Developing an Artificial Intelligence Model to Enhance the Emotional
Intelligence of Motor Vehicle Drivers for Safer Roads
Ana Todorova
, Irina Kostadinova
and Svetlana Stefanova
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, 8 Studentska Street, Ruse, Bulgaria
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Training, Safety Roads.
Abstract: Traffic accidents and risky driving behaviour are among the deadliest problems worldwide. This statement
becomes an undeniable fact, thanks to the grim statistics of the World Health Organization, according to
which more than 1 million people die on the roads every year. Road accidents are also among the leading
causes of death among children and young people aged 5 to 29. Against this background, a number of studies
look for a link between the emotional intelligence of motor vehicle drivers and the potential prevention of
risky driving. Building on the scientific knowledge generated up to this point, the present study suggests a
prototype of an AI-based model that aims, through ongoing assessment and subsequent training, to enhance
the emotional intelligence of both future and current motor vehicle drivers who are prone to risky behaviour
on the road. Through simulated scenarios in a virtual environment, the model aims to improve the ability of
drivers to recognise and manage their own and other people's emotions and to react adequately to different
situations on the road. The expectation is that the model will reduce the manifestations of aggression and
intolerance on the road and ultimately lead to safer roads.
Risky driving is a recognised factor in road traffic
accidents. Driving behaviour significantly influences
the occurrence of traffic accidents and fatalities.
Intentional dangerous behaviours, such as exceeding
speed limits or driving under the influence of
substances, are among the predominant contributing
reasons for traffic accidents. It is estimated that
between 90% and 95% of traffic accidents worldwide
are the result of human error (Aniah, 2021; Ahmed et
al., 2022). Given the serious and often fatal outcomes
associated with risky driving practices, certain
behaviours can seem confusing when viewed from a
rational perspective. In this context, theories of risky
decision-making emphasise the influence of emotions
on an individual's actions in dangerous situations
(Megías-Robles et al., 2022).
Emotionally agitated drivers may approach
hazards with impaired attention and thus
unintentionally or not engage in reckless driving.
Therefore, the tools by which drivers can exercise
control over their own emotions and thus prevent
risky driving are vital to getting drivers safely from
point A to point B. Emotional control over oneself, as
well as over others, is imperative in driving situations
(Ahmed et al., 2022).
According to Megías-Robles et al. (2022), the
driver's emotional state is a critical factor in
explaining risk-taking propensity. The authors also
claim that an adequate ability to perceive, understand,
and manage emotions would allow drivers to have
better control over their emotional condition and their
perception of other road traffic participants. As a
result, it would help to reduce participation in risky
behaviours and the number of road accidents.
The relationship between emotional intelligence
(EI) and driving behaviour is the subject of increasing
interest in the aspect of risky and aggressive driving
behaviour, especially in the context of young drivers
(Aniah, 2021). Drivers' emotions have been found to
be among the main factors contributing to dangerous
driving behaviour. Emotions can be measured,
understood and regulated most effectively through EI.
Todorova, A., Kostadinova, I. and Stefanova, S.
Developing an Artificial Intelligence Model to Enhance the Emotional Intelligence of Motor Vehicle Drivers for Safer Roads.
DOI: 10.5220/0013051400003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 339-346
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
To varying degrees, large-scale studies have
confirmed the link between EI and dangerous driving
behaviour (Ahmed et al., 2022). Emotion affects
drivers due to its influence on the degree of self-
control, thus also affecting the driving method
(Aniah, 2021). A 2019 study also found that people
who drive every day have poor EI, which hinders safe
driving. The study suggests that training drivers in
emotional regulation can contribute to safer roads
(Parameswaran and Balasubramanian, 2020).
Taking into account the studies already carried out
on the subject, the present study aims to develop an
algorithm that will help develop the EI of vehicle
drivers. The report is structured as follows: 1)
Literature review of studies looking for a link
between EI and driving; 2) Presentation of the
research methodology; 3) Presentation of the
developed model for evaluating and increasing EI; 4)
At the end of 2023, the World Health Organization
announced that around 1.19 million people die
worldwide due to road traffic accidents annually.
Road traffic accidents alone are the leading cause of
death for children and young people between 5 and
29 years of age (WHO, 2023).
Similarly, in the United States, the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that in
2018, more than 2.7 million people were injured, and
36,096 people died in motor vehicle crashes. The data
are frightening and show beyond doubt that it is
imperative to identify the factors contributing to road
accidents and to take measures to reduce them. Such
factors may include vehicle defects and
environmental obstructions, i.e. road and weather
conditions, but dangerous driving behaviour also
emerges as a significant factor. The latter is defined
as any inappropriate driver activity that increases road
hazards and the likelihood of a vehicle crash (Ahmed
et al., 2022).
At the same time, drivers engage in dangerous
driving for a variety of reasons, including fatigue,
distraction, and driving under the influence of alcohol
or drugs. A number of psychological factors, such as
personality traits and emotions, have also been found
to contribute to dangerous driving behaviour (Owsley
et al., 2003). Research has alerted to the fact that
drivers' emotions can particularly strongly influence
their destructive driving behaviour. Previous research
has also emphasised the correlation between different
emotions (e.g., feelings of frustration, anger, and
sadness) and aggressive driving (Ahmed et al., 2022).
According to Aniah (2021), physiological and
psychological variables such as gender, experience,
age, and emotions inevitably influence the behaviour
of drivers. The author defines driving as a
psychomotor ability because it consists of body
movement and a cognitive task. This ability can take
many forms, but the technique a driver uses depends
on their personality and behavioural profile.
In a broad sense, EI is a construct that
encompasses all of a person's emotional abilities. In
this regard, a number of studies have sought and
found a relationship between EI and risky driving
behaviour (Ahmed et al., 2022). The results are of
varying degrees of certainty due to the existence of
different approaches to EI in the literature. The self-
report ability model understands EI as a mental ability
and focuses on the emotional skills included in a
conceptualisation of EI. It uses self-report measures
to assess these abilities. The performance-based
ability model also views EI as a set of emotion-related
abilities but assesses them using performance-based
tests. Finally, the mixed model conceptualises EI as a
broad construct combining both emotion-related
skills and personality factors that are evaluated
through self-report instruments (Megías-Robles et
al., 2022).
The primary motivation to look for a link between
EI and driving is that it is the driving style of many
drivers that is responsible for the significant number
of accidents that occur (Aniah, 2021). The results of
a study by Megías-Robles et al. (2022) found that
higher self-reported EI, especially the ability to
regulate emotions, was associated with a lower
propensity for risky driving. According to the authors,
emotion regulation and evaluation of the emotions of
others are EI abilities that may predict the number of
potential accidents. EI, which is explained as a
person's ability to recognise, identify, use, express, as
well as regulate their own and others' emotions, has
been empirically proven to influence driving
behaviour (Aniah, 2021).
Such a conclusion is hardly surprising to anyone.
Emotions are a fundamental part of human behaviour
they guide an individual's attention, memory,
motivation, and even decision-making process. In
risky contexts, however, emotions are essential, given
the time (momentary) pressure and substantial
emotional consequences these situations often
involve. The integration of emotional factors in the
processing of risky behaviour has also been
demonstrated at the neural level, including in the
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
context of driving (Hernandez et al., 2014). Driving
is an activity in which emotions often arise traffic
jams, accidents, risky traffic participants, etc. all
these situations can cause fear, as well as retaliatory
aggression, intolerance, and dangerous behaviour. In
many cases, these emotions underlie human
behaviour, but their consequences in risky driving are
particularly significant (Megías-Robles et al., 2022).
There is no doubt that emotion can arise at any
particular moment while driving and can have a
different emotional impact on the driver's behaviour.
Therefore, various emotional states can affect driving
differently because people differ in how they react to
situations. This makes emotional control of self and
others imperative in driving conditions (Owsley et al.,
Aniah (2021) opined that driving behaviour is
usually a pattern chosen by the driver himself.
Therefore, it is argued that the specific style and skills
that a motor vehicle driver applies at a given place
and time are strongly influenced by his emotions and
the relationship between stimulus and response. The
link between stimulus and response, or rather the
bridge between them, represents the individual's EI.
The above gives reason to generalise that drivers
with reported higher EI scores engage in less
dangerous driving, which is reflected in fewer crashes
and fatalities. Therefore, as reported by Ahmed et al.
(2022), promoting and improving EI can be helpful in
preventing risky driving among non-professional
drivers. Incorporating EI training into driver training,
on-the-job training, and licensing procedures can help
develop safer drivers.
The problem with this type of evaluation of EI and
training is the human factor, i.e. the private interest or
the subjective opinion of the trainer, which can be a
prerequisite for intentional or unintentional mistakes
and corrupt practices in such an essential field as road
safety. With the help of large language models and
the incorporation of AI during the learning stage of
driving for young adults, it can be very beneficial for
them to be assessed and trained based on their EI.
Their behaviour can be evaluated and then compared
to “ideal” behaviour, which can help them nip the
negative traits in the beginning stages before passing
their driving test and becoming experienced drivers.
Such negative behaviour is challenging to be
subjected to change, if not impossible, after years and
years of driving experience.
That motivated the authors of the present study to
develop a prototype model based on AI that would
balance, without removing, the human factor and
minimise the associated risks. In addition, a central
place in the developing AI model is precisely the
emotions and, more specifically, the ability of the
individual to recognise (empathy) and regulate
(self/control) both his own and others' emotions. The
key thing about these two elements is that, although
worded differently, they are involved in the different
models of EI, which makes them generalisable to the
EI personality.
The methodology of the study includes three main
stages: 1) Literature review (introduced in the section
"Theoretical background"), 2) Determination of
assessing variables (described in the section
"Methodology", and 3) Explanation of the
construction of the developing AI model (described
and analysed in "Results" and "Discussion" sections):
elements selection, model structure, action algorithm,
process analysis.
Based on the theoretical analysis, the research
methodology introduces three basic variables, which,
with the help of information and communication
technologies (ICT) and human control, will be
prioritised for research, analysis and improvement:
emotion regulation or self-control (x), emotion
recognition (in others and self) or empathy (y), and
evaluation of the EI as a construct (z).
The measurement and evaluation of variable z
will follow one of the three schools of EI: cognitive
ability, personality trait, or mixed model. The choice
is yet to be refined and validated. Based on the
selected overall construct, additional variables will
be introduced, such as self-knowledge or social skills
(elements of the mixed EI model).
The need to introduce baseline variables in the
first place is justified by existing research on the
subject of the relationship between the baseline
variables specified and the driving pattern applied by
the individual. Implementation of additional variables
will look for underestimated or so far neglected
correlations between EI components and driving
behaviour. At this stage, these variables are not built
into the model and its algorithm.
The developed AI model is tied to risky driving,
which is why the algorithm will look for correlations
between the basic and potential additional variables
introduced so far and the characteristics of the motor
vehicle driver identified in the background literature,
influencing the genetic driving style. These key
variables are: aggression (a), intolerance (b), and
risk-taking (c).
An interdisciplinary team of Bulgarian university
scientists with expertise in management, risk
Developing an Artificial Intelligence Model to Enhance the Emotional Intelligence of Motor Vehicle Drivers for Safer Roads
management, entrepreneurship, social sciences, and
ICT participated in developing the methodology and
AI model. The goal is to specify as much as possible
the main elements of the model, the algorithm, and
the overall process from development to
implementation and validation of the AI model.
From the perspective of the ICT that build the model's
algorithm, the research introduces a toolkit of three
technologies: artificial intelligence (AI), virtual
reality (VR), and blockchain technology (BT). Table
1 describes the need for their applicability.
Table 1: Type and applicability of implemented ICT.
Source: own development.
Intelligence (AI)
Definition: It focuses on the creation
of intelligent agents, i.e., systems
capable of perceiving their
environment, reasoning, and acting
to achieve specific goals. AI models
strive to mimic and sometimes even
surpass human cognitive abilities
such as learning, problem-solving,
pattern recognition, and natural
language understanding (Antonova
et al., 2021; Gignac & Szodorai,
Applicability: AI models can
analyse large amounts of data faster
and more accurately than human
raters. At the same time, in big data
sets, AI models can detect complex
patterns that are difficult or even
impossible for humans to spot. In
addition, while there is still debate
about their accuracy, AI models also
offer greater objectivity. They are
less susceptible to subjective bias,
which reflects in more objective
results. These two advantages, along
with automating the evaluation
process and saving time and
resources, make AI models an
adequate substitute for human
Virtual reality (VR)
Definition: VR is a technology that
creates immersive and interactive
environments that simulate real or
imagined scenarios. VR users wear
headsets that display 3D images and
sounds and sometimes use
controllers or gloves to interact with
the virtual world. VR can create
realistic and engaging experiences
that can stimulate emotions,
thoughts, and behaviours (Susindar
et al., 2019).
Applicability: Well-developed EI is
largely believed to result from an
individual's experience, which is
why parallels between EI and
wisdom are often sought and found.
Through VR technology, the
participant will be placed in
situations that mimic real life and
are known to help develop EI
Technology (BT)
Definition: A distributed database
that records transactions in a way
that is secure, transparent, and
resistant to change. Information in
the blockchain is organised into
blocks that are linked together by
cryptographic hashes. Once added,
information on a blockchain is
virtually impossible to change,
making it highly reliable. This
technology is decentralised, meaning
there is no one central authority to
control the network. Instead,
blockchain networks are managed
by multiple computers, making them
resistant to censorship and
manipulation (Tripathi et al.,
Applicability: Implementing the BT
on the AI model is necessary to
preserve the confidentiality of each
training participant's data.
Personality test results do not
constitute medical information by
themselves. However, the fact that
they provide personal and sensitive
information for the individual
requires a more serious commitment
to their preservation.
The developed model for increasing the EI of
drivers is based on three AI models: machine
learning, deep learning and natural language
processing, and more specifically:
1) Machine Learning: Classification, Regression,
The classification will serve to classify participants'
responses into different personality types or traits,
such as "extroverted" or "introverted." Regression
will be applied to predict the values of the entered
(baseline, additional, and key) variables related to the
learner's personality. Clustering will be applicable
when grouping participants with similar personality
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
2) Deep Learning: Neural Networks, Recurrent
Neural Networks
Neural networks will simulate the workings of the
human brain and can detect complex patterns in data.
They are used for natural language analysis, pattern
recognition and processing large amounts of
unstructured data. Recurrent neural networks, on the
other hand, are suitable for analysing sequential data,
such as text responses to questions in personality
tests. They can pick up on contextual information and
extract deeper meanings.
3) Natural Language Analysis: Sentiment
Analysis, Keyword Extraction, Semantic
Content Analysis, Personalised
AI models will be used to analyse large amounts of
text responses to personality test questions to identify
keywords, phrases and emotional responses that are
characteristic of certain personality traits. In some
cases, AI models will operate to analyse facial
expressions, gestures and other non-verbal signals to
gain additional information about an individual's
personality. As a result, AI will create personalised
recommendations for an individual's EI development
based on test results, as well as for the virtual
experiences that will be most relevant to the object,
subject and purpose of the learning.
Figure 1 presents the algorithm of the developed
AI model. The whole process is divided into four
main Stages: I) Measurement and evaluation of the
introduced basic (x, y, z), key (a, b, c) and additional
variables; II) Verification of the results obtained by a
person; III) and IV) Depending on the results of Stage
II respectively unsatisfactory or satisfactory from
the point of view of human evaluation, in the next
stage either a human specialist makes a new
measurement and evaluation of the variables, or the
AI determines the virtual experience that the object to
be subjected to.
The model introduces four working agents: (A)
learner, (B) training/evaluating AI, (C)
training/assessing/supervising specialist persons, and
(D) AI-defined the virtual experience. In Stages I
and III, blockchain encryption of the data generated
from the tests to measure the sought variables was
introduced. This, as stated at an earlier stage, is
imperative from the point of view of the object's
confidentiality and to protect its data. The results of
such tests, if publicly available, may have an adverse
impact on an individual's personal and professional
development in the future. Also, blockchain
technology will neutralise the possibility that the
records of the results can be tampered with and
The role of virtual reality, on the other hand, is to
act as an imaginary learning environment, where
learning does not mean learning phrases or
behavioural responses (Han & Lorenzo Najord,
2024). On the contrary, the goal is a rapid
accumulation of life experience, but in a protected
(virtual) environment, with this experience directly
related to developing the basic variables self-
regulation and empathy, and reducing the key
variables aggression, intolerance, propensity to risk.
In fact, in virtual reality, the individual will be trained
to respond most effectively to the stimulus-response
interdependence that Aniah (2021) also talks about.
This effective response is due to a developed EI
Figure 1: Working algorithm of the developed AI model for
evaluating and improving the EI of motor vehicle drivers
for safer roads. Source: own development.
In their study, Susindar et al. (2019) demonstrate
that the use of VR can be an effective emotion-
inducing method when investigating emotion-
Developing an Artificial Intelligence Model to Enhance the Emotional Intelligence of Motor Vehicle Drivers for Safer Roads
influenced decision-making. As stated in the
theoretical background, this is highly inherent to
drivers of motor vehicles who are daily exposed to
emotionally arousing situations and have to make
immediate decisions and respond to the stimulus-
response relationship according to their momentary
mood. Susindar and his co-authors' research focused
on extracting and generating situations that evoke fear
and anger emotions that drivers also face on the
road. At the same time, the authors of the cited study
add that it is not entirely clear how the virtual
environment affects performance (or learning) and
the degree to which emotions are evoked. This means,
on the one hand, that it is not categorically clear
whether an individual would react in the same way in
a real and virtual environment and, on the other hand,
that more in-depth research is needed in this direction.
However, the latter in no way belittles VR technology
capabilities, as evidenced by similar studies on the
topic (Marques et al., 2022; Mancuso et al., 2023;
Hariyady et al., 2024).
Considering the rapid growth of technology in
every aspect, people are more and more concerned
about how to improve user experience rather than the
construction of the experience itself. Giving people
the opportunity to experience this in virtual reality
would allow them to see their mistakes and correct
them in their free time in a safe environment, making
them better on the road without the risks of actually
being there. This would help them improve their EI
time and time again, improving the quality of their
driving skills, thus improving the overall quality of
driving for the other drivers on the road around them.
As the graph (Figure 1) shows, the process does
not stop after the learner's experience in virtual
reality. New measurements and evaluation of the
basic variables, as well as the additional and key
variables adopted in the Methodology, are needed.
Therefore, the algorithm starts again from Stage I.
The subsequent steps, i.e. whether to stop or continue
training, depend on the evaluation of agents B and C
and the decision of agent B. Realistically, the process
of increasing EI may never stop and even apply to
refresher driving courses (similar to the periodically
conducted psychological tests) of experienced drivers
of motor vehicles.
Although still unproven categorically, some EI
researchers believe that this ability and its inherent
competencies have the potential to develop positively
over time, one of the reasons being precisely the
accumulated life experience. The AI model
developed and presented in the present study is based
precisely on the statement that EI can be developed
and that it undergoes evolution with age (Gilar-Corbi
et al., 2019).
When analysing the algorithm, the logical question
arises: What necessitates human monitoring and
control of the evaluation of the AI model?
Conversely, if this activity is entirely within a
human's capabilities, why is it necessary to introduce
the use of AI?
First of all, the potential of AI to process vast
amounts of data at a speed beyond the reach of a
human being has already been repeatedly tested and
proven. However, not only is speed essential, but so
is the refinement of the results. Subjectivity and
unintentional omissions in data analysis are human.
But the same goes for imperfect (yet) AI, which, like
its creator, is also not immune to biases and errors in
its algorithm. In fact, the AI model being developed
to increase the EI of drivers shows precisely how
natural and artificial intelligence should collaborate
in a balanced synergy, but also with a good-natured
mistrust of the abilities of one or the other.
On the other hand, it is essential to note that AI
models cannot and are not expected to replace human
raters. In the overall model, the human factor is equal
to the involvement of AI. This further justifies the
intervention of blockchain technology in the
algorithm. The encryption of the data from the
conducted tests and training will guarantee the
confidentiality and objectivity of the process.
Therefore, AI models should be used as an additional
tool to justify and support decision-making. To
ensure the validity and reliability of AI-based test
results, careful validation studies need to be
Attention to detail throughout the process is
significant as irreparable damage can be done to the
learner's psyche, which is not the purpose of the AI
model. It is extremely crucial to create and apply the
"training" in virtual reality according to the test
results of the entered variables. A hypersensitive
person would accept such experiences in one way,
and a more selective individual in his feelings would
have a radically different perception of what is
happening. Therefore, every AI-proposed and
human-approved virtual learning environment in EI
must be perfect and maximally adapted to the
personal qualities of the respective learner.
It is equally important to explain why the basic
variables, such as empathy and self-regulation, are set
in the algorithm rather than examining only the EI
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
construct as a whole. Or why the general construct EI
is asked at all, and not only the connections between
empathy and self-regulation of motor vehicle drivers
and their aggressive and angry behaviour that puts
them in risky situations are investigated. As stated
earlier, self-regulation and empathy are part of the
general EI construct. Although in the pilot presented
AI model, as well as numerous other studies, they are
studied as independent competencies, in reality, it is
not possible to fully develop these two abilities
without the other EI competencies, regardless of
which of the three EI models will be followed. For
example, the mixed model includes self-regulation
and empathy, as well as self-knowledge, motivation,
and social relationships. Goleman himself, one of the
creators of the model, points out that it is not possible
to achieve self-regulation without self-awareness
since each of the sub-competencies of self-
management steps on self-awareness (Goleman and
Chernish, 2023). This necessitates the study,
evaluation and improvement of the general EI
construct by examining the construct's constituent
components separately, i.e., it is crucial to approach
the problem deductively.
Limitations of the Study
A significant limitation of the study and the
introduced model is the lack of definitive data on the
effectiveness of some of the applied ICT. The
analyses and tests carried out so far are scarce, and
the results are contradictory. Therefore, the
application of the described technologies does not
guarantee the desired result.
Another limitation of the study is the lack of data
from the practical application of the developed
model. The presented model is purely theoretical and
has not been validated empirically, which limits the
ability to conclude its reliability and predictive
validity. To overcome this limitation, it is necessary
to conduct an empirical study in which the model is
tested on a large and heterogeneous sample of
participants. The formed interdisciplinary team needs
to conduct considerable research and testing in this
direction, but the model aims to make a start.
On the other hand, implementing such an
algorithm in a seemingly state-controlled but
apparently private-interest-dominated environment,
such as driving schools, requires considerable will
and agreement from multiple (dis)interested parties.
In this sense, just creating the AI model is not enough.
Therefore, the author collective's future efforts will be
directed to the experimental introduction of the model
and the search for validation of the algorithm and the
expected results.
The goal of the research team is to apply the algorithm
as a priority in the courses for acquiring driving skills.
It is an environment in which the individual most
actively reveals himself as more aggressive, more
intolerant, more selfish or vice versa. Bulgaria is first
in the EU in terms of road deaths in 2023. The
European Commission published preliminary data for
last year the EU average is 46 deaths per million
inhabitants. In Bulgaria, the ratio is 82 victims per one
million inhabitants (Apostolova, 2024). In this sense,
the developed AI model is expected to lead to
significantly greater self-awareness and self-
regulation of their own emotions in both
inexperienced and seasoned drivers on the roads.
At the same time, the developed AI model can
also be used in a number of other areas where weak
self-regulation of emotions leads to conflict situations
or where reducing the levels of aggression is
necessary. The results of the implementation will
validate the results and allow the model to be
embedded in educational programs and its application
in the fight against hate speech, intolerance of
differences, selfishness, cruelty to the weaker, etc.
This will be the subject of future research by the
Death on the roads as a result of serious road traffic
accidents is one of the saddest facts of our time, which
we must either accept or overcome. Over 1 million
people die on the road, not a small number of them
children and young people. The purpose of the
developed AI model to increase the EI of drivers is
precisely this fighting statistics, risky driving, but
above all, saving lives before they are even in danger.
It is essential to clarify that in this "battle", neither
EI nor AI is a panacea. The human factor remains a
significant unknown, along with the cultural and
social characteristics of one or another country.
However, suppose it is almost impossible to change
the cultural and social conditions. In that case, only
the way in which the individual responds to the
stimulus-response relationship is within his
In conclusion, the developed AI model is a small
step towards achieving high EI drivers of motor
vehicles and reducing risky behaviour on the road.
Although further research and efforts are needed to
implement this technology, it is essential to find a
way to save human lives and reduce the socio-
economic costs directly related to traffic accidents.
Developing an Artificial Intelligence Model to Enhance the Emotional Intelligence of Motor Vehicle Drivers for Safer Roads
This study is financed by the European Union-
NextGenerationEU through the National Recovery
and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria,
project №BG-RRP-2.013-0001-C01.
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KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems