Crafting the Future: Developing and Evaluating a Digital Mindset
Competence Model for the Industrial Craft Sector
Seyma Kocak
1,2 a
and Jan Pawlowski
1,2 b
University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Information Technology, Jyväskylä, Finland
University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West Institute of Computer Science, Bottrop, Germany
Keywords: Digital Mindset, Design Science Research, Industrial Craft Sector, Digital Competence.
Abstract: The recent development of digitization has significantly influenced various sectors of the economy, and the
Industrial Craft Sector is no exception. The transition to digital technologies and processes is inevitable and
holds the potential for increasing efficiency and creating competitive advantages. This research used the
Design Science methodology to develop a Digital Mindset Competence Model. This model comprises eight
dimensions specifically tailored to the requirements and challenges of the Industrial Craft Sector. These
dimensions aim to promote and strengthen the digital mindset among professionals in the Industrial Craft
Sector. To ensure the validity and relevance of this model, experts from the Industrial Craft Sector were
involved in a qualitative methodology. The combination of scientific methodology and practical experience
ensures a comprehensive perspective and guarantees the applicability of the developed model. The results of
this research underscore the importance of digital transformation in the Industrial Craft Sector and the
necessity of a digital mindset. The developed Digital Mindset Competence Model provides a targeted
approach to promoting digital competencies in the Industrial Craft Sector and guides future developments in
this area. It becomes evident that an appropriate digital mindset is essential to optimally leverage the potentials
of digitization in the Industrial Craft Sector and successfully navigate continuous change. This scholarly
contribution contributes to raising awareness of the significance of a digital mindset in the Industrial Craft
Sector. It forms a basis for further investigations and practical applications within digital transformation.
Digitalization is a critical challenge that craft
businesses must actively promote to remain
competitive and not lose touch with the rapidly
evolving business world (Timchuk & Evloeva, 2020).
Craft enterprises provide specialized craft activities
and offer products or services based on technical
knowledge and tradition. They cover a broad
spectrum, from repair and maintenance work to
manufacturing customized products (Abel, 2007).
Although craft businesses know digitalization
(Rohleder & Schulte, 2020; Veltkamp & Schulte,
2020), its importance is often not sufficiently
recognized (Welzbacher et al., 2015). Digitalizing the
Industrial Craft Sector is necessary to enable
efficiency gains, optimize work processes, and
improve customer communication (Aghimien et al.,
2022). This requires employees and managers to
develop the essential skills and knowledge to use new
technological tools and processes, which can improve
productivity, innovation, and competitiveness
(Nikmehr et al., 2021). A fundamental problem in the
Industrial Crafts Sector is the development of digital
skills and attitudes (Ezeokoli et al., 2016; Kocak &
Pawlowski, 2022). To successfully implement digital
transformation in the Industrial Craft Sector, a model
that captures the level of an organization's digital
mindset is needed. Appropriate measures can be
defined and adapted only by understanding the digital
mindset (Kratochvil et al., 2021). Although digital
mindset concepts and models exist in the literature
(Hildebrandt & Beimborn, 2021; Aliabina, 2020;
Young et al., 2020), these mainly focus on general
sectors and are less specific to the Industrial Craft
Sector. Only a few studies specifically address
Kocak, S. and Pawlowski, J.
Crafting the Future: Developing and Evaluating a Digital Mindset Competence Model for the Industrial Craft Sector.
DOI: 10.5220/0013029000003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 108-119
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
digitalization, digital skills, and digital mindset in the
Industrial Craft Sector (Ezeokoli et al., 2016;
Aghimien et al., 2022; Parusheva, 2019; Kocak &
Pawlowski, 2023). This study addresses the following
research question:
How can a Competency Model for a Digital
Mindset in the Industrial Craft Sector be
Developed and Assessed?
The study aims to develop and evaluate a model of
digital competencies and attitudes specifically tailored
to the needs of the Industrial Craft Sector. It aims to
close a research gap and expand the theoretical
understanding of the application of digital technologies
in traditional sectors. This will provide new insights
into specific industries' digitalization processes and
address the Industrial Craft Sector's unique challenges.
The developed model will help craft enterprises
improve their digital skills and attitudes, optimize work
processes, and increase productivity. This is essential
for competitiveness and full exploitation of
digitalization's benefits. It also promotes innovation,
enables the development of new products and services,
and supports adaptation to changing market demands.
To answer the research question, the design science
approach (Hevner & Chatterjee, 2010; Peffer et al.,
2007) was chosen to develop the model and evaluate it
qualitatively with experts from the craft sector (Myers,
2019). First, the theoretical part and the development
of the model are presented, followed by a detailed
description of the methodology.
The Industrial Craft Sector comprises independent
activities in material processing aimed at meeting the
individual needs of companies (Abel, 2007).
According to the Crafts Code, craft enterprises are
service, production, and commercial businesses
(Buschfeld et al., 2011). Since there is no EU-wide
definition, this description is used. The work process
in the construction industry is also strongly
characterized by craftsmanship and is considered
industrial craft (Diego et al., 2020). The global digital
revolution is propelling the Industrial Craft Sector
towards a promising future with digital
transformation. Enhancing digital technologies can
potentially revolutionize the sector, offering more
efficient services and operations. Understanding the
different phases of digital transformation and
developing specific strategies for each phase is
crucial, paving the way for a brighter future (Vial,
2019). The Industrial Craft Sector embraces
digitalization globally, with researchers playing a
crucial role in advocating for technological progress.
This shift is seen as an opportunity, with
technological advancements being harnessed in the
sector. Researchers' efforts are steering the
construction industry toward digital transformation,
inspiring a wave of change (Yang et al., 2022).
Although the Industrial Craft Sector is open to digital
transformation, it rarely shows initiative (Rohleder &
Schulte, 2020; Veltkamp & Schulte, 2020;
Welzbacher et al., 2015). Digital technologies can be
a decisive success factor, but the Industrial Craft
Sector is reluctant to start the digital transformation
(Vasiliki et al., 2020). This reluctance is due to
numerous organizational, technical, and individual
barriers and a lack of skills and attitudes (Yang et al.,
2022; Kocak & Pawlowski, 2022). Consequently, the
Industrial Craft Sector has not yet fully exploited the
potential of digital transformation (Sriyolia et al.,
2021). Industrial Craft Companies should develop a
clear digital strategy to overcome organizational
barriers and adapt internal processes accordingly
(Vogelsang et al., 2019). Leadership should receive
digital transformation and change management
training to promote acceptance and implementation
(Kocak & Pawlowski, 2022). Implementing modern
IT infrastructures and regular updates is crucial.
Partnerships with technology providers can help
overcome technical hurdles and ensure access to the
latest technologies (Rohleder & Schulte, 2020).
Training employees in new technologies and
fostering a digital mindset are essential (Veltkamp &
Schulte, 2020). Mentoring programs and peer
learning can also help build confidence in digital
technologies (Oesterreich & Teuteberg, 2016). A
tailored training framework that integrates digital
skills, attitudes, and personality traits is urgently
needed (Ezeokoli et al., 2016). Continuing education
programs should promote technical, social, and
emotional competencies to develop holistic digital
competence (European Construction Sector
Observatory, 2020). Another aspect is adopting a
digital mindset (Pammer et al., 2021; Kocak &
Pawlowski, 2022). A digital mindset describes
"patterns of thinking embodied in people's cognitive
processes, filters, and core beliefs, composed of
cognitive mechanisms and knowledge structures that
influence and promote the use and application of
digital technologies and the management of their
consequences in the context of individuals,
organizations, or society." From this, it can be
inferred that, in addition to attitudes, competencies
also play an essential role in realizing the digital
mindset. This paper uses the definition by Hildebrand
Crafting the Future: Developing and Evaluating a Digital Mindset Competence Model for the Industrial Craft Sector
and Beimborn (2022). Theories suggest that by
applying and building a digital mindset, bridging the
digital gap within the organization, and developing
lasting innovative capabilities, organizations can
foster the growth of innovative developments locally,
among competitors, and across industries (Fisher,
2022). Therefore, it can be concluded that digital
capabilities combine a digital mindset, knowledge,
competencies, and attitude (Gekara et al., 2017). A
tailored framework that integrates digital skills,
attitudes, and personality traits is urgently required to
establish a digital mindset in craft organizations, as
specific personality traits are crucial for shaping a
digital mindset (Ezeokoli et al., 2016; European
Observatory, 2020). Existing models, such as those
by Bredendiek Knorr (2020), focusing on openness,
agility, proactivity, creativity, customer orientation,
and fault tolerance, and by Hildebrandt and Beimborn
(2021), emphasizing thinking patterns like risk-taking
and resilience, lack specific dimensions and are
designed for general organizations. Kocak and
Pawlowski (2021) identified relevant digital skills
and attitudes for managers and employees but did not
explicitly investigate craft enterprises; thus,
analyzing these existing models helps address the
digital transformation challenges in the Industrial
Craft Sector. These approaches were used to develop
the Digital Mindset Competence Model for the
Industrial Craft Sector. The digital transformation in
the Industrial Craft Sector has significant potential.
However, it is currently hindered by organizational,
technical, and individual barriers, which can be
overcome through a clear strategic approach, regular
training, promotion of a digital mindset, and the
development of tailored training programs to enhance
digital competence and technology acceptance,
ultimately leading to successful digital
transformation by applying and adapting proven
models to the sector's specific needs.
The Digital Competence Mindset Competence Model
was developed using the design science approach
(Hevner & Chatterjee, 2010; Peffer et al., 2007) and
began with a systematic literature review and concept
matrix analysis (Webster & Watson, 2002) to identify
and analyze existing models in the industrial craft
sector. The second phase involved using a concept
matrix and units of analysis to examine further
academic approaches to digital mindset models,
dimensions, competencies, and technologies,
facilitating the adaptation of innovative approaches
for the industrial crafts sector. Aliabina (2020) used a
quantitative approach to study digital culture,
competence, and knowledge in banking, retail, and
telecommunication sectors, noting strengths like a
large sample size and sector diversity but lacking
detailed descriptions and validation procedures.
Young et al. (2020) and Knorr (2020) examined
digital learning aptitude, literacy, and entrepreneurial
mindset, providing detailed descriptions and
identifying interrelations among variables. However,
neither study lacked formal scientific methodologies
or evaluated models. Kollmann's (2020) research on
digital execution, skills, and mindset highlighted
lifelong learning and openness to new technologies
but also suffered from a lack of formalized models
and scientific methodologies, similar to Hildebrandt
& Beimborn's (2021) literature review on digital
innovation and thinking, which identified thinking
patterns but lacked a scientific methodology,
evaluation framework, and detailed descriptions. In
the Industrial Craft Sector, Kocak and Pawlowski
utilized a mixed-method approach in their 2023 study,
exploring Technological and Professional
competencies. Strengths included the application of a
taxonomy and the classification of competencies and
attitudes. However, the study lacked a formal model
and an unspecified scientific methodology. The
qualitative research conducted by Kocak &
Pawlowski in 2021 within the general sector focused
on Communication and Information Processing
Competencies. Strengths encompassed the
classification and sorting of factors. Inadequacies in
the research were identified, including lacking a
formal model, scientific methodology, and detailed
descriptions of elements (Neeley & Leonardi, 2022).
While strengths were found in recognizing essential
factors like customer centricity and digital
competence, the research often lacked a structured
approach and comprehensive factor descriptions
(Salvetti et al., 2022). Similarly, Joseph et al.'s 2022
study lacked specific dimensions and characteristics,
borrowing factors from other models without
providing a formal framework or detailed
methodology. In Lessiak's 2020 literature review,
growth orientation and collaboration emphasis were
explored, supplemented by qualitative interviews.
Strengths included the development of a model, the
description of main dimensions, and the classification
of sizes. Inadequacies encompassed the lack of a
common taxonomy, undefined sub-factors, an
unevaluated model, and no information about the
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
analysis of items in the questionnaire construct.
The summarized studies present various
approaches to understanding the digital mindset,
highlighting unique methods, domains, and
dimensions. Many studies, such as those by Aliabina
(2020), Kollmann (2020), Kocak & Pawlowski (2023),
and Joseph et al. (2022), lack a developed model and
standardized scientific methodology like ADR or DSR,
affecting reliability and comparability. Studies like
Young et al. (2020) and Salvetti et al. (2022) focus only
partially on digital mindset dimensions, potentially
overlooking crucial aspects, while Kocak &
Pawlowski (2021) and Salvetti et al. (2022) lack a
classification of characteristics or a model, hindering
systematic understanding. These gaps underline the
need for a comprehensive digital mindset competency
model, providing a structured framework, detailed
dimensions, standardized methods, and a specific
taxonomy for the industrial crafts sector to understand
better, cultivate, and assess essential digital
competencies. The approaches of Kocak and
Pawlowski (2023) and Bredendiek and Knorr (2020)
were used to develop the digital mindset and
competence model. For the development of the
dimensions, Information processing Competence,
Communication Competence, Technological
Competence, Personal Competence, and Personal
Traits were taken from Kocak & Pawlowski (2021), as
they have already classified many competencies,
attitudes, and personality traits for the Industrial Craft
Sector. Bredendiek and Knorr (2020) adopted the
dimension of entrepreneurial orientation, as many
competencies identified in the literature are necessary
to drive digital transformation in the industrial craft
Teamwork, cooperation, collaboration, customer
relationship, and technical communication
competencies are essential in the Industrial Craft
Sector due to the team-based nature of the work and
the high priority on customer communication (Kocak
& Pawlowski, 2023). Essential personality traits
include openness (Bredendiek & Knorr, 2020),
communication, flexibility, curiosity, and
compromise (Kocak & Pawlowski, 2023), which are
crucial as artisans often have limited time due to
numerous orders. Additionally, agility, result-oriented
mindset, openness to learning, self-restraint, and self-
confidence (Bredendieck & Knorr, 2020; Kocak &
Pawlowski, 2023) were integrated into the digital
attitude dimension, and critical faculties, taking
responsibility, and lifelong learning (Kocak &
Pawlowski, 2023) were added to the personal
competencies dimension, reflecting the continuous
need for learning and adapting to new technologies in
the digital transformation. In total, we have eight
main dimensions for our Digital Competence Mindset
Competence Model:
Communication Competence (CC). Ability to
communicate effectively, both verbally and
nonverbally, in personal, professional, and digital
contexts (Salleh, 2008).
