Analyzing Tweets Using Topic Modeling and ChatGPT: What We Can
Learn About Teachers and Topics During COVID-19 Pandemic-Related
School Closures
Anna C. Weigand
1,2 a
, Maj F. Jacob
, Maria Rauschenberger
2 b
Maria Jos
e Escalona Cuaresma
1 c
Department of Computer Languages and Systems, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Faculty of Technology, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, Emden, Germany
Machine Learning, Data Set, Topic Modeling, Twitter, X, Twitterlehrerzimmer, Twlz, Covid, ChatGPT.
This study examines the shifting discussions of teachers within the #twlz community on Twitter across three
phases of the COVID-19 pandemic before school closures and during the first and second school closures.
We analyzed tweets from January 2020 to May 2021 to identify topics related to education, digital transforma-
tion, and the challenges of remote teaching. Using machine learning and ChatGPT, we categorized discussions
that transitioned from general educational content to focused dialogues on online education tools during school
closures. Before the pandemic, discussions were generally focused on education and digital transformation.
During the first school closures, conversations shifted to more specific topics, such as online education and
tools to adapt to distance learning. Discussions during the second school closures reflected more precise needs
related to fluctuating pandemic conditions and schooling requirements. Our findings reveal a consistent in-
crease in the specificity and urgency of the topics over time, particularly regarding digital education.
Among teachers in Germany, the #twitterlehrerz-
immer or #twlz community on Twitter is an estab-
lished forum for digital exchange (F
utterer et al.,
2021). In the following, we refer to it as the
#twlz community. The social media platform Twitter
( is a microblogging service that,
since 2006, has allowed users to write short posts
(called tweets) of up to 280 characters. Although it
was renamed X in July 2023 (Britannica, The Editors
of Encyclopaedia, 2024), we refer to it as Twitter in
this study because our data set was collected before
this change.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, participation
in the #twlz community grew, especially during the
school closures (F
utterer et al., 2021). The pan-
demic changed the situation in the schools immedi-
ately, forcing schools to take measures such as com-
pletely closing down for several weeks (Huber, 2021)
or organizing rotating classes (Grill, M., Mascolo,
G., Munzinger, P., Zick, T., 2022). Rotating classes
meant that some of the students were homeschooled
(i.e., distance education by their school teachers)
while the others were physically in the classroom to
ensure small groups of students and reduce the risk of
COVID-19 infection. The School Barometer, which
monitors the situation at schools in Germany, Aus-
tria, and Switzerland from different perspectives, de-
picts high stress, struggles, and challenges for teach-
ers during this time (Huber, 2021). Consequently,
there was an increased demand among teachers for
knowledge exchange. We hypothesize that the impor-
tance of specific topics varied according to the timing
of their tweet publication – either before or during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
In this paper, we explore two primary areas with a
mixed-methods approach: (1) the evolution of discus-
sion topics in the #twlz community before and dur-
ing the first nationwide and second school closures
in Germany due to the COVID-19 pandemic and (2)
the different methodologies (i.e., topic modeling and
ChatGPT) employed to analyze the Twitter data sets.
Weigand, A., Jacob, M., Rauschenberger, M. and Escalona Cuaresma, M.
Analyzing Tweets Using Topic Modeling and ChatGPT: What We Can Learn About Teachers and Topics During COVID-19 Pandemic-Related School Closures.
DOI: 10.5220/0013036900003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 350-357
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Tweets related to the German school closures dur-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic and before have al-
ready been analyzed using a mixed-methods ap-
proach (F
utterer et al., 2021). The study combined
quantitative and qualitative research approaches to ex-
amine discussions within the #twlz community during
the first nationwide school closures. They explored
the differences between before and during the first
school closures and the opportunities and challenges
discussed during the first school closures.
The authors applied the tf-idf-analysis (term
frequency-inverse document frequency) to sta-
tistically identify the importance of strings to a
document (Arya, 2022) on two subsets of data:
before the nationwide school closures (January 6 to
February 17, 2020) and during the first nationwide
school closures (March 16 to April 27, 2020). This
analysis identified keywords by their frequency of
appearance and bigrams that were especially relevant
within the tweets. The three most distinctive words
were selected to calculate correlations with all other
words used in the tweets in order to evaluate the
significance of the content based on these bigram net-
works. In addition, to address the research question
of opportunities and challenges, a manual, resource-
intensive content analysis was conducted on just 270
tweets. These were selected from an initial data set of
128,422 tweets with high interaction metrics such as
retweets, likes, and comments, following Mayring’s
methodology (Mayring, 2015). The bigram networks
revealed that the topic digital education had already
been discussed before the Germany-wide school
closures but that the exchange increased during the
first school closures. They found that, before the pan-
demic, users discussed more general topics, such as
education and learning, classes and school life, and
educational revolution and crisis. While the schools
were closed, topics such as mutual help and specific
software and tools for teaching and learning became
popular (F
utterer et al., 2021). In addition, distance
learning, live streaming, flipped learning, and
homeschooling were often discussed within the #twlz
community during the first school closures in Ger-
many. According to their manual content analysis,
the biggest challenges during the nationwide school
closures in Germany were good digital classes,
missing software, and the lack of digital know-how
for digital teaching. Opportunities included the
opportunity for networking and exchange within
Twitter’s teacher community as well as the offering
of digital material and explanations and tricks.
Other studies (Xue et al., 2020a; Xue et al., 2020b)
used a machine learning (ML) approach to analyze
COVID-19-related tweets but not specifically #twit-
terlehrerzimmer or #twlz. Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) was applied to find the discussed topics. These
topics were the basis for the authors’ manual content
analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006) to identify themes,
such as public health measures to slow the spread
of COVID-19, social stigma associated with COVID-
19, COVID-19 new cases and deaths, COVID-19 in
the United States, and COVID-19 cases in the rest of
the world. They also conducted a sentiment analy-
sis, which is a natural language processing method,
by applying the NRC Emotion Lexicon (Mohammad
and Turney, 2013).
In summary, existing research has already exam-
ined Twitter data through ML approaches such as
LDA models. The Twitter data from the #twlz teacher
community concerning COVID-19-related topics was
analyzed using the statistical approach of tf-idf-
analysis together with manual content analysis. How-
ever, there has been no analysis using ML to high-
light the main topic changes within the #twlz teacher
community over the course of the pandemic. Specif-
ically, there has been no comparison of the content
from before the pandemic to the content during the
first and second school closures. A comparison of
results from different studies using various methods
could also provide new methodological insights.
In this section, we first describe our mixed-methods
research approach. We then explain our process of
data collection, data preparation, and modeling.
3.1 Research Approach
As an overall research approach, we apply the Design
Science Research Methodology (Peffers et al., 2007).
Therefore, we go through the following steps: We
identify the problem through a literature review, define
objectives for problem-solving by our study design,
design and develop solutions for the problem by train-
ing an LDA model with our Twitter data set, demon-
strate the solution for the problem by inferring themes
personally and with the help of ChatGPT-3.5 (Ope-
nAI, 2022), evaluate the solution for the problem by
comparing our results with the findings of F
utterer et
al. (2021), and communicate the problem and its so-
lution with this work.
Therefore, from our literature review and the re-
lated work (F
utterer et al., 2021; Xue et al., 2020a;
Xue et al., 2020b), we derive the following research
Analyzing Tweets Using Topic Modeling and ChatGPT: What We Can Learn About Teachers and Topics During COVID-19
Pandemic-Related School Closures
Figure 1: We cut out three subsets of data (P1, P2, and P3) from the raw data set.
questions (RQ), which include both content (RQ1 -
RQ3) and technical (RQ4) perspectives:
RQ1. What topics were frequently being discussed
using the hashtag #twitterlehrerzimmer and
#twlz in January and February 2020, before the
RQ2. What topics were frequently being discussed
during the first nationwide school closures in
March and April 2020, and are there obvious
changes from the period of January and Febru-
ary 2020?
RQ3. Are there any differences between the top-
ics that were being discussed during the first
nationwide school closures (March and April
2020) and the second school closures (April
and May 2021)?
RQ4. Comparing our methods with those of the ex-
isting study (F
utterer et al., 2021), are there
any substantive differences in terms of the re-
Since there is no publicly available data set to an-
swer our research questions, we collected and curated
our own data set from Twitter.
3.2 Data Collection
Using the Twitter API (Twitter, 2023) and the twarc2
Python library (twarc, 2024), we generate a raw data
set of 152,865 tweets with the hashtags #twitter-
lehrerzimmer and/or #twlz. These tweets will later
be made anonymous for ethical reasons (Webb et al.,
2017). We did not include retweets. To answer our
research questions, we chose the time period from
January 6, 2020 (two months before the first school
closures) to May 23, 2021 (second school closures).
This resulted in three subsets of data (P1, P2, P3),
each covering a period of 42 days (see also Figure 1),
as in the study by F
utterer et al. (2021):
P1. from January 6 to February 17, 2020, when no
COVID-19 measures were in effect in Germany,
as the first measures were taken in schools by the
government on March 16, 2020 (5,229 tweets)
P2. from March 16 to April 27, 2020, when all
schools in Germany closed (11,137 tweets)
P3. from April 12 to May 23, 2021, when the
schools closed again or organized rotating
classes (14,485 tweets)
3.3 Data Preparation
In line with previous studies (F
utterer et al., 2021;
Xue et al., 2020a; Xue et al., 2020b), we clean the
subsets of data P1, P2, and P3 to prepare them for
further processing by removing:
all space characters exceeding the character
length of one, all single characters, and all URLs
(to remove irrelevant information)
all numbers, punctuation, and special characters
(to remove irrelevant information such as emojis)
all @-mentions of persons (to remove irrelevant
information and make tweets anonymous)
#-characters (to consider the word of the used
hashtag as a topic as well)
all * and : (to convert inclusive German language
forms into standard feminine forms without spe-
cial characters)
stop words according to the NLTK Python li-
brary (Aarsen et al., 2023), plus the following
additional words: twitterlehrerzimmer, twlz,
gehen, ja, nein, ab, f
ur, hallo, and liebes (to
remove words with less informative value, such
as articles, pronouns, and prepositions)
Then, to split the tweets (strings) into single words
(sub-strings), we apply tokenize from the NLTK
Python library (Aarsen et al., 2023) to each subset
of data, or corpus (P1, P2 and P3). From these
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: An example of our data preparation process for a tweet, from the original to the bigrammed to the lemmatized tweet.
Original tweet Auch f
ur den #Impfstoff von #Moderna soll die Zu-
lassung f
ur #Kinder ab 12 Jahre bei der #EMA beantragt werden. Eine gute
Nachricht, je mehr zugelassen ist, umso schneller sollten die #Impfungen klap-
pen. #SichereBildung #twlz #Schulen #ImpfenRettetLeben
Tokenized tweet [’Impfstoff’, ’Moderna’, ’Zulassung’, ’Kinder’, ’Jahre’, ’EMA’, ’beantragt’,
’gute’, ’Nachricht’, ’je’, ’mehr’, ’zugelassen’, ’umso’, ’schneller’, sollten’,
’Impfungen’, ’klappen’, ’SichereBildung’, ’Schulen’, ’ImpfenRettetLeben’]
Bigrammed tweet [’Impfstoff’, ’Moderna’, ’Zulassung’, ’Kinder’, ’Jahre’, ’EMA’, ’beantragt’,
’gute Nachricht’, ’je’, ’mehr’, ’zugelassen’, ’umso’, schneller’, sollten’,
’Impfungen’, ’klappen’, ’SichereBildung’, ’Schulen’, ’ImpfenRettetLeben’]
Lemmatized tweet [’Impfstoff’, ’Moderna’, ’Zulassung’, ’Kind’, ’Jahr’, ’ema’, ’beantragen’,
’Gute nachricht’, ’je’, ’mehr’, ’zulassen’, ’umso’, schnell’, sollen’, ’Imp-
fung’, ’Klappen’, ’Sicherebildung’, ’Schule’, ’Impfenrettetlebe’]
sub-strings, we build bigrammed tweets using mod-
els.phrases of the gensim Python library (
2022). This means finding sequences of two con-
tiguous words to analyze their relationships and
probabilities. These word pairs are combined into
one word divided by an underscore. Furthermore, we
apply the HanoverTagger (Wartena, 2019) to lemma-
tize the tweets. Thereby, the words are changed into
their basic forms. An example of the data preparation
process is shown in Table 1.
3.4 Modeling
For topic modeling, we use the LDA (Blei et al., 2003)
model, as it has already been applied in the context
of tweet topic analysis (Xue et al., 2020a; Xue et al.,
2020b). This algorithm considers each document (i.e.,
tweet) as a collection of latent topics and calculates
the weights of the topics within the document as well
as their probability of appearance over the whole cor-
pus (i.e., subset of data).
First, a vector called bag of words is generated for
each subset of data. It stores the words and their fre-
quency of each corpus.
Second, for each corpus, an optimal number of
topics is defined by calculating the perplexity and the
coherence score (see Table 2). The goal is to find
the number of topics with the lowest perplexity and
the highest coherence score at the same time. Hence,
we defined the following optimal numbers of topics:
P1 = 4 topics, P2 = 3 topics, and P3 = 2 topics. For
each topic, the top 15 related keywords are listed
in descending order according to rank. To extract
the most dominant topic from each time period, we
calculate the topic weightage per tweet, and put it
in relation to the number of all the tweets within the
specific time period.
3.5 Analysis of the Topics
First, two of our project members manually analyze
the listed keywords to define an overall theme for
each topic, and we merge their results into a common
theme. We then use ChatGPT-3.5 to examine the
extracted keywords. All prompts are documented in
our research protocol (Weigand et al., 2024). This
additional approach is an audit for our manually
extracted themes.
To answer our research questions, we use the subsets
of data P1, P2, and P3, along with their individual
numbers of optimal topics. For each subset of data,
the LDA model returns the 15 highest weighted lem-
matized keywords for each topic. These keywords
provide insights into the content of each topic (see
Table 3).
Concerning RQ1 and the topics discussed before
the first measures were taken, we investigate the
subset of data P1. For example, in P1, topic 1 (see
Table 3) appears as the dominant topic in n = 4, 168
tweets. However, topic 2 is dominant in n = 283
tweets, topic 3 in n = 516 tweets, and topic 4 in
n = 262 tweets. To make the keywords easier to
understand, we abstract them into themes based on
our understanding and with the help of ChatGPT (see
Table 4). Overall, the keywords of topic 1 indicate
that general idea exchange within the community
was in high demand before the COVID-19 pandemic.
ChatGPT summarizes this topic as education and
learning. We summarize the keywords of topic 2 as
dealing with new and up-to-date concepts for digital
education, while ChatGPT abstracts it as digital
transformation in education. Topic 3 we cluster in
a group related to school projects and additional
Analyzing Tweets Using Topic Modeling and ChatGPT: What We Can Learn About Teachers and Topics During COVID-19
Pandemic-Related School Closures
Table 2: Results of the perplexity and the coherence score for P1, P2, and P3 to define the optimal number (see the bold
values) of topics for each subset of data.
P1 P2 P3
topics perplexity coherence score perplexity coherence score perplexity coherence score
2 -8.973 0.276 -8.852 0.315 -9.049 0.365
3 -9.151 0.257 -8.995 0.323 -9.244 0.311
4 -9.294 0.332 -9.118 0.292 -9.385 0.297
5 -9.437 0.306 -9.242 0.29 -9.512 0.294
6 -9.571 0.33 -9.358 0.292 -9.634 0.293
7 -9.723 0.318 -9.486 0.303 -9.792 0.296
8 -9.913 0.405 -9.659 0.329 -9.969 0.35
9 -10.219 0.393 -9.884 0.335 -10.236 0.33
10 -10.598 0.426 -10.224 0.294 -10.599 0.338
11 -11.174 0.384 -10.718 0.358 -11.144 0.279
12 -11.998 0.441 -11.473 0.314 -11.981 0.308
Table 3: LDA results for all subsets of data (P1, P2, and P3) and their topics. Topic 1 appears as the dominant topic in P1 that
occurs most often. In P2, topic 3 is the dominant topic. In P3, the two topics are almost evenly distributed among the tweets.
Subset of data Topic Lemmatized keywords within topic
P1 1 Schule, geben, Mal, schon, jemand, Thema, danke, Frage, heute, amp, Sus,
Neue, Idee, mehr, viel
2 Unterricht, Digitalebildung, neu, digital, Arbeit, Lehrkraft, Bildung, erstellen,
Tolle, Edupnx, warum, statt, Zeit, m
ussen, Medium
3 Jahr, Bayernedu, erst, finden, gut, haben, gerne, Gute, wer, Klasse, Projekt,
dabei, einfach, Wunsch, vielleicht
4 Lehrerleben, Sch
uler, Lehrer, Sch
ulerin, immer, Lehrerin, freuen, sein, tipps,
kommen, gleich, Mensch, k
onnen, Podcast, letzt
P2 1 digital, Idee, viel, amp, Gute, Sch
uler, schon, Aufgabe, Frage, Unterricht,
gerne, jemand, Schulschließung, Lehrer, tipps
2 Coronaviru, Neue, m
ussen, immer, kommen, Server, Plattform, kostenlos,
Spiel, Kurs, letzt, schnell, Via, Geben, Twitter
3 Schule, Corona, Mal, Sus, Zeit, Online, heute, Schulschliessung, Lernen,
geben, Homeschooling, gerade, covid, gut, Sch
P3 1 amp, Bildung, Thema, Unterricht, Uhr, Schule, geben, Bayernedu, digital,
freuen, Lernen, Online, Tool, Idee, Moodle
2 Schule, Mal, Test, Kind, Inzidenz, Sus, heute, mehr, schon, gut, Klasse,
Corona, Woche, sein, haben
wishes, especially in Bavaria, while ChatGPT labels
it as education initiatives and collaboration. From
our perspective, topic 4 is about teachers’ lives, while
ChatGPT summarizes it as teaching and learning
dynamics. ChatGPT describes P1 as education and
learning environments.
To evaluate RQ2 and the topics discussed during
the first nationwide school closures, we examine the
subset of data P2. Three topics are identified for P2
(see Table 3). Topic 3 occurs as the dominant topic in
n = 11, 136 tweets. Topic 1 only occurs in n = 1, and
topic 2 is never the dominant topic. From our perspec-
tive, the keywords of the dominant topic 3 during the
first nationwide school closures due to the COVID-
19 pandemic in March and April 2020 are related
to good online education during homeschooling and
school closures. ChatGPT summarizes this as Educa-
tion amidst the pandemic. Topic 1 relates to the search
for advice-related tasks in digital education during
school closures. ChatGPT abstracts this as education
in the digital age. Regarding topic 2, the keywords
imply discussion about (free) platforms and tools dur-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic. ChatGPT calls this
adapting to change in the pandemic era. ChatGPT de-
scribes P2 as adapting education in the face of crisis.
Regarding RQ3, we analyze the subset of data P3,
which contains the topics discussed in April and May
2021. The two topics of P3 (see Table 3) are relatively
even in terms of their distribution: Topic 1 is domi-
nant in n = 6, 319 tweets, and topic 2 is dominant in
n = 8, 166 tweets. We summarize the keywords of
topic 1 as digital education and tools, especially in
Bavaria, which ChatGPT labels as digital education
in Bavaria. Regarding the keywords of topic 2,
we find the overall theme to be school life during
the COVID-19 pandemic influenced by the current
incidence levels, while ChatGPT characterizes it
as schooling during the pandemic: challenges and
adaptations. In summary, ChatGPT describes P3 as
digital education and pandemic adaptations.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 4: Themes of the LDA results defined by the authors and ChatGPT per topic of the subsets of data P1, P2, and P3.
* CG = ChatGPT.
Overall CG* Subset of data Topic Theme defined by authors Theme defined by CG*
Education and
learning envi-
P1 1 General idea exchange within the com-
Education and learning
2 New and up to date concepts for digital
Digital transformation in education
3 School projects and additional wishes,
especially in Bavaria
Education initiatives and collaboration
4 Teachers’ life Teaching and learning dynamics
Adapting edu-
cation in the
face of crisis
P2 1 Search for advice related tasks in digital
education during school closures
Education in the digital age
2 (Free) platforms and tools during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Adapting to change in the pandemic era
3 Good online education during home-
schooling and school closures
Education amidst the pandemic
Digital Educa-
tion and Pan-
demic Adap-
P3 1 Digital education and tools, especially in
Digital education in Bavaria
2 School life during the COVID-19 pan-
demic influenced by the current inci-
dence levels
Schooling during the pandemic: chal-
lenges and adaptations
To discover the dominant topics within the #twlz
teacher community at different times during the
COVID-19 pandemic (RQ1 RQ3), we examined
three Twitter subsets of data (P1, P2, P3). In addition,
we reflected on different methodologies used to
examine these research questions (RQ4).
For RQ1, we examined P1 to find topics that
were discussed using the hashtags #twitterlehrerzim-
mer and #twlz before the COVID-19 pandemic in Jan-
uary and February 2020. From our understanding,
complemented by ChatGPT, the general exchange of
ideas about education and learning was prevalent in
the #twlz community at that time. There was also
a focus on digital transformation of the educational
environment. Education initiatives and collaboration,
especially in Bavaria, as well as teaching and learn-
ing dynamics, were also topics of discussion within
the community. The analysis of F
utterer et al. (2021)
also shows that digital education was discussed be-
fore the school closures in Germany and that edu-
cation and learning, classes and school life, and the
educational revolution and crisis were also common
themes. The results regarding the topics education
and learning and digital transformation of education
are nearly identical in the two analyses. In addition,
education initiatives and collaboration (in relation to
Bavaria) and teaching and learning dynamics may
be similar to classes and school life in the results of
utterer et al. (2021). Although our topic analysis did
not reveal any discussion related to educational rev-
olution or crisis, we only examined the four highest
weighted topics within P1, so it may have been that
this topic was just not considered.
The insights for RQ2 regarding the topics dis-
cussed using the hashtags #twitterlehrerzimmer and
#twlz during the first nationwide school closures due
to the COVID-19 pandemic in March and April 2020
were extracted from our subset of data P2. In Ger-
many, different approaches were applied in differ-
ent regions due to the federal governance of edu-
cation (Huber, 2021). According to our findings,
complemented by ChatGPT, the discussion within the
#twlz community was still about digital education, but
it was focused more specifically on online education
in times of homeschooling and school closures due
to the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion also in-
cluded an exchange on (free) platforms and tools to
adapt to the situation. F
utterer et al. (2021) also
found that digital education was an ongoing topic,
but their data set of topics also included specific soft-
ware and tools for teaching and learning and dis-
tance learning or homeschooling. Furthermore, they
found that mutual help was essential in these times,
though this is more of an implicit topic. They ex-
tracted the main challenges and opportunities through
a manual content analysis. They found the following
challenges: good digital classes, missing software,
and the lack of digital know-how for digital teaching.
Opportunities included networking and sharing pos-
sibilities, offering digital material, and explanations
or tricks. Concerning the second part of our RQ2
(whether there are obvious changes from the period
of January and February 2020), we determine that the
exchange within the #twlz community became more
specific during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online ed-
ucation became relevant overnight, and teachers were
expected to change how they taught. This caused
them to have more concrete questions about online
education and homeschooling and therefore look for
help, exchange, and tips within the #twlz community.
Analyzing Tweets Using Topic Modeling and ChatGPT: What We Can Learn About Teachers and Topics During COVID-19
Pandemic-Related School Closures
Regarding the second school closures in April
and May 2021 (RQ 3), we found two more or less
evenly distributed topics. Schools were affected by
the so-called “federal emergency brake” (German:
“Bundesnotbremse”), which limited in-classroom
teaching to schools in counties with COVID-19
incidence levels below 200 and then 165 in the rel-
ative county (Grill, M., Mascolo, G., Munzinger, P.,
Zick, T., 2022). According to our findings, the main
topics were digital education and tools, especially
in Bavaria, and school life during the pandemic.
Both were influenced by the fluctuations in incidence
levels. Since F
utterer et al. (2021) published their
work in 2021, their work does not include this period.
In contrast to the period of the first nationwide school
closures in Germany (March and April 2020, P2), the
topics discussed in relation to school life became even
more precise in terms of the requirements for school-
ing in times of short-term adjustments based on inci-
dence levels. Again, we have a reference to a specific
region (Bavaria), which may indicate that COVID-19
measures were especially strong in Bavaria during
this time, increasing the local exchange on the topic.
However, we can already see the Bavarian influence
before the pandemic in topic 3 of P1, so we assume
there is a strong #twlz community in Bavaria.
In terms of content, our findings show that the top-
ics did not change completely over time (from P1 to
P2 to P3). Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the ex-
change in the #twlz community was about education
and learning in general. Digital education played a
role, but it was not the dominant topic. Over time, the
exchange shifted toward digital education, the tools
needed, and how to adapt schooling to settings such as
homeschooling or short-term changes in educational
conditions. This is also underlined by the overall
themes of ChatGPT, which range from education and
learning environments (P1) to adapting education in
the face of crisis (P2) to digital education and pan-
demic adaptations (P3).
Regarding RQ4, we have the following insights: It
is not always possible to understand a complete data
set in a reasonable amount of time. Hence, techniques
such as ML are helpful for reducing the time, funding,
and personnel needed. Although the data come from
different sources, a comparison of our findings with
ChatGPT and the topics extracted by F
utterer et al.
(2021) for the period before and during the first na-
tionwide school closures in Germany reveals no ma-
jor differences.
Given the time-sensitive nature of research
and the urgent need for results [e.g., health-
related analysis (Rauschenberger and Baeza-Yates,
2020)], using methods such as those suggested by
Mayring (Mayring, 2015) or the examination of de-
tailed bigram networks may not be ideal because these
methods are resource-intensive even for smaller data
sets. Since the outcomes are comparable in our case,
less time-critical methods (such as using the Chat-
GPT interface) may be preferable, especially when re-
sources are limited. In addition, since the results are
similar, ChatGPT can enhance the personnel’s point
of view with its objectivity. ChatGPT also summa-
rizes the topics in a shorter and more precise way, so
the combination of both perspectives can enrich the
Our findings are limited by the fact that we do
not have the same raw Twitter data set as F
utterer et
al. (2021), which may occur due to deletion of user
accounts. Since ChatGPT can only handle a limited
amount of data input, we only used lemmatized key-
words within topics as input. Therefore, ChatGPT
only had a very small view of the data. In addition,
school closures in period P3 were not the same for
each region. This may have affected the urgency or
time users spent on Twitter in general. We did not
find any major effect on the topics themselves but
rather on the number of tweets (P1: 5,229 tweets; P2:
11,137 tweets; P3: 14,485 tweets). Finally, there are
various biases in the data sets, and it is important to
consider that Twitter is not representative of the entire
population (Graells-Garrido et al., 2019). These bi-
ases must be acknowledged and addressed when uti-
lizing these insights for decision-making.
We conducted an analysis of our Twitter data set
from three distinct time periods (before school
closures, during the first nationwide COVID-19
school closures in Germany, and during the second
school closures) within the #twitterlehrerzimmer
or #twlz community. We used ChatGPT to extract
themes and compared the outcomes with those of
a previous study. The results from various research
methodologies yielded similar insights regarding
the exchanges of teachers on Twitter. However, we
observed that ChatGPT provides comparable results
with greater ease of use and less effort.
The next step is to conduct a systematic analysis
comparing ML techniques to traditional manual
methods to explore their respective limitations in
content analysis, whether for small or large data
sets. Furthermore, the limitations of using ChatGPT
in terms of reliability and accuracy should be the
subject of further investigation.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In our work, we used ChatGPT prompts as a
tool to abstract themes from specific keywords.
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project PID2022-137646OB-C31, funded by MI-
CIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER,
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Analyzing Tweets Using Topic Modeling and ChatGPT: What We Can Learn About Teachers and Topics During COVID-19
Pandemic-Related School Closures