Integrating Rigorous Qualitative Methods into the Design and
Evaluation of Safety-Critical Systems
Romane Dubus
1,2 a
, Anke M. Brock
2 b
and Wendy E. Mackay
1 c
e Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Inria, Orsay, France
eration ENAC ISAE-SUPAERO ONERA, Universit
e de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Mixed-Methods, Comparative Structured Observation, Safety-Critical Systems, Qualitative Methods,
Quantitative Methods.
Traditional aviation research includes quantitative or qualitative studies of pilots’ behavior and cognition, fol-
lowed by quantitative evaluations of current and novel system designs. However, qualitative and quantitative
methods are rarely combined, making it difficult to link pilot behavior to specific design implications. This
paper discusses how aviation researchers can benefit from a mixed-method approach that explicitly includes
rigorous qualitative methods into the process of designing and evaluating safety-critical systems. We describe
our use of the comparative structured observation method, where pilots perform at least two directly compa-
rable realistic tasks using selected design variants, and are then asked to reflect deeply on the advantages and
disadvantages associated with each. The goal is to obtain a more nuanced understanding of specific design
trade-offs from the pilot’s perspective.
This paper focuses on the design and evaluation of
autopilot systems, which were introduced to reduce
cognitive overload and relieve pilots of monotonous
tasks. However, these systems still require pilots to
maintain situation awareness as they monitor the state
of the aircraft, since pilots are responsible for detect-
ing deviations and making effective decisions under
rapidly changing circumstances. The lack of situa-
tion awareness has contributed to multiple incidents
and accidents (Kharoufah et al., 2018) making it an
essential design consideration.
Unfortunately, the traditional approach for design-
ing such systems separates studies of pilots’ reflec-
tions from decisions about cockpit design. Thus re-
searchers who study pilots rarely contribute directly
to the design of novel interactive systems, and avi-
ation system designers rarely include pilots’ reflec-
tions into their design process. Our review of the
literature highlights the lack of studies that take ad-
vantage of pilots’ reflections either to directly in-
form design or to interpret the evaluation of those de-
signs. We argue that a mixed-method research ap-
proach that combines rigorous qualitative and quanti-
tative methods will provide greater insights into both
the design and the evaluation of safety-critical sys-
tems. We provide an example of how a rigorous
mixed-method—comparative structured observation
—can be successfully applied to autopilot design.
2.1 Qualitative Approaches for
Assessing Pilot Behavior
Qualitative research is essential for understanding
pilot behavior, especially with respect to the loss
of situation awareness and its effect on successful
flight operation. Typical research methods (Curry,
1985; Wiener, 1985; Wiener, 1989) involve gath-
ering and interpreting observational data, e.g. pi-
lots who solve problems in flight similators (Sarter
and Woods, 1992; Sarter and Woods, 1997), in-
cident reports (Bureau of Air Safety Investigation,
1998) and pilot interviews, e.g. using critical inci-
dent technique (Flanagan, 1954), semi-structured or
open-ended interviews, and questionnaires, e.g. with
Dubus, R., Brock, A. and Mackay, W.
Integrating Rigorous Qualitative Methods into the Design and Evaluation of Safety-Critical Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0013022000004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 104-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
NASA TLX (Hart and Staveland, 1988a) or Likert-
style questions (Likert, 1932). Such studies provide
field data that contributes to the development of prin-
ciples of human interaction with automated systems,
and suggest specific implications for design.
One of the most popular strategies for understand-
ing problems related to situation awareness is to con-
duct experimental studies with pilots in flight sim-
ulators. Sarter and Woods (1994) examined pilots’
decision-making processes and situation awareness of
the Flight Management System (FMS). They asked
20 pilots about their general knowledge of FMS func-
tionality and then asked them to describe their reac-
tions to hypothetical incidents that could not be sim-
ulated due to time restrictions.
Analyzing incident and accident data offers real-
world examples of breakdowns in situation aware-
ness. For example, Johnson and Pritchett (1995) con-
ducted a study inspired by Air Inter 148 crashes,
which were caused when pilots became confused
by the autopilot interface (Bureau d’enqu
etes et
d’Analyse, 1992). They conducted an experimental
simulator study that introduced mistakes in autopilot
mode selection to test how well pilots could detect
errors. They recorded when (or if) the error was de-
tected and asked pilots what they thought caused the
problem. This study improved understanding of the
cues pilots use to maintain mode awareness and led to
specific design implications.
Researchers also review incident reports to iden-
tify common factors that affect pilot’s awareness (El-
dredge et al., 1992; Jones and Endsley, 1996). For ex-
ample, Mumaw (2020, 2021) classified incidents and
accidents according to the source of confusion with
respect to the state of the autoflight system. Silva and
Hansman (2015) performed a similar analysis with re-
spect to automation mode confusion to identify when
and why confusion occurs. Although essential for un-
derstanding the causes of lapses in situation aware-
ness, few studies contribute directly to the design of
new cockpits.
2.2 Quantitative Approaches for
Assessing System Performance
Designers of safety-critical systems must determine
whether a new design offers better support for sys-
tem awareness than existing designs. The most
common approach is to employ quantitative meth-
ods that measure aspects of the system and/or user
performance. Wei et al. (2013) suggested four
kinds of methodology to assess situation awareness,
such as physiological measurement, memory probe
measurement, performance measurement and subjec-
tive measurement. Nguyen et al. (2019) summa-
rize and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
six key measurement approaches for assessing situa-
tion awareness, including freeze-probe and real-time
Probe techniques (Endsley, 1988; Wei et al., 2013),
post-trial self-rating (Taylor, 2017; Waag and Houck,
1994), observer-rating (Matthews and Beal, 2002),
performance-based rating (Gugerty, 2017; Tang et al.,
2024) and process indices-based rating. Munir et
al. (2022) also discuss the challenges associated with
quantification of situation awareness.
Some studies provide potentially interesting im-
plications for design. For example, Li et al. (2016)
ran an eye tracking experiment to assess two FMA
positions: on the far left of the MCP and at the top
of the PFD (baseline). They found that placing FMA
next to the FCU did not negatively affect pilot per-
formance and could potentially increase pilots’ situ-
ation awareness. Indeed, participants who looked at
the FMA from the FCU position were slightly faster
on the FMA, perhaps because the FCU changes less
frequently than the PFD. These results suggest that
repositioning the FMA may have benefits, a promis-
ing direction for future research.
2.3 Designing New Systems
Aviation designers have proposed multiple autopilot
designs that seek to enhance situation awareness. For
example, Hutchins (1996) observed operational auto-
flight mode management issues when he was sitting
in the jumpseat during an incident. He introduced the
Integrated Mode Management Interface, which com-
bines control and autopilot state monitoring into a sin-
gle interface, with the goals of simplifying the inter-
face while improving mode awareness. He ran a com-
parative cognitive walkthrough study that suggested
that this approach will eliminate or reduce the occur-
rence of certain errors.
Feary et al. (1999) proposed new FMA labels that
indicate the purpose of the system rather than what
the aircraft controls. They first conducted a survey
of how pilots interpret and use current FMA displays
and then, based on the survey results, evaluated a
new FMA whose design was inspired by the situa-
tion awareness global assessment technique (SAGAT)
(Endsley, 1988). They use quantitative measures to
assess situation awareness and qualitative methods to
observe behavior, but generating specific implications
for design remains a topic for future research.
Boorman et al. (2004) developed a new autoflight
interface design that emphasizes the target and who
chooses it—the system or the pilot—rather than ab-
stract modes. In order to assess their level of situa-
Integrating Rigorous Qualitative Methods into the Design and Evaluation of Safety-Critical Systems
tion awareness, they asked 17 pilots to perform tasks
and answer questions about the autoflight system’s
behavior (Mumaw et al., 2006; Prada et al., 2006).
However, they did not measure pilots’ subjective re-
actions to the system. Mumaw (2021) introduced a
feedback-oriented display consisting of a lateral view
and a vertical view. They evaluated the display in
terms of the pilots’ performance (time to first action),
workload (NASA TLX) (Hart and Staveland, 1988b),
subjective situation awareness (SART) (Taylor, 2017)
and system usability (Brooke et al., 1996), as well
as pilots’ general comments that suggest possible im-
provements for the next iteration.
Rouwhorst et al. (2017) describe the process of
designing a novel touch screen for selecting targets
and engaging advanced modes. They evaluated an
early design iteration by asking study participants to
perform various descent scenarios in a flight simula-
tor, using both a baseline and their new design. Par-
ticipants were also asked to rate their own level of
situation awareness. The results strongly influenced
a major redesign, which was assessed in the same
way. Although the quantitative measures of situation
awareness showed no significant improvement over
the baseline, the post-experiment question analysis re-
vealed that the new touch screen led to lower situation
awareness than the conventional autopilot.
These results indicate the potential benefits of
combining quantitative and qualitative results. Al-
though each of these studies explore interesting new
design directions for autopilot systems, few benefit
from a comprehensive approach that combines per-
formance data and in-depth analysis from pilots about
the system’s strengths and weaknesses.
Traditional aviation research uses both quantita-
tive and qualitative methods to design and evalu-
ate autopilot systems, but rarely at the same time.
Qualitative methods are more common in the early
stages of a user-centered design process (Mackay and
Beaudouin-Lafon, 2023) and focus on better under-
standing the challenges that arise from a lack of situa-
tion awareness. They can provide rich insights into pi-
lots’ experiences, perceptions and behavior and help
researchers consider nuances in dynamic and complex
safety-critical systems.
By contrast, quantitative methods are more often
used at the end of the design process, primarily to
evaluate the effectiveness of a particular design, ex-
pressed in terms of statistical significance. Unfortu-
nately, despite their potential for offering rich insights
into both causes and mitigating factors related to situ-
ation awareness, qualitative methods remain marginal
due to their supposed lack of rigor and objective data.
Even so, some researchers (Denzin, 2009) have
shifted away from the idea that qualitative research
fails to “adhere to canons of reliability and valida-
tion” (LeCompte and Goetz, 1982, p.31). Mackay
and Fayard (1997) argue in favor of triangulating
across research methods so as to mitigate the limita-
tions of using a single approach. Mixed-method ap-
proaches that combine both quantitative and qualita-
tive methods offers researchers complementary per-
spectives (Johnson and Onwuegbuzie, 2004) and help
address the complexities of designing and evaluating
safety-critical systems.
Mackay and McGrenere (2024) introduce compar-
ative structured observation, a mixed-method ap-
proach that borrows from best practices in the design
of controlled experiments, including creating and or-
dering the presentation of comparable tasks, but em-
phasizes the collection of rich qualitative data over
quantitative measures. This method diverges from
traditional approaches that prioritize quantitative over
qualitative data and takes advantage of expert users’
ability to reflect upon and compare their experiences
with alternative design variants. Comparative struc-
tured observation is well adapted for use within a par-
ticipatory design approach (Mackay and Beaudouin-
Lafon, 2023).
Comparative structured observation involves first
constructing tasks that are grounded in real-world
user practices and usually provide a challenge to the
user. The researcher then observes as participants per-
form equivalent tasks with different design variants
that are organized according to established experi-
mental design practices, such as counter-balancing for
order. Participants are asked to reflect on each design
variant and compare them to each other. This results
in richly detailed, grounded assessments of the advan-
tages and disadvantages of each design variant.
Researchers can compare the design variants, but
also compare their observations of participant behav-
ior with the participants’ analysis of their own be-
havior. Of course, comparative structured obser-
vation studies can also gather performance data, if
the design prototype is sufficiently advanced. The
goal is to gather nuanced insights about each design’s
strengths and weaknesses, based on diverse measures
of situation awareness, to further the design of fu-
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
ture safety-critical systems. The following elements
should be considered when conducting a compara-
tive structured observation in aviation to determine
the impact of each variant on situation awareness.
Participants. Ideally, participants should be ex-
perts in the field of study. However, finding groups of
experienced pilots to perform these tasks is challeng-
ing, due to their limited availability. An alternative is
to involve advanced student pilots who have a deep
grounding in the material but may be less likely to be
biased in favor of one existing system or another. De-
spite their more limited experience, they are also more
likely to uncover design flaws or usability issues that
more experienced pilots would overlook given their
over-training with the design.
Set-up. When assessing situation awareness in
safety-critical systems, researchers face the choice of
conducting experiments “in-the-field” (Salmon et al.,
2006) or using flight simulators. Each option involves
a set of considerations and constraints. In the con-
text of autopilot design, real-flight experiments of-
fer the most ecologically valid environments, but are
severely limited by logistical challenges and safety
concerns. On the other hand, flight simulators provide
a controlled setting, but the authenticity varies greatly,
ranging from high-fidelity simulators that replicate a
fully interactive cockpit, including sounds, physical
movement, and a realistic outside view, to low-fidelity
simulators that are not interactive and do not accu-
rately represent the cockpit.
Since the cockpit is a complex environment where
information is distributed over various displays, the
use of low-fidelity simulators may affect pilots’
information-gathering strategy, with a corresponding
impact on their level of situation awareness. Even so,
this lack of information can also inform the researcher
about a pilot’s strategy for constructing their situa-
tion awareness for a given task. Similarly, providing
ultra-realistic information displays may draw novice
pilots’ attention from their primary task of evaluat-
ing and comparing the design variants. The choice of
simulator should align with the stage of the system’s
development, the chosen tasks and the participants’
profiles. The key is to strike a balance between the
fidelity of the environment and the pilot’s ease of use
and access.
Protocol. Comparative structured observation
studies always employ a within-participant protocol
where participants are exposed to equivalent tasks
with different design variants, which allows them to
make grounded, detailed comparisons. The study
must also include at least two systems, either a base-
line system that is compared to one or more design
variants, or multiple design variants. Finally, tasks
and systems should be counter-balanced for order,
both within and across participants, for example, by
using a Latin square.
The primary measure is the participants’ qualita-
tive assessment of each design variant, based on their
experience using it to perform one or more tasks.
When possible, participants should be asked to talk
aloud during each task scenario and encouraged to
reflect on their current experience with the system.
After experiencing at least two variants, participants
should be asked to compare them and explicitly con-
sider both the positive and negative aspects of each.
In all cases, a researcher should observe partici-
pants as they perform the assigned tasks. At the end
of the session, the researcher should run a debrief-
ing interview to gather each pilot’s general reflections
about the tasks, scenarios, and, of course, the design
variants being examined. Researchers may also in-
clude questions during the session, such as freeze-
probe or real-time probe techniques for assessing sit-
uation awareness. The researcher should record qual-
itative data, including video, transcripts and hand-
written notes, and, when relevant, capture subjective
data, e.g. from Likert-scale questionnaires or ratings,
and performance measures such as speed or error rate.
Traditional aviation research uses both quantitative
and qualitative approaches to study pilots’ situation
awareness but rarely combines them to assess new de-
sign concepts. This paper argues that researchers who
study safety-critical systems can benefit from using
a mixed-method approach that explicitly combines
quantitative and qualitative methods. We present
comparative structured observation, a mixed-method
approach that gathers rich insights from users about
design variants combined with relevant subjective and
performance measures, and briefly describe how to
conduct a successful comparative structured observa-
tion study. The goal is not only to understand how
users will interact with novel aviation designs, but
also to identify potential design problems and im-
plications for future designs. We hope that this pa-
per will benefit researchers and practitioners working
in aviation specifically and on safety-critical systems
more generally, to gain a deeper understanding of how
pilots will interact with innovative proposed designs.
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Integrating Rigorous Qualitative Methods into the Design and Evaluation of Safety-Critical Systems