Table 4: Average absolute error, ∆, of valid estimated parameters. Medium’s EM wave propagation velocity, v, and object’s
position, x, depth, y, and radius, r. Calculated considering only first-hyperbola, 1st, and all hyperbolas from an object, group.
(cm) ∆x
(cm) ∆y
(cm) ∆y
(cm) ∆r
(cm) ∆r
2.7 2.9 2.3 1.4 0.4 0.6
The developed system works as expected when
hyperbola segmentation provided well-fitting masks,
such that the parameters were estimated from fitting
points which correctly described the hyperbola.
This work is co-financed by Component 5 - Capital-
ization and Business Innovation, integrated in the Re-
silience Dimension of the Recovery and Resilience
Plan within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience
Mechanism (MRR) of the European Union (EU),
framed in the Next Generation EU, for the period
2021 - 2026, within project AgendaTransform, with
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