Comprehensive Study on Fighter Pilot Attention and Vigilance
Alberto Calvo C
1,2 a
, Mar
ıa Rivas Vidal
1,2 b
, Ana Mar
ıa Sollars Castellano
1 c
and Botyuu Oscar Sipele Siale
1 d
Indra Factor
ıa Tecnol
ogica S.U., Avenida de Brueselas 35, 28108, Alcobendas (Madrid), Spain
Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Centre for Automation and Robotics (UPM-CSIC), Escuela T
ecnica Superior de
Ingenieros Industriales, C. de Jos
e Guti
errez Abascal 2, 28006, Madrid, Spain
Avionics, Situational Awareness, Crew Monitoring, Perception, Sensing Technologies.
Modern air warfare demands a holistic approach to address the evolving complexities of all fighter systems.
With a focus on enhancing pilot performance, multi-task automation provides solutions that allow pilots to
concentrate on critical aspects of the flight and the mission. Recognizing the need for task automation tailored
to individual pilot capabilities, functional state monitoring has become one of the most valuable areas of
research. Specifically, monitoring pilot attention and vigilance capacities are pivotal factors in achieving the
first layer of situational awareness (perception).
This study explores the adverse effects on pilots’ perception of their environment, including issues such as
drowsiness, physical and mental fatigue, visual inattention, attentional tunnelling, and attentional entropy.
Furthermore, it investigates broader conditions such as stress and workload which have a general influence
on pilot attention. Moreover, with the primary objective of providing a comprehensive overview of how the
perception of pilots can be effectively evaluated, this work integrates insights from biomedical sensors. By
analysing how aviators’ perception is impaired because the influence of deleterious factors cited above, this
study contributes to the development of tailored solutions aimed at mitigating risks associated with reduced
attention and vigilance.
As a conclusion, this paper sketches a conceptual map illustrating the interconnections between perception-
related conditions, with the aim of serving as a road map for researchers and practitioners and facilitating a
deeper understanding of complex relationships within the proposed framework.
The criticality of modern air warfare puts increas-
ing pressure on pilot performance and responsibil-
ities. As a result, higher levels of automation are
required to cope with the demands of the mission.
However, there have been instances where automa-
tion has also proved detrimental to pilot performance
(Gouraud et al., 2017).
Therefore, it is essential that this automation can
be adaptable, with the pilot as the central axis of reg-
ulation. In this way, knowing the functional status of
the pilot would allow the system to perform the spe-
cific actions and tasks required at each moment. This
condition can be altered by various factors, includ-
ing psychological, cognitive, and behavioural aspects
(Martins, 2016; Zhang et al., 2020).
In this context, understanding these alterations is
crucial for optimizing pilot well-being and mission
outcomes. Specifically, conditions related to per-
ception are intrinsic aspects of pilot performance, as
they directly affect their ability to maintain situational
awareness and make critical decisions in difficult en-
vironments. This situational awareness can be defined
based on three different layers that explains how hu-
mans handle and process information in dynamic en-
vironments (Endsley, 1995):
1. The perception of key information relevant to the
current state of the environment;
Córdoba, A. C., Vidal, M. R., Castellano, A. M. S. and Siale, B. O. S.
Comprehensive Study on Fighter Pilot Attention and Vigilance Monitoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0013035400004562
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 118-125
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Copyright © 2025 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2. The understanding of the significance this infor-
mation has according to the current goals;
3. The projection of the future status to prevent pos-
sible situations.
In the aviation context, a paired state of these con-
ditions with environment is crucial to ensure safety,
decision-making, performance, risk mitigation and
adaptability, among others. This study will focus par-
ticularly on the first of them, perception, and how it
is computed based on the integration of different sys-
tems together with the assessment of pilot’s functional
To this end, monitoring pilots’ health and cogni-
tive conditions is one of the fundamental pillars when
designing a user-adapted automation system. In this
case, these monitoring techniques require the use of
biosensors, which measure human physiology, cog-
nition, and behaviour to perform specific evaluations
related to the health or performance of the individual.
Some examples used for this purpose are electrocar-
diograms (ECGs), electroencephalograms (EEGs), or
The primary objectives of this article are to ex-
plore the complexities of pilot condition impairment,
focusing specifically on vigilance, attention, and other
perception-related factors. By reviewing the latest re-
search findings and theoretical frameworks, this paper
aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
interaction between these conditions and pilot percep-
tion, ultimately contributing to the development of ef-
fective strategies to improve pilot well-being and per-
formance. Finally, the correlation between the condi-
tions and the way they are measured, through biosen-
sors, will be analysed.
2.1 Hypovigilance
Sustained attention, or vigilance, refers to the state in
which attention must be maintained over time (Britan-
nica, nd). A degraded state of this condition could be
said to represent a state of hypovigilance (Sahayadhas
et al., 2015).
Further conceptualization of this condition is pro-
vided in (Abbas and Alsheddy, 2021), emphasizing
its association with cognitive and visual inattention,
drowsiness and fatigue. The study is framed in the
automotive industry, where hypovigilance detection
systems use analysis of driver behaviour and physi-
ological measures to identify signs of reduced alert-
ness. Thus, drawing parallels, hypovigilance poses
significant challenges to fighter pilot performance as
it compromises the ability to maintain perception and
respond effectively to dynamic flight conditions. Pos-
sible causes of hypovigilance, including distractions,
boredom, sleep disturbances, and fatigue, directly af-
fect the alertness and attentional resources of the pi-
lot, and are closely related to other conditions where
information processing is involved.
2.2 Fatigue, Drowsiness, and Sleep
Fatigue and hypovigilance contribute to the degrada-
tion of pilot alertness and performance in distinct yet
interrelated ways. While hypovigilance represents a
broader state of reduced vigilance and attentional re-
sources, fatigue manifests as a specific physiological
state characterized by decreased mental or physical
performance capability due to sleep loss, prolonged
wakefulness, circadian rhythm disturbances, or work-
load (ICAO, nd). This condition, often accompanied
by sensations of tiredness and frustration, can arise
from prolonged physical exertion or engagement in
monotonous tasks, both of which are prevalent in the
demanding aviation environment (Hooda et al., 2022).
When pilots experience fatigue, their ability to
maintain optimal perception levels is compromised.
Both civilian and military pilots are susceptible to
the adverse effects of fatigue, which encompass di-
minished cognitive function, slower reaction times,
and higher error rates, compared to a well-rested
state (Caldwell et al., 2009). Furthermore, when dis-
cussing fatigue among fighter pilots, the risk of fa-
tigue is heightened, given the demanding nature of
their tasks and the inherent physiological and psycho-
logical stress associated with combat operations, es-
pecially on prolonged flights (Ohrui et al., 2008).
On the other hand, distinguishing between task-
related and sleep-related fatigue provides valuable in-
sights into the mechanisms underlying pilot fatigue
and its impact on performance (May and Baldwin,
2009). Sleep-related fatigue is associated with insuf-
ficient sleep or operating during periods of the circa-
dian rhythm when sleep is usually occurring. In con-
trast, task-related fatigue, resulting from prolonged
participation in demanding activities or exposure to
monotonous tasks, is tied to the task itself and its as-
sociated environmental factors such as temperature or
humidity. In addition, it can exacerbate sleep-related
fatigue, further compromising alertness and cognitive
function of the pilot (Harding et al., 2019; Imtiaz,
2021; Kang et al., 2015).
As each type of fatigue represents a distinct phys-
iological state, with unique implications for pilot per-
formance (Borghini et al., 2014), it has been consid-
Comprehensive Study on Fighter Pilot Attention and Vigilance Monitoring
ered relevant for this study to differentiate it into the
following concepts: mental fatigue and drowsiness
(or sleepiness). Thus, based on the definition of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO, nd),
mental fatigue could be referred to as the reduction
in performance capacity resulting from a prolonged
workload or high task demands, while drowsiness
could be associated with alterations in sleep patterns
(Chowdhury et al., 2018; Guede-Fernandez et al.,
2019; Rafid et al., 2020).
While mental fatigue is more associated with a de-
crease in cognitive performance due to sustained men-
tal effort, drowsiness is more related to a physiolog-
ical drive toward sleep. A person experiencing men-
tal fatigue may be able to maintain concentration and
performance for a time through compensatory effort.
However, as the state progresses toward drowsiness,
this becomes increasingly difficult and performance
begins to decline significantly, reflecting the increas-
ing need for sleep and the body’s natural preparation
for this transition (Borghini et al., 2014). Therefore,
the main difference between the two states would be
that short rest decreases mental fatigue, while it ag-
gravates drowsiness (Stancin et al., 2021).
Considering the above-mentioned, drowsiness can
be described as a physiological state in which the
body is in transition from wakefulness to a sleep-
ing state (Ngxande et al., 2017). According to this
definition, drowsiness is frequently experienced by
pilots during long-duration missions due to circa-
dian rhythm disturbance, loss or interruption of sleep,
and prolonged wakefulness; as well as during non-
demanding tasks or monotonous activities that could
end up in boredom. Performing sophisticated aircraft
operations under reduced alertness is primarily asso-
ciated with severe aircraft accidents (Board, 2018; M.
R. Rosekind, K. B. Gregory, E. L. Co, D. L. Miller
and Dinges, 2000), and drowsiness has been identi-
fied as a contributing factor to such accidents (et Al,
Another significant aspect of drowsiness is its
close relationship with the state of sleep, to such an
extent that they can be considered an evolution of
states. That is, sleep could be defined as the circadian
state that emerges in the final phases of drowsiness,
marked by the appearance of partial or total suspen-
sion of consciousness, muscular inhibition, and re-
duced responsiveness to external stimuli. Moreover,
the main driver of this continuum can be considered
the level of alertness; a decreasing alertness that con-
verges in the final state: sleep (Albadawi et al., 2022).
Falling into a sleep state could compromise safety if
it occurs at an inappropriate time, such as when pilot-
ing an aircraft. Furthermore, in the case of a fighter
aircraft, the likelihood of a sleep episode can be in-
fluenced by several factors associated with the circa-
dian rhythm disruptions, such as participating in pro-
longed missions without rest or night missions, and
could even result in pilots experiencing what is known
as Shift Work Sleep Disorder (Zou et al., 2022).
2.3 Inattention-Related Conditions
Having defined primarily physiological conditions
that affect attention and vigilance, the next step will
be to analyse inattention as manifested through vari-
ous cognitive and behavioural processes, illustrating
the intricate ways in which attention can be dete-
riorated in demanding environments. For example,
attention may be unintentionally diverted from the
task at hand as thoughts wander to unrelated mat-
ters. This phenomenon often occurs during periods
of monotony or boredom and shows how cognitive
resources may inadvertently divert from the demands
of the task, what is often referred to as mind wander-
ing (Smallwood and Schooler, 2015). This detour of
attention can also be abrupt, due to a sudden, unex-
pected, overwhelming stimulus. At such moments, a
rapid physical and mental response (startle effect) is
produced (Deniel et al., 2023), which causes the at-
tention to be momentarily disconnected from the cur-
rent task (Diarra et al., 2023).
On the other hand, perseveration, another facet of
cognitive inattention (Dehais et al., 2019), highlights
the challenges in adapting to shifting circumstances.
When individuals have difficulty redirecting their at-
tention in response to changes in situations, they may
become locked into outdated mental frameworks, im-
peding their ability to interact effectively with new
information (Dehais et al., 2010). Perseveration is
intrinsically related to one aspect of behavioural at-
tention, attentional tunnelling. In this state, atten-
tional resources are largely used to select and process
subjectively relevant information, and attention is ar-
guably channelled (Baddeley, 1972). In contrast, fo-
cusing on many stimuli at once could lead to a failure
to focus attention on relevant information. This lack
of focus may manifest itself in another behavioural
condition known as attentional entropy, due to high
entropy in the attentional pathway (Ayala et al., 2023).
2.4 Hypervigilance and
Performance-Related Conditions
Hypervigilance is closely related to these attention-
related conditions, as it involves an abnormal increase
in attention to threat-related stimuli and difficulty dis-
engaging attention from such stimuli (Kimble et al.,
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
2014; Zawilinski, 2020). Thus, in the face of high-
priority targets, hypervigilance may lead to amplified
attention or increased scanning speed, eliciting atyp-
ical alertness. In addition, hypervigilance has been
associated with disorders such as depression, anxi-
ety, or post-traumatic stress disorder, among others.
The latter is intrinsically related to stress, a common
phenomenon among aircraft pilots, who face vari-
ous sources of physical and psychological demands
(stressors) in their work environment, such as per-
sistent noise, uncomfortable temperature, or lighting
conditions. In the case of fighter pilots, not only
are these stressors exacerbated by the nature of the
aircraft, but others are added, such as psychologi-
cal stress arising from combat and mission-specific
operations (Sullivan-Kwantes et al., 2021). Mental
workload can act as one of these stressors, but it is
a condition in itself derived from high task-related
demands compared to available cognitive resources
(Gaillard, 1993). Furthermore, sustained stress and
mental workload can lead to mental fatigue and de-
creased performance (Holm et al., 2009; Kunasegaran
et al., 2023).
3.1 Perception Framework
The previous section has shown that pilot perception
is affected by a multifaceted set of conditions and
their complex interactions. This section holistically
addresses each of these states to understand the fac-
tors influencing pilot well-being and operational ef-
fectiveness comprehensively.
Figure 1 describes the theoretical framework of
the subject of this paper, showing the main factors that
alter perception:
Tiredness may negatively impact pilot attention,
leading to decreased alertness and increased risk
of errors during flight;
Boredom could lead to decreased vigilance and
reduced focus on the pilot;
Sleepiness and circadian rhythm alterations re-
quire early detection before the mission begins.
They may impair pilot attention, resulting in re-
duced alertness and susceptibility to errors, which
can pose significant risks to flight safety;
Sleepiness and circadian rhythm alterations re-
quire early detection before the mission begins.
They may impair pilot attention, resulting in re-
duced alertness and susceptibility to errors, which
can pose significant risks to flight safety;
Inattention could significantly compromise pilot
vigilance, potentially leading to missed critical
cues or hazards, and increasing the likelihood of
errors or accidents during flight. Distractions, sur-
prises, extreme focus, and dispersion are the lead-
ing causes of inattention that are unrelated to the
other factors;
Performance refers to the relationships between
fatigue, mental workload, and stress, as the con-
tinuity of the different demands and stressors that
could occur during the mission generates men-
tal fatigue by overloading their mental capabil-
ities. Complex task demands, high-stakes situ-
ations, and the need for rapid decision-making
can contribute to lapses in attention and vigilance
among fighter pilots.
All these factors could potentially compromise the
ability of the pilot to maintain perception and respond
effectively to critical events during flight, leading to a
state of hypo/hyper-vigilance. This could correspond
to the expected output that the proposed pilot health
monitoring system would be waiting for to assist the
pilot, guide their attention, reduce their tasks, or ap-
ply the adequate action according to their current at-
tentional capabilities.
Figure 1: Proposed cognitive model for perception.
On the other hand, there may arise situations
where the pilot becomes incapacitated to fulfil his du-
ties appropriately. Fighter cockpits are highly com-
plex and dangerous environments where pilots must
specially maintain their orientation, body functions
and consciousness, to avoid spatial disorientation and
sensory illusions, alterations in respiratory, thermal,
glucose or hydration levels, and loss of conscious-
ness. In this extreme case, the aircraft should take
Comprehensive Study on Fighter Pilot Attention and Vigilance Monitoring
Therefore, according to our study, it could be pos-
sible to address three levels of perception assessment
considering the physiology, behaviour, and cognition
of the pilot: alertness, performance, and incapaci-
tation. The next step is to conceptualise the future
fighter cockpit pilot monitoring system and how to
evaluate the functional state of the pilot based on per-
3.2 Pilot Monitoring System
In-flight pilot condition monitoring is a significant
concern for countries to guide future advances in
aerospace engineering and promote flight safety and
efficiency (Shaw and Harrell, 2023). To this end, it is
necessary to integrate physiological sensors and other
devices (such as cameras or microphones) into the
aircraft to provide a multi-modal monitoring system.
For instance, previous studies have shown that pulse
oximetry, respiratory gas exchange, ECG or EEG are
among the most promising (Shaw and Harrell, 2023).
Following these as baselines, the sensors proposed to
compose this monitoring system for the defined pilot
perception framework are detailed in the correspon-
dence matrix (Table 1).
By analyzing this matrix, two clusters of sensors
can be identified: The first cluster encompasses sen-
sors with broad applicability across various condi-
tions. For example, ocular sensors (eye-trackers), of-
fer versatile implementation across different condi-
tions, enabling assessment of pilot performance in di-
verse physical and cognitive contexts (Nemcova et al.,
2021). Similarly, cardiac technologies, such as ECGs
and photoplethysmograms (PPGs), provide biomed-
ical indicators such as heart rate variability, aiding
in understanding autonomic nervous system regula-
tion due to varying stress levels, physical fatigue,
mental workload, and changes in cognitive demand.
These sensors have also proven useful in predicting
drowsiness, sleep, vigilance levels and mind wander-
ing (Ad
ao Martins et al., 2021; Burrell et al., 2016;
Lohani et al., 2019). Additionally, all these condi-
tions can be detected by recording the electrical ac-
tivity of the brain, for example through non-invasive
sensors such as EEG, and examining its parameters
and their variability (Kumar and Bhuvaneswari, 2012;
Stancin et al., 2021). Electrodermal activity (EDA)
sensors search for a physical response to these states
by measuring variances in skin conductance response
and conductance levels (Khushaba et al., 2011). Fur-
thermore, respiratory sensors, such as oxygen and car-
bon dioxide concentration and flow meters, provide
different gas exchange metrics, including respiratory
rate and volume. These parameters are strongly re-
lated to fatigue and monitoring drowsiness (Chowd-
hury et al., 2018). Motor sensors (electromyograms,
cameras, and accelerometers) also contribute to this
cluster by detecting body positioning and body seg-
ment neuromuscular activities (In-Ho Choi and Yong-
Guk Kim, 2014).
The second cluster comprises to sensors tailored
to specific conditions. Acoustic sensors (micro-
phones), for instance, capture vigilance or sleep-
related states through voice interactions (Kaur and
Singh, 2023). On the other hand, thermal activity sen-
sors predict core body temperature, offering insights
into emotional states, arousal levels, and stress reac-
tions triggered by cockpit environmental conditions
(Shetty et al., 2015; Trujillo, 1998). Lastly, glucome-
ters focus on detecting blood glucose concentration
and predicting trends in glucose levels, with impli-
cations for assessing physical fatigue (Velasco et al.,
In essence, the true power of pilot monitoring
lies not in the capabilities of individual sensors, but
in their collective integration. Each sensor brings
unique insights, but it’s their combined data that of-
fers a comprehensive understanding of pilot states.
This comprehensive monitoring approach, facilitated
by the collective integration of sensors, is a significant
step towards enhancing aviation safety and efficiency,
providing reassurance in the thoroughness of our pro-
posed system.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern air war-
fare, developing automation systems tailored to the
functional state of the pilot is urgently necessary.
These systems, designed to enhance pilot and mis-
sion performance, must address the complex inter-
actions of impairments that deteriorate pilot condi-
tions influenced by psychological, cognitive, and be-
havioural factors. Understanding these relationships
is crucial for developing effective strategies to design
pilot monitoring systems that aim to improve pilot
well-being and mission outcomes.
This study presents a comprehensive framework
that organizes the first layer of situational awareness
perception - within the context of future cockpits.
By breaking down perception into three fundamen-
tal pillars - alertness, performance, and capability a
structured approach to evaluate and comprehend the
factors integral to pilot condition can be provided. As
for the level of alertness, given that vigilance is es-
sentially the result of sustained attention, the causes
related to its absence have been highlighted as the
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
Table 1: Relevance matrix between conditions and monitoring system components. X indicates condition measured by sensor.
Acoustic X X X
Cardiac X X X X X X X X
Cerebral X X X X X X X X
Electrodermal X X X X X X X
Glucose X
Motor X X X X X
Ocular X X X X X X X X X X
Respiratory X X X X X X X
Thermal X X X
V: Vigilance; D: Drowsiness; SL: Sleep; ST: Stress; PF: Physical Fatigue; MF: Mental Fatigue;
MWL: Mental Workload; MW: Mind Wandering; AT: Attentional Tunnelling; AE: Attentional Entropy
first to be monitored. Drawing from the literature,
this study has identified and unified attention disor-
ders: surprises and distractions for cognitive con-
ditions; and extreme focus and dispersion for be-
havioural. As secondary disorders, startle effect and
mind wandering have been reported as cognitive con-
ditions; and attentional tunnelling, perseveration, and
attentional entropy as behavioural ones. In terms of
physiological conditions, drowsiness has been identi-
fied as the primary one caused by boredom, circadian
rhythm alterations, fatigue, and, in extreme cases,
falling asleep. Based on this premise, the leading re-
ported causes of impaired vigilance capabilities are
inattention, tiredness, boredom, and circadian rhythm
Furthermore, a positive balance between stress,
mental workload, and fatigue is critical for pilot per-
formance. Such conditions are influenced by complex
tasks demands, high-risk situations, and the extended
need for rapid decision-making. Therefore, pilot per-
formance is assumed to decrease since the beginning
of the mission. Finally, physical disturbances lead-
ing to incapacitation (such as loss of consciousness,
spatial disorientation, or body malfunctions) are con-
sidered within the last pillar of perception.
The primary function of the monitoring system is
to track the evolution of pilot state, based on their sit-
uational awareness, and to determine the appropriate
level of task automation. To achieve this, this study
has identified a set of sensors that can cover the con-
ditions related to the first layer of situational aware-
ness. Table 1 outlines the correlation between these
conditions and the necessary sensors for their mea-
surement and evaluation. It is important to note the
need for a multi-modal approach that can differen-
tiate between conditions and provide a comprehen-
sive assessment of those that occur simultaneously.
Through this holistic monitoring approach, while vi-
sion is the primary mode of (to evaluate the visual
attention and vigilance capabilities of the pilot), other
sensory channels are also utilized to address complex
and specific cognitive states.
While this study provides valuable insights into
pilot cognition and behaviour, it acknowledges its cur-
rent limitation in not fully exploring the broader con-
text involving a myriad of conditions and possible cir-
cumstances. Additionally, the framework is still at a
preliminary stage, awaiting experimentation and com-
putation to further refine the proposed perception as-
sessment. This presents an inspiring opportunity for
future research and development in this field.
Future research to overcome these limitations
will require creating a complete model of the pilot
functional state alongside corresponding experimen-
tal protocols regarding pilot perception capabilities
over a multi-modal approach. It would also be valu-
able to consider incorporating the other two layers of
situational awareness - relevance and anticipation -
thereby complementing the scope of this study. In the
future, this refined framework may serve as a foun-
dational basis for developing advanced machine and
deep learning models aimed at detecting, differenti-
ating, and predicting the various states constituting
the situational awareness framework in pilots. More-
over, these models could focus on the interpretation of
their results, ensuring clarity on how and why specific
states are classified or predicted.
In conclusion, the findings of this study shed light on
a holistic approach of pilot’s perception of their sur-
roundings. By conducting an integrated analysis of
the physiological, cognitive, and behavioural condi-
tions involved, as well as their relationship, this study
Comprehensive Study on Fighter Pilot Attention and Vigilance Monitoring
has built a conceptual framework regarding key fac-
tors influencing pilot perception. Furthermore, by ex-
amining the correlation between sensors and condi-
tions, the need for a multi-modal approach has been
highlighted. This will provide means to quantify the
different perception levels identified, improving the
ability to effectively address and assess them. Over-
all, this study contributes to expanding the literature
on condition monitoring and underscores its impor-
tance in the military aviation field.
This publication was co-funded by the European
Union under Grant Agreement No 101103592. Views
and opinions expressed are however those of the au-
thor(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the
European Union or the European Commission. Nei-
ther the European Union nor the granting authority
can be held responsible for them.
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