allowed more standardized and transparent
implementation on ethical conflict resolution
practices. It showed thus the possibility of FASTER-AI to
institutionalize ethical responsibility. The decrease in
public grievances finally signals that governance
mechanisms along the lines should/can be crucial to build
confidence in AI-supported rule-deliberation.
This paper proposes the FASTER-AI framework in
order to enhance AI trustworthiness in WIS along the
dimensions of fairness, transparency, security,
robustness, and ethical accountability. First case
studies conducted in various sectors have
demonstrated that the adoption of FASTER-AI
enhances the reliability of AI, since it provides higher
fairness, explainability, security, and ethical trust.
However, these initial findings relate to small
samples, and further research is expected to validate
the adaptation of FASTER-AI into larger and more
complex settings.
As AI evolves, so does FASTER-AI, bound to
proliferate with emerging challenges. Above all, an
effective collaboration between academic
institutions, industry players, and the regulators is
very instrumental in establishing common metrics
and standards for its evaluation. Long-term
implications of deploying FASTER-AI on
organizational change, user trust, and regulatory
compliance would, therefore, be an area of future
research, possibly through longitudinal studies.
Concluding, FASTER-AI contributes to the
debate on trustworthy AI by delivering a real-world
framework for WIS and hence laying the foundation
for creating and maintaining trust in AI systems; trust
will increasingly be necessary for efficacy and
societal acceptance of AI technologies.
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