In this paper, we demonstrated how we can signifi-
cantly speed up the runtime of some GA operators,
including the common bit-flip mutation and uniform
crossover, by observing that such operators define bi-
nomial experiments (i.e., sequence of Bernoulli tri-
als). This enables replacing explicit iteration that gen-
erates a random floating-point value for each bit to
determine whether to flip (for mutation) or exchange
(for crossover), with the generation of a single bino-
mial random variate to determine the number of bits
k, and an efficient sampling algorithm to choose the k
bits to mutate or cross. As a consequence, costly ran-
dom number generation is significantly reduced. A
similar approach is also seen for the generation logic
that determines the number of parents to cross.
The technique is not limited to these opera-
tors, and is applicable for any operator that is con-
trolled by some probability p of including an ele-
ment in the mutation or cross. For example, sev-
eral evolutionary operators for permutations (Ci-
cirello, 2023) operate in this way, including uni-
form order based crossover (Syswerda, 1991), order
crossover 2 (Syswerda, 1991; Starkweather et al.,
1991), uniform partially matched crossover (Cicirello
and Smith, 2000), uniform scramble mutation (Ci-
cirello, 2023), and uniform precedence preservative
crossover (Bierwirth et al., 1996). We adapt this ap-
proach in our implementations of all of these evolu-
tionary permutation operators in the open source li-
brary Chips-n-Salsa (Cicirello, 2020).
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ECTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications