The Study on the Influencing Factors of Housing Price
Zhiyi Chen
School of Beijing Haidian KaiWen Academy, Beijing, 100000, China
Keywords: House Price, Multiple Linear Regression, House Sales.
Abstract: This paper aims to find out the factors that affect the housing price. Multiple Linear Regression method was
used to analyze the significant factors between May 2014 and May 2015 in King County. Through the graph
test, 13 of the 15 variables selected are related to house prices. In the model analysis, the p values and the VIF
values of these variables were compared, and the accuracy of the model was confirmed. The results showed
that the number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, living area, waterfront, view level, overall condition,
building grade, above ground area, below ground area, year of renovation, there is a significant linear
relationship between the living area and lot size of neighbors and the housing price, and there is no
significance test between the number of floors of the building and the housing price. In general, the fluctuation
of home prices in King County can be considered by the extent to which these factors affect home prices.
House is an important part of people's life, and its
price has always been a concern of people. Since
2002, house prices in the United States have
continued to rise, which have a significant impact on
people's lives. According to the research of Case and
Shiller, the real estate market has obvious
fluctuations, and the average house price will soar by
about 20% from 2000 to 2020 (Mian and Amir, 2024).
Nowadays, the house prices continue to change and
rise, according to the latest S&P Case-Shiller Index,
the average home price in the United States increased
by 1% year over year in July 2023, hit a record high.
Meanwhile, the cumulative 5.3% increase in the S&P
Case-Shiller average home price index from January
2023 has offset the cumulative 5% decline in home
prices from the peak last June to the slowdown in
January this year (Feng, 2023). The fluctuation of
housing price has a great impact on the consumption
structure of urban residents (Xu and Liu, 2024).
While choosing the house for a suitable price, it is
also important to consider the conditions of the house
that affect the price of the house. Therefore, this paper
will analyze the structural direct factors that have the
greatest impact on home prices and provides advice
on what to expect to buy, based on the home price
data of King County, Seattle.
The real estate market is a complex model with
many factors, in addition to the general condition of
the house and the grade of construction, there are
many factors related to the interior of the house. By
investigating the demand for housing in various
regions, the main influencing factors are found and
determined. Quitzau's study in 2008 showed that
people are very concerned about the number of
bedrooms and bathrooms in the house (Quitzau and
Røpke, 2008). Khajehzadeh et al. also showed that
since the concept of bedroom size may be different
from region to region, living area should also be a
priority for people (Khajehzadeh and Brenda, 2017).
Jim's research found that the number of floors, floor
height and window orientation (view level) of the
house also deeply affect people's purchase intention,
and thus affect the price (Jim and Chen, 2006). Water
source is the most commonly used and typical
housing characteristic. In North's research, the
availability of high-quality and available water
resources also plays a significant role in real estate
valuation (North and Griffin, 1993). In the study of
Zabel et al. and Cho et al., the effect of minimum lot
size restrictions (MLRs) in the housing price model is
also very large in the value of real estate, so this is
also considered to be one of the main influencing
factors of housing price (Jeffrey and Maurice, 2011 &
Cho et al., 2009).
As mentioned in the research of Liu Wenjing et
al., owners have the demand for the basement, thus,
the balance between basement and above-ground
floor area is also important for housing. This also
Chen, Z.
The Study on the Influencing Factors of Housing Price.
DOI: 10.5220/0013055900004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 258-263
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
provides a new way of thinking about the factors of
housing prices, that is, the above-ground area and the
underground area (Liu et al., 2022). At the same time,
Cho's research model also showed that from the
perspective of low-carbon green buildings, there is
also a correlation between the property value caused
by renovation and the house price (Cho et al., 2020).
This paper will mainly study and analyze the
impact of 15 variables (house condition (overall),
building grade, bedroom numbers, bathroom
numbers, living area, number of floors, view level,
whether there is water source, lot size, basement size,
living area above the ground, year of construction,
year of renovation, neighborhood living condition) on
the housing price, and build a suitable housing price
model to provide people with better purchase
suggestions, the variables may adjust with the dataset
2.1 Data Source
The data used of this analysis is from a public data set
of, the title of the dataset is “House Sales
in King County, USA”. This dataset contains house
sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle.
It includes homes sold between May 2014 and May
2015. The original dataset is in .csv format.
2.2 Variable Introduction
The dataset includes 21613 records, each of them
represent a sale of a house. There are 21 columns in
the dataset, as table 1 shows:
Table 1. List of variables.
Variable name meaning
Id The unique identifier for the house
Date the date when the house was sold
Price the final sale price of the house
Bedroom Number of bedrooms
Bathrooms Number of bathrooms
sqft_living Living area (in square feet)
sqft_lot Lot area (in square feet)
floors Number of floors
waterfront Whether there is water (0 means no, 1 means yes)
view The rate of view of the house
condition the living area (square feet) above ground level
grade The area of the basement (in square feet)
sqft_above year the house was built
sqft_basement The area of the basement (in square feet)
yr_built year the house was built
yr_renovated The year in which the house was last renovated
zipcode zipcode
lat Latitude coordinates of the house
long the longitude coordinates of the house
sqft_living15 Living area (square feet) of 15 neighbors in the vicinity of the house in 2015.
sqft_lot15 sqft_lot15: Lot size (square feet) of 15 neighbors near the house in 2015.
In the data set, abnormal values are identified and
found based on the box plot, in this scenario, the
author finds the data with extremely high price and
extremely low price. Figure 1 shows that there is
some extremely high price data recorded. Now this
paper back to the dataset and try to find the reason for
those abnormal value. By observing those abnormal
value, the author finds that extremely high housing
prices are generally accompanied by extremely high
building levels, living area, lot area, condition level,
or view level. These variables are considered in the
dataset, those are not outliers due to factors that are
not considered, so this paper chooses to keep these
The Study on the Influencing Factors of Housing Price
Fig. 1 Box plot of the price of the data.
2.3 Method Introduction
A multiple linear regression model is used to analysis
and predict house price based on the selected
independent variables. The regression model
equation includes the intercept term and coefficients
of each variable. The multiple linear regression model
is a model with multiple explanatory variables, and it
can be used to explain the relationship between
dependent variable and multiple independent
variables. The principle is to apply least squares on
the data and minimize the sum of the squares of the
residuals between the dependent variables and the
independent variables.
3.1 Descriptive Analysis
The dataset contains a large amount of data, which
there is some of the variables in of the column has no
effect, or not a direct effect, on the house prices that.
Using scatter diagram of each independent variable to
see how they related to the dependent variable.
Fig. 2 Scatter Digram of sqft_lot & price.
Figure 2 shows that there is no linear relationship
between the lot size and the housing price. In order to
obtain better model results, it has been decided to
remove this variable.
Fig. 3 Scatter Digram of yr_built & price.
Figure 3 shows that there is no linear relationship
between the year the house was built and the housing
price, it has been decided to remove this variable.
Fig. 4 Scatter Digram of zipcode & price.
Figure 4 shows that there is no linear relationship
between the zipcode of the house and the housing
price, it has been decided to remove this variable.
Fig. 5 Scatter Digram of lat & price.
Figure 5 shows that there is no linear relationship
between the latitude of the house and the housing
price, it has been decided to remove this variable.
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Fig. 6 Scatter Digram of long & price.
Figure 6 shows that there is no linear relationship
between the longitude of the house and the housing
price, it has been decided to remove this variable.
After removing those variables, the features
remaining that might influence house prices as
explanatory variables including (Table 2):
3.2 Model Results
When applying multiple linear regression with the
tool, the author finds that some independent variables
have multicollinearity, which will adversely affect the
stability and interpretability of the model and may
lead to inaccurate coefficient estimation and
increased standard error. First of all, a collinearity
analysis of the data is carried out:
On the table 3 shown, the author found that the
absolute value of correlation coefficient between
variable sqft_above and sqft_living is very strong
(>0.8), this means there may multicollinearity
between them. Thus, this paper chooses to remove
sqft_living in the linear regression, since it has high
absolute value of correlation coefficient with some
other variables. Finally, the multiple linear regression
model is applied.
Table 2. Explanatory variables.
Variable name Meaning Range
Bedrooms Number of bedrooms no
Bathrooms Number of bathrooms no
sqft_living Living area no
Floors Number of floors no
Waterfront Whether there is water 1 or 0
View The rate of view of the house 0~4
Condition The overall rate of condition of the house 1~5
Grade The building grade of the house 1~13
Sqft_above The living area above ground level no
Sqft_basement The area of the basement no
yr_renovated The year the house was last renovated no
Sqft_living15 Living area (square feet) of 15 neighbors in the vicinity of the house in 2015 no
Spft_lot15 Lot size (square feet) of 15 neighbors near the house in 2015 no
Table 3. Correlation results of part of the variables.
bedroomsbathroomssqft_living floors waterfron
sqft_lot15 view conditio
bedrooms 1
bathrooms 0.516** 1
sqft_living 0.577** 0.755** 1
floors 0.175** 0.501** 0.354** 1
waterfront -0.007 0.064** 0.104** 0.024** 1
sqft_lot15 0.029** 0.087** 0.183** -0.011 0.031** 1
view 0.080** 0.188** 0.285** 0.029** 0.402** 0.073** 1
condition 0.028** -0.125** -0.059** -0.264** 0.017* -0.003 0.046** 1
grade 0.357** 0.665** 0.763** 0.458** 0.083** 0.119** 0.251**-0.145** 1
3.3 Model Results
The table 4 shows the result of the linear regression.
The model formula is:
𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 717503.880 34136.190
𝑏𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑠 565696.394
𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 (1)
Where 𝑅
of the model is 0.613. this means the
variables selected can be used to explain 61.3% of the
The Study on the Influencing Factors of Housing Price
house price variation. The VIF of the variables in this
model are all less than 5, means that there is no
collinearity problem.
The p value of the independent variables:
bedrooms, bathrooms, sqft_living, waterfront, view,
condition, grade, sqft_above, sqft_basement,
yr_renovated, sqft_living15, sqft_lot15 are 0.00, so it
can be considered that all variables except floors have
a significant effect on the dependent variable price.
Moreover, D-W value of the model is close to number
2, which indicates that there is no autocorrelation in
the model, and there is no correlation between the
sample data, and the model is good.
The result shows that sqft_above, yr_renovated,
sqft_basement, grade, condition, sqft_living15, view,
waterfront has a significant positive impact on price.
And bedrooms, bathrooms, sqft_lot15 have
significant negative influence on price. But floors
have no effect on price.
Table 4. Model results.
Unstandardized Coe. Standardized Coe.
t p
collinearity diagnostics
B SE Beta VIF tolerability
Constant -717503.88017314.851 - -41.4390.000** - -
bedrooms -34136.190 2138.522 -0.086 -15.9630.000** 1.639 0.610
bathrooms -16254.218 3453.362 -0.034 -4.707 0.000** 2.931 0.341
floors -2324.943 3948.933 -0.003 -0.589 0.556 1.884 0.531
sqft_above 182.790 4.086 0.412 44.740 0.000** 4.742 0.211
yr_renovated 72.552 3.923 0.079 18.494 0.000** 1.029 0.972
sqft_basement 210.271 4.848 0.253 43.370 0.000** 1.907 0.524
grade 102110.393 2348.118 0.327 43.486 0.000** 3.156 0.317
condition 57357.875 2515.927 0.102 22.798 0.000** 1.111 0.900
sqft_lot15 -0.722 0.059 -0.054 -12.2450.000** 1.073 0.932
sqft_living15 15.315 3.795 0.029 4.036 0.000** 2.802 0.357
view 56802.133 2384.400 0.119 23.822 0.000** 1.383 0.723
waterfront 565696.394 19691.576 0.133 28.728 0.000** 1.202 0.832
R2 0.613
Adj R2 0.613
F F (12,21600)=2853.269,p=0.000
D-W value 1.983
Dependent Variable: price
* p<0.05 ** p<0.01
This study selected the dataset of home prices sold in
King County which between May 2014 and May
2015. The study focused on 15 variables, two of
which were not linearly related to the dependent
variables in the selected data set and were removed
from the analysis for better modeling. The Multiple
Linear Regression accurately and effectively analyzes
the correlation coefficient of multiple factors to the
dependent variable.
This study analyzes the how the selected 13
variables related to housing price through the method
of multiple linear regression and finds that the main
factors affecting housing price are waterfront,
building grade, overall condition, and view level. The
number of floors in the variable has little effect on
prices. Above and below ground living area, year of
renovation, building grade, overall condition,
neighbors living area, view level, waterfront has a
significant positive impact on price, and then the
number of bedrooms, the number of bathrooms, the
lot size of the neighbors have significant negative
influence on price.
This research can provide reference value for
people are considering buying a house and help them
to determine the initial budget from different factors
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
perspective. However, this model still has
shortcomings, such as other variables that are not
considered, the relationship between some variables
may not be represented, and the analysis sample
scope is limited, and so on. To improve these
problems, a larger range of data and a more optimized
approach are needed.
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The Study on the Influencing Factors of Housing Price