Water Optimization in Digital Farming
Pascal Francois Faye
1 a
, Jeanne Ana Awa Faye
and Mariane Senghor
Dept. Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
University Sine Saloum El Hadj Ibrahima NIASS (USSEIN), Kaolack, Senegal
Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale,
University Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France
Water Optimization, Internet of Things, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Crop Similarities.
In Senegal, agriculture is subsistence and highly dependent on soil, climate, and raining season. Food crops
take up to 46% of the total land and make up 15% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), ensuring between
70% and 75% employment. In this work, we propose methods to understand through a sensor network, the
effects of the required irrigation system on six soil types (ferruginous tropical - sandy - loamy - clay - humus-
bearing - clay and loamy) depending to crop production like : - the time interval for infiltration or evaporation
of the irrigation water according to the type of soil - the speed of spreading of water in both directions (lateral
and depth) - the set up of four soil’s amendments (peanut shells, livestock manure, poultry manure and plant
mixture) methods for optimized water in crop production. We, also, propose an agricultural calendar for
a good distribution of the farms’ activities over time after finding the relationship between eighteen crop
production and soil amendments. Our results show the effectiveness of our solution to help water optimization
in agriculture. This means that, taking into account these data, it is possible to understand crop dependencies,
anticipate agro-ecological phenomena and crop water stress that affect the yield of crops.
In order to continuously feed humanity, in computer
sciences it has several advances on sensor network,
robot automation, computer vision and artificial intel-
ligence for prediction, decision making, etc. How-
ever, due to the demographic pressure on cities, cli-
mate change and soil degradation, several research
questions are done in order to face with the gradual
abandonment of land and to find solutions or advice
with the reduction of agricultural perimeters. This
is one of the big issues in the peanut basin of Sene-
gal(cf. figure 1). Computer vision recognition has
been increasingly applied to numerous fields of agri-
culture with the advancement of computer graphics
and image processing technology. The development
of sensor technologies for smart agriculture, such as
soil and air all-in-one sensors which provide tempera-
ture and humidity parameters, etc., enhance data col-
lection and processing for decision making in agri-
culture. Usually, the data is transferred from the sen-
sor to the sink node for data collection and the server
for processing and decision making. In addition, the
use of robots in agriculture that uses a variety of sen-
sors to sense the dynamic of the agricultural environ-
ment and then picks the target using this knowledge
and a decision-making algorithm based on artificial
intelligence help farms in order to manage their field
(ploughing, sowing, harvesting, pest attack, etc.).
In this work we tackle through sensors, the ef-
fects of soil type and the required irrigation system
depending to crop production through - the time in-
terval for infiltration or evaporation of irrigation water
depending on the type of soil - the speed of spreading
of water in both directions (lateral and depth) - the
soil amendment methods for optimized water in crop
production. This, to propose an agricultural calendar
for a good distribution of the farms’ activities over
time and find the relationship between crop produc-
tion and soils. Thus, to lead to a better planning of
the agricultural calendar for a good distribution of ac-
tivities over time. This in order to take into account
climate changes, soil degradation, etc. for improving
the farms’ crops and to overcome the seasonality of
the agriculture in the peanut basin of Senegal.
In the rest of this paper, section 2 presents our re-
search problem, section 3 highlights our objectives
and section 4 discusses related works. Section 5
Faye, P., Faye, J. and Senghor, M.
Water Optimization in Digital Farming.
DOI: 10.5220/0013057400003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 1, pages 472-479
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Peanut basin of Senegal (ANSD, 2024).
presents some preliminaries and methodologies. Sec-
tion 6 highlights the results before the conclusion in
the section 7.
