Building Atlas of Knowledge Maps: Towards Smarter Collaboration
Anna Kuznetsova
1 a
, Tatiana Gavrilova
2 b
and Olga Alkanova
2 c
Lyceum No. 408, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Ontology, Knowledge Maps, Knowledge Atlas, Visualization System, Knowledge Transfer.
Abstract: The paper discusses the possibilities and prospects for creating corporate atlas of knowledge maps a visual
guide of diagrams describing the intellectual assets of the enterprise. The discussed case is based on the
university business school. Mapping or visualization provides information transparency of communications
in universities making collaboration smart and effective. The walls of universities are opaque, and
visualization provide a higher level of teaching, research, consulting and administration. The paper presents
the preliminary results of the project “Methodology and technology for developing digital knowledge maps
for education and research teams’’ and proposes and describes specific features of a systematic repository of
diagrams, that is called an atlas of knowledge maps. We developed a set of diagrams to describe knowledge,
created an ontology of the properties of such maps and suggested considering the most popular ones as a kind
of atlas from which decision makers can select relevant maps for their work. The survey is preceded by the
use of ontologies - conceptual models of areas of knowledge and professional activities of the teacher. In
general, the approach can be adapted to business companies and government organizations if they are
interested in disclosing their intellectual capital.
Business and academic work require cooperation.
Learning includes access to influencers and experts.
It can be difficult to find colleagues and potential
partners in an overloaded world of redundant and
contradictory information.
But companies and universities are in no hurry to
share their intellectual assets, and often companies
themselves do not know about their "treasures".
Acquisition and systematization of such information
resources are useful primarily for the companies
themselves, in addition, they are invaluable in the
market. The paper discusses the possibilities and
prospects for creating the atlas of corporate
knowledge maps - visual guide to the intellectual
assets of the enterprise based on the case of a
university business school.
Visual knowledge maps are a powerful tool for
enhancing understanding and fostering collaboration
in a company setting. These maps can be used to
visually represent information, ideas, and
relationships in a clear and concise manner, making it
easier for faculty and students to grasp complex
concepts and share knowledge with their colleagues.
Visualization allows to present complex data and
identify patterns, trends, and structures, which
facilitates deeper exploration of the data. Diagrams
allow all the employees and newcomers to expand less
cognitive energy deciphering the meaning of the text
they are reading, which means they will have more
cognitive energy available for the critically important
tasks of understanding, assessment and reflection
(Miller 2023, Moody 2007). The main benefits of
knowledge visualization are related to: stakeholder
engagement, flexibility, knowledge transfer, signalling
role, agility and interactivity (Troise, 2022). Using
knowledge representation and mapping help to
organize the smarter collaboration. The term was
coined by H. Gardner (Gardner, 2017) when she
described the need for highly-specialised experts to
come together in order to tackle more complicated
issues than any of them could do on their own.
Kuznetsova, A., Gavrilova, T. and Alkanova, O.
Building Atlas of Knowledge Maps: Towards Smarter Collaboration.
DOI: 10.5220/0013060200003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 130-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The paper discusses some preliminary results of
the METAKARTA project (MEthodology and
Technology for developing digital Knowledge mAps
for education and Research TeAms) where we
developed the methodology visualizing teaching and
research activity of the faculty members.
The paper structure is as follows: the current
section 1 provides the motivation for creating a new
approach, section 2 presents a brief literature review
and highlights the existing research gap, the atlas’
attributive ontology design is described in section 3,
while section 4 provides a demonstration of this
approach in a decision-making process.
Knowledge maps are powerful information
visualization techniques that allow describing
knowledge assets, connecting experts, accessing
knowledge over time, existing knowledge resources
and knowledge gaps (Faisal et al., 2019). The main
tools that are widely used in knowledge mapping,
require the participation of both experts and analysts
who develop visual diagrams reflecting
Sources of knowledge;
Location of knowledge elements;
Owners of knowledge elements;
Links and relations between them, etc.
Knowledge maps are closely related to
competency maps and employee competency
management, which are denoted as skills and
competencies in corporate decisions (Anthony,
2021). Such maps turn enterprise data into valuable
and insightful information. Knowledge maps are one
of the tools used in knowledge engineering for
organizing and presenting knowledge, forming a
graphical framework and landscape in visualizing
complex concepts, decision support, knowledge
sharing, etc. (Balaid et al., 2016).
However little attention is paid to the
development of a well-structured set of visual
representations of key concepts, relationships,
knowledge owners of a knowledge domain of the
organization encouraging the employees to see the
big picture, promote collaboration, and improve
organization and focus.
The development of knowledge maps starts with
the definition of goals and stakeholders. For each
level, a basic atlas (visual set) of types of knowledge
maps was created.
2.1 Definition of Goals
In the field of management, the following goals may
be solved using the developed knowledge maps:
optimization and activation of resources,
including the formation of project teams or
working groups taking into account the
principle of complementarity, ensuring the
transfer of knowledge from experts to
employees who have gaps (Liebowitz, 2005)
(in this case, an employee development plan is
formed based on such tools as coaching and
mentoring) and strategic planning for the
development of assets (Zack, McKeen, Singh,
2009) (based on the analysis of the map for
various areas of knowledge, a decision is made
to close gaps or change the focus of activity);
identification of the hidden potential of
employees. The principle of completeness,
implemented in the construction of ontologies
of subject areas, provides a comprehensive
analysis and allows for the formalization of
those areas of knowledge that were previously
not in the field of view when assessing
employees. By discovering previously
unknown competencies and publications of
subordinates, a manager can make a more
informed (and therefore less risky) decision
about developing new areas of activity (Butt et
al. 2021).
2.2 A Stakeholder Analysis
Before the knowledge mapping study, a stakeholder
analysis was conducted. Stakeholders who influence
academic and research teams and benefit in one way
or another from access to the knowledge map data
may include both external and internal users and can
be divided into three categories: managers
(administrators), experts, and ordinary employees,
including newcomers (Pereira et al., 2023). The
METAKARTA project expanded the traditional
classification and identified another category:
external experts. In modern universities, the roles
described above are represented by internal
stakeholders: administration (managers), research
and teaching staff, including young scientists and
postgraduates (experts and ordinary employees).
Based on the fundamental differences between these
three groups of knowledge map recipients, a
classification was proposed at three levels: general,
focused, and detailed, as described in previous
publications. These three levels in the described case
correspond to:
Building Atlas of Knowledge Maps: Towards Smarter Collaboration
institution level,
department level,
individual level.
The next two figures illustrate school and
department levels for shaping the research activity my
mapping the bibliometric data extracted from Google
Figure 1: Distribution of all the publications among the
school departments.
Figure 2: Portrait of department X.
Figure 1 shows the general level distribution of all
the publications listed in the database among the
university school departments. Here the information
on the percentage of the total amount of publications
of the university school departments is stated. That
helps to evaluate the more and less active departments
in terms of publications.
Figure 2 shows focused and detailed levels of
generalization describing a portrait of the faculty
from department X and gives the information on the
number of publications for each of the faculty
members, their H-index, the number of citations of
each of the teacher.
The METAKARTA Project results include visual
representations of two information landscapes
teaching and research. The essential part of the
project was devoted to data collection.
Bibliometric data was acquired from Google
Scholar, while teaching information needs two data
processing stages. Two surveys with self-assessment
questions were conducted where the faculty assess
their teaching competences and expertise. Initially a
set of secondary data was used from 2019-2020 larger
project initiated as part of the internal self-assessment
of the targeted school full-time faculty.
Organization of the data was as follows: each
respondent answered a series of binary questions
whether they consider themselves as an expert in a
particular area of knowledge from the predefined set
of ontologies. In case of a positive answer for a
particular area a set of questions regarding teaching,
research and applied consulting experience followed.
Consequently, the dataset was organized in a
“matrix” logic – the assessment of experience in each
type of activity was carried out for each area of
knowledge noted by the employee.
The analysis of results of the first survey helps to
prepare the second updated one.
Data for the new questionnaire were collected in
the middle of the 2023/2024 academic year from the
current full-time faculty of the same school as for the
first data collection (all full-time faculty members
who teach at least 1 course per year were surveyed).
Total sample size was 56 qualified faculty members.
The retention rate of the full-time staff between the
two datasets was 68.3%, which, provided that the data
from the first and second surveys are brought to a
single coding, makes it possible to build not only
maps reflecting the development of employees, but
also maps of changes by departments a new set of
maps that show the dynamics of the internal
As a result of the two datasets comparison, we
found out that:
Time spent for questionnaire fulfillment
decreased by around 30-50% (depending on the
number of areas of expertise the effect was higher
for employees with more areas of expertise.
The average number of knowledge areas reported
by employees as areas of expertise increased from 2.5
to 3.5, thus providing a more detailed picture of
knowledge in specific scientific areas (assessed across
employees who participated in two data collections). A
random check for deviations showed that, overall,
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
additional areas of expertise were supported by
objective experience existing already by the time of the
first data collection, which proves increased data
accuracy when a sequential approach is used.
Based on the extensive experience in working with
questionnaires in social sciences (Aithal & Aithal,
2020) a combination of primary and secondary data
was used to the maximum extent possible while the
development of knowledge maps for the atlas. It was
found that when building knowledge maps based on
primary information, there is a risk of obtaining
unreliable data. In terms of completeness of
information, the optimal solution is to combine
primary and secondary data to build knowledge maps.
In this case, different implementation scenarios are
from secondary data to primary (building an
employee profile based on secondary data, then
verifying this profile by the employee as part of
collecting primary data with the ability to
additionally collect self-assessment data);
from primary data to secondary (primary data
are verified based on available secondary data
- the expertise declared by the employee is
confirmed based on available objective
independent assessment of the employee
profile - building individual maps based on
subjective assessment and secondary data with
subsequent generalization on the expert profile
Atlas systematizes the significant properties of
knowledge maps bringing the connections among
them. We borrowed the term from classical
definition: Atlas is “a bound collection of maps often
including illustrations, informative tables, or textual
matter” (Merriam-Webster).
When creating an atlas of knowledge maps that
describes modern diagram templates and
recommendations for their use, work was carried out
to generalize and structurally describe the existing
diagrams. Information design in knowledge maps
aims to avoid confusion by presenting data in a way
that’s easy to understand. Based on the study of
researchers Lenger and Eppler who compiled a table
similar to the periodic table, consisting of more than
100 different visualization techniques, divided by
type of use (Lengler, Eppler, 2007) we include more
than 20 visual diagrams into the atlas. Also atlas
systematizes the recommendations for their use, it
describes modern diagram templates and structurally
summarize describe the existing diagrams in a form
of a table.
The conceptual representation of atlas may be
defined as an attributive ontology (Fig.3).
Figure 3: Structure of attriBUTive OnTology of kNowledge
maps: upper level.
The BUTTON Ontology (attriBUTive OnTology
of kNowledge maps) is a generalization and
systematic description of various characteristics
(attributes) of knowledge maps used to visualize the
information landscape of companies and universities.
This ontology summarizes many characteristics of
knowledge maps into three categories:
format; and
purpose of map.
The format of this conference paper does not
allow to show all the BUTTON ontology framework.
Using of the developed atlas create an additional
advantage for all its users and the project
The atlas of the knowledge maps presents systemic
vision of possible diagrams that scaffolds the
understanding of university intellectual assets from a
range of perspectives. The paper tries to provide
comprehensive insight into the ways in which
university and faculty members visualize their
bibliometric and teaching intellectual assets.
5.1 Classification Based on Content of
Knowledge Maps
The content of knowledge maps plays a key role in
determining their effectiveness and applicability in
Building Atlas of Knowledge Maps: Towards Smarter Collaboration
different contexts. It includes two main aspects: the
carrier and the elements of knowledge.
In the context of an educational institution, a
carrier (teacher) is an entity responsible for the
accumulation, transfer and acquisition of knowledge.
The main feature of the attribute "carrier" is its
"potential". The potential of the carrier (teacher)
reflects his or her cumulative knowledge, skills and
experience in certain areas and includes the depth and
breadth of the teacher's expertise. The dynamics of
the carrier reflect the changes in his potential over
time: the teacher's self-improvement, his participation
in professional training and education, as well as the
continuous updating of knowledge. Relationships
between carriers are a network of interactions,
exchange of knowledge and experience. This includes
various forms of cooperation, such as the exchange of
educational materials, joint research projects, etc.
In the context of an educational institution, a
carrier (teacher) is an entity responsible for the
accumulation, transfer and acquisition of knowledge.
The main feature of the attribute "carrier" is its
"potential". The potential of the carrier (teacher)
reflects his or her cumulative knowledge, skills and
experience in certain areas and includes the depth and
breadth of the teacher's expertise.
The knowledge elements on the map include
specific learning materials and information elements
belonging to the carriers. Elements can be organized
into different structures, have priorities, locations,
and formats. By the structure of knowledge elements,
we understand ways of classifying, organizing and
linking individual elements of knowledge to ensure
their accessibility and understanding. The structure
helps to navigate in the set of knowledge, understand
their interrelations and find the necessary
information. Knowledge elements are prioritized
subjectively by managers and reflect their
understanding of the importance and relevance of
knowledge components in the context of a particular
area or task. Prioritization allows you to identify
aspects that should be paid attention to when planning
training programs, courses and human resources. The
location of knowledge elements includes the
geographical location of the teacher (for example, in
a branch of the university), the academic unit
(department, faculty) and the program.
5.2 Classification Based on Format of
Knowledge Maps
The shape of knowledge maps is an important aspect
of their visual representation, determining the way
information is displayed. For knowledge maps, we
have considered graphs, tables, charts, as well as
metaphor drawings as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Possible Formats of knowledge maps in the atlas
The atlas is designed in the form of the table with
a description of the difficulty level of the diagram, the
preview of the pictogram, its design and the main
characteristics and purpose. The maps include four
major types as shown in Figure 4:
Tables include one-level, multilevel and nested
tables as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Types of tables in the atlas.
Heat map tables serve graphical representation of
data using color and size to encode text tables for
easier comparison of data values.
Figure 6: A heat map table: overview of one department’s
The heat map table in Figure 6 presents an
overview of the level of expertise of professors in one
of the departments of the university based business
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
school. The collected data in the table presents the
coded names of professors (columns) and the
corresponding fields of knowledge (rows).
The capacity of the level of expertise of each
professor is determined by the sum of spheres of
competence within multiple fields of knowledge,
which are presented in the corresponding cells.
The resulting table provides an efficient and easy-
to-read presentation of the level of expertise of each
professor according to their self-assessment.
The table can be used to identify areas of strengths
and weaknesses among professors, and to allocate
resources more effectively based on each professor’s
expertise. Further research could explore the
relationship between the level of expertise of
professors and the quality of their teaching and
research outcomes.
There are two types of graphs as shown in Figure
Network undirected.
Figure 7: Types of graphs in the atlas.
Hierarchical tree is a graphical representation of
hierarchically organized data in the form of a tree.
Network maps include five types:
Radar - a graphical representation of data in the
form of petals, typically used to compare
different categories or aspects.
Radar with Markers - a radar chart where in
addition to the petals, markers are also
displayed to indicate values.
Filled Radar a radar chart in which the areas
between the petals are filled with color for
better visualization.
Arc diagram is useful to reveal the overlap of
Chord diagram reveals the relationship
between the objects inside the organization.
Charts include one-, two- and three-dimensional
ones. Metaphors include images that are used as
universal metaphors to visually organize the
information (physical landscape, pyramid, fishbone,
5.3 Classification Based on Purpose
The characteristics of a purpose include
purpose itself,
level of generalization.
The purpose of knowledge maps plays a key role
in their creation and can be considered in different
contexts, e.g. - decision-making / market positioning
/ raising general awareness within the company.
"Focus" refers to the main focus of using a
knowledge map. Within the framework of the study
of the experience of teachers in three areas, the
following types of focus can be distinguished:
academic work / research / consulting and projects.
Stakeholders in our study include external and
internal users. External ones include applicants,
business partners and customers who can use
knowledge maps to obtain information about the
educational institution, projects and employees.
Internal users are administration, teachers,
researchers and students.
The level of generalization of knowledge maps,
which is determined by the purpose and task of
mapping, is also important. It can be either universal
or specialized. Universal knowledge maps are
applicable in various fields of knowledge and
disciplines, showing the general picture of what is
happening (for example, a faculty science citation
map). Specialized knowledge maps can be focused on
specific areas or levels, such as faculty, graduate
school, department, or individual faculty.
The information space of organizations is overloaded,
there is a need to find convenient assistants that
facilitate the processing of information for users. The
most difficult and labour-intensive part of working
with information is associated with its search,
structuring, and compression. The visual approach is
one of the possible ways to scaffold the information
The paper discusses the developing of the
prototype of an atlas of knowledge maps describing
the intellectual assets of the university business
school. This prototype of the atlas includes invariant
Radar with
Filled Radar
Building Atlas of Knowledge Maps: Towards Smarter Collaboration
representations of knowledge maps of educational,
scientific and consulting activities, depending on the
stakeholder, the task itself, the selected level of
generalization for mapping
One of the key benefits of using this atlas is that
the maps from it help students, faculty and
administration see the big picture of the academic life.
By mapping out key concepts and their
interconnections, employees can gain a better
understanding of how different pieces of information
fit together, who are the experts and how they
contribute to the overall goals of the university unit in
teaching and research. This can help employees make
more informed decisions and work more effectively
towards shared objectives and smarter collaboration.
Systematic analysis of corporate, administrative
and scientific knowledge creates the potential to
significantly improve the quality of information
support, creating knowledge management systems for
more effective interaction between various groups of
organization employees and external users and
Ultimately, using visual knowledge maps can lead
to smarter decision-making, more innovative
solutions, and a more efficient and effective
company. It is a step to visual organization (Bell,
Warren, & Schroeder, 2014).
Authors thank Dr. Dmitry Kudryavtsev, who was the
initiator of the project and started the research design,
and Miroslav Kubelsky for the digital support of
bibliometric maps. The work was carried out by
Gavrilova T.A., Alkanova O.N. as part of
METAKARTA PROJECT grant No. 23-21-00168,
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KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems