and motivates the investigation of problems in which
at least some information about customers is known.
This study dealt only with one form of dynamic
behaviour, but other forms of dynamic changes like
the weights of the edges, or various uncertainties
about the travel times or customer demands, could
also be considered. Furthermore, in this paper we
considered what we could call a pessimistic variant
of the problem, in which nothing was known about
future customers. However, it is very likely that
some information is known and could be used by the
heuristics to better perform their decisions. Such in-
formation could be modelled through various termi-
nal nodes that would be used by GP when designing
new RPs. Finally, subsequent studies should focus
on problems that model more real world characteris-
tics, such as nonlinear recharging functions or partial
This research has been supported by the Euro-
pean Union - NextGenerationEU under the grant
NPOO.C3.2.R2-I1.06.0110. and the Spanish Gov-
ernment under projects MCINN-23-PID2022 and
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Automated Design of Routing Policies for the Dynamic Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Genetic Programming