An agriculture that deals with the environment, the
climate change and the soil degradation has become
an imperative if we aim to make farmer and agri-
culture sustainable. A better understanding of the
farm’s environment is needed to make the right va-
rietal choices and crop options. This is not to men-
tion the rise in temperatures, which leads to increased
evaporation or evapotranspiration, which influences
yields and the seasonality of the agriculture. In ad-
dition, water is a critical resource that needed to op-
timize for an efficient crop production. That is why,
this work focus on methods to understand, the time
interval for water infiltration or evaporation depend-
ing on the soil type and amendment. This, in order
to propose a better agricultural calendar for a good
distribution of the farms’ activities over time and find
the relationship between crops and soil activities in
the peanut basin of Senegal (cf. figure 1). Indeed, we
highlight on the figure 2, the dependencies between
month, from 2000s to 2023s regarding the agrocli-
matology parameters (Surface Pressure, Temperature,
Humidity, Wind Speed, Surface Soil Wetness, Pro-
file Soil Moisture, Root Zone Soil Wetness, Precip-
itation, Photosynthetically Active Radiation). Each
square shows the correlation (a measure of dependen-
cies). Values closer to zero means there is no linear
trend between the months. Close to 1 the months are
more positively correlated, and stronger is the rela-
tionship. The legend on the right side help to interpret
The results show a strong correlation between the
months in the peanut basin. It is therefore possible to
Figure 2: The result of our data correlation from 2000s to
2023s in the peanut basin.
refine cropping calendars to avoid seasonality in agri-
culture, taking into account other soil-related param-
Knowledge of climate change and its effects on the
various sectors of the national economy is a major
challenge for the country’s developers. Various ini-
tiatives are therefore being developed to better iden-
tify the implications of climate variability in the agri-
culture sector. However, while a causal relationship
has clearly been established between the vulnerabil-
ity of the agriculture sectors and a set of parame-
ters like: the climate, the challenge of accurate infor-
mation, the sharing and pooling efforts (Faye et al.,
2022). This calls for a review of existing frameworks,
but it should also help to find ways of collaborating,
sharing and other one in order to provide better sup-
port for decision-making, particularly for grassroots
users such as producers. Supporting farmers to better
manage the risks associated with climate variability is
now a major necessity (Faye et al., 2024a)(Faye et al.,
2024b). All economic activities which promote food
security and suitable agriculture must incorporate the
risks of climate change, soil types and water quantity
and water quality into their planning. The aims of this
work are:
1. to understand the time interval for infiltration or
evaporation of irrigation water depending on the
type of soil.
2. to calculate the speed of spreading water in both
directions (lateral and depth).
3. to set up several soil amendment methods for op-
timized crop production.
4. to help with water optimization that is adapted
to variations of agrometeology parameters during
Water Optimization in Digital Farming
the annual seasons.
5. to find similarities between different crops in or-
der to propose an annual soil occupation manage-
ment strategy.
In this way, farmers can make decisions about the
technical itineraries for their crops and the dates set
for the cropping calendars (ploughing dates, sowing
dates, fertiliser application dates, irrigation hours and
other inputs), which can enable precision farming.
This work combines the:
1. laws of probability to model the dynamics and un-
predictable events;
2. Machine learning (ML) models to find the better
decision making;
This combination delivers a solution that addresses
well the dynamism and uncertainty challenges tar-
geted in this work.
In (Sellam and Poovammal, 2010), they research the
environmental parameters that affect the crop yield
and related parameters through a multivariate Regres-
sion Analysis. A sample of environmental factors
considers a period of 10 years. The System is applied
to find the relationship between explanatory variables
like annual rainfull,area under cultivation, food price
index and hence the crop yield as a response vari-
able and R
value clearly shows that, the yield is es-
pecially hooked into annual rainfall,area under cul-
tivation and food price index are the opposite two
factors that are influencing the crop yield. This re-
search is often enhanced by considering other fac-
tors like minimum support price, cost price index,
wholesale price index, etc. and their relationship with
crop yield. In (Zhang et al., 2010), the authors show
that NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)
and precipitation are the most important predictors for
corn yield in Iowa. In (Zingade et al., 2018), the au-
thors have presented an android based application and
an internet site that uses Machine learning methods
to predict the foremost profitable crop in the current
weather and soil conditions and with current envi-
ronmental conditions. This system helps the farmer
with a sort of option for the crops that will be culti-
vated, which will be helping them over the long run.
In (Sun et al., 2022) they improved a density peak
cluster segmentation algorithm for RGB (Red Green
Blue) images with the help of a gradient field of depth
images to locate and recognize target fruit during the
process of green apple harvesting or yield estimation.
Specifically, the image depth information is adopted
to analyse the gradient field of the target image. Usu-
ally, smart agriculture produces enormous quantities
of multidimensional time series data. However, due
to the technological’s limitations, data loss and mis-
representation are frequent problems with the smart
agriculture’s IOT devices. In order to solve the issues
in (Cheng et al., 2022), authors propose a anomaly
detection model that can handle these multidimen-
sional time series data. Meanwhile, a multi-objective
strategy based on supervised machine learning was
utilized in (Uyeh et al., 2022) to identify the ideal
number of sensors and installation locations in a pro-
tected cultivation system. A machine learning tree-
based model in the form of a gradient boosting tech-
nique was specifically adapted to observed (temper-
ature and humidity) and derived circumstances (dew
point temperature, humidity ratio, enthalpy, and spe-
cific volume). Time series forecasting was used for
feature variables. In (Maia et al., 2022), sensor data
analysis over two irrigation seasons in three cotton
fields from two cotton-growing regions of Australia
revealed a connection between soil matric potential
and cumulative crop evapotranspiration (ETcn) de-
rived from satellite measurements between irrigation
events. They explore the distributed averaging is-
sues of agriculture picking multi-robot systems un-
der directed communication topologies by utilizing
the sampled data. A distributed protocol based on
nearest-neighbor information is presented using the
principles of algebraic graph theory and matrix the-
In contrast to our work, these works do not pro-
pose a cropping calender in order to minimize the risk
depending to climate change, pest migration and other
agrometeorological information and soils parameters
like ours. In addition, we aim to enhance productivity
and sustainability in the peanut basin of Senegal by
taking into account the water optimization and crop-
ping calendar. This, because in Senegal, there are dif-
ferent types of farms and various levels of complex-
ities in terms of organization. We have on the one
hand, family farms with limited levels of organiza-
tions, financial capabilities and standard procedures.
On the other hand, there are some farms working on
fruits and vegetables exportation with better organi-
zations and procedures. In (Faye et al., 2023), a set
of results in this peanut basin shown the crop yield
relative to the raining season and to the temperature.
In (Faye et al., 2024a), authors propose an Agricul-
ture Information and Management System based on
some Machine Learning Algorithm (ML) and Inter-
net Of Things device that ensures data collection and
control as well as a data monitoring system via a web
platform for decision-making support in a real-world
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
agricultural environments. (Faye et al., 2024b) pro-
vides a set of mechanisms that uses a set of trust
database of agro-climatic parameters and a set of ar-
tificial intelligence algorithm in order to assess agri-
cultural calendar for a good distribution of the farm’s
activities and to find the relationship between crops.
In the continuity of their work, we take into account
soils’ types and water optimization.
The next section provides the methodology of this
Our study is motivated by the environmental and cli-
mate challenges that make difficult the prediction on
crop yield, crop diseases and pests in the peanut basin
of Senegal (Fatick, Kaolack and Kaffrine) (cf. Fig-
ure 1). The peanut basin of Senegal has a set of
different climatic characteristics (Faye et al., 2023).
Many challenges are observable due to changes in
land degradation, soil salinization, temperature, ran-
dom rainfall, etc. We conduced a two years study that
has shown the correlation relationship (Figure 3) be-
tween a set of climatic parameters of the peanut basin
by using our dataset from our sensor network (figure
We follow information on the agriculture require-
ments for planning work, forecasting the development
risks of certain climate-related diseases, monitoring
the water balance of soils, monitoring of temperatures
in connection with the plant development schedule.
The functioning of the crop, the soil and the water
system depends mainly on:
PS : Surface Pressure (kPa)
T2M : Temperature at 2 Meters (C)
QV2M : Specific Humidity at 2 Meters (g/kg)
WS2M : Wind Speed at 2 Meters (m/s)
GWETTOP : Surface Soil Wetness (1)
GWETPROF : Profile Soil Moisture (1)
GWETROOT : Root Zone Soil Wetness (1)
PRECTOTCORR : Precipitation Corrected
PAR : Photosynthetically Active Radiation
In figure 3, we have plotted changes in soil parame-
ters between 2002 and 2023 in order to complement
the correlation relationships provided by the figure 2.
It shows, between 2022 and 2023, the different rela-
tionships and differences between the various agrocli-
matic soil parameters that can influence plants apart
from soil nutrients.
Figure 3: Our data clustering between 2022 and 2023 using
Figure 4: Our sensors network topology for local climate
and soil data.
This, in order to study the set of real-time inter-
actions between atmospheric phenomena and all of
agronomic parameters, to deal with the real needs of
farmers in order to avoid the seasonality of their ac-
tivities without to guarantee a good crop yield. Our
sensor network topology is shown in figure 4.
The data are collected via sensors (e.g. soil mois-
ture, NPK, DHT11, temperature, etc.) with their
controller cards (ESP 8266, ESP CAM, ARDUINO
UNO) which create a mesh network of field sensors
that will serve as a medium for transmitting data from
sensors. Different cards transmit their data through
the access points of the network. The data are sent
simultaneously to the ThingSpeak platform and on
our local server via HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Pro-
tocol Secure) and SQL (Structured Query Language)
requests. In our local server, it has a web applica-
Water Optimization in Digital Farming
tion for data visualization to support decision making.
ThingSpeak is a cloud IoT analytics platform service
that allows to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live
data streams. Data are sent to ThingSpeak from our
devices, to create instant visualization. All data from
our local server or from ThingSpeak are aggregated
by our agent platform. An agent is a device or an ap-
plication which can sense the environment compute
some processes and provide results or acts on its envi-
ronment. Our agent concept which extract, organize,
aggregate and interpret sensor data based on our ma-
chine learning models is constrained by the parame-
ters: {Rs, Hs, ϑ
, U, L
}. Rs is its resource(s) and Hs
is its history set which consists of a set of previous de-
cisions. A view ϑ
is the set of sensors in its neighbor-
hood with whom it can directly communicate at time
t. U is its private utility function. L
defines the de-
pendence level between the received data in a given
sensors network (Net). The utility function U of the
agent is the score used in order to help to improve the
learning rate U =
errors rate
good decision
In the next section, we conduce a set of experi-
ments with a set of soil types in order to optimize
crop production and water infiltration in the peanut
basin (see, figure 5). Choosing the right soil and crop
is important but must take into account water quantity
and water quality. That’s why choosing the right wa-
tering system for the soil and crop, affects soil health
and plant growth. Hence, the importance of main-
taining appropriate humidity, saving water by meet-
ing the specific needs of crops and preserving soil
structure. A good watering system also helps to max-
imise crop yields and maintain a favourable environ-
ment for optimum development. By precisely adjust-
ing irrigation to the specific soil conditions, it is possi-
ble to avoid wasting water while promoting optimum
crop growth. The system also specifies the amount
of water required in real time for each crop, based on
agro-ecological parameters and the physicochemical
parameters of the soil. The figure 5 shows the ex-
perimental set-up that we repeated for each type of
soil, depending to the amendments and sensors’ po-
sition. We apply the same compaction effect (weight
of a person), the same quantity of water and the same
composition: 75% soil and 25% soil amendment. We
placed the sensors at a distance of 5 cm, with a width
of 50 cm and a depth of 30 cm, based on the root sys-
tems of the crops that we consider in this work. Each
sensor can measure humidity, NPK (nitrogen, phos-
phorus, potassium), pH (potential of hydrogen) and
EC (Electro Conductivity), which allows us to deter-
mine the infiltration rates.
Figure 5: During our experimental set-up, we repeated for
each type of soil and amendments the same sensors’ posi-
We have done our study by taking into account these
sets of parameters.
Dates (month/day/year): From 06/01/2024 to
Location: Latitude 14.347943, Longitude -
The agroclimatic parameters collected are:
PS = Surface Pressure (kPa).
QV2M = Specific Humidity at 2 Meters (gkg).
T2M MAX = Temperature at 2 Meters Maximum
T2M MIN = Temperature at 2 Meters Minimum
WS2M MAX = Wind Speed at 2 Meters Maxi-
mum (ms).
WS2M MIN = Wind Speed at 2 Meters Minimum
PREC = Precipitation Corrected (mmday).
UVA = All Sky Surface UVA Irradiance (Wm
UVB = All Sky Surface UVB Irradiance (Wm
EVAP = Evaporation and evapotranspiration after
24 hours.
Moisture = Means’ soil humidity rate between 0
cm and 10 cm after 24 hours.
INFD = Speed of depth infiltration (cm/s).
INFL = Speed of lateral infiltration (cm/s).
Temperatures in Senegal, range from very warm to
hot, with an annual average temperature of 36 Cel-
sius. At least 4 months of the year are tropical and
frequently sultry with temperatures above 36 Cel-
sius. The distribution of crop types grown in Sene-
gal correlates with the timing of seasonal rainfall (fig-
ure 6 and figure 7). Moreover, some of the practices
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 6: Our study of the mean variations of the parameters
from 2000 to 2023.
Table 1: Soil parameters without soils’ amendment. These
values are our reference before tests.
Soil Type EVAP Moisture INFD INFL
tropical soil 30 46 20 15
Sandy soil 31 34 40 45
Loamy soil 40 30 13 13
Clay soil 37 46 16 16
bearing soil 10 75 65 64
Clay and
loamy soil 23 50 20 17
of the Green Revolution, especially the use of mod-
ern crop varieties and the addition of synthetic fer-
tilizers and pesticides/herbicides are not sustainable
practices, especially under climate change conditions.
NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) inputs are
the most important parameters in maximizing yields
and economic returns to farmers. However, in the
peanut basin it is required to take into account to the
soil type, the water quality and water quantity, the pH
and the salinity (EC) for agriculture calendar.
The figure 6 illustrates that a considerable number
of climatic parameters exhibit minimal variation from
one month to another. However, it is primarily the
availability of water that is of paramount importance,
and this is the factor that gives rise to the seasonal
variation in certain activities between the months of
June and October. From table I to table V, we select a
set of farms’ soil types of the peanut basin and show
the evolution of evaporation, infiltration and moisture
in an average temperature of 36 Celsius. We used
DHT11 and soil moisture sensors to measure evap-
oration rates, infiltration rates and moisture levels for
the speculations listed in table 6. This was done to
understand and provide decisions based on soil and
amendment types.
After that, we use a set of endogenous knowledge
to improve soil parameters by using natural soils’
amendment like:
Peanut shells
Livestock manure
Poultry manure
plant mixture
Table 2: Soil parameters after amendment with peanut
Soil Type EVAP Moisture INFD INFL
tropical soil 10 70 70 60
Sandy soil 21 60 60 55
Loamy soil 10 80 83 80
Clay soil 7 90 86 86
bearing soil 6 95 85 84
Clay and
loamy soil 7 90 80 80
Table 3: Soil parameters after amendment with livestock
Soil Type EVAP Moisture INFD INFL
tropical soil 12 70 70 65
Sandy soil 23 50 50 55
Loamy soil 14 70 73 70
Clay soil 15 80 76 76
bearing soil 9 90 80 80
Clay and
loamy soil 14 80 70 70
Table 4: Soil parameters after amendment with poultry ma-
Soil Type EVAP Moisture INFD INFL
tropical soil 12 70 70 65
Sandy soil 23 50 50 55
Loamy soil 14 70 73 70
Clay soil 15 80 76 76
bearing soil 9 90 80 80
Clay and
loamy soil 14 80 70 70
The results show that the amendments improve
water retention, infiltration and decrease evaporation.
In addition, depending on the amendments these im-
provements can double the water retention capacity of
soil types in consideration of our fundamental metrics
(cf. table 1). This makes it possible to rationalize wa-
ter and improve the frequency of watering according
Water Optimization in Digital Farming
Table 5: Soil parameters after amendment with plant mix-
Soil Type EVAP Moisture INFD INFL
tropical soil 12 64 65 65
Sandy soil 25 40 40 50
Loamy soil 10 75 75 75
Clay soil 15 80 76 76
bearing soil 10 83 70 70
Clay and
loamy soil 13 76 67 67
Table 6: Our list of practical case’ speculations.
Carrot, Sweet potato, Eggplant, Lettuce,
Cabbage, Okra, Tomato, Turnip, Melon,
Zucchini, Cucumber, Bell pepper, Chilli,
Onion, Cassava, Potato, Hibiscus sabdariffa,
to the types of soil and crops. Based on the data from
our sensors, it is possible to deduce that farmers can
improve the composition of their soils to optimise wa-
ter use according to the soil types and crops on their
plots. The types of soil studied in this study are natu-
rally available in the peanut basin and improve water
retention and infiltration. In order to assess agricul-
tural calendar to help farm’s activities over time and
find the relationship between crop production and soil
amendment, we use the following speculations list to
test our soils understanding highlighted in this work.
For each speculation, we consider such needs:
NPK hec(Kg): nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
for each hectare.
Water Day(L): stream-day water requirements
Temperature(C): Temperature (Celsius).
Light(UV): Means of Ultraviolet (UVA and
Soil type: Soil type (tropical ferruginous soils,
Sandy soils, loamy soils, clay soils, Humus-
bearing soils and Clay and loamy soil).
Ripening time(day): Number of days before har-
Salinity tolerance: Electro conductivity (EC).
For the comparison of needs, we used Elbow method
(Umargono et al., 2020) and the KMeans algorithm
(Onoda et al., 2010) which is an artificial intelligence
algorithm in order to find the crops’ similarities. The
table 7 below, shows the similarity between a set of
speculations regarding their needs, the soil’ parame-
Table 7: Cluster assignment by similarity.
Cluster 1
3 Cluster 4
Okra Lettuce
Cabbage, Tomato,
Turnip, Melon,
Bell pepper, Chilli,
Cassava, Hibiscus
sabdariffa, Parsley
Figure 7: Comparative variations of the humidity and the
temperature from 2000 to 2023.
Figure 8: Agricultural calendar for a good distribution of
farm activities to avoid the seasonality of agriculture.
ters and the climate’ parameters that are determining
the crop adaptation.
Depending to the analyse of the figure 6 and the
figure 7, we propose the following agricultural calen-
der (figure 8) by taking into account the possibility of
an out-of-season cultivations. This in order to over-
come the abandonment of agricultural perimeters or
an agriculture depending on the raining season.
This figure 8 in combination with the tables 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5 permit to find a set of other speculations
adaptable in the peanut basin when the salinity (Elec-
tro Conductivity) is between 0.1 and 1.2 and Ph (Po-
tential of Hydrogen) between 5 and 8. The compari-
son with the results in (Faye et al., 2024b) shows how
important is to take into account the types of soil and
types of amendments that can improve the cultural
calendar. This work further proves that understand-
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
ing climate parameters alone will not help farmers and
feed the future generations.
In Senegal, agriculture dependent highly to soil types,
climate, soil salinity and water. This work provides a
set of results in order to know, how to optimize water
in different soil type and it proposes an agricultural
calendar for a good distribution of agriculture activi-
ties over time and find the relationship between crops.
Our results show the effectiveness of our solution to
avoid the dependences on raining season. This makes
possible to understand crops’ dependencies and an-
ticipate the agroecological phenomena, the planning
of production facilities and variations in agricultural
yields. In the future we aim to disseminate this tech-
nique in the other agroecological area of the Senegal.
Incorporate an analysis of the socio-economic impact
of our agricultural calendar on local communities by
selecting performances metrics and comparison with
traditional methods.
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