Enhancing Speed Climbing Performance and Optimizing Training
Methods Through Advanced Video Analysis
Dominik Pandurevic
1 a
, Pawel Draga
1 b
, Klaus Hochradel
1 c
, Lewis Chew
, Muhammad Hidayat
and Alexander Sutor
1 d
Institute of Measurement and Sensor Technology,
UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology, Hall in Tirol, Austria
National Youth Sports Institute, Singapore
Sports Technology, Sports Science, Speed Climbing, Performance Analysis, Human Pose and Feature
Detection, Training Optimization.
This paper presents the implementation of an automated recording and analysis system for the capturing and
evaluation of performances of speed climbing athletes. In collaboration with the National Youth Sports Insti-
tute (NYSI) in Singapore, an advanced camera system was installed on a newly constructed speed climbing
wall, aiming to enhance training protocols by providing detailed performance insights. The paper is mainly
split into two parts: the first one describes the hardware setup, including camera selection, configuration, inte-
gration with the existing infrastructure and data collection methods. The second part presents the analysis of
performance data of one athlete trained at the NYSI, highlighting key findings and potential training improve-
ments. Preliminary results indicate significant benefits in technique refinement and performance optimization,
demonstrating the system’s value in a competitive training environment. Through section wise analysis of
several runs of the same athlete, a stagnation in the start section of the standardised wall has been detected.
However, a significant improvement was determined in the other sections, which led to a noticeable overall
increase in performance in less than 2 years of regular training.
Climbing as a sport is experiencing rapid growth. The
International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) re-
ports that approximately 25 million people of all ages
now climb regularly around the world. Between 2001
and 2012, the global number of climbers and climb-
ing facilities surged by nearly 50% (Grønhaug and
Norberg, 2016). The sport has also gained greater
recognition in the media, and the number of newly
built climbing centers continues to rise, reflecting
its increasing popularity. The acknowledgment on
an international level is also remarkable, especially
with its debut as an Olympic discipline at the 2020
Tokyo Olympics and its continued presence in the re-
cently concluded 2024 Olympics in Paris. Whereas
in Tokyo all three disciplines Bouldering, Lead and
Speed Climbing were combined within one compe-
tition, this mode has changed in Paris with the sep-
aration of speed climbing as an independent disci-
pline. These disciplines differ in terms of execution
and loading, as highlighted by (Winkler et al., 2022),
as well as the power demands of the upper limbs, em-
phasized by (Levernier et al., 2020). Despite these
differences, the results in Speed Climbing for both
men and women in Paris showed significant improve-
ments compared to Tokyo. For example, the previ-
ous Olympic record improved from 6.97s to 6.06s for
women and from 5.45s to 4.74s for men (International
Federation of Sport Climbing, 2024). This success
was unexpected, considering the stagnation of top-
end times in the years following Tokyo. This break-
through shifted the focus to refining technique and op-
timizing performance, especially for young athletes
aiming to compete at the highest levels.
Speed Climbing continues to evolve in various
ways: athletes are shortening the climbing route by
skipping certain holds (Pandurevi
c et al., 2022) and
optimizing the starting position to enhance their effi-
Pandurevic, D., Draga, P., Hochradel, K., Chew, L., Hidayat, M. and Sutor, A.
Enhancing Speed Climbing Performance and Optimizing Training Methods Through Advanced Video Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0013060000003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 233-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ciency. Similar adjustments are also being made in
the final phase of the climb, which helps reduce time
and improve overall performance. These innovations
are driving the dynamic progression of the discipline.
As Speed Climbing advances, the technology used to
train the next generation of athletes must keep pace
with these changes.
This study is based on the collaboration with the
National Youth Sports Institute (NYSI) in Singapore,
an institution dedicated to the development of youth
athletes across various sport disciplines. Utilization
of NYSI’s modern facilities including a newly es-
tablished standardized speed climbing wall, an au-
tomated camera system was designed and imple-
mented to provide detailed insights into climbing per-
formance. Accordingly, this paper is structured in two
parts, namely
the design and implementation of a robust cam-
era system capable of recording speed climbing
videos with little effort and
the evaluation of recorded data to identify patterns
and insights for the enhancement of training meth-
ods for speed climbing athletes.
The hardware was designed with mobility and sim-
plicity in mind, so that the system can be used flexibly
depending on the application. Since the athletes and
trainers should concentrate on the sport itself, the sys-
tem is intended to reduce the effort involved in record-
ing and subsequent video analysis.
There are already several research groups work-
ing on similar topics related to the performance anal-
ysis in sport climbing. Besides several approaches
focusing on the usage of embedded climbing holds
with a wide variety of instrumentation solutions, there
are also some methods presented on how to track the
body of sport climbers in different ways. Most com-
mon is the application of markers on several positions
on the body (Reveret et al., 2020). Using a drone-
based system tracking a marker placed on the harness
of the speed climbing athlete, this approach enables
the determination of the body’s 3D position and ve-
locity. Compared to that, (Beltr
an et al., 2022) pre-
sented a method for the segmentation of human body
movements in sport climbing using kinematic vari-
ables obtained from RGB-D cameras, combining the
rendered RGB images using different pose estimators
with the aligned depth frames. Legreneur et al., as
one of the first, (Legreneur et al., 2019) manually an-
alyzed speed climbing runs of athletes participating
at the Youth Olympics 2018 using the open-source
video analysis tool Kinovea. This approach was fur-
ther developed in (Elias et al., 2021) creating a data
set of 362 speed climbing runs including 55 world
elite climbers with the help of the human pose esti-
mator OpenPose (Cao et al., 2018).
Similarly automated movement analysis are also
carried out in other sports. (Evans et al.,
2021) presents two methods for precisely measuring
sprinter’s foot-ground contact locations and timing
using multi-camera systems, where one of the pre-
sented approaches relies on machine learning-based
human pose estimation using OpenPose.
This research aims to contribute to the field of
sport science by demonstrating the practical appli-
cation of video analysis technology in speed climb-
ing. It should offer valuable insights into perfor-
mance analysis and possibilities for the optimization
of training methods to keep up with the rapid growth
of this Olympic discipline. The surprising surge in
performance observed at the Olympic Games in Paris
2024 highlights the importance of continuous investi-
gation and improvement of existing training methods
and the replacement of commonly used manual and
time-consuming video analysis with automated sys-
tems based on neural networks. The presented results
reflect the need for such systems and demonstrate the
relevance of this research.
As already mentioned, this paper is firstly based on
the design and implementation of a hardware sys-
tem for the automated recording and analysis of speed
climbing videos.
Figure 1 roughly summarizes the implemented
camera system consisting of a remote-controlled
recording unit and a synchronized user interface (UI)
running on the related computer with live preview of
the camera output and several functionalities for the
adjustment of the scene. Apart from starting, stop-
ping and initiating the upload to a cloud via remote or
UI control, the workflow from recording to receiving
extensive data packages is fully automated.
2.1 Camera System Design
2.1.1 Housing
In order to accommodate the entire measurement sys-
tem consisting of computer, camera and power sup-
ply units in one compact housing, a chassis with the
dimensions 239 x 300 x 160 mm with a transparent
lid was chosen. Particular emphasis was placed on
the usage in outdoor areas with a sealed closure ca-
pability. Due to the specific climate in Singapore and
the associated high humidity, the entry of humid air
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Illustration of the camera system with (a) Side
view of the speed climbing wall and visualization of the
remote-controlled camera setup and (b) the programmed
user interface with snapshot of the camera recording with
enabled focus peaking function.
into the interior of the housing must be prevented, as
this could cause damage to the built-in electronics.
In order to be able to cool the heating measurement
system properly, a fan was installed on the underside,
whereby the air can circulate from the inside to out-
side through two holes covered by ventilation grilles.
2.1.2 Processor
For controlling the camera, receiving and process-
ing signals from the remote control and uploading
recorded speed climbing runs to the configured cloud,
an Intel i5 NUC 11 Pro Kit with 16 Gb memory is
installed. Its compact size of 117 x 112 x 37 mm en-
sures an easy installation in the housing with com-
paratively high performance output. An additional
8” touchscreen monitor from Magedok has been in-
stalled for troubleshooting and obtaining feedback.
Moreover, it allows manual operation of the pro-
grammed UI on a 720p display if the remote control
should fail.
2.1.3 Sensor and Lens
The choice of an appropriate camera was again
based on both compact size as well as perfor-
mance/usability. In order to obtain high-quality re-
sults from the backend system, at least HD quality
(1080p) and 30 FPS are required for recordings in
vertical format (recording of the entire speed climb-
ing wall, see Figure 1b). The industrial USB camera
Alvium 1800 U-511C manufactured by Allied Vision
fulfills all these minimum requirements and, with a
size of 29 x 29 x 38 mm, fits well into the overall
system. The compatible LMVZ4411 lens from Kowa
completes the camera unit offering manual focus and
zoom adjustment with a focal length range of 4.4 - 11
2.1.4 Remote Control
The camera setup is completed with the implementa-
tion of a wireless remote system for controlling the
recording and upload processes. To protect the built-
in electronics from impact and aforementioned hu-
midity, a sealed hand-held housing (165 x 90 x 34
mm) has been selected. It can store both an ESP32
Feather V2 Adafruit microcontroller with associated
circuit board and a LiPo battery pack with 6600 mA h
capacity. In addition, 3 push buttons with built-in led
indicators for start, stop and upload functionality as
well as a led light for monitoring the battery charge
status were installed on the lid of the housing. The
remote control was designed to enhance the usability
of the system during training sessions, minimizing the
need for direct interaction with the camera hardware.
2.1.5 User Interface
The programmed UI provides direct control over the
camera with buttons for starting, stopping and upload-
ing, enabling operations without the need for the re-
mote control. It features a live preview of the cam-
era output and is synchronized with remote to ensure
that triggered actions are mirrored in the interface. In
addition, the interface includes modifiers like sliders
and buttons for the adjustment of exposure and gain
parameters of the camera (see Figure 1b). Users can
disable the, by default set, continuous automatic ad-
justment by the camera, or manually set these param-
eters with a defined range for precise control over the
recording settings. To adjust the focus of the cam-
era using the mechanical controls on the camera, a
focus peaking function can be enabled, which high-
lights sharp edges with red lines on the recording and
thus supports this manual adjustment.
2.2 Integrated Control System
This subsection introduced the developed control sys-
tem to manage the recording and data management
processes. Thereby, the system consists of both the
mentioned wireless remote control powered by an Ar-
duino device and a Python-based UI for manual oper-
ation and troubleshooting.
Enhancing Speed Climbing Performance and Optimizing Training Methods Through Advanced Video Analysis
2.2.1 Arduino-Controlled Remote System
The Arduino microcontroller forms the core of the re-
mote system and allows users to start, stop and up-
load recordings remotely. This system uses WiFi
communication to interact with the camera setup,
whereby the microcontroller initially connects to the
computer via provided mobile hotspot. This allows
the recording process to be both efficient and user-
friendly. The data transfer is realized using MQTT
(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport). MQTT is a
lightweight messaging protocol based on a publish-
subscribe approach. Its application area designed
for low-bandwidth, high-latency networks is ideally
suited for this control system. Devices (clients) pub-
lish messages to defined topics on a broker (server),
which then distributes theses messages to all sub-
scribed clients, enabling efficient, real-time data ex-
The main tasks of the microcontroller is the estab-
lishment of a connection with the computer and the
management of publish and subscribe topics for the
processing of trigger signals of the push buttons. In
the Arduino code, actions for sending messages for
start, stop or upload are triggered with related topics
when the corresponding push buttons are pressed. For
manual execution via UI, subscribe topics are defined
to synchronize the Arduino and the computer, ensur-
ing both devices stay in sync for the same actions. In
addition, a publish topic is specified, defining the bat-
tery charge status of the installed LiPo.
2.2.2 Signal Processing and Direct Camera
On the computer of the camera system, a python
script is executed, which mainly handles receiving
and processing signals from the remote control, man-
aging the camera through Vimba library, capturing
frames and processing them into a suitable video. Ad-
ditionally, the script runs the mentioned UI, set up for
direct camera control in case of remote control failure
or for camera setup testing. A focus peaking function
has also been implemented to support the manual ad-
justment of the lens using the mechanical controls on
the camera (zoom and focus) setting optimal focus.
This function highlights areas of the image that are
in sharp focus by detecting edges via Canny detec-
tor and overlaying a red color filter (see Figure 1b).
Therefore, the focus is optimally adjusted when the
whole image or areas of interest have the most dis-
tinctive and extensive highlights.
As already mentioned, the Arduino and Python
components are both designed to work in tandem,
providing a robust and flexible control system for the
recording of speed climbing recordings. While the
Arduino programmed remote offers fast and effortless
operation provided primarily for trainers, the Python
UI enables precise adjustment of camera settings and
diagnostic tasks can be handled effectively. This dual-
system approach increases the reliability and versatil-
ity of the control unit and ensures continuous opera-
tion during speed climbing runs.
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Summary of the image processing from captur-
ing athletes on both sides of the speed climbing wall to
cropped images for further processing; (a) Overlaid images
of two athletes at different heights on the speed climbing
wall tracked with MMDet (Chen et al., 2019); (b) Resulting
crop of the recordings to isolate both athletes for the subse-
quent human pose estimation with MMPose (Contributors,
2.3 Backend System for Human Pose
Estimation and Feature Detection
Once a video of a speed climbing run has been
recorded with the described camera system, this out-
put requires post-processing to enable further anal-
ysis. In order to achieve equivalent results in each
area of the climbing wall regardless of the height, the
recording is cropped such that the respective athlete is
focused on both sides (see Figure 2b). To achieve this,
the application MMDetection (Chen et al., 2019) is
required first. This powerful framework is commonly
used to detect humans as objects in images by apply-
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
ing models pre-trained on large datasets like COCO
(Lin et al., 2015). By the detecting the human body
of both athletes and marking them with surrounding
rectangles (see Figure 2a), the resulting cropped im-
ages are a result of moving a window over the whole
route map aligned at the height of the rectangles’ cen-
ter. Furthermore, the two sides of the speed climbing
wall are split by detecting climbing holds and deter-
mining the dividing line. By using the object detec-
tor YOLO and a self-trained model, the holds placed
furthest to the left and right are first determined in or-
der to calculate the edges as well as the center line
of the entire speed climbing wall. By combing the
cropped images, a video is created which follows the
athlete for each side similar to camera-guided record-
ings. This inevitably leads to a reduction of the res-
olution from 1920x1080 px to 720x1280 px for each
frame, whereby the remaining width of 200 px is sup-
plemented by adding black bars on both sides of each
By using the top-down approach for human pose
estimation consisting of MMDetection and MMPose
(Contributors, 2020) as well as other feature detectors
described in (Pandurevi
c et al., 2022), movement re-
lated parameters may be calculated. The previous step
eliminates thereby the need for renewed detection hu-
man body surrounding rectangles using MMDetec-
tion. In addition, the calculation step of detecting and
matching random feature points in each image to es-
timate the absolute camera movement is skipped, as
this vector has already been determined for both sides
by the defined window movement within the cropping
The described backend processes run on a external
server with a powerful processor and graphics card to
ensure rapid calculations of the data for an immediate
feedback for the trainers and athletes. Finally, the an-
alyzed data packages are transferred to the same cloud
system used for uploading the recordings, which can
then be evaluated using the provided analysis soft-
2.4 Analysis Tool
Along with the designed camera system, the NYSI
was provided with an analysis tool for the visualiza-
tion of the calculated data sets (see Figure 3). Due to
the extensive range of computable parameters by the
backend system, the data sets are broken down to the
most critical metrics. The software enables the com-
parison of joint angles and velocities, as well as po-
sition, velocity and acceleration of the center of grav-
ity (COG). For better understanding and correlation
with the data, each data point can be linked to the cor-
responding image of the athlete with overlaid body
skeleton. In addition to the mentioned data plots, a
visualization of the route map with the path of the
COG is also provided. By clicking on the visualized
climbing holds, the jumping to specific positions in
the data set is enabled, allowing the synchronization
of athletes at different heights for a detailed analysis
of certain sections on the speed climbing wall. The
software allows the comparison of up to two athletes
simultaneously from one or different recordings.
Figure 3: Representation of the analysis tool with visualiza-
tion of the data sets of two athletes from different record-
To validate the above described measurement system,
recorded data sets over 1.5 years were analyzed. Var-
ious parameters were extracted and the progression
of the performance was evaluated. Table 1 displays
an outtake of the statistical analysis of several biome-
chanical parameters of a speed climbing athlete, with
data collected at the NYSI in two different periods:
March 2023 and July 2024. The 23 year old athlete
has been trained at the NYSI since his youth and con-
tinues to do so due to his potential. The analysis fo-
cuses on various performance indicators, namely end
time, velocity, path length, limb frequencies and con-
tact times. Due to their importance and influence, the
velocity and path data were considered in even further
detail by additionally evaluating the individual sec-
tions of the speed climbing wall (start, middle, end).
Thereby, the start section covering the first 5 holds of
the speed climbing wall, the middle section holds 6
to 12 and the end section the remaining ones. For the
frequencies and contact times, the values for hands
and feet have been combined.
Starting with the most informative parameter, the
end time ranged at the beginning of our measurement
time period in March 2023 from a minimum of 6.77
s to a maximum of 8.53 s, with an average of 7.32 s.
Compared to that, by July 2024, the end time showed
Enhancing Speed Climbing Performance and Optimizing Training Methods Through Advanced Video Analysis
a significant improvement, varying around an average
of 5.99s, reflecting a reduction of 18.09 %, indicating
a remarkable increase in performance.
The velocity experienced a slight decrease in the
starting section of the route map, dropping from an
average of 2.19 m/s in March 2023 to 2.18 m/s. How-
ever, this parameter increased significantly in the mid-
dle and end section and thus also in the entire area
of the wall. In terms of numbers, the velocity in-
creased by an average of 18.51 % in the middle sec-
tion, 41.77 % in the end section and 25.13 % over the
entire movement process.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: Comparison of the route map (position and veloc-
ity of the COG) of the same athlete with section-wise and
overall path lengths measured in March 2023 (a) and July
2024 (b); (c) shows the overlay of both route maps with blue
circles marking points of significant change in technique.
Figure 4a and 4b each show one run from the data
sets measured in March 2023 and July 2024. De-
spite relatively small reduction in path length in the
start and middle sections (see Table 1), Figure 4c in-
dicates an obvious improvement in motion sequences
in all wall sections. However, particularly striking in
the statistical analysis is the almost unchanging over-
all path length by 0.03 %. Since the calculated path
length in the end area includes the positions up to the
top buzzer, the athlete was aiming for different end
positions on these two days. When comparing the
video footage, it is noticeable that on training days
in March 2023 no end buzzer was mounted and the
athlete’s last jump thus did not turn out high enough.
The analysis of the limb frequencies reveals both
an increase and a decrease. While the frequency of
the feet reflects an improvement of 12.05 % and thus a
significant increase in performance, the average value
of the hands falls from 1.84 Hz to 1.56 Hz and in rel-
ative terms by 15.50 %. This indicates a shift in the
athlete’s technique, whereby the movement of the feet
became faster, while the hands slowed down conspic-
Finally, it should be emphasized that the contact
times between hands and feet also varied consider-
ably. There was a significant decrease of 21.21 % for
the hands and 13.58 % for the feet, indicating a more
efficient and faster climbing technique.
The analysis of the speed climbing athlete’s per-
formance, including the data from Table 1 between
March 2023 and July 2024 reveals several critical in-
sights into his performance. The individual results of
the measured parameters are discussed in more detail
in the following subsections. Lastly, the limitation of
the measurement system are described.
4.1 Velocity
The almost constant velocity with a slight decrease
recorded at the end of the measurement period (-0.56
%) may not be indicative of a true performance de-
cline. This change could be attributed to daily fluc-
tuations in the athlete’s physical state. This stagna-
tion indicates that the training focus was placed on
other wall sections and no further improvement of the
start technique was achieved. However, the athlete
was able to compensate this with significant increases
in the middle and end section, where velocity jumped
by 18.51 % and 41.77 %, respectively. The overall
improvement from 1.63 m/s to 2.04 m/s, refers to en-
hanced efficiency and power as the athletes progresses
on the wall.
4.2 Path Length
The slight increase in path length, particularly no-
ticeable in the end section, is mainly attributed to a
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 1: Summary of the descriptive statistical evaluation of a NYSI athlete in the period from March 2023 to July 2024. In
addition to the values for minimum (Min), maximum (Max), median (Avg) and standard deviation (Std), the relative change
of the average values in % is also provided.
Time in s Velocity in m/s Path Length in m Frequency in Hz Contacts in s
Statistics End Time Start Middle End Total Start Middle End Total Hands Feet Hands Feet
March 2023
Min 6.77 2.11 1.81 1.20 1.53 3.44 4.42 4.39 12.45 1.70 0.93 0.52 0.43
Max 8.53 2.27 2.03 1.70 1.77 3.83 4.56 4.54 12.80 2.13 1.05 0.77 0.53
Avg 7.32 2.19 1.93 1.49 1.63 3.74 4.51 4.48 12.71 1.84 0.98 0.55 0.44
Std 0.49 0.05 0.06 0.15 0.09 0.12 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.13 0.04 0.09 0.04
July 2024
Min 5.97 2.16 2.25 2.10 1.98 3.70 4.39 4.48 12.70 1.50 1.10 0.40 0.38
Max 6.02 2.20 2.33 2.11 2.10 3.72 4.54 4.59 12.72 1.61 1.11 0.47 0.39
Avg 5.99 2.18 2.29 2.11 2.04 3.71 4.47 4.53 12.71 1.56 1.10 0.43 0.38
Std 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.03 0.01
Relative Change in % -18.09 -0.56 18.51 41.77 25.13 -0.85 -0.83 1.22 0.03 -15.50 12.05 -21.21 -13.58
change in sensor placement in training to comply with
IFSC regulations. This adjustment likely extended the
measured path length at the end of the runs recorded
in July 2024. While the increase in path could theoret-
ically challenge the athlete’s velocity, the simultane-
ous reduction of the end time suggests that the athlete
has adapted to this change effectively. Nevertheless,
future training sessions should be standardized to en-
sure data comparability.
4.3 Limb Frequency and Contact Time
Thereby, the most pronounced improvement was
measured by the limb frequency of the feet, which in-
creased by 12.05 %. This enhancement is crucial for
the reduction of contact times, a key factor not only
in speed climbing but also in sprinting. The decrease
of frequency of the hands could indicate a shift to-
wards more intentional and efficient hand placement,
reducing unnecessary movements and optimizing the
athlete’s run.
Getting back to sprinting, the ground contact time
(GCT) is a critical factor for the evaluation of per-
formance. Studies by Hunter et al. (Hunter et al.,
2004) and Mero et al. (Mero et al., 1992) reveal that
elite sprinters have shorter GCTs, enabling maximal
force generation and rapid transitions between single
steps. Similarly in speed climbing, the reduced con-
tact times for both hands (-21.21 %) and feet (-13.58
%) indicate less time in contact with the climbing
wall, which in turn is directly related to an increase
in velocity.
The concept of vertical ground reaction force
(GRF) (Hunter et al., 2005) is likewise relevant.
While faster sprinters generate a comparable vertical
GRF to slower sprinters, they achieve this in a shorter
GCT (Weyand et al., 2000), resulting in a longer step
length and a higher horizontal velocity. The athlete’s
increased feet frequency and reduced contact times
mirror this principle, pointing out a more efficient
transfer of force and faster transition between move-
4.4 System Limitation
Although the measurement system was designed to be
mostly automated, manual readjustments of the cam-
era must be carried out before each measurement ses-
sion. Therefore, the camera has to be set using the
two parameters exposure and gain, and the focus of
the lens needs to be adjusted. Furthermore, in the
future, an improvement of the camera could aim for
higher resolutions and frame rates. Currently, record-
ings are limited to a maximum of 1080p in order to
maintain 30 FPS. After cropping the single frames as
explained in Figure 2, only a maximum of 640 x 720
px remains to detect each athlete and various features
in the image.
The introduced measurement system enables trainers
and athletes at the NYSI to monitor relevant move-
ment parameters and their evaluation in single wall
sections to optimize individual training methods. The
user-friendly handling of the wireless camera system
ensures the recording and calculation of the data in
real time and its visualization using the provided anal-
ysis software. By using this system since its intro-
Enhancing Speed Climbing Performance and Optimizing Training Methods Through Advanced Video Analysis
duction in March 2023, several data packages from
different athletes have already been calculated. The
results of one of these promising athletes still train-
ing at the NYSI were presented in this study. The
improvements observed, especially in the middle and
end section of the speed climbing wall, highlight the
athlete’s positive adaptation to training methods and
enhanced techniques. The conspicuous reduction in
end time and improvement in most of the presented
parameters confirms this overall improvement from
March 2023 to July 2024. Nonetheless, motion se-
quences, especially in the start section should be ex-
amined in more detail and training methods should be
adapted accordingly in order to achieve an additional
increase in performance. The slight increase in path
length, influenced by methodological changes, under-
scores the need for consistent measurement practices
in future recordings and analysis.
Despite the fully automated process from record-
ing the speed climbing run to displaying the data, it
takes a qualified person who either brings extensive
experience in this sport and/or has a sport scientific
background to be able to efficiently draw conclusions
about errors in movement and performance evalua-
tion. The involvement of a sports scientist, particu-
larly one specialized in applied biomechanics, would
be crucial. Such an expert would collaborate with the
coach responsible for the athlete’s technical prepara-
tion, as well as with the strength and conditioning
trainer. For both coaches, the data would provide
valuable insights for refining and optimizing train-
ing programs, which would ultimately lead to an im-
provement of performance in all sections of the wall.
For future projects, we want to maintain the col-
laboration with the NYSI in order to follow the devel-
opment of young athletes and to gain further insights
into the performance of speed climbing athletes by ex-
panding the data sets and improving the measurement
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