Using Imitation Learning to Implement Control Orchestration for
Smart Chassis
Sarah Imene Khelil
, Bruno Monsuez
, Maud Geoffriault
and Anh Lam Do
Department of Computer and System Engineering (U2IS), ENSTA Paris,
Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France
Chassis Systems Department, Groupe Renault, Guyancourt, France
Keywords: Behavioral Cloning, Control Allocation, Imitation Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning,
Supervised Learning.
Abstract: Despite the advances in control allocation for over-actuated systems, the need for a comprehensive, optimized,
and safe solution remains ongoing. Traditional methods, though mature, struggle with the complexities of
coupled non-linear allocation and the need for extensive computational resources. Machine learning may
provide significant advantages through its generalization and adaptation capabilities, especially in scenarios
where linear approximations are employed to reduce computational burdens or when the effectiveness of
actuators is uncertain. Recent advances in imitation learning, particularly behavioral cloning, and deep
reinforcement learning have demonstrated promising results in addressing these challenges. This paper aims
to determine the potential of using machine learning in control orchestration for smart chassis to go beyond
allocation issues to include interaction management across systems, resource balance, and safety and
performance limits. We present a set of techniques that we believe are relevant to experiment to address
potential challenges like prediction and complexity for control allocation in smart chassis systems, which will
be tested in the upcoming articles.
Chassis system design prioritizes safety, stability, and
performance. Initially, these systems aimed to
enhance individual vehicle parameters by utilizing
longitudinal tire forces for longitudinal control and
lateral tire forces for lateral control. Over time, more
sophisticated methods emerged, such as differential
steering between the right and left tires for
longitudinal control and differential acceleration
between the front and rear tires for lateral control,
electronic stability programs and torque vectoring are
examples of such techniques. The integration of
multiple subsystems that are critical for reinforcing
safety, and that drive the same physical quantity in
over-actuated vehicles raises the problem of how to
orchestrate those subsystems without degrading
neither the dynamic safety nor the vehicle
Traditionally, rule-based strategies based on
expert knowledge of vehicle dynamics are employed
to address these issues, under what we call the
downstream approach. Unlike traditional approaches,
optimization-based control allocation methods ensure
stability while leveraging the unique strengths of each
system, promising better performance and reliability
across diverse driving conditions (Kissai, 2019). We
call this the upstream approach.
Integrated Chassis Control (ICC) (Skrickij, Kojis,
Šabanovič, Shyrokau, & Ivanov, 2024) depends on
the upstream approach playing an important role in
harmonizing these active sub-systems to optimize
vehicle dynamics, safety, comfort, and energy based
on current conditions and actuator limitations.
Orchestration goes beyond that by managing the
coordination, and planning of subsystems over longer
timeframes, considering strategic goals and future
The two terms will be used interchangeably as the
current state-of-the-art swings between the two terms.
Going back to ICC, it follows a modular strategy
for orchestration as it separates the tracking aspect of
control from the distribution perspective. As
illustrated in Figure 1, the high-level control specifies
the desired control. A control allocator distributes this
effort among various actuators to produce the desired
Khelil, S., Moonsuez, B., Geoffriault, M. and Do, A.
Using Imitation Learning to Implement Control Orchestration for Smart Chassis.
DOI: 10.5220/0013049300003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 1, pages 462-471
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Control system structure including control allocation (Johansen & Fossen, 2013).
effect while optimizing for additional objectives such
as minimizing energy consumption (multi-objective
Currently, researchers assume a linear
relationship between actuator actions and resulting
control outcomes to use computationally efficient
algorithms such as daisy chaining, redistributed
pseudo-inverse or cascaded generalized inverse, and
methods based on linear programming and quadratic
programming for control allocation (CA) (Johansen
& Fossen, 2013). However, the CA problem in cars is
inherently coupled and nonlinear suffering from
discontinuities as the system behavior changes
according to the changes in the environment and
changes in the system itself. The dependencies
between the vehicle states make the study even more
As the objective is to have a control orchestration
that predicts the saturation of the actuators by taking
into account their dynamics while keeping track of
the change in the environment and behaving
accordingly, preview capabilities are of a big interest
to such a problem.
Predictive nonlinear control allocation is
challenging necessitating significant onboard
computational power and accurate models of the
effectiveness function to find the optimal actuator
combination. Here comes machine learning (ML)
offering solutions to optimization and generalization
needs. Depending on the neural nets used in the
generation of the cloner, this latter can be enhanced
by predicting future states and behaviors based on
past data if such neural nets have a memory (e.g. long
short-term memories). It captures complex,
nonlinear, and time-varying vehicle dynamics and
accounts for uncertainty and variability in real-world
driving conditions, improving reliability. Also, ML
personalizes control strategies to individual driver
behavior and preferences.
The use of a cloner causes big challenges as the
same level of performance and the same quality of
results should be ensured while addressing the big
problem of the computational burden of the already
existing solutions. A comparative study should be
carried out during the development phase.
Recent advances in imitation learning and deep
reinforcement learning show promising capabilities
that may be used in CA formulation. Recent work by
Khan, Mobeen, Rajput, and Riaz (2024) explored the
use of a neural network (NN) in CA to account for the
nonlinear CA problem formulation and compared it
to quadratic programming (QP) allocation. The two
approaches have similar performance with reduced
run time for the proposed scheme of ANN-based
control allocator. From another part, the optimization
problem has been studied by Skulstad, Li, Fossen, and
Zhang (2023) who proposed a deep learning
technique for the problem of dynamic positioning in
marine vessels. The study used behavioral cloning to
capture the intricate relationships between control
inputs and system responses. The solution was as
performant as a sequential QP-based CA however the
constraints were violated leading to another research
by the same authors comprising the addition of a
costume NN layer to enforce hard constraints
(Raghunathan, Skulstad, Li, & Zhang, 2023). Wu and
Litt (2023) explored the use of deep reinforcement
learning (RL) for controlling an aircraft equipped
with distributed electric propulsion (DEP). The
research demonstrates that RL can efficiently manage
the allocation of thrust among multiple electric
engines, achieving stable flight even under conditions
of actuator failure without a knowledge of the
efficiency matrix of the CA.
Through this article, we aim to highlight the
potential of utilizing machine learning in control
allocation, especially for coupled non-linear
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces the CA problem formulation for a simple
chassis problem. Section 3 presents the existing
learning techniques of CA. The study conducted by
the state of the art is demonstrated through the
methodologies and results in section 4. In section 5, a
simple automotive-related example is presented. It is
followed by concluding remarks in section 6.
Using Imitation Learning to Implement Control Orchestration for Smart Chassis
Nothing is better than introducing a problem through
an example like controlling yaw rate for better
steering and stability. Active Front Steering (AFS)
and Active Rear Steering (ARS) have been proposed
as lateral methods that can directly affect the
parameter in question. However, physics laws proved
the possibility of using braking-based systems to
generate yaw moments, which gives rise to the
problem of managing both longitudinal, through the
Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC) system, and
lateral, through ARS, controls to achieve the desired
behavior. Such a system is called an over-actuated
system, and the CA aims here to find the optimal
combination of the actuator distribution to achieve the
desired behavior.
As has been presented by Kissai (2019) the
upstream CA approach generates more realistic
commands as it takes into account the tire dynamic
couplings and constraints.
Figure 2: Structure of the upstream coordination approach
(Kissai, 2019).
We want to control the yaw rate rate ψ
using the
forces generated by the existing actuators. To
synthesize this control allocator we take the yaw
moment 𝑀
generated as a high-level command,
the following equation should be considered:
𝑑: vehicle’s track,
: distance between the axle k and the
vehicle’s center of gravity, where k
designates the front or the rear,
: overall lateral force at the axle k,
: longitudinal force of each tire, where j
designates left or right,
: initial steering angle before the
application of the tire force.
Illustrated in Figure 1, the control system
structure prominently features control allocation.
CA of over-actuated systems functions through
three distinct stages:
2.1 High-Level Control
This initial stage involves generating virtual control
commands 𝜏
, without necessitating detailed actuator
information, relying on a simplified linear model.
𝑥 =𝑓
𝜏 (2)
are functions,
is the state vector,
𝑡 is time,
𝜏 𝑅
is the virtual input vector.
Let us take ψ
as the high-level controlled state 𝑥
and 𝑀
as the virtual command, from the global
vehicle model, we get:
: inertia moment,
𝑠: Laplace operator.
2.2 Control Allocation
Following high-level control, this stage coordinates
various effectors, accounting for input constraints and
fault tolerance, and maps the vector of virtual input
forces and moments 𝜏
into individual effector forces
or moments 𝜏.
𝜏 =(𝑢,𝑥,𝑡) (4)
is a function,
𝑢 ∈ 𝑈 𝑅
is the control input, with 𝑈
representing control constraints due to
saturation and other physical constraints.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 3: The reinforcement and imitation learning paradigms (Davila Delgado & Oyedele, 2022).
Commonly, effector models are linear in 𝑢:
𝜏 =
𝑢 (5)
By taking the forces generated by the existing
actuators as 𝑢and 𝑀
as the virtual command, we get
the following effectiveness matrix:
𝐵 = [𝑙
Clearly, by looking at the effectiveness matrix,
there is
a nonlinear relationship between the CA in-
out pair as
depends on the forces and vice-versa
through the tire model.
The model can be complexified more by
including the actuators’ dynamics and delays.
2.3 Low-Level Control
This stage focuses on controlling each effector via its
Control allocation computes a control input 𝑢
that ensures 𝜏
=(𝑢,𝑥,𝑡) at all times 𝑡.
If a feasible 𝑢 cannot be found, the control
allocation searches for a control input that minimizes
the allocation error 𝜏
−𝜏) (7)
Incorporated within this process are actuator
rate and position limits to ensure stability and
As presented through the example, the CA problem in
cars is inherently nonlinear and coupled. This
behavior can be made more complex as the system
behavior changes according to the changes in the
environment (preferred actuators depending on the
grip) and changes in the system itself (change in the
number of the actuators) making it suffer from
discontinuities. To achieve effective control
orchestration that predicts actuator saturation while
accounting for their dynamics and adapting to
environmental changes, preview capabilities are
essential. This task demands substantial onboard
computational power and precise models of actuator
effectiveness to find the optimal combination.
Machine learning (ML) provides powerful solutions
to these optimization and generalization challenges.
By predicting future states and behaviors from
past data, ML can handle complex, nonlinear, and
time-varying vehicle dynamics. It improves
reliability by addressing uncertainty and variability in
real-world driving conditions. Furthermore, ML can
tailor control strategies to match individual driver
behaviors and preferences.
Depending on the expert used for the learning, we
can distinguish two existing approaches of learning in
control allocation, as illustrated in Figure 3.
3.1 Learning of a Non-Existing Control
Allocator Using Deep
Reinforcement Learning
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) combines
reinforcement learning (RL) and deep learning (DL)
to enable learning expert behavior.
3.1.1 Reinforcement Learning
It is a mapping between states and actions with the
goal of maximizing a reward function.
In short the learning is achieved through
environment exploitation.
Using Imitation Learning to Implement Control Orchestration for Smart Chassis
Figure 4: Main differences between RL and DRL (Davila Delgado & Oyedele, 2022).
It is constructed from (Manuel Davila Delgado &
Oyedele, 2022):
Agents, Environments, Actions, and States: An
agent observes the state 𝒔
of the environment then
takes actions 𝒂
and receives feedback on the
outcome of the choices made.
Rewards: A scalar that indicates the level of success
to reach the goal every time the agent takes an action.
Value Function: The 𝑸 value of a state is the total
reward that an agent can expect in the future starting
from that given state. Rewards determine immediate
success, while value 𝑸 indicates long-term
accumulated success.
Policy: The policy 𝝅 is a state-action mapping
that maximizes the reward:
(𝑎) = max
3.1.2 Deep Learning
It defines the use of a neural network with a large
number of hidden layers.
In DRL, deep neural networks are used to
discover state-action mappings instead of a relational
table known as a Q-table to map states to actions
(Manuel Davila Delgado & Oyedele, 2022).
It can be categorized into model-based and model-
free approaches:
Model-Based Methods: These methods involve
learning a model of the environment and using it to
plan actions.
Model-Free Methods: These methods learn
policies directly from interactions with the
environment without explicitly modeling them.
DRL presents one of the most needed features as
it can generalize from specific training examples to
unseen situations, given sufficient data diversity
during training.
However, as opposed to imitation learning, as there
is no expert the DRL algorithms typically require a
large number of interactions with the environment to
learn effective policies, leading to high computational
costs. Designing appropriate reward functions can be
complex and task-specific, and the exploration-
exploitation trade-off presents a big limitation often
leading to suboptimal exploration strategies (Zare,
Kebria, Khosravi, & Nahavandi, 2023).
3.2 Learning of an Existing Control
Allocator Through Supervised
We call the use of supervised learning, Table 1, to
clone the behavior of an expert imitation learning
IL aims at mimicking an agent that is considered
to perform well in a particular task. This is essentially
learning to map observations to actions.
Imitation learning is useful in fields like
autonomous vehicles, robotics, and other industries
where large sensory data of expert demonstrations are
available (Dey, Marzullo, Zhang, & Henze, 2023).
Such an approach is used whenever a well-
developed expert, in our case a CA, exists and needs
to be replaced because of its optimization burden, and
complex relation formulation between the in-out pairs
(coupling between in-out pairs, non-linearity for
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 1: Types of machine learning approaches (Manuel
Davila Delgado & Oyedele, 2022).
Type Supervised
data: (x, y)
x is data, y
is the
Data: (
is state, a
function to
x y
Learn an
structure to
future reward
over many time
steps through
interaction with
the environment
or with an
IL can be classified into:
3.2.1 Behavioral Cloning (BC)
It is a mapping of states 𝒔
to actions 𝒂
as shown
) (9)
The policy π can be learned by a supervised
learning method from a dataset of pairs 𝐷 =
The neural network mimics the expert behavior
by learning state-action pairs.
3.2.2 Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL)
In inverse reinforcement learning the reward function
is unknown and this needs to be recovered from the
existing expert demonstration.
The neural network infers the underlying reward
function (positive reward when the error between the
setpoint and the output of the system gets smaller)
from the expert demonstrations and then uses RL to
learn the optimal policy.
In these approaches the objective is to learn the
reward function –instead of the policy– directly from
an expert’s trajectory, and then find the optimal
policy using an RL approach (Manuel Davila
Delgado & Oyedele, 2022).
The Table 2 summarizes the main advantages and
disadvantages of the two principal IL approaches.
3.2.3 Adversarial Imitation Learning (AIL)
This approach involves training a policy (generator)
and a discriminator in an adversarial setup, where the
discriminator learns to distinguish between the
agent’s actions and the expert’s actions, while the
policy learns to fool the discriminator by producing
actions that are indistinguishable from those of the
expert, as illustrated in Figure 5:
Table 2: Benefits and disadvantages of imitation learning
approaches (Manuel Davila Delgado & Oyedele, 2022).
Type Benefits Disadvantages
-Effective for
small state spaces.
almost total
coverage of
the state
nt Learning
-No need to
specify reward
-Robust against
changes in the
Very high
costs for
small state and
action spaces.
Figure 5: Graphical illustration of the working principle of
adversarial imitation learning (Latif et al., 2021).
Illustrated in Figure 6, are the imitation learning
In short, using adversarial training, the generator
(policy network) improves its ability to produce
expert-like actions, thereby learning the mapping
between states and actions effectively.
Clearly, imitation learning requires fewer
interactions with the environment as it has pre-
collected expert data. In IRL, the reward functions are
learned from expert demonstrations.
However, such an approach suffers from the need
for a collection of diverse and large-scale
demonstrations, in our case the in-out pairs of CA in
different scenarios. So, performance heavily depends
on the quality and diversity of the provided
Using Imitation Learning to Implement Control Orchestration for Smart Chassis
Figure 6: Classification of imitation learning (Hua, Zeng, Li, & Ju, 2021).
3.3 Learning of a Control Allocator
Using Transfer Learning
Transfer Learning (TL) involves transferring
knowledge gained from one task to improve learning
in another related task, this can be achieved by
transferring models or policies learned.
Such an approach is so efficient as it reduces the
data and the training time by providing pre-trained
models or knowledge from related tasks.
However, transferred models may perform poorly
if the source and target domains differ significantly.
While each learning paradigm has its strengths,
they also come with significant challenges.
Combining these approaches (e.g., applying transfer
learning to adapt DRL policies to new tasks) can
leverage their advantages while mitigating individual
limitations. As an example, BC can be used to mimic
the existing CA, and DRL can be used to achieve a
generalization of the behavior of the cloner through
The choice of the technique will depend on the
needs and the suitability of whether the expert exists
or not and the quality of the data used in the learning,
Table 3.
Concerning the work that has been conducted in
learning CA, researchers used BC and DRL till now.
Recent work by Khan, Mobeen, Rajput, and Riaz
(2024), explored the use of an ANN in CA to account
for the nonlinear CA problem formulation and
compared it to quadratic programming (QP)
allocation. They tested the two approaches on an
aircraft equipped with redundant control effectors.
The two approaches showed similar performance with
reduced run time for the proposed scheme of ANN-
based control allocator.
Table 3: Comparison of Learning Types: Imitation
Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, and Transfer
Type Pros Cons
-Facilitates rapid skill
-Effective in
-Limited to
-Challenges in
dealing with
-Suitable for
complex, dynamic
computation and
training time.
-Prone to
instability and
-Leverages pre-
existing knowledge
for new tasks.
-Reduces data
requirements for
depends on
The optimization problem has been studied by
Skulstad, Li, Fossen, and Zhang (2023) in their article
“Constrained control allocation for dynamic ship
positioning using deep neural network” where they
proposed a deep Learning Technique for the problem
of dynamic positioning in marine vessels and trained
to perform low-speed maneuvering and
stationkeeping in a simulated environment. The study
used behavioral cloning to capture the intricate
relationships between control inputs and CA output.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Using custom loss functions, the network ensures
motion objectives and thruster constraints are met.
The solution was as performant as an SQP-based CA
however the constraints were violated leading to
another research by the same authors comprising the
addition of a costume NN layer to enforce hard
constraints (Raghunathan, Skulstad, Li, & Zhang,
2023). The layers use a specific activation function
that inherently respects the constraints.
Wu and Litt (2023) explored the use of deep
reinforcement learning (RL) for controlling an
aircraft equipped with tributed electric propulsion
(DEP) in their article Reinforcement Learning
Approach to Flight Control Allocation With
Distributed Electric Propulsion”. The research
demonstrates that RL can efficiently manage the
allocation of thrust among multiple electric engines,
achieving stable flight even under conditions of
actuator failure without a knowledge of the efficiency
matrix of the CA.
As with any data-based approach, the learning-
based CA goes through the following steps:
4.1 Data Collection and Preprocessing
All studies emphasize the importance of
comprehensive data collection and preprocessing.
The state of art precised clearly the relationship
between the quality of the data processed and the
generalization capability of the resulting CA.
For the BC, neither change in the number of
actuators nor failure scenarios were considered in the
data collection (Skulstad, Li, Fossen, & Zhang,
2023), (Khan, Mobeen, Rajput, & Riaz, 2024). For
the DRL case, coordinated turns and one-wing fan
failure were taken into the data collection scenarios
and tested afterward.
4.2 Model Design and Training
From the previously presented learning methods, only
two approaches have been used in the state of the art:
4.2.1 Behavioral Cloning
This approach has been used because a well-working
CA already exists.
The neural network models for BC contained
multiple layers to capture complex nonlinear
relationships between in-out pairs. Recurrent neural
nets have been used to facilitate constraining rates
(Zare, Kebria, Khosravi, & Nahavandi, 2023).
Specific attention was given to preventing overfitting
through techniques such as dropout and
Constraints were taken into account in the
development of the NN by introducing them as
penalties in the loss function, or by clipping the
outputs violating the constraints.
Multi-objective optimization was also taken into
account to achieve secondary objectives such as
minimizing power consumption and maximizing
comfort. A deep autoencoder network was used to lay
a hand on both the tracking and the allocation
capabilities of the NN.
A small study on the change of the parameters of
the neural network has been done to show the effect
of the number of layers and their dimensions on the
convergence of the output.
4.2.2 Deep Reinforcement Learning
The DRL has been used because no CA was
developed for such a system. The DRL agent was
trained by interacting with the system model in a
high-fidelity simulation.
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) was used
with a reward function designed to encourage the
minimization of the tracking error.
4.3 Results
The integration of deep learning and reinforcement
learning into control allocation systems offers
significant advantages as it leverages better handling
of complexities and non-linearities plus an adaption
to actuator failures if covered in the training phase.
The reviewed studies collectively demonstrate
that learning-based control allocation methods reach
similar performances to traditional approaches in
terms of allocation and better performances in terms
of multi-objective optimization.
Comparing the execution time of both approaches
doesn’t seem to give a collective answer about the
real-time performance of the two approaches.
As all the blocks are presented, there is nothing left
but to assemble them.
Let’s retake the same example used by Kissai,
Monsuez, Mouton, Martinez, and Tapus (2019);
control of the yaw rate ψ
using the forces generated
by the existing actuators (VDC and ARS).
Using Imitation Learning to Implement Control Orchestration for Smart Chassis
The relationship between the yaw moment 𝑀
the different longitudinal and lateral forces were
shown in (1). The non-linearities and coupling are
clearly seen in the equation. What if forces in the Z-
direction are considered, or a different set of actuators
is used, or a change in the vehicle parameters (e.g.:
mass) or the environment parameters happens, or
prediction needs for a more comfortable ride are
desired? Such needs clearly cause coupled, highly
changing control allocation formulations.
Here comes machine learning (ML) in solving
optimization and generalization concerns. Add the
fact that if the neural nets have memory capabilities
like long short-term memory (LSTM), then predicting
future states and behaviors based on past data can be
possible. Complicated nonlinear and time-varying
vehicle dynamics can be considered, under significant
uncertainty and variability in real-life driving
conditions, providing better reliability. ML also has
the ability to personalize control strategies to the
As with any ML problem, the following steps
should be followed:
Data collection: As the driving environment is
so dynamic and restrictive, these limitations
can oppose with the big performance and
comfort expectations. High safety and
adaptability should be guaranteed. So,
extensive driving data should be gathered for
the training of the NN model under various
conditions, including sensor readings, actuator
inputs, and responses.
Model training: The NN should be trained to
produce the optimal output by taking into
consideration all the constraints and objectives
of the developer.
Integration: The trained ML models should be
embedded into the CA algorithm with the
high-level controller and the actuator.
Allocation and tracking performance should
be checked. For the RL implementation, the
ML model continuously learns by the
interaction with the environment.
Testing and validation: A detailed comparison
with hopefully an already developed CA
should be made.
5.1 Reinforcement Learning for
Control Allocation
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is used when the
efficiency matrix is uncertain. This can be the case
with complex dynamics of the system studied. Here,
the solution would be learned from the interaction
with the environment.
Define the environment: The hardest part is
the choice of a suitable reward function.
Depending on the objectives, reward can
include factors like maintaining vehicle
stability, minimizing tire slip, and ensuring
passenger comfort.
Model design: An RL algorithm should be
selected to learn the optimal control policy.
Model training: The RL agent interacts with
the simulated environment, learning to
optimize control actions based on rewards.
Model deployment: The trained RL model is
deployed in the vehicle’s control system,
continuously refining its strategy based on
real-time data.
5.2 Behavioral Cloning for Control
This Behavioral Cloning (BC) can effectively learn
and replicate the control strategies of an already-
developed expert CA.
The main steps that should be followed are:
Define the environment: As opposed to the
plants used in the current state-of-the-art, the
driving environment is so dynamic pushing
the car to its functional limits more often. So,
we should ensure that the data capture a wide
range of driving scenarios to train a robust
Data Collection and Preparation: Driving data
should be collected from the advanced CA
systems: Inputs: CA input (yaw rate in our
case), system and environment specification
(vehicle speed, vehicle mass, steering
angle...); Outputs: CA output (longitudinal
and lateral forces in our case).
Model design and training: A neural network
model with appropriate layers and neurons
should be chosen. A great importance should
be given to the type of the NNs used as it
highly depends on the nature of the expert.
Then, the model should be trained using the
dataset, to minimize the error between the
predicted and actual control actions. Multi-
objective optimization can be achieved by
integrating other objectives like energy
optimization in the neural network loss
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Model deployment: The model is then
implemented in the vehicle’s onboard
computer to ensure real-time execution for
predicting control actions based on current
sensor inputs.
For transfer learning (TL), the idea of combining
BC and RL seems relevant. As an example, BC can
be used to mimic the existing CA, and DRL can be
used to achieve a generalization of the behavior of the
cloner through TL to introduce adaptability.
However, a study of the limitations of BC should be
conducted to justify the use of TL as the automotive
field is so restrictive in terms of computational power.
In this paper, three learning approaches to implement
control allocation have been introduced. Control
orchestration needs for chassis systems have been
presented and the limitations of optimization-based
coordination have been discussed. The main results
obtained from the state of the art present a big
motivation to satisfy our needs in terms of
generalization, prediction, and fidelity.
The coming work will concern an in-depth
discussion of the main missing points and doubts that
have to be revisited in our future studies relating to
imitation learning in general, and learning of CA
more specifically. The example taken in this article
will be used to see the reliability of imitation learning
in CA problems.
Vries, P., & Van Kampen, E.-J. (2019). Reinforcement
learning-based control allocation for the innovative
control effectors aircraft. In Proceedings of the AIAA
Scitech 2019 Forum.
Raghunathan, R. N., Skulstad, R., Li, G., & Zhang, H.
(2023). Design of constraints for a neural network
based thrust allocator for dynamic ship positioning. In
IECON 2023 - 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 1–6).
Khan, H. Z. I., Mobeen, S., Rajput, J., & Riaz, J. (2024).
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Using Imitation Learning to Implement Control Orchestration for Smart Chassis