ingestion and normalization to, finally, generate dig-
ital marketing-directed datasets. Our framework en-
ables (a) generate digital marketing-directed datasets
based on user interactivity with graphical interfaces;
and (b) to be platform agnostic, meaning that the same
framework can be used to generate datasets for mo-
bile, web, embedded applications, etc. Our solution
contributes to the literature on predicting customer
behavior while providing a technical approach that
enables marketing experts and data scientists to have
a quick start on their endeavors.
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from Law nº 8,248, of October 23, 1991, within
the scope of PPI-SOFTEX, coordinated by Softex
and published Arquitetura Cognitiva (Phase 3), DOU
01245.003479/2024 -10. This work is also supported
by the ’PIND/FAEPEX - “Programa de Incentivo a
Novos Docentes da Unicamp” (#2560/23).
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval