Improving Recommendation Quality in Collaborative Filtering by
Including Prediction Confidence Factors
Kiriakos Sgardelis
1 a
, Dionisis Margaris
1 b
, Dimitris Spiliotopoulos
2 c
, Costas Vassilakis
3 d
Stefanos Ougiaroglou
4 e
Department of Digital Systems, University of the Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece
Department of Management Science and Technology, University of the Peloponnese, Tripoli, Greece
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of the Peloponnese, Tripoli, Greece
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Collaborative Filtering, Rating Predictions, Recommender Systems, Certainty Factors, Algorithm.
Abstract: Collaborative filtering is a prevalent recommender system technique which generates rating predictions based
on the rating values given by the users’ near neighbours. Consequently, for each user, the items scoring the
highest prediction values are recommended to them. Unfortunately, predictions inherently entail errors, which,
in the case of recommender systems, manifest as unsuccessful recommendations. However, along with each
rating prediction value, prediction confidence factors can be computed. As a result, items having low
prediction confidence factor values, can be either declined for recommendation or have their recommendation
priority demoted. In the former case, some users may receive fewer recommended items or even none,
especially when using a sparse dataset. In this paper, we present an algorithm that determines the items to be
recommended by considering both the rating prediction values and confidence factors of predictions, allowing
for predictions with higher confidence factors to outrank predictions with higher value, but lower confidence.
The presented algorithm achieves to enhance the recommendation quality, while at the same time retaining
the number of recommendations for each user.
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a prevalent technique
of predicting rating values in recommender systems
(RecSys). It is based on the numeric rating values that
users close to the active user (i.e. his near neighbours
- NNs) have given to the item (e.g. service, product,
etc.) for which the prediction is being computed.
Consequently, the items achieving the highest
prediction values are suggested to the active user,
since their acceptance is of very high probability. The
nearer these numeric predictions are to the real
numeric rating values, the more successful the
RecSys is (Jain et al., 2023; Nguyen et al., 2023).
Let as assume that for a user U, there are two items
candidate for recommendation, i
and i
, where their
respective CF rating prediction values have been
computed at 4.8/5 and 4.6/5. Typically, a RecSys will
recommend primarily item i
to U, under the premise
that higher rating prediction value denotes higher
probability that the user will like the item. Let us also
assume that the prediction for item i
is deemed of low
confidence (e.g., it has been computed based on a
very low number of ratings, or by ratings contributed
by users which have a relatively low degree of
similarity to the user for which the recommendation
is generated). On the other hand, the prediction for
item i
is deemed of high confidence (e.g., it is based
on 20 “close” NNsratings). In such a situation, it
appears sensible to opt for recommending i
of i
since, while i
has a marginal advantage with
regards to its rating prediction value, there is a high
Sgardelis, K., Margaris, D., Spiliotopoulos, D., Vassilakis, C. and Ougiaroglou, S.
Improving Recommendation Quality in Collaborative Filtering by Including Prediction Confidence Factors.
DOI: 10.5220/0013052200003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 372-379
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
risk that this value is inaccurate, and hence the user
may not actually like the recommended item. On the
contrary, the recommendation of i
can be deemed to
be “safe”. However, a typical RecSys recommends
items by considering only rating prediction values.
Rating prediction confidence factors, associated
with CF prediction accuracy, have been explored
recently (Margaris et al., 2022; Spiliotopoulos et al.,
2022). These research works demonstrated that (1)
the number of NNs participating in the prediction
computation, (2) the item’s mean ratings value and
(3) the user’s mean ratings value, are related to rating
prediction accuracy. Based on these findings, items
having low prediction confidence factor values can be
either declined for recommendation or have their
recommendation priority demoted. In the former case,
some users may receive fewer recommended items or
even none, notably when using a sparse dataset.
In this paper, we present an algorithm that
determines the items to be recommended by
considering both the rating prediction values and
confidence factors of predictions, allowing for
predictions with higher confidence factors to outrank
predictions with higher value, but lower confidence.
The presented algorithm enhances recommendation
quality, while at the same time retaining the number
of recommendations for each user. The proposed
algorithm is evaluated against 5 widely used CF
datasets (including both dense and sparse, in order to
cover all cases). As far as the NN selection is
considered, both the top-k and the correlation
threshold techniques are considered in the evaluation.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: in Section 2 we present the related work. In
Sections 3 and 4 we summarize the foundations of
confidence factors in CF rating prediction and present
the proposed algorithm, respectively. In Section 5 we
present the evaluation results and in Section 6 we
conclude the paper and outline future work.
The quality of CF recommendations is a field of
major research interest over the last years. The work
in (Alhijawi et al., 2021) employs a genetic algorithm,
in order to customize the prediction process, based on
the active user’s set of NNs. This genetic algorithm
enables the optimal solution discovery, without
exhaustive analysis, since each person is represented
with a vector. Furthermore, with the use of this
algorithm, the active user’s search parallelism is a fast
process, since the fitness function evaluation is totally
independent for each user.
The work in (Y.-C. Chen et al., 2021) introduces
a CF-based RecSys dynamic decay CF, which, based
on the preference of users’ variations, it incorporates
a time decay function. This work extends the human
brain memory concept, to discover the users’ levels
of interest. As a result, the dynamic decay CF
algorithm adjusts the decay function based on
different user interest levels. The work in (Z. Wang,
2023) presents a CF algorithm that targets to enhance
the recommendation accuracy of tourist activities.
This algorithm overcomes sparse data issues, by
taking into account user preferences, as well as by
using the Jeffries-Matusita vicinity metric (Sen et al.,
2019). The work in (Bobadilla et al., 2023) introduces
a Generative Adversarial Network-based algorithm,
which parametrically produces CF datasets. More
specifically, it allows the selection of users, items and
samples number, as well as the dataset’s stochastic
variability. Furthermore, the presented architecture
incorporates a clustering method which transforms
the dense produced samples into sparse and discrete
ones, as well as a Deep Matrix Factorization model
which exports the dense item and user embeddings.
The work in (Fareed et al., 2023) presents a CF
RecSys framework which, in order to produce more
pertinent and precise recommendations, it
incorporates social network information. The
presented framework is based on a user-based CF
algorithm that estimates user vicinity values based on
both their social relations and their item ratings.
Furthermore, this vicinity metric is determined by
synthesizing the two aforementioned factors, while
the respective weights-importance are determined
through an optimization step. The work in (Vuong
Nguyen et al., 2021) introduces a hybrid RecSys
algorithm which overcomes the issues of cold-start
and data sparsity of the user ratings, by combining
word embedding-based content analysis with CF
methods. Been applied on the film domain, this work
focuses on perceiving the gist of the movie plot, using
word embedding techniques of the films’ features,
such as genres, titles, actors, directors, etc.
The work in (R. Wang et al., 2022) introduces a
time-aware CF algorithm with two phases, a dynamic
user preference phase and a deep learning matching
score prediction phase. During the first phase the
time-aware attention mechanism models the short-
term user preferences. In the second phase the user-
item interactions are discovered by deep learning
models. The results of the two aforementioned phases
are combined for predicting the final score.
Still, the exploitation of the concept of rating pre-
diction confidence factors for enhancing the rec-
Improving Recommendation Quality in Collaborative Filtering by Including Prediction Confidence Factors
ommendation quality in CF has not received consid-
erable research attention. Recent works have explored
rating prediction factors, based only on the basic CF
information (the user-item-rating tuple), related with
CF rating prediction accuracy. The works in
(Margaris et al., 2022) and in (Spiliotopoulos et al.,
2022) show that the NN number, the item’s mean rat-
ings value and the user’s mean ratings value are re-
lated with rating prediction accuracy in CF, in sparse
and dense datasets, respectively. The work in
(Margaris et al., 2024) exploits these results to
propose an algorithm that utilizes confidence factors
in CF rating prediction, by eliminating rating
predictions having low values of confidence factors
from becoming recommendations. Although this al-
gorithm results in a considerable recommendation
quality upgrade, the recommendation coverage (i.e.,
the percentage of users that at least N recommenda-
tions can be formulated to them, where N is a given
algorithm parameter) is significantly decreased, while
in the cases of the algorithm’s application on (very)
sparse CF datasets (e.g., Amazon-sourced datasets),
the algorithm becomes almost inapplicable.
The algorithm presented in this work is based only
on the very basic CF information, while it also takes
into account both the rating prediction and the
confidence factors values in CF. However, instead of
following the approach undertaken in (Margaris et al.,
2024), i.e., pruning the recommendation candidate
item list retaining only rating predictions with (very)
high confidence, it determines the items to be recom-
mended by considering both the rating prediction
values and confidence factors of predictions, allowing
for predictions with higher confidence factors to
outrank predictions with higher value, but lower
confidence. Hence, the presented algorithm achieves
to both enhance the recommendation quality, while at
the same time retain the number of recommendations
for each user, and as a result it can be applied in every
CF dataset, including both sparse and dense ones.
Contemporary works have studied rating prediction
factors related with CF prediction accuracy. More
specifically, the works in (Margaris et al., 2022) and
in (Spiliotopoulos et al., 2022) showed a positive
association between CF rating prediction accuracy
and the following factors:
(a) F
, which considers the number of NNs
participating in the prediction computation,
(b) F
, which relates to average value of the
user’s ratings for whom the prediction is being
computed, and
(c) F
, which considers the average value of the
item’s ratings for which the prediction is being
Table 1 summarizes the thresholds of the
aforementioned factors, that a prediction is classified
(i) as a high accuracy one and (ii) as a very high
accuracy one, both in sparse and dense datasets.
Regarding the F
and the F
factors, we consider
a 5-star rating scale evaluation. These criteria are
exploited by the proposed algorithm to formulate
recommendations. In the next section we present and
analyze the proposed RecSys algorithm in detail.
Table 1: Thresholds of the CF prediction accuracy factors
for classifying predictions.
High Accuracy
Very High Accuracy
≥ 2 (sparse) /
≥ 6% (dense)
≥ 4 (sparse)
≥ 15% (dense)
[1.0, 2.0] or [4.0, 5.0]
[1.0, 1.5] or [4.5, 5.0]
[1.0, 2.0] or [4.0, 5.0]
[1.0, 1.5] or [4.5, 5.0]
As noted above, the algorithm proposed in this paper
determines the items to be recommended by
considering both the rating prediction values and
confidence factors of predictions, allowing for
predictions with higher confidence factors to outrank
predictions with higher value, but lower confidence.
Considering the formulation of the initial
recommendation candidate list (ICRL), in this paper,
we adopt the approach followed by many works
(Felfernig et al., 2018; Margaris et al., 2020; Trattner
et al., 2024), where the items achieving a rating
prediction value in the top 30% of the rating range
(i.e., 3.5/5 for the 5-star rating scale) are considered
eligible for recommendation to the users.
The proposed algorithm essentially redefines the
step of ranking the items to be recommended in CF
RecSys. More specifically, instead of simply ranking
the items that pass the recommendation threshold (the
top 30% of the rating range, as mentioned above) in
descending order of their rating prediction value, the
algorithm considers both the rating prediction value
and the confidence estimation associated with the
computation of this value. This is realized through the
following steps (for simplicity, we assume a rating
scale [1-5], as in the majority of the CF datasets,
however the algorithm can be easily adapted to
accommodate different rating scales):
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Item (rating prediction value, #confidence factors satisfied)
i1 (4.8, 1)
i2 (4.2, 3)
i3 (4.6, 3)
i4 (2.2, 2)
i5 (3.7, 3)
i6 (3.8, 0)
Initial set of rating predictions
Eliminated for
i1 (4.8, 1)
i3 (4.6, 3)
i2 (4.2, 3)
i5 (3.7, 3)
i6 (3.8, 0)
i4 (2.2, 2)
Eliminated for
i3 (4.6, 3)
i1 (4.8, 1)
i2 (4.2, 3)
i5 (3.7, 3)
i6 (3.8, 0)
i4 (2.2, 2)
Recommend (in this order): i3, i1, i2, i5, i6
Figure 1: Example execution of the proposed algorithm.
Step 1: The algorithm computes the number of
confidence factors (F
, F
and F
) that
are fulfilled by each prediction in the ICRL.
More specifically, for each rating prediction rp
in these subsets, it computes the associated
confidence ranking score CRS
as follows:
 
with #NNs(rp) denoting the number of NNs
contributing to the computation of rp, and Thr
being the dataset-dependent threshold for
classifying rp as a high accuracy one,
considering the F
criterion (cf. section 3);
denoting the average ratings entered by
the user for whom rp has been computed; and
denoting the average ratings entered for
the item for which rp has been computed.
Step 2: The algorithm partitions the set of the
items to be recommended into subsets, with
each subset covering a rating prediction range
of 0.5 (or 10% of the rating scale). Effectively,
the following subsets will be formulated:
, which includes the items in the
IRCL having rating prediction values in the
range [4.5, 5]. This list contains the items for
which we can assume that the user will
definitely like them;
, which includes the items in the
IRCL having rating prediction values in the
range [4, 4.5). This list contains the items for
which we can assume that the user will
“most probably” like them; and
, which includes the items in the
IRCL having rating prediction values in the
range [3.5, 4). This list contains the items for
which we can assume that the user will
“probably” like them.
Step 3: The algorithm sorts the items contained
in each subset, in descending order of their
score. For rating predictions having
equal CRS
score values, the numeric rating
prediction value is used as a tiebreaker.
Step 4: The recommendation formulation
process begins to select items from ICRL
descending order of the sorting performed in
step 3, until the target number of
recommendations is reached. If the elements of
do not suffice, then the elements of
are used, and -if needed- the elements
are also considered.
An example of the proposed algorithm is
illustrated in Figure 1, while in the next section, we
assess its recommendation accuracy.
In this section, we detail on the experiments of
recommendation accuracy and recommendation
coverage of the presented algorithm.
5.1 Experimental Settings
Our experimental evaluation utilises five CF datasets,
where the first three are sparse and the last two are
dense, covering thus all sparsity levels. These five
datasets are broadly used in CF research and are
summarized in Table 2.
Considering the user-user vicinity metrics, we
employ the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC)
(Ajaegbu, 2021; Jain et al., 2023). For the NN
selection method, in this work, we employ both the
top-k (KNN) and the correlation threshold (THR)
techniques (Li et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2020). More
specifically, following the approaches of the works in
(Fkih, 2022; Margaris et al., 2024; D. Wang et al.,
2020) in our experiments we set the K=200 and
K=500, regarding the top-k technique, and T=0.0 and
T=0.5, regarding the correlation threshold technique.
Step 2: prediction classification to subsets
Step 3: Sorting of predictions within each subset
Step 4: formulation of recommendation
Step 1: compute number of confidence factors
Improving Recommendation Quality in Collaborative Filtering by Including Prediction Confidence Factors
Table 2: The attributes of the datasets used in our
Dataset Name
Dataset Attributes
(Ni et al., 2019)
#ratings: 473K / ratings range: 1-5
#users: 17,500 / #items: 55,000
density: 0,05% (sparse)
Amazon Digital
(Ni et al., 2019)
#ratings: 145K / ratings range: 1-5
#users: 12,000 / #items: 17,000
density: 0.07% (sparse)
(Guo et al., 2014)
#ratings: 73K / ratings range: 1-5
#users: 17,600 / #items: 16,000
density: 0.026% (sparse)
MovieLens 100K
(Harper &
Konstan, 2016)
#ratings: 100K/ ratings range: 0.5-5
#users: 600 / #items: 9,700
density: 1.72% (dense)
MovieLens 1M
(Harper &
Konstan, 2016)
#ratings: 1,000K/ ratings range: 1-5
#users: 6,000 / #items: 3,700
density: 4.5% (dense)
Regarding the evaluation metrics, in this work, we
employ (i) the precision of the recommendations, (ii)
their average real numeric rating values and (iii) their
normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG),
following the works in (Chin et al., 2022; Krichene &
Rendle, 2020), while regarding the number of
recommended items we use the top-3 and top-5.
In order to generate predictions for the unrated
items in the datasets summarized in Table 2, the five-
fold cross validation process was followed (L. Chen
et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021).
5.2 Evaluation Results
5.2.1 Recommendation Coverage
Figure 2 depicts the recommendation coverage
considering the top-3 recommendations, when
employing the KNN technique and having set the
number of near neighbours to 200. This diagram
effectively depicts the percentage of cases where each
algorithm could produce a complete
recommendation, i.e., a recommendation containing
three items. We can observe that the algorithm
proposed in this paper fully maintains the coverage
attained by the plain CF algorithm in all cases, while
the algorithm proposed in (Margaris et al., 2024)
suffers substantial coverage drops. Especially when
considering sparse datasets, coverage drops exhibited
by the algorithm proposed in (Margaris et al., 2024)
range from 75.2% (CiaoDVD) to 82.2% (Amazon
Videogames), rendering this algorithm practically
unusable for these datasets, since in 92-98% of the
total cases, it would be not capable of offering a
complete recommendation.
Figure 2: Recommendation coverage considering the top-3
recommendations, using the KNN technique (K=200).
For dense datasets, the coverage drop of the
algorithm proposed in (Margaris et al., 2024) is again
considerable, ranging from 7.9% to 9.9%.
When the KNN technique is employed with
K=500, the increase of near neighbours leads to more
candidate items, hence the coverage drop observed
for the algorithm proposed in (Margaris et al., 2024)
is lower, ranging from 69.7% to 73% in sparse
datasets and from 4.9% to 16.3% in dense datasets.
However, still the percentage of cases for which a
complete recommendation can be offered is very low
in sparse datasets (2%-15%), therefore the algorithm
proposed in (Margaris et al., 2024) is effectively not
applicable for sparse datasets.
The results obtained under the threshold method
(THR) are similar: for sparse datasets, the algorithm
proposed in (Margaris et al., 2024) exhibits very low
coverage, ranging from 1.7% to 15.11%, with the
coverage dropping between 74.1% and 83.5%, being
thus, again, practically non-applicable.
Comparable results are obtained when the number
of items offered per recommendation is increased to
5, in both cases. On the other hand, the algorithm
proposed in this paper retains the coverage achieved
by the plain CF algorithm in all cases.
5.2.2 Recommendation Accuracy
Considering that the algorithm in (Margaris et al.,
2024) has been shown in subsection 5.2.1 to be
practically not applicable for sparse datasets, due to
the sharp coverage drops, and additionally suffers
substantial coverage drops when applied to dense
datasets, in the following we will compare the
recommendation accuracy of the proposed algorithm
against the plain CF algorithm only.
Figure 3 depicts the recommendation precision of
the top-3 recommendations, when the KNN technique
is employed with K=200. Considering the mean of all
five datasets, the presented algorithm increases the
recommendation precision by 3% (from 82% to
84.5%). At individual dataset level, two cases are
notable: firstly, when the plain CF algorithm is used
with the MovieLens 1M dataset, the precision results
are mediocre (67.9%). However, when the presented
CiaoDVD MovieLens
Coverage of recommendations
KNN, top-3 recommendations
plain CF proposed algorithm (Margaris et al., 2024)
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
algorithm is employed, the precision is enhanced at
71.7% (a 5.6% increase). Secondly, when considering
the Amazon Digital Music dataset, the plain CF
algorithm achieves a recommendation precision
equal to 96%, leaving very small room for
enhancement. Nevertheless, the proposed algorithm
achieves to enhance the recommendation precision
even by a small amount, to 96.67%.
Figure 3: Mean precision value of the top-3
recommendations, under the KNN technique (K=200).
Figure 4 depicts the mean real rating value of the
top-3 recommendations, when the KNN technique is
employed (again, with K=200). Considering the mean
of all five datasets, the presented algorithm is able to
increase the recommendation value by 1.9% (from
4.27/5 to 4.35/5). The improvements observed for the
MovieLens 1M and Amazon Digital Music datasets
are similar to the ones discussed regarding the
recommendation precision: in MovieLens 1M a
considerable improvement is achieved (3.86/5 is
elevated to 3.98/5), while for the Amazon Digital
Music the improvement margins are very slim,
leading to modest gains (4.8/5 to 4.83/5).
Figure 4: Mean real rating value of the top-3
recommendations, when employing the KNN technique.
Figure 5 depicts the mean NDCG value of the top-
3 recommendations, when the KNN technique is
employed with K=200. Considering the mean of all
five datasets, the algorithm proposed in this paper
achieves a NDCG value enhancement from 0.973 to
0.979. The improvements observed for the
MovieLens 1M and Amazon Digital Music datasets
are similar to the ones discussed regarding the
previous two evaluation metrics: in MovieLens 1M a
considerable improvement is achieved (0.94 is
increased to 0.95), while for the Amazon Digital
Music the improvement margins are very slim,
leading to modest gains (0.991 to 0.993).
Figure 5: Mean NDCG value of the top-3
recommendations, when employing the KNN technique.
Similar results are observed when the
recommended items are increased to 5 (top-5
recommendations). More specifically, the mean
precision value is enhanced from 82.6% to 84.5%, the
mean rating value from 4.28/5 to 4.35/5 and the mean
NDCG from 0.967 to 0.973.
When K is increased to 500 (500 NNs per user),
similar results are observed: the average precision
value increases from 82.6% to 85.1%, the mean rating
value from 4.31/5 to 4.38/5 and the mean NDCG from
0.973 to 0.978, in the top-3 recommendations setting.
Regarding the top-5 recommendations setting, the
respective numbers are 83.2% and 85.2%, 4.31/5 and
4.38/5, and 0.967 and 0.973.
Regarding the mean recommendation precision of
the top-3 recommendations, when the THR technique
is employed, with the threshold being set to T=0.0,
considering the mean of all five datasets, the
presented algorithm increases recommendation
precision by 2.3% (from 85.2% to 87.2%). The
respective mean rating value of all five datasets, is
found increase by 1.6% (from 4.35/5 to 4.42/5), while
the mean NDCG value increases from 0.975 to 0.979.
Similar results are observed when the number of
items per recommendation are increased from 3 to 5
(top-5 recommendations). More specifically, the
mean precision is upgraded from 85.5% to 87%, the
average rating value is upgraded from 4.37/5 to
4.42/5, while the mean NDCG from 0.970 to 0.975.
When threshold T is increased to 0.5, similar
results are again observed. More specifically, the
mean precision value is enhanced from 84.8% to
86.6%, the mean rating value from 4.35/5 to 4.42/5
and, finally, the mean NDCG is enhanced from 0.975
to 0.979, in the top-3 recommendations case. When
the recommendations are increased from 3 to 5 (top-
5 recommendations), the respective numbers are 85%
and 86.4%, 4.36/5 and 4.41/5, and 0.970 and 0.975.
Digital Music
CiaoDVD MovieLens
AVG recommendations precision %
KNN, top-3 recommendations
plain CF proposed algorithm
Digital Music
CiaoDVD MovieLens
AVG real rating of the
KNN, top-3 recommendations
top-3 plain CF top-3 proposed algorithm
Digital Music
CiaoDVD MovieLens
AVG Normalized DCG
KNN, top-3 recommendations
top-3 plain CF top-3 proposed algorithm
Improving Recommendation Quality in Collaborative Filtering by Including Prediction Confidence Factors
5.2.3 Execution Efficiency
The presented algorithm introduces three distinct
overheads, in comparison to the plain CF algorithm.
The first one concerns the rating prediction step
where (a) the average rating value of each item and of
each user, and (b) the NN number of each rating
prediction, have to be calculated. Both of these
computations can be performed offline, as well as the
PCC metric, used in this work, includes the
calculation of the average rating value of each user,
and therefore this overhead is considered negligible.
The second overhead concerns the partitioning of
each rating prediction to the four subsets (ICRL
and “eliminated”), which takes
place in the step 2 of the proposed algorithm. Since
this process requires two minor additional actions
(one comparison and a separate store), for each rating
prediction, again, this individual overhead is
considered negligible.
The last overhead concerns the sorting of the
rating predictions within each subset. Since the plain
CF recommendation algorithm performs anyhow a
sorting of all rating predictions generated for each
user, there is no additional overhead. In fact, since the
algorithm needs to sort three smaller sets, rather than
one larger one, the proposed algorithm will need less
time to perform the sorting, as compared to the plain
CF algorithm.
As a result, based on the overhead analysis, the
overall additional overhead is considered negligible.
Furthermore, to verify the aforementioned theoretical
overhead analysis output, we measured the execution
times of two datasets, the Amazon Videogames and
the MovieLens 100K, between the plain CF and the
proposed algorithm. The additional overhead was
found to be less than 1.2% in both datasets.
In this paper, we presented a CF recommendation
algorithm which determines the items to be
recommended by considering both the rating
prediction values and confidence factors of
predictions, allowing for predictions with higher
confidence factors to outrank predictions with higher
value, but lower confidence. The presented algorithm
achieves to enhance the recommendation quality,
while at the same time retaining the number of
recommendations for each user.
More specifically, the presented algorithm
partitions the items candidate for recommendation
into three subsets/groups, based on their rating
prediction values, corresponding to items where the
user will (i) definitely like them, (b) most
probably like them and (c) probably like them.
Afterwards, the algorithm sorts the items contained in
each set, in descending order, based not on their rating
prediction value (as the plain CF algorithm does), but
on the number of confidence factors the items’
predictions satisfy. At the end, the recommendation
process begins to select items from the first subset,
then continues, as needed, to the second and finally to
the third one, for each user.
The proposed algorithm was evaluated through a
set of experiments, which included five rating
datasets, both dense and sparse, as well as two NN
selection methods. These experiments have shown
that the proposed algorithm maintains
recommendation coverage levels, while achieving
satisfactory enhancement in recommendation
accuracy, as calculated in terms of (i)
recommendation precision, (ii) mean real rating value
of the recommended items, and (iii) NDCG metrics.
Furthermore, the presented algorithm (i) needs no
supplementary information concerning either the
users or the items, and (ii) has been shown to induce
negligible additional overhead, indicating both its
wide applicability and effectiveness.
Regarding future work, we are planning to
explore more features related to prediction accuracy
and apply them into the recommendation process.
Furthermore, we will focus on including basic
supplementary RecSys information sources, e.g. user
and item attributes, demographics, and types-
categories of items.
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Improving Recommendation Quality in Collaborative Filtering by Including Prediction Confidence Factors