ferreira da Silva Filho
1,2 a
, Seyed Jamal Haddadi
1,2,3 b
and Julio Cesar dos Reis
1,2 c
Hub de Intelig
encia Artificial e Arquiteturas Cognitivas (H.IAAC), Campinas, Brazil
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (, Campinas, Brazil
Instituto de Computac¸
ao, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil
Customer Behavior Prediction, Digital Marketing, Event Logging, Dataset Generation.
Data analysis plays a crucial role in assessing the effectiveness of business strategies. In Digital Marketing,
analytical tools predominantly rely on traffic data and trend analysis, focusing on user behaviors and interac-
tions. This study introduces a dataset generation framework to assist marketing professionals in conducting
micro-level analyses of individual user responses to digital marketing strategies. The implemented proof of
concept demonstrates that the framework can be integrated with enterprise software monitoring applications
to ingest logs and, through appropriate configuration, generate comprehensive and valuable datasets. This re-
search centers on the application of the framework for predicting customer behavior. The evaluation examines
the extent to which the generated datasets are suitable for training various machine learning (ML) algorithms.
The framework has shown promise in producing machine learning-ready datasets that accurately represent
complex real-world scenarios.
In the contemporary digital landscape, data is essen-
tial for business success and the validation of scien-
tific theories. More specifically, large amounts of data
can be refined into datasets, which, in turn, enable
data-driven decision-making. What those datasets
look like and how to create them depends on their
source and platform (Renear et al., 2010).
Digital data sources include websites, mobile ap-
plications, and plugins. Data may also come from
other sources, such as the Internet of Things, the fi-
nancial market, or health care. Data can be applied
across various domains, including agricultural moni-
toring, home surveillance, and the management of au-
tomotive or office environments. It may improve your
user-targeted marketing or user experience. Data can
enhance investment strategies and support the early
detection of diseases. Data takes all kinds of shapes,
coming from different systems in various industries.
It is crucial to have access to a large amount of data
to enable data-driven decision-making, analyze it to
understand how data elements correlate to a question
that needs answering, and plot it accordingly - creat-
ing a dataset.
Gathering data from different platforms infers dif-
ferent methodologies due to the differences in com-
munication protocols, programming languages, data
format, etc., making it challenging to create unique
software to gather data from all of them. Data col-
lection from a system requires the integration of spe-
cialized capabilities within the software or the devel-
opment of auxiliary software dedicated solely to ex-
tracting system output.
This scenario drove the analytics market to build
enterprise applications to monitor systems by cap-
turing their data (for instance, Datadog (Datadog
Documentation Authors, 2024) or Google Analytics).
Their primary purpose is not to acquire data but to
monitor and report specific system characteristics.
Many current analytics applications use macro-
scale analyses because they provide metrics based
on large-scale traffic data instead of user interac-
tion. Monitoring applications such as Datadog enable
micro-scale analysis by ingesting logs resulting from
user interaction with graphical interfaces. Literature
has shown platform-specific software to accumulate
data (de Santana and Baranauskas, 2015) (Ma et al.,
Filho, W., Haddadi, S. and Reis, J.
MAEVE: An Agnostic Dataset Generator Framework for Predicting Customer Behavior in Digital Marketing.
DOI: 10.5220/0013021900003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 433-440
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2013) (Froehlich et al., 2007)(Rawassizadeh et al.,
2013) (Pielot et al., 2014) (Ferreira et al., 2014). On
a broader scale, enterprise applications accomplished
much on data collection with platform agnosticism.
This article proposes MAEVE as a dataset genera-
tor framework. This study aims to answer the follow-
ing research question: Can enterprise monitoring ap-
plications be leveraged to solve platform-agnosticism
in dataset generation? Our study further investi-
gates a novel ecosystem responsible for generating
datasets based on API communication with those en-
terprise monitoring applications to generate datasets -
assuming the enterprise application supports its plat-
form. Such an ecosystem can help marketing strate-
gies thrive with data-driven decision-making by pro-
viding a “plug-and-play” dataset generation frame-
work for any software.
This research explores machine learning algo-
rithms to experimentally analyze the framework’s re-
sults and the quality of the datasets as our metric of
success. We demonstrate how the datasets generated
by the framework are performed using different ma-
chine learning algorithms.
This study provides the following contributions:
The conception and development of a novel
framework “MAEVE” for micro-scale insights on
user responses to digital marketing strategies.
Integration with enterprise software monitoring
applications as platform agnostic data sources to
ingest logs and generate extensive and analyzable
Demonstration of the dataset’s readiness for
machine learning algorithms, reflecting real-
world complexities and showcasing how the
novel framework can enable data-driven decision-
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews the related works that laid
the foundation for this research. Section 3 outlines
the MAEVE framework proposal in detail, explain-
ing its components and functionalities. Section 4 de-
scribes the experimental methodology used to eval-
uate MAEVE’s effectiveness, along with the results
obtained. Section 5 discusses the key findings and
highlights the open challenges in the field. Finally,
Section 6 presents the concluding remarks and sum-
marizes the contributions of this study.
Applied data science can be achieved mainly in two
ways. The first is to use enterprise software directed
to your needs, such as Google Analytics. Such tools
provide you with data gathering solutions to improve
business, such as access traffic to your website, peak
access timelines, most used pages, etc. The second
one is more specific and less friendly for people with
no technology background, which is to build your
data pipelines.
The objective of the MAEVE framework is to gen-
erate datasets useful to the user’s (the ”user” being the
person who benefits from the framework’s dataset)
specific needs in digital marketing. This allows users
to configure the framework to generate datasets that
facilitate predictions regarding client return rates, pur-
chasing likelihood, and other key behaviors.
In practical terms, the user must identify and spec-
ify the location of the desired outcome within the sys-
tem’s data (For instance, a log entry that records the
precise moment a user interacts with the purchase but-
ton). Additionally, the user should define the interface
interactions or characteristics that exhibit a correla-
tion with that outcome. This approach enables the
framework to identify relevant patterns and correla-
tions in the data, thereby supporting predictive ana-
Thus, MAEVE delivers an analytics solutions
that for Digital Marketing professionals, empowering
their decision-making with few configurations.
WELFIT (de Santana and Baranauskas, 2015) and
Xiaoxiao Ma et al. (Ma et al., 2013) represent mod-
els of user-triggered event recorders. Aligning with
the architectural principles outlined in both studies,
logs are imported to establish independent modules.
Moreover, the prevailing approach in mobile event
logging, as seen in MyExperience (Froehlich et al.,
2007), predominantly relies on operating system APIs
to collect sensor and OS-specific events. However,
such data does not align with the focus of this re-
search, which prioritizes user interaction with appli-
cation interfaces as the primary dataset for analysis.
As per software monitoring applications, a stan-
dard functionality exists in log management that al-
lows the storage of logs from diverse platforms. Plat-
forms like Datadog (Datadog Documentation Au-
thors, 2024) showcase a promising solution, with
distinct SDKs for various platforms converging into
a unified log management system. This facilitates
multi-platform event logging by being the platform it-
self, an event logger, and establishing a robust founda-
tion for comprehensive monitoring purposes, partic-
ularly with Datadog’s (Datadog Documentation Au-
thors, 2024) unique incorporation of Real User Mon-
itoring (RUM) capabilities.
Moreover, our research underscores the need for
an open-source ETL framework to generate digital
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
marketing datasets across multiple platforms. While
existing market ETL applications suffice for dataset
generation, their platform-specific nature limits the
research’s objective (Informatica Power Center, 2024)
(Talend Documentation Authors, 2024) (Microsoft,
Our proposed framework aims to fill this gap by
being versatile, agnostic to data types, and exclusively
utilizing NoSQL databases to align with its objec-
tives. In summary, while WELFIT (de Santana and
Baranauskas, 2015) and Xiaoxiao Ma et al. (Ma
et al., 2013) highlight cutting-edge logging capabil-
ities, the versatility, and comprehensiveness of en-
terprise monitoring applications like Datadog (Data-
dog Documentation Authors, 2024) position them as
optimal choices for event logging in the proposed
framework, which emphasizes multi-platform readi-
ness and NoSQL compatibility.
The novelty in our proposed framework comes
from creating an ecosystem that, joining the technolo-
gies presented above, can be used to create marketing-
directed datasets on a platform-agnostic basis. The
monitoring application brings state of the art in pro-
viding an event logger and a centralized, platform-
agnostic log management system.
By creating MAEVE’s modules based on API
communications with monitoring applications, we ab-
stract the implementation of that system, meaning that
the event logger can be Datadog, Grafana - any appli-
cation with an API for log ingestion. MAEVE’s mod-
ules serve as the ETL that ingests logs, the products
of which are the datasets. With this framework, with
minimum knowledge of the data and minimum con-
figuration, MAEVE allows a fast way of generating
almost real-time datasets based on user interactivity
with graphical interfaces.
This research objective is to contribute to the con-
text of digital marketing, by enabling the creation of
datasets on a platform-agnostic basis, enabling data-
driven decision making. The proposal is to create
a dataset generation framework composed of three
main modules: the log importer; the data normalizer;
and the dataset generator. We named this framework
as MAEVE”, which stands for Marketing Event Log-
ging and Dataset Generation Framework. Figure 1
presents the relationship between those three mod-
ules. The following sections describes the chosen
event logger and each component of the framework
and its responsibilities.
3.1 Datadog: The Chosen Event Logger
For the implementation of the event logger ab-
straction, Datadog (Datadog Documentation Authors,
2024) was selected. Datadog is a robust software
monitoring application designed to serve as a com-
prehensive platform for engineers to manage logs, and
create alerts based on system performance, abnormal
behavior, and more.
Several factors contributed to the decision to
choose Datadog. Firstly, it offers a user-friendly expe-
rience with minimal setup requirements. Installation
merely involves integrating its SDK into the system to
be monitored and configuring a simple API and Ap-
plication key. Once configured, Datadog seamlessly
aggregates application logs.
Secondly, Datadog’s log entries extend beyond
simple text content. They encompass a wealth of con-
textual information such as the user’s browsing activ-
ity, interacted elements, time zone, browser details,
user session information, and more, providing invalu-
able insights.
Lastly, Datadog stands out from its competitors
like Grafana and Google Analytics due to its exten-
sive API. While many tools confine logs within their
own ecosystems to promote platform lock-in, Data-
dog offers a well-documented API empowering users
to access virtually any data sent to the platform.
It is important to notice that by choosing Datadog
we leverage the state of the art from monitoring appli-
cations. Datadog is not conceptually an event logger.
It’s purpose is to monitor applications. However, to
do so, it needs to import its logs, becoming, by exten-
sion, an event logger. We harvest that functionality
from Datadog to create a platform-agnostic dataset
generation framework, since Datadog provides SDK
for several platforms, such as Android, iOS, Win-
dows, Linux, etc. Thus, by connecting MAEVE with
Datadog, we can generate datasets from a wide range
of applications.
3.2 Importer
A pivotal aspect of this module is its abstraction.
Leveraging the capabilities of an object-oriented lan-
guage, we define interfaces and abstract classes that
can be implemented to establish connections between
the importer and any event logger. This design ap-
proach allows for flexibility in integration, as the
event logger is not constrained to providing a spe-
cific API. Instead, it could be an event stream, files,
a database, or any other data source.
The importer operates as a job-based application
specifically tailored for API-based event loggers. This
MAEVE: An Agnostic Dataset Generator Framework for Predicting Customer Behavior in Digital Marketing
Figure 1: Component diagram of MAEVE.
design is essential due to the lack of real-time access
to incoming logs. As a result, the importer employs
its own CRON scheduled jobs. During each job ex-
ecution, the importer queries Datadog (the event log-
ger we have chosen for this experimentation) for all
logs generated since the last job run up to the current
timestamp. Each retrieved log from Datadog is then
stored in its raw form within a document-oriented
NoSQL database. If Datadog were to function as an
event stream rather than an API, the need for sched-
uled jobs would be obviated, as we could subscribe
to the stream and listen for incoming logs. However,
given the versatility and applicability of job-based im-
ports across various communication channels, this ap-
proach was chosen.c
Another crucial aspect of the importer is its role
as the trigger for log normalization. With the logs
securely within MAEVE’s ecosystem, they become
available for manipulation as needed. Additionally,
the importer facilitates communication with other
modules by employing an event-driven architecture
implemented with RabbitMQ.
Upon successfully saving a log in the database,
the importer dispatches a message to a RabbitMQ ex-
change containing the ID of the log. This notification
signals to other modules that a new log is ready for
3.3 Normalizer
The normalizer module subscribes to the message ex-
change, to which the importer sends messages to.
This is done to achieve an event-driven architecture
(Cassandras, 2014), which is essential for the frame-
work to be scalable. Upon receiving a message, the
normalizer consumes it, initiating the normalization
process for the log identified by the message’s ID.
Normalization entails two configurable steps: a)
determining relevant fields that will become features
in the datasets and b) formatting field values. The first
step can be configured within the module’s settings,
allowing users to define the desired structure for the
log. The normalizer then removes unnecessary fields
and retains only those designated for persistence.
The second configuration involves coding, em-
ploying a factory design pattern (Shvets, 2018) to
implement a set of normalization rules. These rules
are implemented as classes to clean and transform
field values within the logs. For instance, rules could
anonymize personal user data or standardize times-
tamps to a specific time zone. The factory design pat-
tern ensures that all configured rules are applied to the
log during normalization.
It is important to notice that this factory design
pattern is crucial in MAEVE’s architecture. Leverag-
ing the abstraction capabilities provided by Java, this
design pattern allows the normalizer to be the heart
of MAEVE. This module allows developers to create
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
essentially any rules to deal with the logs being in-
gested, making it a data engineering silver bullet.
After passing the two layers of data normalization,
the normalized log is then saved in the normalizer’s
document NoSQL database instance. These logs rep-
resent the final form of the data and serve as the basis
for dataset creation by the next module.
3.4 Generator
The generator module serves as the engine that lever-
ages the storytelling capabilities inherent in normal-
ized logs to address specific questions. In the context
of this research, the question the generator is trying to
answer through datasets is: will the user buy a prod-
This module can read a normalized database, treat
and organize the data based on its configuration. The
configuration is a simple map of where the necessary
fields can be found, and what field is the dataset meant
to predict.
The generator’s output is a CSV file in which each
line refers to a normalized log, each column is a fea-
ture, and the final column is the binary response of
what is being analyzed.
Utilizing abstraction and the factory design pat-
tern, the generator empowers developers to create im-
plementations of dataset generation in various for-
mats. For this paper, CSV file implementation was
chosen to facilitate experimentation. Bayesian pre-
diction (Kruschke, 2014) with Python and the pan-
das framework (pandas Development Team, 2024),
known to work well with CSV format, will be em-
ployed for testing the datasets.
3.5 External System and Usability Logs
To evaluate the framework, it is necessary to find a
suitable graphical interface system into which Data-
dog can be installed. To do so, keeping in mind the in-
tention of generating marketing directed datasets, we
used an open source marketplace UI.
MAEVE’s inputs are logs, and to generate logs we
need users interacting with the system’s interface. For
the generation of the logs, we mimic user interactivity
using Cypress, a front-end integration testing frame-
work, to create bots. Those bots are essentially auto-
mated tests that interact with the UI in a configured
manner. The bots were configured to operate in three
different behaviors: an assertive user to buy, a user
that is not interested in the product and does not buy
and a user that is frustrated by the UI and leaves the
This experimental evaluation aims to apply five ma-
chine learning techniques to the created dataset to
evaluate how the dataset generator framework is ap-
propriate for predicting customer behavior in digital
4.1 Dataset
The dataset used in this experimentation comprises
15,000 rows and 25 features. The features can be seen
on table 1. The features represent four aspects of a
user session:
User Personal Data: personal information on the
user, such as gender, age, and for how long the
user account has been active
Historical User Activity (Sessions): features that
show if the user was logged in during the session,
the average amount of active sessions last month,
Product Data: Product rating, price, and impor-
tant information that might lead to the purchase,
such as is the product currently in the user’s fa-
vorites list?
UI Interactivity Logs: Most of the features are
categorized as interactivity data, and they repre-
sent actions the user takes on the UI during the
session, such as: did the user accesses the wallet,
scrolls through the product, was there any frus-
tration recognized from the usability pattern, how
much time did the user spend on the product page?
The label distribution is divided into two distinct
categories. The larger category, comprising 62.8%
of the total, represents instances labeled as ”Pur-
chased.” In contrast, the smaller category, accounting
for 37.2% of the data, corresponds to entries labeled
as ”Not Purchased. This distribution is visually rep-
resented in a pie chart, highlighting the proportional
difference between the two segments.
The next section details the machine learning
techniques applied to this dataset.
4.2 Machine Learning Techniques
Since one of the research questions in this study is to
predict whether a customer purchases a product, we
used machine learning models to conduct this binary
classification prediction. To this end, given the prob-
lem is a supervised learning problem, four classical
methods, and a deep neural network model are cho-
sen to solve this binary classification problem.
MAEVE: An Agnostic Dataset Generator Framework for Predicting Customer Behavior in Digital Marketing
Table 1: The 25 features in the dataset generated by
Feature Name
session id
home page access
product accessed
is product favorite
product view time
home page rum frustration count
product page rum count
item in cart
wallet page access
has payment method registered
wallet page rum frustration count
sign up page access
payment page rum frustration count
product rating
product price
num sessions last month
total spent last month
avg time on product pages seconds
session duration minutes
product page scroll depth
Support Vector Classifier (SVC). The Support
Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier, or SVC, was incor-
porated due to its ability to identify the optimal hyper-
plane within a transformed feature space, thereby seg-
regating classes by the widest margin possible (Cortes
and Vapnik, 1995). SVM’s utility in managing im-
balanced datasets is underscored through its focus on
maximizing margins while being minimally affected
by the presence of majority classes. The implemen-
tation of SVC here involves both linear and Radial
Basis Function (RBF) kernels.
KNeighbors (KNN). This non-parametric and
lazy learning algorithm, classifies objects by aggre-
gating the majority votes from their k closest neigh-
bors within the feature space (Cover and Hart, 1967).
To identify the optimal neighborhood size, the per-
formance of the KNN algorithm was assessed using
various k values (1, 3, 5, 7, and 9).
Gaussian Naive Bayes. Naive Bayes classifiers
encompass a suite of algorithms for classification
grounded in Bayes’ Theorem. For continuous data,
the Gaussian Naive Bayes approach posits that the
feature values associated with each class follow a
Gaussian distribution (Kamel et al., 2019).
Logistic Regression. This provides an approach
for analyzing qualitative dependent variables that are
categorical instead of continuous. It addresses the
constraints of least squares regression in scenarios
with binary or categorical outcomes by calculating
the likelihood of particular events (De Menezes et al.,
Deep Neural Network. Deep learning falls under
machine learning techniques that utilize artificial neu-
ral networks to learn representations. A Fully Con-
nected Feedforward Neural Network (FCNN) is uti-
lized for binary classification tasks and is specially
designed for such purposes. This network type is of-
ten known as a Dense Neural Network or, more gener-
ally, a Deep Neural Network (DNN) when it features
multiple hidden layers.
4.3 Procedures
4.3.1 Data Labeling
To implement binary classification, the dataset needs
to be labeled. For this reason, a criterion is defined to
label the data which the mathematical formulation of
the revised labeling criterion can be expressed as:
Label =
1, if (E Q) (H P)
0, otherwise
E = (V > 50) (S > 90)
Q = (D > 45) (F < 5)
H = (T > 100) (N > 20)
P = (R > 5) (C < 600)
Here, E, Q, H, and P represent conditions related
to engagement, session quality, historical behavior,
and product factors, respectively. The logical oper-
ators and denote the logical OR and logical AND
operations, respectively.
4.3.2 Data Preprocessing
Data Preprocessing encompasses loading the dataset,
inspecting its structure, and splitting it into training
(%70), validation (%20), and test sets (%10). Subse-
quently, categorical variables are encoded, while nu-
merical features are standardized. This ensures uni-
form scaling across features. Finally, the dataset is
prepared for model training, ensuring integrity and
optimal utilization for subsequent optimization steps.
4.3.3 Model Creation and Fine-Tuning
In this phase, a neural network model with vary-
ing hyperparameters and other traditional machine
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Model Evaluation Metrics and Correct/Incorrect Classified Instances for Machine Learning Methods used.
Model Recall F1-score Precision Accuracy Correctly/Incorrectly Classified Instances (%)
KNN 1 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 69.50 30.50
KNN 3 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 73.43 26.57
KNN 5 0.76 0.75 0.75 0.75 75.50 25.50
KNN 7 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.76 76.13 23.87
KNN 9 0.77 0.75 0.76 0.76 76.53 23.47
GaussianNB 0.82 0.82 0.85 0.82 82.00 18.00
SVC RBF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 85.33 14.67
SVC Linear 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 81.57 14.43
LR 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 80.20 19.80
DNN 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 87.78 12.22
learning models is dynamically generated. To op-
timize these models, Optuna (Akiba et al., 2019),
an open-source automated hyperparameter optimiza-
tion framework, provides a flexible and efficient
platform. It automates the hyperparameter search
process, leveraging advanced techniques such as
Bayesian optimization to identify the optimal config-
4.4 Results
Table 2 presents the obtained results. Among
the models analyzed, including KNN with different
neighbors, GaussianNB, SVC with RBF and linear
kernels, Logistic Regression (LR), and Deep Neural
Networks (DNN), the DNN model achieved superior
performance with the highest Recall, F1-score, Preci-
sion, and Accuracy at 0.88. It also exhibited the best
classification performance, with 87.78% of instances
correctly classified and an error rate of 12.22%. This
indicates a significant advantage of deep learning
techniques in handling complex classification tasks,
highlighting their potential in predictive analytics and
pattern recognition within diverse datasets.
This study addresses the challenge of designing and
implementing an automated solution for generating
high-quality datasets from user interaction logs across
diverse platforms. Such datasets are essential for en-
abling precise, data-driven decision-making in digi-
tal marketing. The MAEVE dataset generator frame-
work was developed as a flexible and scalable soft-
ware tool, designed to transform raw, unstructured
log data into structured datasets that accurately reflect
real-world complexities. By capturing granular de-
tails of user interactions and behavior, MAEVE facil-
itates the extraction of actionable insights, enhancing
the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies.
The framework presents several notable strengths.
Firstly, fidelity, ensuring that the datasets generated
preserve the integrity of the original data, maintain-
ing the nuances and complexities necessary for ro-
bust analysis. Second, feature richness is achieved
through the inclusion of a wide range of interaction
features, thereby enhancing the efficacy of machine
learning models in predicting outcomes. Third, cus-
tomizability, allows users to adapt dataset generation
processes to specific investigative needs or marketing
contexts. Finally, scalability, ensures the framework’s
seamless integration with various machine learning
methodologies, enabling efficient processing of large-
scale datasets.
The experimental evaluation confirmed that the
datasets produced by MAEVE are well-suited for
training machine learning models, yielding high ac-
curacy in predicting customer behavior. This under-
scores MAEVE’s utility as an effective tool for data-
driven research and digital marketing analytics. Its
core attributes—fidelity, feature richness, customiz-
ability, and scalability—position the framework as an
effective solution for generating realistic and machine
learning-ready datasets applicable across diverse dig-
ital marketing environments.
Given the differences in capturing user interaction
logs from different applications, platform-agnostic
dataset generation is difficult to achieve. Moreover,
given the platform differences, those data might look
distinct and might not be normalized. In this scenario,
predicting customer behavior based on graphical in-
terface interactivity is costly for any new digital mar-
keting endeavor. This study proposed a framework,
MAEVE, that uses an abstraction for enterprise mon-
itoring applications and created ETL modules for logs
MAEVE: An Agnostic Dataset Generator Framework for Predicting Customer Behavior in Digital Marketing
ingestion and normalization to, finally, generate dig-
ital marketing-directed datasets. Our framework en-
ables (a) generate digital marketing-directed datasets
based on user interactivity with graphical interfaces;
and (b) to be platform agnostic, meaning that the same
framework can be used to generate datasets for mo-
bile, web, embedded applications, etc. Our solution
contributes to the literature on predicting customer
behavior while providing a technical approach that
enables marketing experts and data scientists to have
a quick start on their endeavors.
This work was supported by the Brazilian Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovations, with resources
from Law 8,248, of October 23, 1991, within
the scope of PPI-SOFTEX, coordinated by Softex
and published Arquitetura Cognitiva (Phase 3), DOU
01245.003479/2024 -10. This work is also supported
by the ’PIND/FAEPEX - “Programa de Incentivo a
Novos Docentes da Unicamp” (#2560/23).
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval