served at Mt. Etna. Several factors contribute to the
model’s partial success in replicating real-world lava
fountain dynamics:
Firstly, the simplified stress propagation mecha-
nism in the model likely fails to fully capture the com-
plex dynamics inherent in real lava fountains. This
simplification may overlook critical interactions and
feedback processes. Future refinements could include
integrating more sophisticated stress redistribution al-
gorithms or exploring alternative stress propagation
models that better reflect the complexity of volcanic
Secondly, the limited grid size (64x64) and the
number of simulation cycles (50,000) may have con-
strained the model’s ability to accurately simulate the
complexity of lava fountains. Larger grids and ex-
tended simulation periods could capture a broader
range of inter-event times, potentially leading to a
better approximation of real-world dynamics. Future
studies should consider scaling up these parameters to
assess their impact on the accuracy of the simulation
Furthermore, the comparison with the more com-
plex model by (Piegari et al., 2011) underscores the
inherent trade-offs between model simplicity and ac-
curacy. While our model offers a tractable frame-
work for initial investigations, it may lack the detailed
mechanisms necessary for higher fidelity simulations.
This balance between simplicity and detail highlights
the need for ongoing model refinement and validation
to better capture the nuances of volcanic activity.
Overall, this work represents a valuable initial
attempt to simulate a complex geophysical phe-
nomenon using a simplified model. The insights
gained from this study offer a foundation for future
research, which could focus on refining the model to
better capture the nuances of lava fountain dynamics
and exploring alternative approaches to improve sim-
ulation accuracy. Continued development and valida-
tion of the model will be crucial in enhancing its abil-
ity to reproduce real-world lava fountain phenomena
and contribute to our understanding of these complex
Future research directions may include:
• Further refining the stress propagation mechanism
to better mirror the dynamics observed in actual
lava fountains, possibly by incorporating more
complex algorithms or alternative modeling ap-
• Systematically testing the model with larger grid
sizes and extended simulation periods to explore
how these factors influence the fidelity of the sim-
ulated lava fountain dynamics, potentially leading
to more accurate and reliable predictions.
• Investigating additional external factors, includ-
ing environmental conditions and geological vari-
ations, that could significantly influence lava
fountain behavior, offering a more holistic under-
standing of the processes involved.
We would like to thank the INGV-OE scientists and
technicians for the monitoring network maintenance,
and especially Dr Sonia Calvari for providing essen-
tial information for this work.
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A Modified Sandpile Model for Simulating Lava Fountains at Mt Etna