intents (Spatola and Chaminade, 2022). Regarding
the disturbance construct, the authors themselves
argue, that the scale is more ambiguous than the
others, which could result in larger variance in the
scenario at hand.
Limitations are given by the moderate sample
size and single interaction task and robot design.
More test persons and different interaction scenarios
may contribute to increase the effects and generalize
the findings.
In the presented human-robot cooperative pick-and-
place study, induction of cognitive load contributed
to a significant positive association of the
anthropomorphism dimensions sociability and
animacy with experienced mental demand and
cognitive load of the test persons. Variable strength
of anthropomorphism due to cognitive load variation
may influence cooperative task performance, which
is generally dependent on the level of perceived
human-likeness of a robot in manifold ways and thus
may impact human-robot interaction quality in a
variety of application scenarios.
Future work will target additional aspects, which
might result from different levels of
anthropomorphism due to cognitive load variation in
the context of safety and trust.
This paper is supported in part by DAAD.
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