Optimizing Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT
Abderahmane Hamdouchi
and Ali Idri
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Benguerir, Morocco
Keywords: Intrusion Detection System, Federated Learning, Deep Learning, Netflow, IoT, Cybersecurity.
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) involves billions of interconnected devices, making IoT networks vulnerable to
cyber threats. To enhance security, deep learning (DL) techniques are increasingly used in intrusion detection
systems (IDS). However, centralized DL-based IDSs raise privacy concerns, prompting interest in Federated
Learning (FL). This research evaluates FL configurations using dense neural networks (DNN) and
convolutional neural networks (CNN) with two optimizers, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and Adam,
across 20% and 60% feature thresholds. Two cost-sensitive learning techniques were applied: undersampling
with binary cross-entropy and weighted classes using weighted binary cross-entropy. Using the NF-ToN-IoT-
v2 dataset, 16 FL configurations were analyzed. Results indicate that SGD, combined with CNN and the
Undersampling technique applied to the top 7 features, outperformed other configurations.
In the current digital landscape, the volume of data
generated and stored has surged dramatically, driven
by the decreasing cost of storage and increasing
tendency to record every digital interaction. This data
proliferation is further exacerbated by the growing
adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices,
including smart home technologies, the expansion of
smart cities, and advancements associated with
Industry 4.0. For big data companies, insights derived
from IoT devices are invaluable, rendering data a
critical asset that requires robust protection (Atharvan
et al., 2022).
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are essential in
securing IoT environments. The integration of
machine learning (ML) into an IDS enhances threat
detection capabilities, but ML models often encounter
challenges when dealing with imbalanced data,
leading to complications in model design and an
increased risk of overfitting (de Zarzà et al., 2023;
Thakkar & Lohiya, 2023). Several strategies have
been investigated to address these challenges: (1)
cost-sensitive learning, which includes techniques
such as cost-sensitive resampling (oversampling and
undersampling (Luengo et al., 2011)) to adjust data
distribution; (2) cost-sensitive algorithms, where ML
algorithms are modified to incorporate a cost matrix,
although this approach is time-consuming (Lomax &
Vadera, 2013); (3) cost-sensitive ensembles, which
combine predictions from traditional ML models
while accounting for misclassification costs
(Krawczyk et al., 2014; Tao et al., 2019); and (4) cost-
sensitive learning in deep learning (DL), where model
training involves adjusting weights using standard
loss functions such as weighted binary cross entropy
(WBCE) (Ho & Wookey, 2020), specifically
developed to address the challenges posed by
imbalanced data (Dina et al., 2023; Kerkhof et al.,
However, early IDS systems were hindered by
their lack of adaptability and slow response times to
emerging threats, leaving them exposed for prolonged
periods (Murphy, 2018). To address these limitations,
more advanced IDS systems have begun to employ
basic ML models to autonomously learn and identify
new threats. Although the incorporation of ML has
improved the accuracy of attack detection, most ML-
based IDS systems remain centralized. This
centralization involves a single organization
collecting and processing data from multiple devices
to train its ML models, raising significant privacy
Hamdouchi, A. and Idri, A.
Optimizing Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0013040000003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 448-456
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
concerns. This is particularly relevant in IoT
environments such as smart wearables and healthcare
devices, where sensitive and large volumes of data are
at stake. Consequently, there is a growing demand for
decentralized approaches to data management
(McMahan et al., 2017).
To address the privacy concerns inherent in
centralized ML approaches, federated learning (FL)
(McMahan et al., 2017) was introduced in 2016. FL
allows multiple devices, often referred to as clients or
parties, to collaboratively train a model without
sharing their data directly. Instead, these devices send
model updates to a central entity known as an
aggregator or coordinator, where the updates are
combined to refine a global model. This approach is
designed to enhance privacy by ensuring that the data
remains local to the devices, thereby reducing the risk
of exposure. FL achieves this by transmitting only the
gradients instead of the raw data itself. The local
training occurs on each device using its own dataset,
and only the computed model parameters are sent to
the central server. As a result, sensitive information
never leaves the device, significantly reducing the
risk of interception or unauthorized access during
Recent efforts have focused on developing FL-
based IDS for IoT environments (Hei et al., 2020;
Nguyen et al., 2019; Thu Huong et al., 2020). Despite
this progress, many proposed approaches do not
adequately address the challenges of imbalanced data,
leading to models that are prone to overfitting.
Additionally, these methods often fail to evaluate the
effectiveness of different FL optimizers and DL base
learners, or consider the impact of varying feature
sets. Furthermore, the review (Agrawal et al., 2021)
highlighted the challenges of implementing FL in IoT
settings, but failed to provide concrete
recommendations for enhancing IDS with FL or
critically assessing the proposed solutions. This gap
in detailed analysis poses challenges for
cybersecurity experts in identifying the key issues
associated with integrating FL into an IDS for IoT.
To address the existing research gap, this study
investigates 16 FL configurations for IDS in IoT
contexts, specifically employing deep learning (DL)
through dense neural networks (DNN) and
convolutional neural networks (CNN). These
configurations (16 = 2 optimizers for the FL server ×
2 DL architectures × 2 cost-sensitive configurations ×
2 feature thresholds) explore the impact of different
cost-sensitive learning approaches (resampling based
on undersampling and weighted classes based on
WBCE) along with the selection of FL optimizers and
the number of features. The study utilized the NF-
ToN-IoT-v2 dataset to evaluate the effectiveness of
FL with various cost-sensitive setups, feature
numbers, and FL optimizers. We conduct 16
experiments: eight with the dataset's original
distribution using WBCE, and eight with
undersampled data to balance attack and non-attack
instances among participants using binary cross
entropy (BCE). The study assesses the results using
two FL optimizers: stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
(Amari, 1993) and Adam (Zhang, 2019), with two
feature thresholds (20% and 60%). The performance
of the FL models was evaluated in binary
classification tasks over 100 optimization rounds
using four performance criteria: accuracy, AUC,
precision, and recall. The ScottKnott (SK) statistical
test (Scott & Knott, 1974) and the Borda count (BC)
voting system (Saari, 2001) were employed to
compare and rank the models.
This study addresses the following research
questions (RQs):
(RQ1). What is the optimal choice between
SGD and Adam optimizers in the context of FL
for attack detection?
(RQ2). What is the best FL configuration for
detecting attacks across various settings?
The key contributions of this study are as follows:
1. Determining the best optimizer for FL in the
context of intrusion detection using the NF-
ToN-IoT-v2 dataset.
2. Identifying optimal FL setup for different
3. Developing a generalized FL model for IDS
applicable to various IoT datasets.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 provides a review of related
literature. Section 3 presents the data used in this
study. Section 4 outlines the research methodology.
Section 5 presents the results and discussion of the
experiments. Finally, Section 6 presents the
conclusions and suggests directions for future
Several significant studies have explored anomaly
detection across various domains, with a particular
emphasis on IoT, utilizing different FL
methodologies. This section provides an overview of
key research efforts that have employed FL for
intrusion detection within IoT environments.
Friha et al. (Friha et al., 2022) proposed an FL-
based IDS (FELIDS) aimed at securing agricultural
IoT infrastructure by ensuring data privacy through
Optimizing Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks
localized learning. To defend against attacks on
Agricultural IoT systems, FELIDS leverages three
DL classifiers: DNN, CNN, and recurrent neural
networks (RNN). The effectiveness of the system was
evaluated using three datasets: CSE-CIC-IDS2018,
MQTTset, and InSDN. The findings indicate that
FELIDS outperforms traditional centralized machine
learning (non-FL) methods by offering enhanced data
privacy for IoT devices and achieving an accuracy of
99.71% with the CNN classifier on the InSDN
dataset, 89.56% with the RNN classifier on the
MQTTset dataset, and 94.15% with the RNN
classifier on the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset.
Mothukuri et al. (Mothukuri et al., 2022) proposed a
novel approach that leverages FL to train gated
recurrent units (GRUs) models while ensuring that
data remains on local IoT devices. Only the learned
weights of the model are shared with the central
server of the FL. In addition, the method incorporates
an ensemble technique to aggregate updates from
multiple sources, thereby improving the accuracy of
the global ML model. The results demonstrated that
this approach not only outperforms traditional
centralized ML methods in safeguarding data privacy
but also achieves an overall average accuracy of
90.255% in attack detection. Idrissi et al. (Idrissi et
al., 2023) introduced Fed-ANIDS, a Network IDS
that combines ML-based anomaly detection (AD)
with FL to address privacy concerns inherent in
centralized models. The system detects intrusions by
calculating an intrusion score based on the
reconstruction error of normal traffic using various
AD models, including simple autoencoders,
variational autoencoders, and adversarial
autoencoders. The method was evaluated using three
datasets: USTC-TFC2016, CIC-IDS2017, and CSE-
CIC-IDS2018. The results indicated that
autoencoder-based models outperformed other
generative adversarial network-based models, and
that the FedProx aggregation framework was more
effective than FedAVG. The proposed method
achieved peak accuracies of 99.95%, 93.54%, and
94.48% for the USTC-TFC2016, CIC-IDS2017, and
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 datasets, respectively.
This section describes the datasets, performance
metrics, and methodology employed in the empirical
evaluations conducted in this study.
3.1 Dataset Description
In this study, 43 NetFlow features conforming to
version 9 standard were extracted and labeled from
the ToN-IoT (Alsaedi et al., 2020) dataset using the
nProbe tool by Ntop. The resulting dataset,
designated as NF-ToN-IoT-V2 (Sarhan et al., 2021),
comprises 16,940,469 instances labeled as either
attack or no-attack, reflecting a significant class
imbalance, with 36% labeled as no-attack and 64% as
attack. This data was chosen because it consists of
real IoT traffic with simulated attacks. Furthermore,
the “Pcap” files are labeled and available as open
source, providing a foundation for developing a
generalized model applicable to all NetFlow V9 data
3.2 Performance Measures
To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed binary
classification models, we employed accuracy, recall,
precision, and area under the receiver operating
characteristic curve (AUC) as evaluation metrics
(Naidu et al., 2023). These metrics were selected
owing to their widespread use and acceptance in the
3.3 Statistical Test and Borda Count
Scott Knott (SK) is a clustering algorithm
commonly used to compare multiple groups in
analysis of variance studies. It addresses the
issue of overlapping groups by starting with all
observed mean effects grouped together and
iteratively dividing these groups into smaller
subgroups, ensuring that no two subgroups
share any common members (Scott & Knott,
Borda Count (BC) is a voting method in
which voters rank candidates according to their
preferences. Each candidate receives points
based on their rank, with the lower ranks
earning fewer points. The points are then
aggregated, and the candidate with the highest
total is declared as the winner. In this study, the
Borda count method was used to identify the
top-performing model, treating all performance
measures equally (Saari, 2001).
3.4 Methodology
Figure 1 illustrates the methodology employed to
assess and compare the effects of different FL
optimizers, DL architectures, cost-sensitive learning
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
setups, and feature thresholds on the detection
capabilities of FL-based IDS. We evaluated the
performance of two FL optimizers, SGD and Adam,
with two different feature thresholds (20% and 60%)
and two cost-sensitive learning setups
(undersampling and WBCE) over 100 rounds using
SK and BC voting systems. The experimental
procedure included the following steps:
Figure 1: Experimental process.
Step 1. Prepare the raw data by removing
missing values, duplicate rows, and
unnecessary attributes. This process includes
reclassifying categorical features and
standardizing numerical features.
Step 2. involves the application of two FS
techniques: mRMR for categorical features and
ANOVA for numerical features. These
methods were selected based on a comparative
analysis of FS and ML techniques on IDS
datasets (Amiri et al., 2011; Shakeela et al.,
2021; Tao et al., 2019; Zouhri et al., 2023).
Additionally, two feature thresholds (20% and
100%) were implemented, as recommended in
previous studies (Dhaliwal et al., 2018;
Kurniabudi et al., 2020; Nakashima et al.,
2018). This process resulted in the creation of
two dataset variations.
Step 3. Set up a simulated IoT network by
creating virtual instances using TFF based on
the DNN and CNN architectures. We utilized
10 devices, each referred to as Device
, and
configured two optimizers for the central
FedAVG server instance. This instance
facilitates the exchange of DL model
parameters between the mobile IoT devices and
the central FL server. Cost-sensitive learning
was implemented using two approaches: one
using raw data with WBCE, respecting the
original dataset distribution, and the other
using undersampling to balance the dataset
with equal numbers of attacks and BCE. Each
local dataset i was assigned to the
corresponding virtual Device
Step 4. Construct and evaluate the performance
of the 16 FL configurations (16 = 2 optimizers
for the FL server × 2 DL architectures × 2 cost-
sensitive configurations × 2 feature thresholds)
in terms of accuracy, recall, precision, and
AUC over 100 rounds. Additionally, the SK
test and BC system were used to rank the FL
configurations for each cost-sensitive learning
setup, feature threshold, and FL optimizer.
Step 5. Compare the performances of Adam
and SGD optimizers for each cost-sensitive
learning setup and feature threshold using the
NF-ToN-IoT-v2 dataset. Ultimately, identify
the optimal FL configuration for cyber-
detection within the NetFlow IoT dataset
3.5 Abbreviation
To enhance readability and simplify model names,
this study adopts the following specific naming
The abbreviations for DL architectures are DN for
DNN and CN for CNN. The FL optimizers are
abbreviated as S for SGD and A for Adam. The cost-
sensitive setups are abbreviated as U for
undersampling and W for weighted classes. For
instance, DNSW20 represents a configuration
utilizing the DNN architecture with the SGD
optimizer, WBCE with weighted classes, and 20% of
the features.
This section analyzes the outcomes of using the FL
technique with the DNN and CNN architectures. The
evaluation includes two optimizers (Adam and SGD),
two feature thresholds (20% and 60%), and two cost-
sensitive setups (undersampling and WBCE) over
100 rounds on the NF-ToN-IoT-v2 dataset for binary
classification. The results of the empirical study are
discussed in relation to the RQs introduced in section
Optimizing Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks
4.1 Optimal Choice Between SGD and
Adam Optimizers in FL for Attack
Detection (RQ1)
Figure 2: Accuracy progression across rounds for 10
devices using SGD with 20% of features: (a) DNN with
weighted classes and (b) DNN with undersampling.
This subsection investigates the impact of SGD and
Adam optimizers on the performance of FL
configurations, with an emphasis on identifying the
optimizer that enhances the accuracy of an FL-based
IDS in IoT contexts. We analyze the average model
accuracy across different feature thresholds for each
cost-sensitive learning setup using DNN and CNN
architectures, utilizing the SGD and Adam optimizers
over 100 rounds to determine the optimal FL
optimizer. For instance, when evaluating the accuracy
of cost-sensitive setups (undersampling and weighted
classes) with SGD and Adam using DNN and 20% of
features across 10 devices: (1) Figures 2.a and 2.b
display the accuracy values of DNN using the SGD
optimizer with weighted classes and undersampling,
respectively, allowing us to assess the models'
accuracy for each device over 100 rounds; and (2) we
calculate the average accuracy values for the 10
devices for different FL configurations in each round,
as illustrated in Figure 3. For example, as shown in
Figure 3. a, the average accuracy of the FL
architecture across 10 devices, deploying a DNN with
weighted classes and utilizing 20% of features with
SGD as the FL optimizer, is referred to as DNSW20,
whereas the average accuracy of the FL architecture
across 10 devices, deploying a DNN with
undersampling and using 20% of features with SGD
as the FL optimizer, is indicated as DNSU20.
Figure 3.a shows the average accuracy values
obtained using the DNN with 20% of the features. We
observe the following:
Figure 3: Average accuracy of FL based on DNN
architecture using: (a) 20% of features and (b) 60% of
For DNSU20, variability is present in the first
5 rounds, followed by stabilization, achieving a
high accuracy of approximately 95%.
For DNSW20, variability is present in the first
3 rounds, followed by stabilization, resulting in
a high accuracy of approximately 94%.
For DNAW20, an increase is observed in the
first 3 rounds, followed by stabilization with
very slight variations, leading to a consistent
accuracy of approximately 91%.
For DNAU20, an increase is observed in the
first 5 rounds, followed by stabilization with
very slight variations, resulting in a consistent
accuracy of approximately 89%.
Figure 3.b shows the average accuracy values
obtained using the DNN with 60% of the features. We
observe the following:
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
For DNSW60, stability is maintained
throughout all rounds, achieving a high
accuracy of approximately 98%.
For DNSU60, stability is maintained in all
rounds except for a slight variation in the
second round, leading to a high accuracy of
approximately 98%.
For DNAW60, an increase is observed in the
first 6 rounds, followed by stabilization,
resulting in a consistent accuracy of
approximately 91%.
For DNAU60, the highest variation is observed
across all rounds, with an initial increase in the
first 5 rounds, some stability between rounds 5
and 15, followed by a decrease at round 36, and
high variation at round 80, resulting in a
maximum accuracy of 87%.
When using DNN as the base learner, the SGD
optimizer proved to be the most effective FL
optimizer, securing the top two positions for both the
20% and 60% feature thresholds. Specifically,
DNSU20 for 20% of features and DNSW60 for 60%
of features achieved the highest accuracies of 95%
and 98%, respectively. In contrast, the Adam
optimizer ranked lowest, with DNAU20 for 20% of
features and DNAU60 for 60% of features, recording
the lowest accuracies of 89% and 87%, respectively.
Figure 4.a illustrates the average accuracy values
obtained using CNN with 20% of features. We
observe the following:
For CNSU20, a slight increase is observed
during the first 5 rounds, followed by
stabilization over the next 10 rounds.
Variability occurs in the subsequent 3 rounds,
after which stabilization occurs in the
remaining rounds, achieving a high accuracy of
approximately 95%.
For CNSW20, a slight increase is observed
during the first 5 rounds, followed by
stabilization, ultimately leading to a high
accuracy of approximately 94%.
For CNAW20, a significant increase is
observed during the first 3 rounds, followed by
stabilization, resulting in a high accuracy of
approximately 91%.
For CNAU20, stabilization is observed
throughout all rounds, resulting in a consistent
accuracy of approximately 50%.
Figure 4.b shows the average accuracy values
obtained using the CNN with 60% of the features. We
observe the following:
For CNSW60, a slight increase is observed
during the first 5 rounds, followed by
stabilization, ultimately achieving a high
accuracy of approximately 98%.
For CNSU60, a significant increase is observed
during the first 5 rounds, followed by
stabilization, ultimately resulting in a high
accuracy of approximately 98%.
For CNAW60, a significant increase is
observed during the first 10 rounds, followed
by stabilization over the next 10 rounds.
Significant variability is present in the
remaining rounds, with accuracies ranging
between 70% and 92%.
For CNAU60, stabilization is observed
throughout all rounds, resulting in a consistent
accuracy of approximately 50%.
Figure 4: Average accuracy of FL based on CNN
architecture using: (a) 20% of features and (b) 60% of
When using the CNN as the base learner, the SGD
optimizer proved to be the most effective FL
optimizer, securing the top two positions for both the
20% and 60% feature thresholds. Specifically,
CNSU20 for 20% of features and CNSW60 for 60%
of features achieved the highest accuracies of 95%
and 98%, respectively. Conversely, the Adam
optimizer ranked lowest, with CNAU20 stabilizing at
an accuracy of 50% for 20% of the features and
Optimizing Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks
CNAU60 showing variability with accuracy ranging
between 70% and 92% for 60% of the features.
In summary, SGD outperformed Adam as an FL
optimizer across DL architectures used as the base
learners. Additionally, when utilizing SGD,
employing weighted classes, particularly WBCE, as a
cost-sensitive learning method yielded better
performance with 60% of the features, while
undersampling performed more effectively with 20%
of the features across different DL architectures. On
the other hand, when using Adam, the weighted
classes (WBCE) consistently achieved better
performance than the undersampling technique.
4.2 Optimal FL Configuration for
Attack Detection Across Varied
Settings (RQ2)
Figure 5: SK test results of FL configurations using (a) 20%
of features and (b) 60% of features.
In this section, we compare various FL
configurations, including FL optimizers, DL base
learners, and cost-sensitive setups, for each feature
threshold. The SK test was employed to focus on
accuracy, grouping models, and identifying the most
effective SK clusters, as illustrated in Figure 5.
Additionally, the BC method was used to prioritize
the models within the top SK clusters based on
metrics such as accuracy, AUC, recall, and precision,
as shown in Table 2. The SK test results are displayed
in a graph, where the x-axis categorizes the FL
classifier variants by cluster, arranging the best
clusters from left to right, and the y-axis shows the
accuracy scores. The central dots on each vertical line
represent the mean accuracy, with the lines
illustrating the outcomes of 100 rounds for each FL
classifier. This analysis involved calculating the
average accuracy for each round across the 10
devices, denoted as 
, using Equation (1).
For example, DNSW20 represents the average
accuracy of the DNN architecture with the SGD
optimizer, WBCE with weighted classes, and 20% of
the features across 10 over 100 rounds
From Figure 5.a, we observe the following:
For the 20% feature threshold, the SK
distribution results in four distinct clusters. The
first cluster comprises all models utilizing the
SGD optimizer, including CNSU20, DNSU20,
CNSW20, and DNSW20. The second cluster
consists of CNAW20 and DNAW20. The third
cluster includes only DNAU20, while the
fourth cluster contains only CNAU20.
For the 60% feature threshold, the SK
distribution forms five distinct clusters. The
first cluster includes all models using the SGD
optimizer, specifically DNSW60, CNSU60,
DNSU60, and CNSW60. The second, third,
fourth, and fifth clusters contain CNAW60,
DNAW60, DNAU60, and CNAU60,
Table 1: BC ranking of the FL variants belong to the best
SK cluster.
TS: Feature threshold #F: Number of features
The findings indicate that the optimal FL
configuration is achieved using the SGD optimizer
and varies based on the feature threshold.
Specifically, (1) with 20% of the features, the CNN
base learner combined with the SGD optimizer
outperforms the DNN, securing the top two positions
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
according to the BC voting system. Conversely, (2)
with 60% of the features, the DNN occupies the top
two positions. Specifically, the best model for the
20% feature threshold is CNSU20, which achieved
the highest BC score of 9 with an accuracy of 95.19%,
an AUC of 0.9874, a recall of 92.41%, and a precision
of 97.85% using 7 features. For the 60% feature
threshold, DNSW60 achieved the best BC score of 11
with an accuracy of 98.34%, an AUC of 0.9984, a
recall of 99.03%, and a precision of 98.38% using 20
features. Although CNSU20 and DNSW60
demonstrated comparable performance across
various metrics, CNSU20 was selected as the
preferred model due to its effectiveness with a
minimal number of features (7 features).
The research evaluated and compared 16 FL
configurations for the binary classification of network
intrusions, employing DNN and CNN as base
learning models. The study explored the performance
of two FL optimizers, SGD and Adam, in
combination with two feature thresholds (20% and
60%) and two cost-sensitive learning approaches
(Undersampling with BCE and weighted classes with
WBCE) using the NF-ToN-IoT-v2 dataset.
Evaluation metrics included accuracy, AUC, recall,
and precision, further supported by the SK statistical
test and the BC ranking system. The results
demonstrated that SGD is a more reliable optimizer
for attack detection in FL frameworks. The most
effective model configuration was achieved using
SGD as the FL optimizer, combined with CNN as the
base learner and the Undersampling technique over
the top 7 features.
The findings underscore the significance of
employing FL in the development of decentralized
IDSs specifically tailored for IoT networks to
enhance attack detection. Future research should
extend empirical evaluations to further validate or
refine these results, potentially by utilizing a variety
of datasets to assess the robustness and adaptability
of FL-based IDS across diverse IoT environments.
Additionally, investigating alternative models within
FL frameworks could offer valuable insights into
optimizing both performance and efficiency.
Furthermore, deploying these models on embedded
devices using TinyML and FL methodologies
represents a promising direction for continued
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