Access Control Integration in Sparkplug-Based Industrial Internet of
Things Systems: Requirements and Open Challenges
Pietro Colombo
and Elena Ferrari
Department of Theoretical and Applied Science, University of Insubria, Via O. Rossi, 9 - 21100 Varese, Italy
Industrial Internet of Things, Sparkplug, MQTT, Fine-Grained Access Control, Access Control Policies.
Sparkplug (ISO, 2023) is an emerging open-source software specification that supports integrating applications
and devices in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems and eases data integration. Although recently
introduced, Sparkplug has rapidly gained popularity, and its specifications have already been defined as an
ISO standard. However, the basic data protection features it supports could hinder the adoption of Sparkplug
on a large scale. Efficient access control solutions for Sparkplug-based IIoT systems open new research
challenges. In this position paper, we take the first step to fill this void by presenting key requirements for
integrating access control into Sparkplug systems and discussing significant issues for developing a suitable
access control framework.
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is an emerg-
ing paradigm that combines IoT technologies and
real-time data analytics to enable device connectiv-
ity, favor faster business decisions, and maximize
revenue growth (Ahmed et al., 2023; Boyes et al.,
2018). Recent surveys claim that manifold industrial
fields benefit from IIoT technologies and that the
IIoT market is rapidly expanding. See, for instance,
A key issue for the IIoT domain is the interop-
erability of applications and heterogeneous mission-
critical devices from different vendors that charac-
terize an industrial environment (Hazra et al., 2021),
which can be addressed by relying on a standard com-
munication protocol.
In recent years, MQTT (OASIS, 2019) has be-
come a reference communication protocol for IoT ap-
plications. MQTT is often used in IIoT frameworks
as the adopted topic-based publish/subscribe commu-
nication overcomes the limits of poll/response proto-
cols used in Industrial Control systems (Nast et al.,
2022). However, MQTT lacks a standardized data
format, leading to interoperability problems. More-
over, MQTT lacks a unified, systematic approach to
managing the state of devices, which IIoT control ap-
plications must continuously monitor.
Sparkplug (ISO, 2023) is a recent open specifi-
cation designed to favor the interoperability of het-
erogeneous devices and data integration. Spark-
plug extends MQTT while maintaining compatibil-
ity with its infrastructure. Indeed, a Sparkplug sys-
tem is composed of MQTT servers and specialized
MQTT clients. Sparkplug standardizes state man-
agement and message topic structures and rules out
message payload formatting and encoding, provid-
ing vendor-neutral specifications for data formats.
Although recently proposed, Sparkplug appears as
an up-and-coming IIoT technology and has already
been standardized (ISO, 2023). However, the Spark-
plug’s diffusion might be hindered by the poor se-
curity features it provides. Critical security issues
can lead to equipment damage, regulatory problems,
and personal safety hazards. Like MQTT, Sparkplug
supports basic access control mechanisms. Spark-
plug specification suggests using access control lists
(ACLs), relying on the MQTT server’s ability to en-
force them. However, ACLs ensure a coarse-grained
level of protection based on message topic matching.
Policies specify the read/write topics authorized to a
client, and access is granted for any message with
a compliant topic. More effective mechanisms are
needed. Access control should be enforced at a finer-
grained granularity level, granting permissions based
on message properties, and the access request context.
Colombo, P. and Ferrari, E.
Access Control Integration in Sparkplug-Based Industrial Internet of Things Systems: Requirements and Open Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0013055700003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 380-384
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Sparkplug system architecture.
Access control is a crucial security feature for IIoT
systems and has been thoroughly investigated (e.g.,
see Salonikias et al., 2019). Access control frame-
works for the IoT can be classified based on the char-
acteristics of the adopted access control model and the
enforcement mechanisms they use. In a large class of
frameworks, which include, for instance, the work by
Xu et al. (2018), access authorizations are material-
ized into capability tokens assigned to subjects, who
must prove their authorizations by presenting the re-
ceived token. Another framework family, which com-
prises the work by La Marra et al. (2018), grants au-
thorizations when access control conditions that re-
fer to mutable subjects, objects, and environment at-
tributes are satisfied. Authorizations are adapted to
attribute changes. On the other hand, access con-
trol frameworks like that proposed by Gouglidis and
Mavridis (2012), grant privileges to users via role as-
signments. Finally, frameworks such as the one pro-
posed by Han et al. (2022), authorize access when
conditions that refer to subjects, objects, and environ-
ment attributes are satisfied.
Despite the vast literature on access control, only
a few works have focused on integrating access con-
trol in MQTT systems (e.g., La Marra et al., 2018;
Colombo et al., 2021), and we are unaware of works
on Sparkplug. Although Sparkplug systems rely on
MQTT as base messaging technology, access con-
trol approaches for MQTT are unsuited for being
used with Sparkplug, and cannot be easily adapted
to Sparkplug systems. A new, dedicated approach
is needed, to be designed by taking into account dis-
tinctive Sparkplug features, such as the Report by Ex-
ception communication and the standardized message
payload definition (ISO, 2023). To fill this void, in
this paper, we present essential requirements for inte-
grating access control in Sparkplug-enabled IIoT sys-
tems and discuss open research problems for develop-
ing an access control framework.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 overviews basic Sparkplug concepts.
Section 3 introduces essential requirements for defin-
ing an access control framework for Sparkplug sys-
tems. Section 4 discusses research challenges related
to the framework development, and finally, Section 5
concludes the paper.
A Sparkplug system includes an MQTT server that
routes messages issued by specialized MQTT clients
operating as edge nodes with related devices, primary
and secondary applications. An example of Spark-
plug architecture is shown in Figure1. Edge nodes
are gateways for devices (such as sensors, PLCs, and
RTUs) that cannot communicate via Sparkplug. Edge
nodes allow them to communicate with the rest of the
infrastructure and control their states. Primary appli-
cations, are SCADA/IIoT hosts that monitor the state
of edge nodes and devices and issue commands in re-
sponse to a state change. Finally, secondary applica-
tions, like Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES),
Historians, and Analytics, receive and process data
generated by edge nodes and devices and possibly
send commands.
Communication among applications and edge
nodes is achieved by exchanging Sparkplug mes-
sages, namely MQTT application messages, with spe-
cific payload and topic structures. The payload of
a Sparkplug message aggregates properties referred
to as metrics that typically denote diagnostics, cur-
rent state values, and metadata. The topic of a mes-
sage specifies the components to which that message
should be addressed and the message type.
Supported message types are listed in Table 1.
Access Control Integration in Sparkplug-Based Industrial Internet of Things Systems: Requirements and Open Challenges
Table 1: Sparkplug message types.
Message type Semantics
NBIRTH/DBIRTH Notifies that an edge node/device is online. The payload metrics denote information
related to the component interface and the data it handles.
NDEATH/DDEATH Notifies that an edge node/device went offline.
NDATA/DDATA Notifies that one/multiple metrics handled by an edge node/device changed value.
STATE Notifies a state change from online to offline or vice versa of the primary application.
NCMD/DCMD Notifies the request by primary/secondary applications to modify the value of metrics
controlled by an edge node/device.
An access control framework for Sparkplug-enabled
IIoT applications should ensure fine-grained access
control with customizable protection levels and a low
enforcement overhead.
State-of-the-art fine-grained access control ap-
proaches for MQTT systems operate at the mes-
sage granularity level (e.g., Colombo et al., 2021).
However, in Sparkplug systems, the granularity level
should be finer-grained for some message types.
aggregate metrics, each denoting a distinct data prop-
erty. By enforcing access control at the message
level, a Sparkplug message addressed to a rightful
subscriber is blocked or routed with all its metrics.
However, some of the metrics could be necessary for
a subject and not needed for others, and based on the
Principle of Least Privilege (Saltzer and Schroeder,
1975), subjects should receive the minimum privi-
leges to achieve their tasks. The same considerations
apply to NCMD/DCMD messages that allow multi-
ple write requests to be issued simultaneously. For in-
stance, a SCADA/IIoT host should access all the met-
rics edge nodes and devices manage and issue con-
trol signals to manage these components. In contrast,
a secondary application performing analytics should
not access the metrics allowing device control. To en-
force access control at the metrics granularity level,
authorized views of Sparkplug messages should sub-
stitute the original messages, from which the unau-
thorized metrics will be removed/obfuscated. For in-
stance, any metric that allows modifying a receiving
device’s state should be pruned out from the view of
a DCMD message issued by a secondary application.
Additionally, to favor customization, access con-
trol should consider any available information related
to the requesting subject, the protected object, and
the request context. In Sparkplug systems, the sub-
jects are referred to by identifiers. In contrast, met-
rics specify the timestamp at which they have been
set and can also be labeled with additional metadata.
A discretionary access control model should, there-
fore, be able to regulate subjects’ accesses based on
object and environment attributes. More precisely, to
exploit the Sparkplug mentioned above features, ac-
cess should be granted to subjects based on the satis-
faction of conditions that refer to the access request
time and metric properties. For instance, assume that
the metric property sensitivity is used to denote the
sensitivity level of the metrics. A secondary applica-
tion could be authorized to access data generated by
a device at a specific time interval, but only if none
of the metrics included in the message payloads has
been marked as sensitive.
The enforcement monitor should be implemented
in such a way as to intercept any Sparkplug mes-
sage addressed to the MQTT server and issued by the
MQTT server to edge nodes and applications. De-
pending on the applicable access control policies, the
monitor could either block the message transit or re-
move unauthorized metrics from the message payload
(if any) and consent to the transit of the derived view.
In this section, we discuss open research challenges
implied by the requirements presented in Section 3.
The peculiarities of Sparkplug make the specifi-
cation of an access control enforcement mechanism
at the metric granularity level for the access control
model mentioned in Section 3 a challenging task. In
particular, Sparkplug recommends adopting a report-
by-exception (RbE) communication strategy to save
transmission bandwidth. According to RbE, data
and state information are only published when they
change. For instance, suppose sa is a secondary appli-
cation that subscribed to the reception of messages by
an edge node en. Suppose sa is allowed to see metric
m1 within messages published by en during the time
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
intervals [t1..t2] and [t4..t5]. Based on the RbE ap-
proach, whenever m1 changes value, en publishes an
NDATA message that includes m1. During the inter-
val [t1..t2], authorized views of these NDATA mes-
sages, including m1, must be sent to sa. Suppose now
that en updates m1 at time t3 immediately after t2 but
before t4. Based on the above-mentioned policy, sa
cannot see the update at t3. However, the access is
newly allowed at t4. Therefore, at t4, sa should be
made aware of the value of m1 published by en at t3,
as it is the most recent one. An open issue is, there-
fore, to find an efficient approach to communicate the
last m1 value. One possible solution could be forc-
ing en to generate an NBIRTH message that includes
m1, with a forged NCMD message requesting the en
rebirth. However, the exemplified scenario refers to a
single case of interaction, but additional cases could
be identified. A thorough analysis is therefore needed,
as well as the study of the related enforcement mech-
Another challenge is related to policy specifica-
tion. The enforcement of access control at the metric
level could cause significant growth of the policy set
size. However, it could be reasonable to assume that
within a message payload, the sensitive metrics that
require dedicated access control policies could be a
minority. Approaches to minimizing the policy num-
ber and easing policy administration must be investi-
gated. A viable strategy could be using a policy model
that protects classes of messages satisfying a topic fil-
ter with an exception list that specifies the metrics to
be removed. For instance, referring to the previous
example, one could specify a policy p1 that matches
any NBIRTH and NDATA message published by en,
with an exception list that includes m1 and a condi-
tion specifying the time interval (t2..t4) and a policy
p2 with the same topic filter, an empty exception list,
and a condition always true.
Many policies could be specified for primary and
secondary applications that could subscribe to receiv-
ing data from any edge node and device in a Spark-
plug system. A key requirement is that the access
control policies that apply to an access request are
identified with minimal delay. For instance, policy re-
trieval could benefit from efficient in-memory NoSQL
databases like Redis (, which ensures
the execution of lookup-by-key operations with sub-
millisecond latency. However, data modeling strate-
gies for access control policies and indexing strategies
for such databases should be studied to minimize the
selection time of access control policies applicable to
an access request.
The efficiency of policy evaluation could depend
on the language employed to specify AC conditions.
It could be possible to rely on platforms like GraalVM
(, which allow code execu-
tion in multiple programming languages with high
performance. However, an empirical evaluation is
needed to assess the performance and to see whether
such a solution is oversized.
Finally, the enforcement monitor could ei-
ther be developed as an independent component
operating as a proxy of the MQTT server or
integrated into the MQTT server itself, exploit-
ing the leading brokers’ extensions mechanism,
like those of HiveMQ (,
EMQX ( or Mosquitto
( Both approaches should be
studied by assessing aspects of performance and
Despite the vast literature on access control for the
IoT domain, up to now no access control framework
has targeted Sparkplug systems.
In this paper, we take a step to fill this void, pre-
senting key requirements for integrating fine-grained
access control in Sparkplug-based IIoT systems and
discussing research issues to be addressed to build an
effective access control framework for this use case.
This work was supported in part by project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU-NGEU.
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WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies