Assessing Physical Activity Levels While Playing Virtual Reality
Exergames: A Pilot Study
Mário Teixeira
, Hildegardo Noronha
, Pedro Campos
and Cíntia França
Department of Informatics Engineering and Interactive Media Design, University of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
LARSyS, Interactive Technologies Institute, Funchal, Portugal
WoWSystems Informática Lda, Funchal, Portugal
Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
Keywords: Heart Rate, Intensity, Exercise, Adults.
Abstract: Due to the exponential growth in technology, exergames emerged as innovative tools that might be used to
promote PA enjoyably. This study describes the development of a virtual reality (VR) exergame and the
preliminary implementation results. The system was developed through the Unity3D platform and the HCT
Vive, consisting of two mini games: a dance game and a snow skiing game. Five healthy adults (25.2 ± 3.9
years) performed one VR exergame session and were monitored for PA intensity and heart rate (HR). After
the session, participants were asked to report their perceived exertion and to fill in a system usability
questionnaire. During the session, participants spent more time in sedentary activity (≈ 37.5%), followed by
light activity (≈ 35.1%), and moderate-to-vigorous activity (≈ 27.4%). An average of 27.2 steps/min and HR
of 123.5 bpm were registered while playing. Perceived exertion scores were higher in the dance mini game
than in the snow skiing mini game. Regarding usability, participants considered the system easy to use and
would like to use it more often. This study summarizes preliminary and promising results on the ability of VR
exergames to promote light and moderate PA.
Worldwide, physical inactivity and increased
sedentary behavior have become public concerns
(WHO, 2020). According to the literature, physical
activity (PA) is any bodily movement produced by
skeletal muscles that promotes energy expenditure
(Caspersen et al., 1985). Although the well-
established benefits of PA on physical fitness
components (i.e., body composition, muscular
strength, balance, flexibility, etc.) (Cox et al., 2020;
Wickramarachchi et al., 2023), and overall well-being
(Trajković et al., 2023), an alarming rise in sedentary
lifestyles have been observed in the past years.
The exponential growth in technology usage has
been associated with increased screen time and
decreased PA levels (Lee et al., 2012). However,
innovative approaches based on technology have been
emerging to foster PA, particularly through exergames
(videogames that demand PA to be played) (Boulos &
Yang, 2013). In previous literature, the positive
contribution of exergames interventions to prevent
childhood obesity (Gao & Chen, 2014; Pope et al.,
2016), and to enhance strength and balance among
older adults (Alhagbani & Williams, 2021) have been
reported. Among the solutions used, commercial
devices, such as Nintendo Wii, PlayStation, and Xbox
360, have been widely implemented in exergames
interventions (Agmon et al., 2011; Trost et al., 2014).
Indeed, these solutions are presented as affordable and
can be used in home-approach.
The technological landscape has evolved in the
last few years, allowing new possibilities for human
interaction and experience. In deploying new
exergames, virtual reality (VR) arises as a more
interactive platform that can increase adherence and
the probability of achieving general health benefits.
VR is considered appealing since it takes users to
different worlds and gives them a high level of
presence and interaction. Based on previous literature
on the topic, positive outcomes have been described
on the cognitive and physical performance of
different populations through VR exergames (Costa
et al., 2019), although emphasis has been given to
younger and older populations. Therefore, this paper
aims to describe the development of an exergame
Teixeira, M., Noronha, H., Campos, P. and França, C.
Assessing Physical Activity Levels While Playing Virtual Reality Exergames: A Pilot Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0013061300003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 95-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
design to promote PA among healthy adults and the
results of a first-stage testing phase (pilot study)
regarding PA intensity level and system usability.
2.1 Game Development
For the development of the VR session, the authors’
developed two minigames, each centered around dance
and snow skiing themes. The review of previous
studies supports the theme selection focused on
exergames, which have commonly used dance
(Comeras-Chueca et al., 2020; Maddison et al., 2011)
and sports games (Agmon et al., 2011; Meldrum et al.,
2012) to implement PA programs among different
populations. Additionally, previous highlights of its
efficacy supported the choice to include a snow skiing
game, especially among individuals who prefer
gaming over traditional exercise (Ko et al., 2020). Both
mini games were designed to simulate real-world
physical activities, providing a fun and immersive way
to engage, particularly the aerobic capacity.
In the dance mini game (Figure 1), users engage
in a dynamic and rhythmic environment where their
body movements synchronize with virtual dance
moves. Players engaged with four music tracks,
chosen based on popularity and high danceability. In
this game, players score points by hitting color-coded
virtual obstacles that appear at foot level, timed to the
beat of the music. Green is used for the left foot and
blue for the right foot. The player must hit the
corresponding obstacle with the correct foot to earn
points. The scoring system is designed with three tiers
of accuracy: Hit, Good, and Perfect, which are
determined by how closely the player's foot aligns
with the center of the obstacle. This game tests the
player’s rhythm and coordination and provides an
aerobic workout, requiring continuous foot
movement and engagement with the music's tempo.
Figure 1: Dance mini game scenario.
The snow skiing mini game (Figure 2) aims to
transport users to a thrilling virtual snowscape,
encouraging them to simulate the physical motions of
skiing and avoid specific obstacles on the way. This
game allows players to virtually ski down a mountain,
with each run focusing on navigating a series of
challenges while descending the slope. The player
controls the direction of their descent by turning their
head left or right, corresponding to their virtual skis'
movement. The course is filled with various obstacles
that players must avoid by either ducking or jumping,
mirroring these actions in real life to navigate the
course successfully.
The game incorporates a life system where
players start with four lives. Colliding with an
obstacle results in losing a life; if all lives are lost, the
game ends prematurely. Additionally, a countdown
timer starts at two minutes, adding a layer of urgency,
with the game concluding if the timer reaches zero.
However, players can extend their time by passing
through checkpoints marked by two flags; passing
directly between them rewards the player with an
additional minute on the clock. This combination of
physical movement and time management challenges
the player’s reflexes and agility and ensures that the
game maintains a high level of aerobic activity.
Figure 2: Snow skiing mini game scenario.
2.1.1 Software and Hardware
Regarding technology, both VR mini games were
developed using the HTC Vive hardware, integrated
with Unity, with a notable difference between them:
the dance game incorporated HTC Vive Feet
Trackers, while the ski game did not require their use.
For the VR dance mini game, the SteamVR plugin
was used to streamline the integration of the foot
trackers, which were essential for tracking foot
movements. Additionally, the game employed a tool
called BeatMapper to create custom beat maps for the
music. This tool allowed the development team to
precisely map the obstacles to the rhythm of the music,
generating a file with the timing and positioning of the
notes. The game script then reads this file to spawn
obstacles at the correct times, ensuring an accurate
rhythm-based gameplay experience.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
In the VR snow skiing mini game, the “OpenXR
plugin” was used instead of SteamVR, as it was
simpler to work with and did not require the
complexity of integrating the feet trackers. From a
development perspective, the ski game involved more
intricate mechanics, particularly the implementation
of the jumping action. To detect a jump, three
conditions were checked: whether the player was on
the ground, whether there was acceleration along the
“Y-axis” detected by the Vive sensors, and whether
the player's current height was greater than the initial
height within a defined margin of error. A Unity
collider was dynamically adjusted in size for ducking
based on the player's height from the ground. The
collider's height would increase or decrease
accordingly, ensuring it never exceeded the initial
measured height. A force is applied to the
“Rigidbody” component to ensure the player
continuously moves downhill, simulating the effect
of gravity and momentum during the descent.
2.2 Pilot-Study
2.2.1 Participants
Participants in this pilot study were five adults (two
females) aged 25.2 ± 3.9 years (height: 166.2 ± 9.5
cm and body mass: 69.0 ± 4.8 kg). All individuals
were healthy and did not present any constraints for
PA participation. The procedures implemented in this
study were approved by the Ethics Committee of the
University of Madeira (Nº94/CEUMA/2023, 5
December), and all participants previously signed
informed consent.
2.2.2 Instruments
The ActiGraph wGT3X-BT Activity Monitor
(ActiGraph, 2023) assessed PA intensity level while
playing the VR exergame session. The device was
positioned on the right hip following previous
research recommendations (Karaca et al., 2022),
before the experiment commencement. The
accelerometer was programmed before each data
collection moment and started when the VR
exergame session began. The accelerometer was
initialized with a 30 Hz sampling frequency and raw
data from GT3x files were converted to 10 s epoch
data files before analysis. Time spent in sedentary
behavior, light PA, moderate PA, vigorous PA, very
vigorous PA, and moderate-to-vigorous PA was
calculated using the ActiLife software, version 6
(ActiGraph, Pensacola, FL, USA), using the cutoff
points suggested by the previous literature (Freedson
et al., 1998). The number of steps per minute and total
metabolic equivalent of task (MET) were also used
for analysis.
During the VR exergame session, heart rate (HR)
was monitored using the Polar H10 sensor (Polar
Electro, Kempele, Finland) (Polar, 2023), which has
been described as a valid instrument in previous
literature (Schaffarczyk et al., 2022). Participants
used the device in the chest using the manufacturer’s
strap. This positioning ensures optimal contact with
the skin, allowing the sensor’s electrodes to collect
real-time HR data. This instrument has been widely
used in several sports’ activity settings. The mean HR
scores of each session were used for analysis.
To examine the usability of the VR exergame
session, the European version of the System Usability
Scale (SUS) was used (Martins et al., 2015). The
instrument is composed of 10 statements scored on a
5-point Likert scale (1 strongly disagree, 5
strongly agree) and allows the evaluation of the
system's usability. Each participant filled out the
questionnaire after the VR exergame session.
Finally, the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale
was used to measure the level of PA intensity based
on the participants’ perception. RPE was collected at
two moments, immediately after each mini-game
completion, using the OMNI picture system
(Robertson, 2004), elucidating different levels of
effort (0 – extremely easy, 10 – extremely hard).
2.2.3 Study Design
Data collection was conducted in a research center
facility equipped with a VR station. The experiment
comprised three phases:
(1) First, participants were asked to fill out a form
to collect information about their demographics (age,
gender, nationality, height, and body mass), followed
by a brief explanation of how the system works and
informed consent signing.
(2) Second, the HCT Vive and PA monitoring
sensors were placed on participants’ bodies, and the
VR exergame session was implemented.
(3) Third, participants reported their RPE and
responded to the SUS questionnaire right after the VR
game session.
Each mini game had a duration of approximately
20 min, and nearly 2 min were ensured for the
transition between the first (dance) and the second
game (snow skiing). The playing sequence of the two
mini games was the same for all participants: first the
dance game followed by the snow skiing game. In
total, each participant played the VR games for nearly
40 min.
Assessing Physical Activity Levels While Playing Virtual Reality Exergames: A Pilot Study
Table 1 summarizes the data collected through
accelerometry concerning PA intensity level. During
the VR game session, participants spent more time in
sedentary behavior (37.5 ± 6.6 %), followed by light
(35.1 ± 13.5 %), and moderate-to-vigorous (27.4 ±
17.6 %) activity. Overall, the VR game session
elicited a mean value of 909.6 ± 358.5 steps, with an
average of 27.1 ± 7.7 steps per minute and 123.5 ±
29.7 bpm. These data corresponded to a mean value
of 2.2 ± 0.9 METs.
Table 1: Descriptive statistics for PA intensity.
M ± SD
Sedentary behavior (min)
12.1 ± 3.0
Light PA (min)
11.1 ± 4.0
Moderate PA (min)
8.2 ± 5.5
Vigorous PA (min)
0.8 ± 0.8
Very vigorous PA (min)
0.3 ± 0.5
Moderate-to-vigorous PA (min)
9.3 ± 6.7
Sedentary behavior (%)
37.5 ± 6.6
Light activity (%)
35.1 ± 13.5
Moderate PA (%)
24.1 ± 14.3
Vigorous PA (%)
2.4 ± 2.4
Very vigorous PA (%)
0.8 ± 1.4
Moderate-to-vigorous PA (%)
27.4 ± 17.6
Total steps counts (n)
909.6 ± 358.5
Steps per min (n)
27.1 ± 7.7
2.2 ± 0.9
Heart rate (bpm)
123.5 ± 29.7
M ± SD (mean ± standard deviation), PA (physical
activity), MET (metabolic equivalent of task)
Figure 3 displays the results of the RPE for each
mini game. Participants perceived exertion scores
were higher in the dance mini game than in the ski
mini game, probably due to whole-body rhythmic
movements elicited and synchronized with the virtual
dance moves.
Figure 4 presents the SUS questionnaire
responses by each participant. The results indicate
that participants would like to use this system more
frequently, and only one participant reported that the
system was not easy to use. Overall, participants
indicated that they would not need technical support
or much time to learn about the system to play the
games. Participants also agreed that most people
could learn how to use the system quickly.
Figure 3: Rate of perceived exertion reported in each mini
Figure 4: System Usability Scale questionnaire responses
by each participant.
This study presents the preliminary results of a pilot
study conducted in the first testing stage of a new VR
exergame system designed to promote PA.
Concerning PA intensity, most of the VR game
session was spent in sedentary activity (≈ 37.5%),
followed by light activity (35.1%), and moderate-
to-vigorous activity (≈ 27.4%). Additionally,
combining the data of average steps per minute (≈
21.1) and average HR (≈ 123.5 bpm), the VR
exergame session elicited ≈ 2.2 METs.
Intensity is an indicator of the metabolic demand
of activity, and the MET is a standard unit used to
express exercise intensity, influenced by several
factors such as sex, age, and body composition (Katch
et al., 2011). Regarding METs, the results of this pilot
study were within the range of 1.6 to 2.9, which is
indicative of light PA intensity (Strath et al., 2013).
Curiously, from the participants' perception, the
intensity was higher than the objective measures
collected. Light PA has been associated with RPE
values ranging from 4 to 5 (Strath et al., 2013), which
is lower than the RPE scores reported in this pilot
study (ranging from 6 to 10). Although previous
research has reported RPE is a useful tool for most
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
individuals, scores might be over or underestimated
based on sex or sports experience (Skatrud-
Mickelson et al., 2011).
On the other hand, HR variability is also
associated with changes in PA intensity and is a
frequently used metric for exercise prescription
(Karvonen & Vuorimaa, 1988). In several sports
contexts, professionals use average HR values to
characterize a specific activity. In this study,
participants' average HR was within the data reported
in previous studies. For instance, in a study conducted
with 24 adults aged 27.8 ± 3.3 years, the authors
reported an average HR of 122.8 ± 15.9 bpm while
playing a VR exergame involving standing, jumping,
and arm swinging movements (Park et al., 2020). In
another study involving 129 individuals aged
between 18 and 26 years, an average HR of 109.2 ±
45.0 bpm was registered while playing Just Game 3
(Lin, 2015). Although HR may present a significant
variability based on an individual’s specific
characteristics, including their maximal HR, the
results of the current pilot study suggest a moderate
intensity level elicited by the VR exergame session
(based on the estimation of 195 bpm as maximum HR
for this population). Though METs data indicate a
predominance of light intensity PA, HR insinuates
greater intensity, which might justify the results of
In the meantime, participants accumulated ≈ 17.5
min of moderate and moderate-to-vigorous PA.
According to the American Heart Association, among
adults, substantial health benefits are related to 150
min per week of moderate PA or 75 min per week of
vigorous PA (Strath et al., 2013). Unequivocally,
these recommendations would not be achieved
exclusively using VR exergame sessions. However,
this system might emerge as a complementary tool to
traditional PA, offering a different and engaging way
of being active while providing part of the necessary
amount of PA intensity weekly recommended.
Finally, the assessment of the usability of the
system is an important phase of system/product
development (Martins et al., 2015). Besides assessing
PA levels while exergaming, this pilot study also
included the evaluation of the system from the
participants' perspective. Overall, most participants
considered the system easy to use and learn, which
validates its development process.
The current study presents several limitations that
must be recognized. First, this is a pilot study with
few participants, and although the results are
promising, more testing sessions are still needed to
validate the system thoroughly. Second, the VR
exergame session development did not consider
recommended guidelines for structuring PA sessions
(i.e., warm-up, main phase, cool-down). Indeed,
including this structure would allow us to replicate a
traditional PA class in a virtual environment. Third,
details concerning individuals’ previous PA
experience were not collected, which would allow a
more in-depth analysis of the results. Finally, data
collection was cross-sectional, while a longitudinal
approach would be far more informative. Even
though, the results presented are valuable,
particularly by emphasizing the ability of this VR
exergame session to provide light to moderate PA.
Therefore, exergames might be complementary to
traditional PA settings, providing users with a
different and engaging experience while developing
health-related benefits.
In the VR game session (dance plus snow skiing mini
games) designed for this study, participants spent
nearly 37.5%, in sedentary activity, 35.1% in light
activity, and 27.4% in moderate-to-vigorous activity.
The average of steps per minute was 21.1 and average
HR around 123.5 bpm, eliciting approximately 2.2
METs. The results regarding PA intensity suggests
predominance of light intensity activity, however, HR
values suggest greater exercise intensity which is
aligned with participants’ RPE (ranging from 6 to 10).
According to the participants’ perception, the dance
mini game was more physically demanding than the
snow skiing mini game, probably due to the need of
using continuously whole-body movements. The
results of the SUS questionnaire indicate an overall
good usability of the VR system. This study
emphasizes the ability of promoting light to moderate
PA through a VR game session. Exergames might be
implemented as a complementary and diversifying
tool to traditional PA programs.
This research was funded by the Portuguese Recovery
and Resilience Program (PRR), IAPMEI/ANI/FCT
under the Agenda C645022399-00000057
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Assessing Physical Activity Levels While Playing Virtual Reality Exergames: A Pilot Study