use this method to discover planets in large quantities.
Meanwhile, as it known to all, life cannot exist on
planets orbiting pulsars because of the very intense
high-energy radiation.
Gravitational microlensing is a unique technique
for discovering exoplanets as it is independent of the
host star's brightness or the planetary system's orbita
l motion. When a star's gravitational field acts like a
lens, amplifying the light of a distant background star,
the behavior of a gravitational microlensing is
generated. This influence is only produced when the
two stars are almost perfectly aligned. Only when the
two stars move towards each other and the Earth are
exactly in opposite positions, so the lensing event is
short-lived and can only last for a few days or weeks.
Thousands of such incidents have been located over
the past decade. In case the star in the foreground has
planets, then the lensing effect contributed by the
planet's gravitational field can also be detected. Since
this requires very precise alignment to detect the
microgravitational lensing effect of the planets, it is
vitally need to monitor a very large number of stars to
have a reasonable chance of observing this
phenomenon. The most likely outcome of this
approach is to observe the stars that are situated
between Earth and the Milky Way's core, which can
provide a large number of background star. until the
first discovery of microlensing planets in 2003, more
than 200 planets have been identified by means of
gravitational microlensing (Rektsini and Batistam
2024). This is the barely approach permissible of
locating Earth-sized planets round ordinary main-
sequence stars.
The Doppler brightening effect, in which the seen
frequency deviates from the real frequency and the
host star's brightness varies depending on the planet's
radial velocity, can be brought on by the rotation of
an exoplanet around the host star. An iconic example
of the method is the NASA James Webb Space
Telescope (JWST). It is called orbital brightness
The planetary disk motion uses submillimeter
light wave arrays to measure variations in the
protoplanetary disk's substructure to infer the
existence and development of exoplanets based on
current hypotheses and observational data. One direct
use of this technique is ALMA detection. Even
though this technology has only been used to confirm
one exoplanet thus far, the method's potential
applications are growing and its future seems bright.
Remote sensing is a popular technique for planet dis
covery. Using equipment on the surface of ground, on
satellites, or in the air, remote sensing methods
collects data on planets and other celestial bodies.
Seager and Deming summarized recent developments
in the study of planetary atmospheres in their review
paper. These advancements involved observations
and models to disclose the properties of planetary
atmospheres. For example, spectral features in
planets' atmospheres can be observed, which is
applicable to disclose the properties of planetary
atmospheres through modeling and measurements
(Seager and Deming, 2010).
The most practical and widely used method is the
transit method; 4,115 exoplanets have been found
using it. This is because detection projects like Kepler,
K2, and TESS have developed successfully. The
transit method's fundamental principal is to exploit
the eclipse event, which occurs when a planet
revolves around its primary star, and use satellites to
track the main star's brightness drop to detect the
presence of exoplanets. When a planet moves ahead
of the star or blocks it, it is referred to by academics
as a secondary eclipse. Primary eclipses occur when
a planet passes in front of the star. The term
"occultation depth" also refers to the primary star's
degree of brightness drop. Because the brightness of
the primary star in a secondary eclipse diminishes less,
the existing detection methods only track the primary
eclipse. The strengths of the light curve can be used
for estimating a planet's size via the transit approach.
Integrated with radial velocity, that can measure the
mass of the planet, so the density of the planet can be
determined, and then more information can be known
about the physical structure of the planet. Nine of the
known exoplanets have known their best
characteristics through these two methods. Transit
can also research the atmospheres of exoplanets. As
the planet crosses in front of the star, the star's light
passes through the planet's upper atmosphere.
Researching the stellar spectrum of stars can identify
the elements present in the atmosphere of the
traveling star. It is also possible to measure the
polarization of light as it travels through the
atmosphere of the planet or is reflected by it, and to
detect the composition of the planet's atmosphere and
the planet's material.
Planets that Earth-like and are located in or
surrounding to the Milky Way's habitable region,
ranging in size from 0.5-2 times that of Earth. Kepler
had discovered 2,778 exoplanets as of May 2013. To
carry out the Kepler mission, K2, Kepler's second
mission, was formally launched in May 2014