Information Processing Competence (IPC).
Ability to gather, understand, evaluate, organize, and
use information from various sources, critical for
making informed decisions in the digital era
(Tahvanainen & Luoma, 2018).
Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO). Ability and
willingness to identify opportunities, take risks, drive
innovation, and strive for growth (Xu & Xu, 2012;
Tahvanainen & Luoma, 2018).
Technological Competence (TC). Capability to
effectively use, understand, and manage
technological tools and systems across professional,
educational, and personal contexts (Tahvanainen &
Luoma, 2018).
Development Competence (DC). Ability to
continuously learn, adapt, and foster personal growth,
crucial in the era of digitalization (Kocak &
Pawlowski, 2021; Tahvanainen & Luoma, 2018).
Personal Competence (PC). Ability to interact
harmoniously with others, essential in social,
professional, and individual contexts (Tahvanainen &
Luoma, 2018).
Digital Attitude (DA). Mindset towards embracing
digital opportunities and adapting to modern demands
(Hildebrandt & Beimborn, 2022; Kocak &
Pawlowski, 2021).
Personality Traits (PT). Traits that influence
attitudes and reactions, shaping individual
interactions and actions (Mekhaznia et al., 2021).
Figure 1: Digital Mindset Competence Model.
Description of the Digital Mindset
Competence Modell Factors
The Digital Mindset Competence Model for the
Industrial Craft Sector has eight dimensions. Bloom's
Crafting the Future: Developing and Evaluating a Digital Mindset Competence Model for the Industrial Craft Sector
subdimension descriptions were partly taken from
various sources or formulated according to an
established taxonomy (Krathwohl, 2002). A total of
57 sub-dimensions were identified and defined. The
table below shows the first two sub-dimensions for
each central dimension.
Table 1: Description of the Sub-Factors.
The trait of possessing passionate zeal, a
heightened interest in a specific topic or
task (Von Ohain, 2019)
Accuracy (PT)
The trait of appreciating the thoughts,
feelings, and behavior of myself or others
Ability to communicate constructively,
effectively, and consciously (Kocak &
Pawlowski, 2022)
Ability to use online tools such as email,
social media messaging, and texting to
reach others (Bordi, Okkonen,
Mäkiniemi, & Heikkilätammi, 2018).
Flexible Mindset
Property to adapt to change and, above
all, the anticipation of future innovation
(Kocak & Pawlowski, 2022)
Visioning (DA)
Attitude to imagine the future, plan,
develop a vision, turn ideas into reality,
and create future scenarios to guide
efforts and actions (Mihardio &
Sasmoko, 2019).
Decision Making
Ability to make decisions whose outcome
is not specific (Kocak & Pawlowski, 2022)
Ability to develop and implement quality
planning, assurance, quality control, and
improvement. (Kim, 2020).
Data collection
Ability to collect and measure data from
multiple sources to get a complete and
accurate picture of an area.
Evaluating data,
information, and
digital content
Ability to analyze, compare, and
critically evaluate the credibility and
reliability of data sources, information,
and digital content. To analyze, interpret,
and critically evaluate the data,
information, and digital content (Riina et
al., 2016)
Application (TC)
Ability to utilize digital technologies to
improve the strategic positioning of a
ICT-Safety (TC)
Ability to monitor and control
confidential information (Kemendi,
2021; Riina, Yves, Staphanie, & Van Den
Brande, 2016).
Skills (DC)
Ability to know and apply the syntax and
code of a programming language (Riina,
Yves, Staphanie, & Van Den Brande,
Work with AI
Ability to know and use different
programming languages, signal
processing techniques, and neural
network architectures (Schuur, Rezazade
Mehrizi, & Ranschaert, 2021).
Innovation Skills
Ability to identify opportunities to
improve performance by changing
methods, processes, products, and
services (Kocak & Pawlowski, 2022)
Creativity (PC)
Ability to develop different ideas and
opportunities to create value, combine
knowledge and resources to achieve
valuable effects, research, and
experiment with innovative approaches
(Kocak & Pawlowski, 2022)
Five Stage Model
In addition to the Digital Mindset Competence-
Model developed in this phase of the design science
research methodology, we also developed a stage
model to help Industrial Craft Companies assess the
current stage or maturity level of digital mindset in
their company. The stage model represents five
stages. Within the Digital Mindset Competence
Model framework, various development stages are
described that reflect the change in the digital mindset
in organizations. These stages are explained below:
Table 2: Description of the Five-Stage Model.
Stage 1:
Digital newcomers are organizations that lack
the characteristics of the digital mindset
competency model and need to develop an
essential awareness of the importance and
impact of digital transformation.
Stage 2:
The Digital Starter phase begins the learning
process where the importance of digital
transformation is gradually understood, with
initial signs of a digital mindset and
competencies emerging. However, many
additional skills and attitudes are still needed
to reach an advanced level.
Stage 3:
The "Digital Intermediary" phase shows a
deep understanding of digital transformation
and a comprehensive digital mindset but still
requires continuous growth to fully develop
all necessary skills and attitudes.
Stage 4:
"Digital professionals" have a highly
developed digital mindset, mastering and
applying all relevant characteristics for a
successful digital transformation.
Stage 5:
The "Digital Pioneer" is at the top of the digital
competence model, mastering its attributes,
embodying the highest level of digital
competence, and serving as a role model by
putting digital principles into practice.
The competence levels are determined by
summarizing and averaging items from established
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
instruments across eight dimensions, then dividing
the total mean values by the number of items to obtain
the final competence level.
The present study is based on the DSR approach
(Design Science Research) (Peffer et al., 2007;
Hevner & Chatterjee, 2010) and follows a qualitative
research methodology (Myers, 2019) that addresses
current problems not comprehensively discussed in
the existing literature. The applied research
methodology begins with a systematic literature
review (Webster & Watson, 2002), the starting point
for developing the research question and
methodology. This process enables a thorough
analysis of existing knowledge. It identifies research
gaps, leading to the definition and description of key
concepts and variables relevant to studying the digital
mindset in the industrial craft sector.
Our study is based on organizational culture
theory, which posits that collectively shared beliefs,
values, norms, and practices significantly influence
the behavior and performance of an organization's
members (Schein, 1990). This theory is applied to a
Digital Mindset Competence Model for Industrial
Craft Organizations, where establishing a culture that
emphasizes digital competence and a willingness to
learn promotes employees' digital skills and
engagement, thereby overcoming barriers and
supporting successful digital transformation
(Mohammadi, 2020; European Construction Sector
Observatory, 2020). Furthermore, the core theory of
the work is based on information theory, which
requires craft organizations to ensure their members
possess the necessary digital skills and technological
knowledge to manage digital tools effectively,
contributing to the improvement of organizational
culture (Ezeokoli et al., 2016; Fisher, 2022).
Problem Identification
The digitization process has now become an
omnipresent phenomenon and extends to almost all
sectors of the economy, including the Industrial Craft
Sector. The companies involved in the Industrial
Craft Sector show a fundamental openness and
interest in digitization. Still, it is striking that they
rarely take proactive steps and attach comparatively
little importance to digitization in their companies
(Überbacher et al., 2020). This reluctance is in
marked contrast to the dynamic nature of digital
transformation, which nowadays represents a
decisive competitive advantage. A critical issue
limiting Industrial Craft Enterprises in their efforts to
embrace digitalization is the existence of many
digitalization barriers (Aghimien et al., 2022; Kocak
& Pawlowski, 2022). In particular, the digital
competencies of employees and the implementation
of a digital mindset within the organization stand out
as critical challenges (Kocak & Pawlowski, 2022).
Regarding digital competencies, many Industrial
Craft Companies lack sufficient expertise in using
digital tools and technologies. Efficient use of digital
resources and implementation of digital innovations
can be hindered by employees' lack of digital skills
and knowledge, requiring targeted training and
qualification measures. Additionally, embedding a
digital mindset in traditionally minded Industrial
Craft Businesses is challenging due to a lack of
understanding of digitization opportunities and
resistance to adapting business models, necessitating
cultural change and fostering innovation and
flexibility to remain competitive and future-ready.
The Objective of a Solution, Design and
Development, and Demonstration
Understanding the required digital skills and attitudes
is essential to driving digital transformation in the
Industrial Craft Sector, enabling the development of
targeted measures. A model for digital competence
and mindset quantifies the degree of digital mindset,
forming the basis for future training programs, and is
developed through a thorough literature review to
identify existing concepts. These concepts are
analyzed using a concept matrix, a proven
methodology according to Webster and Watson
(2002). This analysis identifies relevant approaches
and forms the basis for structured model
development, presented systematically using a virtual
Miro Board to illustrate the model's intricate
relationships. A methodical approach with critical
questions and evaluation questionnaires ensures a
comprehensive understanding and aims to validate
the model's effectiveness and alignment with the
Industrial Craft Sector needs. Implementing this
digital skills model strategically accelerates digital
transformation by systematically recording and
quantifying digital skills and attitudes, enabling
targeted measures to prepare the Industrial Craft
Sector for future challenges.
Evaluation and Communication
A qualitative research methodology was chosen for
the evaluation because it offers profound insights into
the complexity of human behavior and social
phenomena that cannot be adequately captured using
quantitative approaches alone (Myers, 2019). The
Crafting the Future: Developing and Evaluating a Digital Mindset Competence Model for the Industrial Craft Sector
philosophical basis of this work is the interactionist
approach, which aims to develop a deep
understanding and subjective experience (Myers,
2019). The qualitative methodology is based on
grounded theory, which builds an approach by
collecting data without prior assumptions to develop
patterns and concepts from the data. We conducted
semi-structured interviews with experts that
dominated this study (Myers, 2019). These experts set
the framework for evaluation and answered questions
about comprehensibility, completeness, impact, and
potential additions to the main dimensions, sub-
dimensions, and the 5-step model. Expert interviews,
conducted in person or virtually, are integral to the
results and communication in this scientific work.
A homogeneous sampling method was used to select
individuals with similar characteristics, focusing on
experts from the craft sector and academic circles
with relevant specialist knowledge. The experts were
chosen based on their technical, process-related, and
explanatory expertise in their field and the context of
digitalization to ensure diverse perspectives.
Considering a homogeneous population (Guest et al.,
2006), a sample size of about 12 participants is
recommended for qualitative interviews, while
phenomenological studies usually envisage 3-10
interviews. The sample size of the current research
was N=10, with experts selected based on their
experience and expertise in crafts and digitalization.
The study was conducted from January to October
2022-2023, with each interview lasting
approximately 1.5 hours. Six male and four female
experts took part in the interviews. Of the ten experts,
seven had two years of professional experience, two
had more than five years of experience, and one had
three years of experience. The average age of the
experts was 29 years (M= 29.9). Most experts were
from the industrial craft sector (5 out of 10), with
others from a university specializing in digital
transformation in craft organizations, industrial
construction and production, the energy sector, and
geotechnics and environment. Their professional
positions varied widely, including research assistants,
civil engineers, environmental engineers, auditors,
project managers, and specialized electrical and
geological engineers experienced in digital
Procedure and Data Analysis
In the study's first phase, the Industrial Craft Sector
experts evaluated the Digital Mindset Competence
Model to ensure its comprehensibility and
completeness and suggested additional dimensions.
They also reviewed the five-stage model to assess its
maturity and the clarity of each stage's definitions and
descriptions. All interviews, which lasted
approximately one and a half hours, were recorded
and transcribed to evaluate the competencies,
attitudes, and personality traits, focusing on clarity,
importance, and potential improvements.
Construct and semantic validity were tested for
reliability, with construct validity reflecting experts'
interpretations and semantic validity categorizing
similar text meanings (Bryman et al., 2008). Using
Mayring's (2015) method for qualitative analysis, the
study followed Myers's (2019) approach,
incorporating participant feedback, confirmation
tests, deductive coding, and selective coding to
categorize data and address the research question.
Finally, the transcripts were analyzed using a
structured content analysis, testing construct, and
semantic validity to ensure significance and
reliability, with construct validity reflecting experts'
interpretations and semantic validity categorizing
similar text meanings, supported by participant
feedback and confirmation checks, following Myers's
(2019) approach (Bryman et al., 2008).
The results of an expert survey confirm the general
acceptance and comprehensibility of the model
presented, which is tailored to its applicability in the
Industrial Craft Sector. Several experts (E1, E5, E8)
emphasize that the dimensions and sub-factors of the
model (E2, E3, E8) are particularly well suited to
skilled trades professions. A vital advantage of the
model is promoting a digital mindset, which supports
companies by simplifying work and communication
between employees and customers (E5). In addition,
digitalization makes cost savings possible (E5). One
expert emphasizes the need to implement the concept
in craft businesses to drive digital change (E2).
Another expert points out that the relevant
dimensions can vary depending on the sector, with
different aspects possibly being at the forefront in the
construction industry rather than in other industrial
craft sectors (E3). About the dimensions, it is argued
that apart from personality traits, all other skills and
attitudes are crucial for a digital mindset (E3). It is
recommended that additional information on the
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
model be provided and the terminology be illustrated
with verbs (E6, E9). The integration of information
processing skills is considered particularly important
(E9). The experts see a significant benefit of the
model in improving interaction and communication
within the craft organization (E1). The five-level
model for assessing digital skills is considered
relevant, but it should be noted that some terms
should be clarified, such as "entrepreneurial skills"
and "entrepreneurial orientation" (E9). The experts'
opinions show that the model covers many important
aspects but still has room for improvement (E4, E9).
The importance of the model for the industrial craft
sector is particularly emphasized, as it is seen as a
contribution to promoting digitalization in companies
(E9). Finally, a common taxonomy for the five-step
model is proposed (E2, E9, E10). At the same time,
one expert considers entrepreneurial skills irrelevant
to the model, as she sees them as innovation in the
company and not essential for a digital mindset (E5).
Communication and flexibility are highlighted as
crucial skills, mainly because of teamwork and the
importance of communication in craft organizations
(E2). Another expert notes that personal skills are
appropriate but somewhat complex (E10). Finally,
one subject matter expert reiterates the concept's
validity and argues that adopting a digital mindset
will help craftspeople manage tasks more efficiently
and facilitate communication within the workforce
and with customers (E5).
5.1 Results of the Claritiy, Importance,
and the Impact of the Factors
In the academic context, two codes were developed
for the category "Clarity": "Description" and
"Assignment of characteristics to categories." Experts
(E5, E9) recommended revising definitions such as
personality traits and digital mindset. The coding
"Assignment of characteristics to categories"
identified various factors that should be integrated
into the corresponding dimensions. In particular, it
was suggested that emotional intelligence be assigned
to personal skills, with Expert 9 considering
adaptability as a personality trait that should be
integrated into this dimension. Other characteristics,
such as intercultural competence, were assigned to
personal competence, while teamwork was given to
communication competence, knowledge sharing to
digital mindset, and critical thinking to
entrepreneurial orientation (E9). In the "Priority or
importance" category, the experts (E6) emphasized
that communication skills, cultural aspects, and
openness are crucial to driving digital change in
industrial craft businesses. The experts also analyzed
the interactions between the factors. It was
highlighted that transparency has a positive effect on
different ways of thinking (E9), adaptability has
positive effects (E1), and communication skills have
positive impacts on cooperation, collaboration, and
willingness to take risks (E5, E9). Expert 9
emphasized that emotional intelligence has a positive
influence on trust. Problem-solving skills, in turn,
promote factors such as critical thinking, creativity,
innovative thinking, and motivation (E9). Regarding
adverse effects, the view was expressed that openness
could impair conflict resolution (E9). One expert (E2)
said that flexibility was essential in the construction
industry to work on weekends. Communication was a
critical characteristic of digitalization (E2, E3), as
was openness, as open people tend to be willing to
learn new information (E2). Another expert
emphasized the importance of cybersecurity, as
digitalization brings challenges such as hacker attacks
and data protection (E10). An additional essential
aspect is the culture of error in organizations, as
mistakes should be seen as learning opportunities for
the future (E7).
This study develops and evaluates a digital mindset
competence model tailored to the Industrial Craft
Sector using the design science approach and
involving experts from the Industrial Craft Sector.
After a literature review analyzed using a concept
matrix, the model is based on Kocak and Pawlowski's
(2023) and Knorr's (2020) methods. The study
meticulously traversed the steps outlined in the design
science methodology, culminating in the refinement
and enhancement of the model based on the acquired
results. The imperative of developing a Digital
Mindset Competence Model designed explicitly for
the Industrial Crafts Sector is underscored by the
escalating digitalization and technological
metamorphosis in today's professional milieu. The
Industrial Crafts Sector, traditionally characterized by
manual dexterity and experiential knowledge,
grapples with the challenge of harnessing the
potential of digitalization. A specialized competency
model facilitates the identification of requisite skills
and attitudes indispensable for artisans to navigate
successfully within a digitalized milieu. The
pertinence of the Digital Mindset Competence Model
for the Industrial Crafts Sector lies in its capacity to
augment individual competitiveness and empower
proficient craft organizations to navigate digital
Crafting the Future: Developing and Evaluating a Digital Mindset Competence Model for the Industrial Craft Sector
transformation proactively. This advances efficiency
and quality in the craft processes and fortifies the
industry's competitive stance holistically. In our
study, we conducted an exhaustive literature review,
expanding upon the findings of Kocak and Pawlowski
(2021). A focal point of our research was the
investigation of existing digital mindset concepts,
with diverse concepts and models subjected to
comprehensive analysis for understanding and
comparison. The outcomes of this analysis
underscore that, despite the existence of digital
mindset concepts, no specific models were identified
for the Industrial Crafts Sector (Aliabina, 2020;
Hildebrandt & Beimborn, 2021; Knorr, 2020;
Kollmann, 2020; Kocak & Pawlowski, 2021). While
these analyzed concepts offer valuable insights into
digital mindsets, there exists a conspicuous need for
a Digital Mindset Competence Model tailored to the
requisites of the Industrial Crafts Sector. These
findings accentuate the relevance of our research,
which endeavors to establish a practice-oriented and
industry-specific foundation for fostering a digital
mindset in the Industrial Crafts Sector.
The results confirm the model's
comprehensibility and completeness for the Industrial
Crafts Sector, although some factors needed re-
categorization into the correct dimensions, which was
successfully done. The stage model was refined
through improved definitions and terminology,
enhancing iteration. Experts highlighted the
significance of communication skills, cultural
competencies, and openness, which are crucial for
successful digitalization. The model adapts individual
competencies and organizational requirements,
bridging traditional craftsmanship and digital
The Digital Mindset Competence Model
encompasses eight dimensions, further subdivided
into factors. While literature encompasses concepts
and models (Hildebrandt & Beimborn, 2022; Knorr,
2020; Kocak & Pawlowski, 2021) developed for the
general sector, these models lack the dimensions
crucial for the digital mindset. In contrast, our model
encompasses digital attitudes, digital competencies,
personality traits, entrepreneurial orientation, and
personal competencies, all pivotal for the digital
mindset. Another distinctive contribution of our work
lies in the detailed descriptions of the factors,
employing a standard taxonomy to elucidate elements
within respective dimensions, some of which are
echoed in the literature (Hildebrandt & Beimborn,
2021; Kocak & Pawlowski, 2023). An additional
contribution is our five-stage model, which facilitates
determining organizational levels by applying the
model in craft organizations. This model is
instrumental in guiding further research to develop
measures tailored to the craft sector—a level model
not present in existing literature on digital mindset
models in the craft sector. This research significantly
fills the industrial crafts sector gap by developing and
evaluating a digital competencies and attitudes model
tailored to its unique needs and challenges. It provides
novel insights into digital technology implementation
in traditional sectors. Using a design science
approach and a mixed methodology, the study offers
precise guidelines for industrial craft enterprises to
enhance their digital skills and attitudes, which are
essential for maintaining competitiveness and
realizing the potential of digitalization.
Implementing the developed model will optimize
work processes, increase productivity, and improve
customer communication, leading to excellent
customer and employee satisfaction. Developing
digital skills and a digital mindset enhances daily
efficiency and innovation in craft businesses,
allowing them to create new products and adapt to
market changes. While the study offers valuable
insights, it has limitations, such as the need for further
evaluation of factor descriptions and customization
for various facets of craftsmanship. Future work
should include developing survey items, conducting
structural equation modeling to understand factor
correlations, and exploring the model's impact on job
performance and digital organizational culture in the
Industrial Crafts Sector.
This study aims to develop and evaluate a digital
mindset competence model for the Industrial Crafts
Sector using the design science approach to address
practice-relevant problems and contribute to
knowledge development. Experts from various
Industrial Crafts sectors with digitalization
experience evaluated the model for completeness,
understandability, and correct allocation of factors.
The results indicated that some terms and definitions
need modification, particularly in the model and the
five-stage framework. The model serves as the first
approach for identifying the digital mindset and skills
in Industrial Craft Sector and was improved through
expert evaluation. Future research should include
further evaluation, ideally through focus group
discussions within specific areas of the Industrial
Crafts Sector.
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