Impact of a Split into Single Items on the Response Rate of the User
Experience Questionnaire Short (UEQ-S)
Marco Schaa
1 a
, Jessica Kollmorgen
2 b
, Martin Schrepp
3 c
and J
org Thomaschewski
2 d
Allpax GmbH & Co. KG, Papenburg, Germany
University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, Emden, Germany
SAP SE, Walldorf, Germany
Increase Response Rates, User Experience, UX Evaluation, UX Measurement, UX Survey, UX Questionnaire,
Single Item Version.
Standardized questionnaires are an efficient and reliable method to measure the user experience of a product,
service or system. However, response rates of such surveys are often quite low. The length of a survey has an
impact on the willingness to respond. We investigate in this paper if it is useful to split a questionnaire into
single items to reduce the time needed for participation. In a real web shop on the confirmation page of their
order, customers are either asked to answer all the 8 items of the UEQ-S or just one randomly selected item.
Results showed that the presentation of single items increased the response rate. The increase was statistically
significant, but from a practical point of view not big enough to justify this method. The measured scores for
the single items were statistically different for 2 of the 8 items. Thus, some context effects of neighboring
items seem to impact the scores in the full UEQ-S version.
A continuous user experience (UX) evaluation of
products is important to stay competitive in the mar-
ket. User requirements go beyond pure functionality,
i.e. usability, and subjective aspects such as aesthetics
or trust should be taken into account depending on the
product category (Kollmorgen et al., 2024).
To evaluate the UX of a product, it is necessary
to use both qualitative and quantitative methods. As
an example of qualitative tests, there are inspection
methods which help to generate best practices and
ideas for improvement, such as the cognitive walk-
through (Lewis and Wharton, 1997) or heuristic eval-
uation (Nielsen and Molich, 1990). These methods
help to uncover usability problems and generate de-
tailed ideas for improvements. However, especially
usability tests are quite expensive and thus limited to
small target groups.
These qualitative methods help to gain a deeper
understanding of the user and possibly identify unex-
pected problems. In addition, quantitative evaluation
methods are necessary to identify trends and enable a
comparison of different products or product versions.
A popular quantitative method to collect user
feedback is surveys. They require little effort and can
be used to collect feedback from larger user groups.
If a survey contains a standardized UX questionnaire,
for example the UEQ (Laugwitz et al., 2008), the
SUS (Brooke, 1996), or the UMUX (Finstad, 2010),
then it produces quantitative results that can be used
to compare products or product versions concerning
their UX quality. This is useful if the goal is to mea-
sure if the UX quality changes over time, for example
to check if a redesign of a web shop has a positive
impact on its perceived UX.
Surveys can be distributed over different channels,
for example, email campaigns, feedback buttons in-
side a product, or links in posts on social media. Im-
plementing the survey directly in the product has the
advantage that is requires little effort for a UX re-
searcher to organize the data collection and ensures
a continuous stream of data. In addition, users give
feedback while they are using the product, i.e., it is to
be expected that the answers are close to the experi-
Schaa, M., Kollmorgen, J., Schrepp, M. and Thomaschewski, J.
Impact of a Split into Single Items on the Response Rate of the User Experience Questionnaire Short (UEQ-S).
DOI: 10.5220/0013046400003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 363-371
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
enced interaction.
In order to utilize these advantages and achieve
continuous product improvements, people are con-
stantly asked to provide feedback over surveys for dif-
ferent products in their limited time of the day. This
naturally creates a survey fatigue among the partici-
pants and response rates are often quite low (Whelan,
Therefore, it is practically highly relevant to
present a survey in a way that attracts as many users
as possible. Some incentives to give feedback can
increase the response rate. Nevertheless, here it is
likely that the overall data quality decreases, since
many participants just take part in the survey to get the
incentive and minimize the time they spend to think
about their answers. This may result in a low data
Another way to influence response rates is the us-
age of very short surveys. However, a short survey
creates less detailed insights compared with a full UX
questionnaire, like the UEQ or SUS. In many situa-
tions, especially in e-commerce, there is a high num-
ber of potential respondents. Thus, a high response
rate is desirable for gaining information on the per-
ceived UX as long as not too much information is lost
due to the brevity of the questionnaire. This leads to
our following two research questions:
RQ1: Do the item and scale scores collected over
single item version differ from the corresponding
scores collected with the full UEQ-S version?
We try to estimate the results of the full questionnaire
(UEQ-S) from the responses to single items. Thus,
it is crucial that the method is able to provide accu-
rate results. Items are always interpreted in a context.
This context is mainly defined by the evaluated prod-
uct, but neighboring items can also influence the in-
terpretation. Therefore, it is important to investigate
if the isolated version of single items has an effect on
the results.
RQ2: How does a split into single items impact the
response rate?
After determining whether the different survey results
behave similarly, it is necessary to consider whether
the response rate is also influenced by the different
display versions. We assume that the response rate
increases for the single item version - but how big is
the increase and is it big enough to be of practical
In terms of product quality assurance, it is still the
case that the functional requirements of the user expe-
rience are primarily taken into account (ISO, 2024).
In this article, we therefore aim to support quality
assurance by taking into account the capacities of the
participants and at the same time measuring a com-
plete picture of the user experience. We analyze the
idea of splitting a longer UX questionnaire into single
items to increase the response rate using a real prod-
uct in the e-commerce sector. Instead of presenting
the complete questionnaire, each participant is pre-
sented only one randomly selected item. In this way,
a high number of answers to single items is collected
and these data are used to examine the impacts and
differences between the full and single item UEQ-S
version, with regard to the comparability of the val-
ues and the response rate.
The article structures as follows: Section 2
presents related literature on short and single item
questionnaires, as well as the UEQ-S in specific. Sec-
tion 3 then explains the study conducted with the cor-
responding evaluation method and study design, the
results of which are analyzed in Section 4. Section 5
then discusses and answers the research questions be-
fore presenting a summary with limitations and out-
look in Section 6.
In the following, literature is presented which serves
as the basis for the study carried out. This refers to
single item and short questionnaires.
2.1 Related Work
Time is precious and that is even more true in the field
of business and quality assurance of products. Asking
the customer to fill in a long form without any incen-
tives will likely result in low response rates. They
may also break off the survey or the answers are in-
complete caused by participants fatigue. These bi-
ases can be reduced by the use of single item surveys,
which only present a single item to the user what can
be done in a few seconds. However, the possibility
of using single item surveys for the measuring of a
construct and also archive a high or moderate context
validity and reliability depends on the construct itself.
Fuchs et al. (Fuchs and Diamantopoulos, 2009)
found that the use of single item measurement can be
appropriate under certain conditions. The authors cre-
ated guidelines for relevant criteria to evaluate single
item measurements for use in business administration.
Cuvillier et al. (Cuvillier et al., 2021) came to a
similar conclusion using the example of financial in-
stitution websites. They investigated functional and
non-functional user requirements using the Net Pro-
moter Score (NPS) and the Customer Satisfaction
Score (CSAT). They investigated the influence of the
context on the hedonic and pragmatic experiences of
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the users, whereby it was shown that hedonic features
correlated slightly better with the single-item scales.
There are also systematic studies on this topic
for other fields, such as Organizational Psychology.
Matthews et al. (Matthews et al., 2022) developed
corresponding single item questionnaires for 91 ques-
tionnaires that have proven effective in this area. The
authors analyzed them for criteria and content va-
lidity, reliability and usability and also investigated
if there is a negative relation between the construct
breadth (near vs. broad) and the validity and reliabil-
ity. Their approach was to develop new, more com-
prehensive items instead of just splitting the existing
surveys into their single item pieces. As a result, they
showed that the use of single item measurements does
not automatically mean the sacrifice of validity and
reliability but has to be considered due to the advan-
tages of short surveys. With this study, the authors
provide a ready-to-use catalog of these constructs as
single item measures for usage in organizational psy-
chology. They also recommend to develop further sin-
gle item measures of other constructs they did not in-
Single item measuring in the field of user experi-
ence was already investigated for the System Usabil-
ity Scale (SUS) (Brooke, 1996) in relation to auto-
mated driving. Himmels et al. (Himmels et al., 2021)
developed a single item version of the SUS, the SIUX
scale, and compared the single item version to the
multi item measures SUS and UMUX in terms of sta-
bility, reliability and validity. Their results supports
the hypotheses that the SIUX is even more sensitive
to differences in event related user experience than the
UMUX and more sensitive to cumulative user experi-
ence than the SUS.
The related work shows that single item surveys
are not in general a bad research approach, but have
to be individually examined for each construct. How-
ever, to the best of our knowledge, we have not iden-
tified any study that examines the impact of splitting
into individual items on response rates. This is a nec-
essary study to support quality assurance while taking
into account the challenge of obtaining user feedback.
In this article, this analysis will be done for the UEQ-
S, the short version of the User Experience Question-
naire (Laugwitz et al., 2008).
2.2 Fundamentals
Questionnaires are a quantitative method for record-
ing the perceived UX of products in general, as they
make it easy to gather information. For these sce-
narios, the UEQ is a standardized questionnaire that
allows to measure UX (Laugwitz et al., 2008) con-
cerning several task-related (pragmatic) and non-task-
related (hedonic) UX aspects by 26 items. The item
format is a semantic differential with a 7-point answer
scale (scored from -3 to +3). An example of an item
inefficient o o o o o o o efficient
Filling out a complete UEQ can be done in ap-
proximately 3 to 5 minutes. Nevertheless, this is still
too much effort for a participant in several typical ap-
plication scenarios, e.g., following an order in a web
shop. Therefore, a short version, called UEQ-S, was
developed which includes just eight items of the UEQ,
corresponding to the two high-level dimensions Prag-
matic Quality and Hedonic Quality (Schrepp et al.,
2017). The eight UEQ-S items (English version, for
translations see are:
obstructive / supportive (UEQ1)
complicated / easy (UEQ2)
inefficient / efficient (UEQ3)
confusing / clear (UEQ4)
boring / exciting (UEQ5)
not interesting / interesting (UEQ6)
conventional / inventive (UEQ7)
usual / leading edge (UEQ8)
The first four items form the scale Pragmatic Quality,
the last four items the scale Hedonic Quality. The
labels in brackets behind an item are used in section 4
to refer to the items.
The following section describes the study design with
the web shop used, the implementation of the full
UEQ-S and the single item version, the data collec-
tion and the evaluation method to answer the research
3.1 Investigated Web Shop
The data was collected from a German online
shop. The company distributes various product cat-
egories (e.g., vacuum technology, cleaning technol-
ogy, infrared heaters, gastronomy supplies, labora-
tory equipment), primarily targeting commercial cus-
tomers (90%), but also serving private customers
(10%). Private customers predominantly focus on
gastronomy supplies, specifically household vacuum
Impact of a Split into Single Items on the Response Rate of the User Experience Questionnaire Short (UEQ-S)
sealers, low-temperature cooking devices, and in-
frared heaters. The online store had around 13,000
items listed at the time of the study.
Due to the relative high number of visitors on the
online shop (an average of 117 purchases per day), a
representative amount of data could be generated. In
addition, the web shop follows data protection guide-
lines so that the anonymity of the participants could
be guaranteed.
3.2 Implementation of the Feedback
Mechanism and Data Collection
The UX measurement using the UEQ-S was con-
ducted at the online shop at the end of the checkout
process, specifically after a successful purchase and
payment, on the checkout success page of the online
shop to ensure minimal disruption to the customer’s
purchasing journey and to avoid potential cart aban-
donment (see Figures 3 and 4 in the Appendix). Dur-
ing the data collection period from February 2, 2024,
to June 2, 2024 (4 months), the questionnaire was pre-
sented to a total of 14,469 customers, in average 119
customers per day.
As the utilized shop system is proprietary and
closed-source (developed in ASP.NET by 4Sellers,
Rain am Lech), the direct integration of a survey mod-
ule was not implemented due to cost considerations.
Instead, a PHP script was developed on a separate
Apache server and embedded into the shop’s template
via an iFrame.
This PHP script generated a random number be-
tween 1 and 12 with each request and accordingly dis-
played either a) a single item or b) the entire UEQ-S.
The full UEQ-S was displayed four times more fre-
quently than each individual item (4 of the 12 random
numbers pointed to a full UEQ-S and the others to a
single item) to ensure an adequate number of com-
plete UEQ-S datasets for comparison purposes. Upon
clicking the ”Submit Feedback” button, the value(s)
of the item(s), along with timestamps of the display
and submission were stored in a CSV file on the
In addition, each view was recorded in a separate
CSV file, including the random ID, timestamp of the
view, and customer GUID, to determine the response
rate and analyze which questions from the UEQ-S
were more or less frequently answered by customers.
Overall, each item (UEQ1-UEQ8) was answered
differently often in the full version as well as in the
single item version of the UEQ-S. This is due to the
fact that there were also participants who only com-
pleted part of the questionnaire in the full version and
then left the web shop. The number of responses per
item for both versions are shown accordingly in Ta-
ble 1. This resulted in a total of 1,387 data records,
of which 413 data records were recorded with the full
version and 964 data records with the single item ver-
Table 1: Number of answers per item in the full and single
item UEQ-S version.
Item N (full) N (single)
UEQ1 373 114
UEQ2 407 165
UEQ3 377 149
UEQ4 402 141
UEQ5 338 102
UEQ6 344 110
UEQ7 343 102
UEQ8 342 90
The data collected in the web shop was statistically
analyzed using Excel. Analyses on statistical key fig-
ures including mean values, confidences, reliability
and consistency as well as the response rate are pre-
sented in this section.
4.1 Difference Between Full and Single
Item UEQ-S Scores
The first research question RQ1: Do the item and
scale scores collected over single item version dif-
fer from the corresponding scores collected with
the full UEQ-S version? asks if the scale scores from
the single item version differ from the results mea-
sured with the full UEQ-S version, which is analyzed
in the following using statistical key figures.
4.1.1 Mean and Confidence
First, it is examined whether there are differences in
the ratings of the web shop between the two versions
(single vs. full). Figure 1 shows the scale scores and
confidence intervals for the 8 UEQ-S items in both
The detailed scores, standard deviations and con-
fidence intervals are shown in Table 2 for the full ver-
sion and in Table 3 for the single item version.
To subsequently assess the significance of the
individual differences, two-sample t-tests (p<0.05)
were performed for the items UEQ1-UEQ8 of
the two versions. For the items UEQ5 (t=5.29,
df=421, p <0.0000002) and UEQ6 (t=5.96, df=429,
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Mean item scores and confidence intervals for
the investigated web shop measured with the full and single
item UEQ-S version (number of answers per item is shown
in Table 1).
Table 2: Means, standard deviations and confidence inter-
vals for the item scores of the full version (number of an-
swers per item is shown in Table 1).
Item Mean St.Dev. Confidence Int.
UEQ1 2.21 1.18 2.09 - 2.33
UEQ2 2.40 1.09 2.29 - 2.50
UEQ3 2.30 1.15 2.18 - 2.42
UEQ4 2.23 1.14 2.12 - 2.34
UEQ5 0.99 1.36 0.84 - 1.13
UEQ6 1.47 1.28 1.33 - 1.61
UEQ7 0.81 1.59 0.64 - 0.98
UEQ8 0.76 1.49 0.60 - 0.92
p<0.000000005), the score for the single item version
is significantly higher than for the full UEQ-S (two-
sample t-test assuming equal variances). In addition,
the strength of the significant influence was checked
using the effect size (Cohen’s d). The result was an ef-
fect size of d=0.59 for UEQ5 and d=0.61 for UEQ6,
so that a medium effect (>0.5, <0.8) was determined.
For the other items, the differences determined in the
same way are not statistically significant and no effect
could be shown.
Furthermore, the mean scale scores for the Prag-
matic Quality (PQ, items UEQ1-UEQ4), Hedonic
Quality (HQ, items UEQ5-UEQ8) and the overall
score (all items) are displayed in Figure 2 and in de-
tail shown in Table 4. Significant differences with a
strong effect were found for both the HQ dimension
(t=5.54, df=1769, p=0.000000034; Cohen’s d=1.80)
and the overall value (t=4.89, df=3888, p=0.000001;
Cohen’s d=3.17).
4.1.2 Consistency and Reliability
First, the consistency of the dimensions Pragmatic
Quality and Hedonic Quality is examined. For this
purpose, the correlation of the items UEQ1-UEQ4
(see Table 5) and UEQ5-UEQ8 (see Table 6) is exam-
Table 3: Means, standard deviations and confidence inter-
vals for the item scores of the single item version (number
of answers per item is shown in Table 1).
Item Mean St.Dev. Confidence Int.
UEQ1 2.28 1.17 2.08 - 2.49
UEQ2 2.36 1.31 2.16 - 2.56
UEQ3 2.32 1.10 2.14 - 2.50
UEQ4 2.12 1.15 2.01 - 2.39
UEQ5 1.76 1.14 1.53 - 1.98
UEQ6 2.23 1.06 2.03 - 2.43
UEQ7 0.97 1.70 0.64 - 1.30
UEQ8 0.81 1.90 0.42 - 1.20
Figure 2: Mean scale scores for the investigated web shop
measured with the full and single item UEQ-S version
(number of answers per item is shown in Table 1).
ined to ensure that they measure the same construct in
both the full and single item version.
It becomes clear that there is a high positive linear
correlation (>0.7) for both versions and that the items
of the dimension Pragmatic Quality have a high con-
sistency (>0.9).
There is also a high positive linear correlation
(>0.7) for the items that are assigned to Hedonic
Quality in both versions, so that a high consistency
of the dimension can also be seen here.
Furthermore, the item-by-item correlation is ana-
lyzed in the following in order to additionally deter-
mine the reliability, meaning whether the individually
surveyed items of the single version exhibit similar
behavior to the items connected to the full version.
This serves to verify the assertion that a change in
the rating of an item in the full version also means
a change of the rating of the corresponding single
displayed item. If, for example, item UEQ2 (com-
plicated/easy) is rated better in the full version after
future changes in the web shop, it can be assumed
that item UEQ2 will also be rated better in the single
item version and vice versa. With a high correlation
(>0.7), the items in both versions would therefore ex-
hibit similar behaviour.
As can be seen in Table 7, the items UEQ1-UEQ4
Impact of a Split into Single Items on the Response Rate of the User Experience Questionnaire Short (UEQ-S)
Table 4: Means, standard deviations and confidence inter-
vals for the scale scores (PQ, HQ and overall) of both ver-
sions (number of answers per item is shown in Table 1).
Scale (Full) Mean St.Dev. Confidence Int.
PQ 2.31 1.04 2.21 - 2.41
HQ 1.05 1.33 1.92 - 1.18
Overall 1.80 1.07 1.70 - 1.91
Scale (Single) Mean St.Dev. Confidence Int.
PQ 2.29 1.18 2.11 - 2.47
HQ 1.48 1.58 1.23 - 1.72
Overall 1.95 1.42 1.73 - 2.17
Table 5: Correlation coefficient of the items UEQ1-UEQ4
for the Pragmatic Quality of the full and single item version
(number of answers per item is shown in Table 1).
UEQ1 1
UEQ2 0.75 1
UEQ3 0.79 0.87 1
UEQ4 0.76 0.76 0.77 1
Single UEQ1 UEQ2 UEQ3 UEQ4
UEQ1 1
UEQ2 0.94 1
UEQ3 0.96 0.94 1
UEQ4 0.91 0.93 0.94 1
of the full and single item version, which belong to the
Pragmatic Quality dimension, all show a high posi-
tive linear correlation to each other, which confirms
the reliability of the behaviour of the four pragmatic
In contrast, the items UEQ4-UEQ8, which are
assigned to the dimension of Hedonic Quality, only
show a medium positive linear correlation.
4.2 Response Rate
To answer RQ2: How does a split into single items
impact the response rate?, the response rates (num-
ber of participants who submitted an answer divided
by the number of participants in the corresponding
version) for the single item version and the full UEQ-
S version are compared in the following.
Overall, we had 14,469 participants that reached
the checkout page during the period of the study. For
4,809 participants, the full UEQ-S was presented and
for 9,660, it was only a single item. The overall re-
sponse rate for the full UEQ-S version was 9% and
the response rate for the single item version was 10%.
There is a statistically significant dependency (Chi-
Square=7.21, df=1, p<0.0072) between the display
condition (single item versus full UEQ-S) and the
willingness to respond. The single item version in-
creased the response rate (two-sample T-test assum-
Table 6: Correlation coefficient of the items UEQ5-UEQ8
for the Hedonic Quality of the single and full version (num-
ber of answers per item is shown in Table 1).
UEQ1 1
UEQ2 0.79 1
UEQ3 0.75 0.69 1
UEQ4 0.74 0.66 0.83 1
Single UEQ1 UEQ2 UEQ3 UEQ4
UEQ1 1
UEQ2 0.88 1
UEQ3 0.94 0.88 1
UEQ4 0.93 0.89 0.96 1
Table 7: Correlation coefficient of the individual items of
the single item version compared to the items of the full
version (number of answers per item is shown in Table 1).
Item Correlation
UEQ1 0.64
UEQ2 0.77
UEQ3 0.78
UEQ4 0.76
UEQ5 0.43
UEQ6 0.55
UEQ7 0.39
UEQ8 0.45
ing unequal variances, t=2.75, df=10198, p=0.006).
Furthermore, the strength of the significant influ-
ence was checked using the effect size (Cohen’s d).
The result was an effect size of d=1.98, so that a
strong effect (>0.8) was proven.
Furthermore, the response rate in the single item
version differs between the 8 items (see Table 8).
Table 8: Mean overall and item-related (UEQ1-8, with
UEQ1-4 for assessing the pragmatic and UEQ5-8 the he-
donic quality) response rates for the full and single item
UEQ-S version (number of answers per item is shown in
Table 1).
Response Rate Full Single
Overall 9% 10%
UEQ1 8% 9%
UEQ2 8% 14%
UEQ3 8% 11%
UEQ4 8% 12%
UEQ5 7% 9%
UEQ6 7% 9%
UEQ7 7% 8%
UEQ8 7% 7%
The pragmatic items (items UEQ1-UEQ4)
showed higher response rates than hedonic items
(UEQ5-UEQ8). The mean response rate in the single
item version for pragmatic items was 12% and for
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
hedonic items 8%. There is a statistically significant
dependency between the UEQ-S subscale (PQ or HQ)
and the willingness to answer the item (Chi-Square
29.06, df=1, p<0,00000007). Pragmatic items have
a statistical significantly higher response rate than
hedonic items (two-sample T-test assuming unequal
variances, t=-55.24, df=550, p<1.3e-226). A strong
effect (d=1.99) was also calculated here.
Concerning the time required to create an answer
(time between showing the order confirmation screen
and clicking the submit button), there is also a dif-
ference between the two versions. The median time
required to answer was 21 seconds for the single item
version and 43 seconds for the full UEQ-S version.
The results are discussed in the following in order to
answer the research questions and provide recommen-
dations for action.
5.1 Differences in the Full and Single
Item Version
Statistical key figures were calculated in connection
with the first research question RQ1: Do the item
and scale scores collected over single item version
differ from the corresponding scores collected with
the full UEQ-S version?
It was found that the mean values of the full and
single item version do not differ with regard to the
four items UEQ1-UEQ4, which belong to the dimen-
sion Pragmatic Quality (see Section 4.1.1). Thus,
the users were satisfied with the pragmatic aspects
of their shopping experience in the web store, as the
mean values of >2 (scale from -3 to +3) were ob-
tained in both versions.
However, the situation is different for the hedo-
nic items. Here, significant differences with a strong
effect were found for the two items UEQ5 (bor-
ing/exciting) and UEQ6 (not interesting/interesting),
as the mean score for the single item version was
higher than for the full version. As a result of
these significant differences identified for the two
hedonic items, the mean rating of the dimension
Hedonic Quality and the overall rating of the full
and single item version also differed significantly
from each other. On the one hand, this can be ex-
plained by a context effect, since the answers to these
interpretation-free items are selected more carefully
in relation to other items, i.e., the answers to the hedo-
nic quality are selected more carefully in connection
with the other 6 items. Since the pragmatic items were
rated very positively, the hedonic items may be inten-
tionally rated lower in this context in order to illus-
trate a greater gap in the evaluation. Furthermore, the
lack of explanation of the items in the web shop query
can lead to a greater scope for subjective interpreta-
tion than, for example, for item UEQ7 (usual/leading
edge). It is therefore possible that a more detailed de-
scription of the single items in the query would have
led to different results, like it was done by Matthews
et al. (Matthews et al., 2022) (see Section 2.1) by de-
veloping new, more descriptive items in their single-
The statistical key figures on similar mean values
are additionally analyzed by the consistency and reli-
ability of the version comparison. This was necessary
to analyse the sensitivity of the individual constructs
(see Section 2.1). The identified high positive linear
correlation proves that the four items of the dimen-
sions Pragmatic Quality (UEQ1-UEQ4) as well as the
items of Hedonic Quality (UEQ5-UEQ8) show a high
correlation with each other in both versions and thus
a high consistency of the dimensions is given. Hence,
both the single and full versions measure the same di-
mensions even with the differently displayed items.
Furthermore, also a high positive correlation for
the individual items UEQ1-UEQ4 of the single and
full version was shown. Thus, it can be assumed that
the individual items of the Pragmatic Quality are in-
terpreted similarly by the participants, and that the
items measure the same construct. In contrast, the
items UEQ5-UEQ8 only show a medium correlation.
However, it was shown that these medium correla-
tions are again out of all 8 items only significant for
the two hedonic items UEQ5 (boring/exciting) and
UEQ6 (not interesting/interesting), which means that
there is a connection between the other 6 items. In
summary, a high reliability could be demonstrated for
the dimension Pragmatic Quality and a medium relia-
bility for the Hedonic Quality, but this is only relevant
for two items.
This shows differences between the context stud-
ied and related work. Cullivier et al. (Cuvillier
et al., 2021) examined single item formats in relation
to financial institution websites. The authors found
a slightly increased influence on the hedonic items,
which is the opposite in our case in the e-commerce
area and in relation to an online store.
Our research showed that both the full and sin-
gle item version measured very similar scores, and
that the consistency of the dimensions remains intact
when splitting the UEQ-S into single items. In the fu-
ture, however, it would be advisable to add more pre-
cise descriptions to the semantic differentials in order
to avoid possible differences due to room for interpre-
Impact of a Split into Single Items on the Response Rate of the User Experience Questionnaire Short (UEQ-S)
5.2 Influence on the Response Rate
In connection with the second research question
RQ2: How does a split into single items impact the
response rate?, we also investigated whether there
were differences in the response rates for the full and
single item version. It was found that the response
rate for the single item version was higher for each
item and increased by an average of 1% overall.
There were also differences in the increase in re-
sponse rates for the two dimensions. The response
rates for the pragmatic items rose from an average
of 8% to 12%. This effect can be explained by the
type of web shop surveyed, which supplies goods that
customers need for their work, which corresponds to
the target group of commercial customers (90%). In
this case, shopping is not a fun task, but above all
a pragmatic need. Therefore, the hedonic items do
not match the customers’ expectations as well as the
pragmatic ones, which is also reflected in the lower
increase in response rates from 7% to 8%.
These results confirmed the assumption that the
display of single items provides a significant increase
in the response rate compared to the full UEQ-S with
a strong effect. Thus, depending on the use case,
the use of single items can be recommended, es-
pecially with regard to the pragmatic items UEQ1-
UEQ4. However, although there is an increase, it is
very small. This would certainly be worthwhile for
longer questionnaires. However, with a questionnaire
as short as the UEQ-S, the split into single items is not
recommended, as the gain in information content by
using the only slightly longer questionnaire (on aver-
age 43 seconds for the Full UEQ-S instead of 21 sec-
onds for a single item) is greater than the time saved.
We were thus able to close the research gap and
examined the influence of the split into single items.
researchers and practitioners can use this approach as
a guide and the study can be transferred to other con-
texts, for example to examine other product categories
or end devices.
This article examines whether an increase in the re-
sponse rate can be achieved by splitting a UX ques-
tionnaire (UEQ-S) into individual items.
As it was shown, it is possible to show random-
ized original single items from the UEQ-S to the cus-
tomers to measure user experience in web shops with-
out a big negative impact on reliability and consis-
tency. Overall, the measures in this single item dis-
play did not differentiate much from the full UEQ-S
measurements. However, regarding the comparison
between Pragmatic and Hedonic Quality, there are
significant differences between the single item mea-
suring and the full UEQ-S, which can be explained by
context effects. In connection with well-rated prag-
matic items, the neighboring hedonic items may be
rated lower in order to create a differentiation than
with individually displayed items.
Furthermore, answering a single item takes about
half the time of the full eight-item survey, so maybe
the customer is forced to think longer about the solo
item, e.g., due to the missing context of the other
As the full and single item versions were there-
fore generally comparable, it was possible to analyse
the response rate. An increase in the response rate of
1% was identified for the single item version. Since
the UEQ-S is already compact with only eight items
in length, the reduction of the information content to
the single item version in ordinary web shops is there-
fore not recommendable. Instead, the willingness of
answering a small amount of items is almost as high
as answering a single question, but will provide more
differentiation on information to the research topic.
However, there might be scenarios where using
the randomized single item UEQ-S can be helpful.
Since a single item needs little space, this version can
be used in very limited screen sizes or even voice as-
sistant systems. Answering only one question instead
of eight may make a difference in accepting this kind
of customer survey in these cases. This could be in-
vestigated in future studies.
As limitation to this study can be seen that the
measurement took place after placing an order on the
checkout success page in the web shop. Therefore,
only customers that were able to navigate within the
shop, finding the right product and placing an order
in this shop (impact on results in Pragmatic Quality)
and had the trust into the shop to spend their money
were selected to participate in this study, what could
explain the overall good results. Furthermore, the an-
alyzed web shop has a distinct customer group as tar-
get audience. Due to the mainly B2B customers, there
could be differences between the rating by B2B and
B2C customers in relation to the UX qualities a web
shop must provide. Thus, the results of this study
can’t be generalized for web shops of all business
Like Matthews et al. (Matthews et al., 2022) did
for constructs in organizational psychology, a catalog
of consistency/reliability proven single item measures
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
in the field of user experience could be useful. The
UEQ+ would be a good base for this future work due
to its variable kit architecture, adopting to the most
use cases in measuring user experience.
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Figure 3: Order confirmation screen in the full UEQS ver-
Figure 4: Order confirmation screen in the single item ver-
Impact of a Split into Single Items on the Response Rate of the User Experience Questionnaire Short (UEQ-S)