attacks. Moreover, the SECURER recommends the
integration of encrypted signals and implementing a
dynamic code verification system that can invalidate
a code immediately once it is used, further enhancing
the system’s security. Even if very simple, the ex-
periment proves the proposal’s feasibility and lets us
highlight the peculiarity, potentiality, and criticalities
of the SECURER implementation.
The findings indicate that vehicles do not automat-
ically realign the rolling codes upon receiving sequen-
tial lock/unlock prompts from various sources. This
discovery, alongside the identified test scenarios and
the examination of real-time replay attacks, is antici-
pated to refine our approach to cybersecurity, focusing
on user safety and trust. This strategy of consistent
user feedback and achieving optimization is outlined
in our SECURER’s designed architecture and opera-
tional model. However, the integration of components
within our SECURER is crucial for the effectiveness
of our cybersecurity testing framework.
The SECURER framework provides a plan to protect
against replay attacks on rolling code systems, crucial
for safeguarding vehicles and the broader IoT ecosys-
tem. The paper outlines the framework’s structure
and core functionality and a preliminary prototype to
demonstrate its feasibility. Future improvements in-
clude integrating with updated cybersecurity tools to
cater to a wider range of users and application do-
mains, enhancing the process of collecting user test
requirements, and exploring the possibility of inte-
grating GitHub Lab for user feedback and test reports.
This work was partially supported by the project
RESTART (PE00000001) and the project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU - NextGenerationEU.
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