in this study. Fixing these parameters can enhance the
accuracy of the model. Third, in addition to the ongo-
ing development and refinement of a hand detection
model, consideration should be given to the integra-
tion of this model into virtual training, as previously
outlined in the main objective of this study. In other
words, the effectiveness of the model must be eval-
uated to determine whether the trainees are able to
adapt to it. One potential methodology for evaluat-
ing the efficacy of the aforementioned approach is to
devise a series of scenarios in which the trainee is re-
quired to position themselves and perform gestures in
a manner that allows for the assessment of their adap-
tation to the hand pose detection model.
A comparative analysis of two distinct methodologies
for hand pose estimation, one based on depth maps
and the other on stereo images, has yielded signifi-
cant insights into the relative strengths and limitations
of each approach. Although neither approach yielded
a near-optimal solution, both demonstrated effective-
ness in accurately capturing the spatial position of the
hand and constructing viable hand representations.
These results suggest the potential for substantial im-
provements in accuracy, robustness, and adaptability
through further refinement and optimisation of exist-
ing techniques. Consequently, continued research and
development in this area could lead to more advanced
solutions for applications such as virtual reality train-
ing and gesture-based control systems.
The authors thank Tecnologico de Monterrey for fi-
nancial support to produce this work.
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