Adapter-Based Approaches to Knowledge-Enhanced Language Models:
A Survey
Alexander Fichtl
1 a
, Juraj Vladika
2 b
and Georg Groh
Social Computing Research Group, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstße 3, 85748, Garching, Germany
SEBIS, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, 85748, Garching, Germany
{alexander.fichtl, juraj.vladika, georg.groh}
Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Enhancement, Knowledge Graphs,
Language Models, Adapters.
Knowledge-enhanced language models (KELMs) have emerged as promising tools to bridge the gap between
large-scale language models and domain-specific knowledge. KELMs can achieve higher factual accuracy and
mitigate hallucinations by leveraging knowledge graphs (KGs). They are frequently combined with adapter
modules to reduce the computational load and risk of catastrophic forgetting. In this paper, we conduct a
systematic literature review (SLR) on adapter-based approaches to KELMs. We provide a structured overview
of existing methodologies in the field through quantitative and qualitative analysis and explore the strengths
and potential shortcomings of individual approaches. We show that general knowledge and domain-specific
approaches have been frequently explored along with various adapter architectures and downstream tasks.
We particularly focused on the popular biomedical domain, where we provided an insightful performance
comparison of existing KELMs. We outline the main trends and propose promising future directions.
The field of natural language processing (NLP) has, in
recent years, been dominated by the rise of large lan-
guage models (LLMs). These models are usually pre-
trained on large amounts of unstructured textual data,
which enables them to solve complex reasoning tasks
and generate new text. Still, LLMs can lack aware-
ness of structured knowledge hierarchies, such as re-
lations between concepts and reasoning capabilities
in knowledge-intensive tasks (Rosset et al., 2020; Hu
et al., 2023). These drawbacks can lead to inaccurate
predictions in downstream tasks and so-called ”hallu-
cinations” (Huang et al., 2023) within text generation,
making LLMs less reliable in practice, an especially
precarious issue in high-risk domains like healthcare
or law.
A potential solution to counteract hallucinations
and improve the reliability of LLMs is knowledge
enhancement: By leveraging expert knowledge from
sources such as manually curated knowledge graphs
(KGs), structured knowledge can be injected into
LLMs. Such knowledge-enhanced language mod-
els (KELMs) are a promising approach for higher
structured knowledge awareness, better factual accu-
racy, and less hallucinations (Colon-Hernandez et al.,
2021; Wei et al., 2021; Hu et al., 2023). KGs are a
vital part of knowledge engineering, a discipline that
can be leveraged to make LLMs use advanced logic
and formal expressions (Allen et al., 2023).
Unfortunately, knowledge enhancement in the
form of supervised fine-tuning (SFT) can be highly
computationally expensive, especially for LLMs with
billions of parameters. A promising research avenue
to overcome this limitation is using lightweight and
efficient adapter modules (Houlsby et al., 2019; Pfeif-
fer et al., 2020a). These modules can enhance the
task performance of LLMs and, at the same time, be
a very computationally efficient solution. Despite the
rising popularity of this approach and to the best of
our knowledge, a comprehensive overview of adapter-
based KELMs is still missing in the NLP research
To bridge this research gap, we conduct a system-
atic literature review (SLR) on adapter-based knowl-
edge enhancement of LLMs. Our contributions are
(1) a novel review of adapter-based knowledge en-
hancement, (2) a quantitative and qualitative analysis
of different methods in the field, and (3) a detailed cat-
Fichtl, A., Vladika, J. and Groh, G.
Adapter-Based Approaches to Knowledge-Enhanced Language Models: A Survey.
DOI: 10.5220/0013058500003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 95-107
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
egorization of literature and identification of the most
promising trends. This work is a reworked and up-
dated version of an SLR conducted as part of a mas-
ter’s thesis of one of the authors (Fichtl, 2024).
This section gives an overview of related work and
existing surveys on knowledge enhancement. Knowl-
edge graphs are the most common external knowledge
source, so we start with their overview.
2.1 Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge Graphs (KGs): are a structured repre-
sentation of world knowledge and have seen a ris-
ing prominence in NLP research over the past decade
(Schneider et al., 2022). Hogan et al. (2020) define a
KG as a graph of data intended to accumulate and
convey knowledge of the real world, whose nodes rep-
resent entities of interest and whose edges represent
relations between these entities”. Similarly, Ji et al.
(2020) published a comprehensive survey on KGs
and, following existing literature, defined the concept
of a KG as G = {E, R , F }, where E , R and F are
sets of entities, relations and facts, respectively; a fact
is denoted as a triple (h, r, t) F ”. h, r,t denote the
head, relation, and tail of a triplet. An Ontology is
a formal representation of concepts and semantic re-
lations between them it provides a ”schema” that a
KG has to adhere to, making it possible to do reason-
ing and derive rules from KGs (Khadir et al., 2021).
Depending on the source and purpose of a KG,
entities and relations can take on various shapes. For
example, in the biomedical knowledge graph UMLS
(Bodenreider, 2004), a relation can take the shape of
a single word like ”inhibits”, a short phrase like ”re-
lates to”, or a compound term including, for exam-
ple, chemical or medical categories such as ”[protein]
relates to [disease]” or ”[substance] induces [physiol-
ogy]”. A textual connection is vital because it links
the graph structure with natural language, simplify-
ing the integration of information from KGs into lan-
guage models and the associated learning processes.
Other than UMLS, other examples of popular KGs are
DBpedia (Auer et al., 2007) and ConceptNet (Speer
et al., 2017).
2.2 Approaches to Knowledge
At the time of writing, some reviews had already been
published that gave an overview of KELMs and clas-
sified different approaches. Colon-Hernandez et al.
(2021) review the existing literature and split the ap-
proaches to integrate structure knowledge with LMs
into three categories: (1) input-centered strategies,
centering around altering the structure of the input
or selected data, which is fed into the base LLM;
(2) architecture-focused approaches, which involve
either adding additional layers that integrate knowl-
edge with the contextual representations or modify-
ing existing layers to alter parts like attention mech-
anisms; (3) output-focused approaches, which work
by changing either the output structure or the losses
used in the base model. Our study focuses on cate-
gory (2) by examining the adapter-based mechanisms
for injecting information into the model (see exam-
ple in Figure 1), which were shown to be the most
promising by the authors.
The second survey by Wei et al. (2021) reviews
a large number of studies on KELMs and classifies
them using three taxonomies: (1) knowledge sources,
(2) knowledge granularity, and (3) application ar-
eas. Within (1), the knowledge sources include lin-
guistic, encyclopedic, common-sense, and domain-
specific knowledge. The second taxonomy (2) ac-
knowledges the common approach of using KGs as
a source of knowledge. Levels of granularity men-
tioned are text-based knowledge, entity knowledge,
relation triples, and KG sub-graphs. Lastly, with the
third taxonomy (3), the authors discuss how knowl-
edge enhancement can improve natural language gen-
eration and understanding. They also review popular
benchmarks that can be used for task evaluation of
KELMs (Wei et al., 2021).
Adapters are part of a broader paradigm of modu-
lar deep learning, described in detail by Pfeiffer et al.
(2024). The two field studies by Colon-Hernandez
et al. (2021) and Wei et al. (2021) on the classification
of KELM approaches were a valuable starting point
for exploring KELMs. Although they address some
adapter-based studies like K-Adapter (Wang et al.,
2020), most other adapter-based KELMs are missing.
This lack of coverage led us to conduct a novel sys-
tematic literature search focusing specifically on the
adapter-based KELMs, considering their rising popu-
larity and importance.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 1: Illustration of a standard fine-tuning versus a knowledge enhancement process. In the example, knowledge from a
KG is injected into the model via adapters.
This section will give an overview of LLM adapters
and their applications to establish a conceptual under-
standing of adapter-based enhancement.
3.1 Overview
Broadly speaking, adapters are small bottleneck feed-
forward layers inserted within each layer of an LLM
(Houlsby et al., 2019). The small number of ad-
ditional parameters allows for injecting new data
or knowledge without fine-tuning the whole model.
This feat is usually accomplished by freezing the
layers of the large base model while only updat-
ing the adapter weights. Due to the lightweight na-
ture of adapters, this approach leads to short train-
ing times with relatively low computing resource re-
quirements. Adapters were mainly used for quick
and cheap downstream-task fine-tuning but are now
increasingly used for knowledge enhancement. Be-
cause it is possible to train adapters individually, they
can also be used for multi-task training by specializ-
ing one adapter for each task or multi-domain knowl-
edge injection by specializing adapters to different
domains (Pfeiffer et al., 2020a).
Leveraging adapters in LLMs also has positive
”side effects”: Adapters can avoid catastrophic for-
getting (the issue when an LLM suddenly deteriorates
in performance after fine-tuning) by introducing new
task-specific parameters (Houlsby et al., 2019; Pfeif-
fer et al., 2020a) and, in transfer learning, adapters
have even been shown to improve stability and ad-
versarial robustness for downstream tasks (Han et al.,
2021). Additionally, adapters have been shown to op-
erate on top of the base model’s frozen representation
space while largely preserving its structure rather than
on an isolated subspace (Alabi et al., 2024).
3.2 Adapter Types
Houlsby Adapter. The Houlsby Adapter (Houlsby
et al., 2019) was the first adapter to be used for trans-
fer learning in NLP. The idea was based on adapter
modules initially introduced by Rebuf et al. (2017)
in the computer vision domain. The two main prin-
ciples stayed the same: Adapters require a relatively
small number of parameters compared to the base
model and a near-identity initialization. These princi-
ples ensure that the total model size grows relatively
slowly when more transfer tasks are added, while a
near-identity initialization is required for stable train-
ing of the adapted model (Houlsby et al., 2019). The
optimal architecture of the Houlsby Adapter was de-
termined by meticulous experimenting and tuning;
the result can be seen in figure 2. In a classical trans-
former structure (Vaswani et al., 2017), the adapter
module is added once after the multi-headed atten-
tion and once after the two feed-forward layers. The
modules project the d-dimensional layer features of
the base model into a smaller dimension, m, then ap-
ply a non-linearity (like ReLU) and project back to
d dimensions. The configuration also hosts a skip-
connection, and the output of each sub-layer is for-
warded to a layer normalization (Ba et al., 2016). In-
cluding biases, 2md +d +m parameters are added per
layer, accounting for only 0.5 to 8 percent of the pa-
rameters of the original BERT model used by the au-
thors when setting m << d.
Bapna and Firat Adapter. In contrast to the
Houlsby Adapter, Bapna and Firat (2019) only intro-
duce one adapter module in each transformer layer:
Adapter-Based Approaches to Knowledge-Enhanced Language Models: A Survey
Figure 2: Location of the adapter module in a transformer
layer (left) and architecture of the Houlsby Adapter (right).
All green layers are trained on fine-tuning data, including
the adapter itself, the layer normalization parameters, and
the final classification layer (not shown). Image with per-
mission from Houlsby et al. (2019).
they keep the adapters after the multi-headed atten-
tion (so-called ”top” adapters) while dropping the
adapters after the feed-forward layers (so-called ”bot-
tom” adapters) of the transformer (refer to Figure
2 for better understanding of the component posi-
tions). Moreover, while Houlsby et al. (2019) re-
train layer normalization parameters for every do-
main, Bapna and Firat (2019) ”simplify this formula-
tion by leaving the parameters frozen, and introducing
new layer normalization parameters for every task, es-
sentially mimicking the structure of the transformer
feed-forward layer”.
Pfeiffer Adapter and AdapterFusion. The ap-
proaches of Bapna and Firat (2019); Houlsby et al.
(2019) did not allow information sharing between
tasks. Pfeiffer et al. (2020a) introduce Adapter Fu-
sion, a two-stage algorithm that addresses the shar-
ing of information encapsulated in adapters trained
on different tasks. In the first stage, they train the
adapters in single-task or multi-task setups for N
tasks similar to the Houlsby Adapter, but only keep-
ing the top adapters, similar to the Bapna and Firat
Adapter. As a second step, they combine the set of
N adapters with AdapterFusion: They fix the param-
eters Θ and all adapters Φ, and finally introduce pa-
rameters Ψ that learn to combine the N task adapters
for the given target task (Pfeiffer et al., 2020a): Ψ
;Θ, Φ
, . . . , Φ
, Ψ)
Here, Ψ
are the learned AdapterFusion param-
eters for task m. In the process, the training dataset
of m is used twice: once for training the adapters
and again for training Fusion parameters Ψ
which learn to compose the information stored in
the N task adapters (Pfeiffer et al., 2020a). With
their approach of separating knowledge extraction
and knowledge composition, they further improve the
ability of adapters to avoid catastrophic forgetting
and interference between tasks and training instabil-
ities. The authors also find that using only a sin-
gle adapter after the feed-forward layer performs on
par with the Houlsby adapter while requiring only
half of the newly introduced adapters (Pfeiffer et al.,
2020a). This fact makes the Pfeiffer adapter an at-
tractive choice for many applications, further proven
by its popularity among the papers in our review.
K-Adapter. Wang et al. (2020) follow a substan-
tially different approach where the adapters work as
”outside plug-ins”. In their work, an adapter model
consists of K adapter layers (hence the name) that
contain N transformer layers and two projection lay-
ers. Similar to the approaches above, a skip con-
nection is added but instead applied across the two
projection layers. The adapter layers are plugged in
among varying transformer layers of the pre-trained
model. The authors explain that they concatenate the
output hidden feature of the transformer layer in the
pre-trained model and the output feature of the for-
mer adapter layer as the input feature of the current
adapter layer.
Adapter architectures for knowledge enhancement
exist that differ from the four adapter types mentioned
here. For example, the ”Parallel Adapter” (He et al.,
2021a) or the adapter architecture by Stickland and
Murray (2019)). However, as the upcoming com-
prehensive literature survey will show, these archi-
tectures are either unique to specific papers or have
not found broader applications in the field of KELMs.
Another popular type of efficient adaptation we’d like
to mention for completeness is low-rank adaptation
or LoRA (Hu et al., 2022) and its quantized version
QLoRA (Dettmers et al., 2023). These approaches do
not add new layers but rather enforce a low-rank con-
straint on the weight updates of the base model’s lay-
ers. This methodology enables efficient fine-tuning of
LLMs and also allows for domain adaption or knowl-
edge enhancement with KGs (Tian et al., 2024).
This chapter details the methodology we employed
for the systematic literature review. We largely fol-
lowed the procedure of Kitchenham et al. (2009) for
systematic literature reviews in software engineering.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
The search strategy for the systematic literature re-
view of this study included literature that fulfilled the
following inclusion criteria:
Peer-reviewed articles from ACM
, and
IEEE Xplore
Article abstracts that match the search string
(”adapter” OR ”adapter-based”) AND (”lan-
guage model” OR ”nlp” OR ”natural language
processing”) AND (”injection” OR ”knowl-
Articles published after February 2, 2019 (pub-
lication of the Houlsby Adapter, the first LLM
Articles that address the topic of adapter-based
knowledge-enhanced language models
We also included three articles not found in the
databases because they were fundamental works on
the topic of the SLR and frequently referenced. The
SLR was concluded in January 2024 and represents
the state of research literature up to this point. Ad-
ditional details on the methodology can be found in
Appendix 7.1
This section will present the results of the SLR on
adapter-based knowledge enhancement.
5.1 Overview
Table 1: Quantitative overview of the literature sources and
the selection process.
Source Initial Abstract Full Text
IEEE 28 6 6
ACM 10 6 5
ACL 36 16 13
Others 2 2 2
Total 76 30 26
Table 1 shows the source distribution for all included
papers. Fifty-nine papers were found by applying
the search string as a query on the ACL, ACM, and
IEEE search engines. Due to their importance for
the field, we included three additional papers from
other sources. These papers were found through on-
line search and paper references during the general re-
search process. In summary, after the abstract screen-
ing, 31 articles met all inclusion criteria (and no ex-
clusion criteria). After the full paper screening, 26
papers formed the final paper pool of the survey. Ta-
ble 2 gives an overview of all papers included in the
survey. It includes information on the adapter type
used in the paper, the domain and scope of the pa-
per, and the downstream NLP tasks for which it was
5.2 Data Analysis
We will now give a quantitative analysis showcasing
and interpreting quantitative distributions, followed
by significant qualitative insights from the papers.
5.2.1 Quantitative Analysis
Yearly Distribution. There has been a significant
increase in publications on adapter-based approaches
to knowledge-enhanced language models in recent
years (Fig. 3). While only two papers were published
in 2020, eleven new papers were published in 2023.
This trend suggests growing interest and research ac-
tivity in the domain.
Figure 3: Yearly distribution of publications.
Adapter Type Distribution. Next, we evaluate the
popularity and variety of adapter types used across
the papers (Fig. 4). The “Pfeiffer” and ”Houlsby”
adapter types stand out as the most common, which
suggests that the closely related underlying architec-
ture is the most popular methodology in the field.
This popularity is likely not only an achievement of
the adapter’s performance but also due to the well-
established Adapter-Hub platform (Pfeiffer et al.,
2020b), which, although offering other options, uses
adapters with the Pfeiffer configuration by default.
This finding showcases a need and trend to build
custom adapters well-suited to individual tasks. In
the upcoming years, we will likely see many novel
adapter architectures. The “K-Adapter” and “Bapna
and Firat” adapters are the less frequently mentioned
architectures, suggesting that these approaches are
less well-established.
Adapter-Based Approaches to Knowledge-Enhanced Language Models: A Survey
Table 2: Overview of the results for the literature survey, including all papers and their references. The task and source
acronyms are explained in the appendix. The dotted lines separate the database sources: First come the IEEE papers, then
ACM, ACL, and finally, the papers from other sources. For the definition of all task acronyms, see Appendix 7.1.
paper & nickname adapter type scope main source task
K-MBAN (Zou et al., 2022) K-Adapter open T-REx (Wiki) RC
/ (Moon et al., 2021) Houlsby open WMT20 MT
CSBERT (Yu and Yang, 2023) Unique open diverse SL
/ (Qian et al., 2022) Unique open AESRC2020 SR
/ (Li et al., 2023) Houlsby closed (multiple) diverse SF
CPK (Liu et al., 2023) K-Adapter closed (biomed) Wikipedia RC, ET, QA
CKGA (Lu et al., 2023) Unique open DBpedia SC
/ (Nguyen-The et al., 2023) Pfeiffer open diverse SA
KEBLM (Lai et al., 2023) Pfeiffer closed (biomed) UMLS QA, NLI, EL
/ (Guo and Guo, 2022) Unique open Ch. Lexicon NER
/ (Tiwari et al., 2023) Unique closed (biomed) Vis-MDD TS
AdapterSoup (Chronopoulou et al., 2023) Bapna and Firat closed (multiple) diverse LM
/ (Wold, 2022) Houlsby open ConceptNet LAMA
/ (Chronopoulou et al., 2022) Unique closed (multiple) diverse LM
DS-TOD (Hung et al., 2022) Pfeiffer closed (multiple) CCNet TOD
/ (Emelin et al., 2022) Houlsby closed (multiple) MultiWOZ TOD
KnowExpert (Xu et al., 2022) Bapna and Firat open WoW KGD
mDAPT (Kær Jørgensen et al., 2021) Pfeiffer closed (multiple) WMT20 NER, STC
DAKI (Lu et al., 2021) K-Adapter closed (biomed) UMLS NLI
/ (Majewska et al., 2021) Pfeiffer open VerbNet EE
/ (Lauscher et al., 2020) Houlsby open ConceptNet GLUE
TADA (Hung et al., 2023) Unique open CCNet TOD, NER, NLI
LeakDistill (Vasylenko et al., 2023) StructAdapt open AMR graph SMATCH
MixDA (Diao et al., 2023) Houlsby, Pfeiffer closed (multiple) diverse GLUE, TXM
MoP (Meng et al., 2021) Pfeiffer closed (biomed) UMLS BLURB
K-Adapter (Wang et al., 2020) K-Adapter open T-REx (Wiki) RCL, ET, QA
Figure 4: Distribution of adapter types used in the papers.
Domain Analysis. Third, we analyze the distribu-
tion of papers across the domain scope and cover-
age to understand domain-specific preferences in the
literature. The open-domain scope is the most pop-
ular, with many papers exploring adapter-based ap-
proaches within the open domain. The popularity is
likely caused by the interest in creating LLMs with
a common-secommon-sensending or world knowl-
edge. Furthermore, the single- and multi-domain ap-
proaches are split evenly within the closed-domain
papers. Finally, only six papers focus on the biomedi-
cal domain, but relative to other domains, the biomed-
ical field is by far the most prominent of all domain-
specific approaches. The popularity likely comes
down to the availability of large biomedical KGs, and
medicine historically being one of the most active re-
search fields in general science (Cimini et al., 2014).
Task and Source Distribution. A highly diverse
range of tasks and sources is being explored through-
out the papers, which signifies the versatility and po-
tential of adapter-based approaches across different
NLP tasks and domains. Tasks such as Reading Com-
prehension (RC), Named Entity Recognition (NER),
and Question Answering (QA) appear to be popular
areas of focus in the literature. This could be because
these tasks are the most demanding regarding struc-
tural knowledge requirements. The knowledge source
distributions show only minimal overlap.
5.2.2 Qualitative Analysis
This section of the analysis highlights recurring
themes and individual insights from the papers. Fully
summarizing all articles was outside the scope of this
survey. However, we still provide an overview of the
most common patterns.
General Knowledge. The quantitative analysis
showed that open-domain approaches are more pop-
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 3: performance reports for tasks with highest overlap in the biomedical domain. The metric for HoC is Micro F1;
for NCBI, it is F1, while for the other three, it is accuracy. The best results for every task are in bold. denotes that
improvements are observed compared to the base model. “†” denotes a statistically significant better result over the base
model (T-test, p < 0.05), but not all papers report their scores. The baseline performance of the models is taken from the
original papers if given. Otherwise, the scores are taken from the MoP results.
model—dataset HoC PubMedQA BioASQ7b MedNLI NCBI
SciBERT-base 80.52
+ MoP 81.79
+ KEBLM / 59.00 / 82.14 93.50
+ DAKI / / / / /
+ CPK / / / / /
BioBERT-base 81.41
+ MoP 82.53
+ KEBLM / 68.00 / 84.24 93.20
+ DAKI / / / 83.41 89.01
+ CPK / / / 81.65 88.42
PubMedBERT-base 82.25
+ MoP 83.26
ular than their close-domain counterparts. Subse-
quently, there is also a large variety in the used frame-
works, knowledge sources, and overall goals. Two
commonly used KGs for general knowledge are Con-
ceptNet (Speer et al., 2017) for common-sense and
DBpedia (Auer et al., 2007) for encyclopedic world
knowledge. Two example works that use these KGs
are Wold (2022) and the CKGA (”knowledge graph-
based adapter”) by Lu et al. (2023). Wold (2022)
train adapter modules on sub-graphs of ConceptNet
to inject factual knowledge into LLMs. They eval-
uate their framework on the Concept-Net Split of the
LAMA Probe (Petroni et al., 2019) and see increasing
performance while only adding 2.1% of new param-
eters to the original models. CKGA (Lu et al., 2023)
tackles aspect-level sentiment classification by lever-
aging knowledge from DBpedia. They link aspects
to DBpedia end extract an aspect-related sub-graph.
Then, a PLM and the KG embedding are utilized to
encode the common-sense of entities, where the cor-
responding knowledge is extracted with graph convo-
lutional networks (Lu et al., 2023).
Linguistic Knowledge. Instead of only including
factual knowledge, some works inject additional lin-
guistic knowledge into adapters (Majewska et al.,
2021; Zou et al., 2022; Yu and Yang, 2023; Wang
et al., 2020). While LLMs already encode a range
of syntactic and semantic properties of language, Ma-
jewska et al. (2021) explain that LLMs ”are still prone
to fall back on superficial cues and simple heuris-
tics to solve downstream tasks, rather than leverage
deeper linguistic information”. Their paper explores
the interplay between verb meaning and argument
structure. They use knowledge to enhance LLMs with
Pfeiffer Adapters to improve English event extraction
and machine translation in other languages. Another
example is the work of Zou et al. (2022) on machine
reading comprehension (MRC). They proposed the
K-MBAN model to integrate linguistic and factual ex-
ternal knowledge into LLMs through K-Adapters.
Domain-Specific Knowledge. Chronopoulou et al.
(2022) propose a parameter-efficient approach to do-
main adaptation using adapters. They represent do-
mains as a hierarchical tree structure where each
node in the tree is associated with a set of adapter
weights. Their work focused on specializing adapters
in website domains like and
In another instance, Chronopoulou et al. (2023) pro-
pose ”AdapterSoup”. In this framework, they also
use adapters for domain-specific tasks but use ”an
approach that performs weight-space averaging of
adapters trained on different domains”. AdapterSoup
can be helpful in various domain-specific approaches
in low-resource settings, especially when only a small
amount of data on a specific subdomain is obtain-
able and closely related adapters are available instead.
Earlier, we saw that the biomedical domain is the
most prevalent among the closed-domain approaches
to adapter-based KELMs. We will briefly examine the
relevant works in the following.
Biomedical Knowledge. We have found the works
of DAKI (Lu et al., 2021), MoP (Meng et al., 2021),
and KEBLM (Lai et al., 2023) to be the most impact-
ful. According to the results of our literature sur-
vey, DAKI (”Diverse Adapters for Knowledge Inte-
gration”) was the first work to use adapters specif-
ically for knowledge enhancement in the biomedi-
cal domain. Lu et al. (2021) leverage data from the
UMLS meta-thesaurus and UMLS Semantic Network
Adapter-Based Approaches to Knowledge-Enhanced Language Models: A Survey
groups concepts, but also from Wikipedia articles for
diseases as proposed by He et al. (2020). Meng et al.
(2021) recognize that KGs like UMLS, which can be
several gigabytes large, are very expensive to train
on in their entirety. They propose to use a ”Mixture
of Partitions” (MoP), which splits the KG into sub-
graphs and combines later with AdapterFusion (Pfeif-
fer et al., 2020a). Finally, the KEBLM framework’s
trademark is that it allows the inclusion of a variety of
knowledge types from multiple sources into biomedi-
cal LLMs. In contrast to DAKI, which uses more than
one source, KEBLM includes a knowledge consolida-
tion phase after the knowledge injection, where they
teach the fusion layers to effectively combine knowl-
edge from both the original PLM and newly acquired
external knowledge by using an extensive collection
of unannotated texts (Lai et al., 2023). For com-
pleteness, we refer to Kær Jørgensen et al. (2021) for
information on the m-DAPT framework, which ad-
dresses multi-lingual domain adaptation for biomedi-
cal LLMs and KeBioSum (Xie et al., 2022), who state
their work is the first study exploring knowledge in-
jection for biomedical extractive summarization.
Performance Insights. In the papers covered by
this survey, the performance of adapter-based KELMs
on downstream tasks is consistently shown to
be better than that of base LMs. For ex-
ample, Diao et al. (2023) show an increase
of +9% on Common-seCommon-sensettalmor-etal-
2019-commonsenseqa with their mixture-of-adapters
approach, while Kær Jørgensen et al. (2021) improve
financial text classification on OMP-9 (Schabus et al.,
2017) by +4%. While the task variation across do-
mains is too diverse to be shown systematically in our
survey, we report in detail on performance compari-
son in the biomedical domain in Table 3 in the next
paragraph. Another interesting insight is found by
He et al. (2021b), who show that adapter-based tun-
ing mitigates forgetting issues better than regular fine-
tuning since it yields representations with less devi-
ation from those generated by the initial pre-trained
language model.
Performance Comparison (Biomedical). Table 3
gives an overview of the downstream task perfor-
mance of several papers that are included in this
survey. The focus lies on the biomedical domain,
so the task overlap is high enough for an insightful
comparison. The scores are reported for five down-
stream tasks, namely HoC (Baker et al., 2015), Pub-
MedQA (Gu et al., 2020), BioASQ7b (Nentidis et al.,
2020), MedNLI (Romanov and Shivade, 2018), and
NCBI (Dogan et al., 2014), as well as three com-
mon biomedical language models (SciBERT (Belt-
agy et al., 2019), BioBERT (Lee et al., 2019), and
PubMedBERT (Gu et al., 2020)). While adapter-
based KELMs consistently improve performance in
almost all instances, performance boosts across dif-
ferent tasks and models vary strongly. In this spe-
cific setting, we recommend the MoP (Meng et al.,
2021) and KEBLM (Lai et al., 2023) frameworks
since they show the highest performance boosts (e.g.,
PubMedQA (Jin et al., 2019) accuracy increase of
around +7% and +8%, respectively) and overshadow
the lower performing CPK and DAKI frameworks in
all instances. MoP, in particular, is being continually
used for biomedical knowledge enhancement, even in
2024 (Vladika. et al., 2024).
In this section, we outline the most important findings
and trends and point out promising future directions:
Adapter-based KELMs are a recent development
in NLP, but interest in them is rising fast, with
a linear yearly increase of published papers. We
predict the growth trend to continue.
Various adapter architectures exist and are ad-
vanced by researchers to be more efficient while
preserving task performance. This advancement
has temporarily peaked with the Pfeiffer adapter,
the most popular type. We expect future work
to focus their updates on adapter architecture by
overcoming the latency of sequential data pro-
cessing in adapters and enabling hardware paral-
Research focuses on the open domain inject-
ing general world knowledge into models. Within
the closed domain, the biomedical domain is the
most popular, owing to the existence of large
biomedical KGs. We foresee the potential to ap-
ply adapter-based KELMs to other highly struc-
tured domains, such as the legal or financial do-
main (documents with rigid structure).
The largest improvements in task performance is
seen in knowledge-intensive tasks like question
answering and text classification, with more mi-
nor improvements for reasoning tasks like entail-
ment recognition. Generative tasks, other than di-
alogue modeling, are rather unexplored. We en-
vision a future popular use case that could use
knowledge enhancement to improve the factuality
and informativeness of generated text.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
In this paper, we conducted a systematic literature re-
view on approaches to enhancing language models
with external knowledge using adapter modules. We
portrayed which adapter-based approaches exist and
how they compare to each other. We showed there is
a steady growth of interest in this domain with each
new year and highlighted the most popular adapter ar-
chitectures (with ”Pfeiffer” as the predominant one).
We discovered a balance in popularity between open-
domain approaches focusing on integrating general
world knowledge into models and closed-domain ap-
proaches focusing on specialized fields, with biomed-
ical as the most popular domain. With our review,
we contribute a novel and extensive resource for this
nascent yet fast-growing field, and we hope it will be
a useful entry point for other researchers in the future.
7.1 Limitations
Our literature search methodology follows a strict
search string and exclusion criteria. Subsequently,
we might have overlooked some relevant work on
adapter-based KELMs. Also, some reviewed papers
were not adequately analyzed in this work due to
space constraints, leading to potentially missing in-
sights and a non-complete representation of the state
of research on adapter-based enhancement. Addition-
ally, due to the variety of applications and domains,
we could not give precise guidelines on what methods
to use under which circumstances. Still, we aimed to
report on the most common patterns and trends dis-
covered in the literature, which can serve as a basis
for future research.
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Supplementary Survey Data
Articles on the following topics were excluded:
Articles published before February 2, 2019
Duplicate versions of the same article (when multiple
versions of an article were found in different journals,
only the most recent version was included)
Articles where Adapters were used for NLP, but for use-
cases other than knowledge-enhancement (such as few-
shot learning or model debiasing)
Articles written in a language other than English
Extracted data:
Publication source, date, and full reference
Main topic area
Facts of interest such as adapter architecture, domain,
and downstream tasks within the papers
A short summary of the study, including the main re-
search questions and the answers
AESRC2020: Accented English Speech Recognition
Challenge 2020 (Shi et al., 2021)
BLURB: Biomedical Language Understanding and
Reasoning Benchmark (Gu et al., 2020)
CCNet: Common Crawl Net (Wenzek et al., 2020)
EE: Event Extraction
EL: Entity Linking
ES: Extractive Summarization
ET: Entity Typing
GLUE: General Language Understanding Evaluation
(Wang et al., 2019)
IE: Information Extraction
KGD: Knowledge-grounded Dialogue
LAMA: Concept-Net Split of LAMA Probe (Petroni
et al., 2019)
LM: Language Modeling
MT: Machine Translation
MultiWOZ: Multi-Domain Wizard-of-Oz dataset
(Budzianowski et al., 2018)
NER: Named Entity Recognition
NLI: Natural Language Inference
OOD: Out-of-domain Detection
QA: Question Answering
RC: Reading Comprehension
RE: Relation Extraction
RCL: Relation Classification
SA: Sentiment Analysis
SC: Sentiment Classification
SF: Speech Foundation
SL: Sequence Labelling
SMATCH: Semantic Match Score (Cai and Knight,
SR: Speech Recognition
STC: Sentence Classification
TC: Text Classification
TOD: Task-Oriented dialogue
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
T-REx: A Large Scale Alignment of Natural Language
with Knowledge Base Triples (Elsahar, 2017)
VerbNet: A Broad-Coverage, Comprehensive Verb
Lexicon (Schuler, 2006)
Vis-MDD: Visual Medical Disease Diagnosis (Tiwari
et al., 2022)
WMT20: Workshop on Machine Translation 2020
WoW: Wizard-of-Wikipedia (Dinan et al., 2018)
Adapter-Based Approaches to Knowledge-Enhanced Language Models: A Survey