behavior over time with high precision. Fourth, we
conducted an extensive experimental case study on
the SCISTW, located in Hong Kong, to demonstrate
that our META platform achieves SOTA performance
in terms of MCC, F1-score, Accuracy, Precision, Re-
call, Negative Predictive Value, and Specificity. Fi-
nally, we built a prototype web-based Sewage Pump
Monitoring System hosting the entire pipeline, pro-
viding an interactive user interface for future use.
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tility and robustness of the META framework. As-
sessing META’s performance in anomaly detection
for other types of industrial machinery as well as ex-
ploring different types of data fusion techniques could
increase confidence in such a hybrid platform. For
instance, examining late fusion techniques, in which
the feature integration occurs at a later stage, right
before the model makes a decision, could yield in-
teresting insights into the system’s performance. Fur-
thermore, investigating the incorporation of other ma-
chine learning models with transformers and examin-
ing their impact on anomaly detection could lead to
the development of more robust and scalable predic-
tive maintenance approaches.
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NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications