SECURER: User-Centric Cybersecurity Testing Framework for IoT
Tauheed Waheed
, Eda Marchetti
and Antonello Calabr
CNR-ISTI Pisa, Italy
User-Centric, Cybersecurity, Testing, IoT Systems.
The rapid advancement of IoT systems and their interconnected nature highlight the critical need for strong
cybersecurity measures. The SECURER framework is designed to offer a user-centric, adaptable, and com-
prehensive approach to cybersecurity testing. It aims to strengthen the security of IoT systems by prioritizing
user behavior, aligning with evolving cyber threats, utilizing existing test suites, and ensuring regulatory com-
pliance. We seek to showcase the functionality and applications of our user-centric cybersecurity testing
framework (SECURER) by outlining a practical testing methodology to counteract cyber threats targeting the
rolling code technology used in the automotive industry.
Cybersecurity has posed significant challenges for
emerging technologies like IoT in recent years, re-
quiring a strategic approach to protect business in-
frastructure and continuity. These technologies can
potentially replace existing systems, products, or ser-
vices, creating new industry leaders while leaving es-
tablished players behind if they fail to adapt. Cy-
bersecurity is crucial for building secure systems and
protecting users’ sensitive information, especially in
light of recent challenges in IoT security and privacy
benchmarks. Integrating connected devices into mod-
ern households has redefined how we interact with our
environment (S
aez-de C
amara et al., 2023), offering
convenience and efficiency but also creating potential
vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks (Heiding et al., 2023).
Unauthorized access to connected devices could re-
sult in theft, vandalism, or harm to occupants. The
realization that cybersecurity is not just about protect-
ing systems but also about safeguarding the trust and
privacy of individuals has led to a broader approach to
conceptualizing and implementing security measures
where individuals should be at the center.
One of the most effective means for increasing
the cybersecurity level and identifying vulnerabili-
ties, ensuring compliance, and maintaining the in-
tegrity of systems and data is testing (Matheu-Garc
et al., 2019). Testing activities have several peculiar-
ities: i) help discover security weaknesses and vul-
nerabilities within a system, application, or network,
ii) ensure the functioning and efficiency of the dif-
ferent IoT components and devices, iii) validate that
IoT systems are effectively implemented and acces-
sible from threats, iv) assess the regulatory and le-
gal requirements and the compliance with standards
(such as PCI-DSS
, and GDPR
) protect
against security issues, data breaches or unauthorized
access to sensitive data, vi) contributes to faster de-
tection, containment, and recovery from security in-
cidents, minimizing potential damage and downtime.
To address these challenges, we conceived the
conceptualization and preliminary implementation
of a user-centric cybersecurity testing framework
called SECURER (User-Centric Cybersecurity Test-
ing Framework for IoT systems) applicable to var-
ious application domains. In particular, SECURER
has been conceived considering the following needs:
Providing a User-Centric Testing Environment:
Many traditional cybersecurity frameworks prioritize
technical aspects without considering the user’s per-
spective and behavior. On the other hand, SECURER
emphasizes user-centric security testing to ensure that
security solutions are technically sound and aligned
Waheed, T., Marchetti, E. and Calabrò, A.
SECURER: User-Centric Cybersecurity Testing Framework for IoT System.
DOI: 10.5220/0013062900003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 393-400
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
with user behaviors, preferences, and usability re-
quirements. This approach ultimately leads to better
adoption and effectiveness.
Providing a Generic Testing Environment: IoT
systems are highly heterogeneous, involving various
devices with different capabilities, communication
protocols, and security vulnerabilities. SECURER
aims to address this complexity by providing compre-
hensive and tailored security assessments considering
IoT ecosystems’ diverse nature.
Aligned with the Rapid Evolution of Cyber
Threats: SECURER aims to provide a proactive cy-
bersecurity testing framework that can identify and
mitigate potential vulnerabilities before they are ex-
ploited, enhancing the overall security posture of IoT
Leveraging Existing Test Suite: SECURER can
utilize pre-built test suites instead of starting from
scratch. It can integrate, modify, and enhance them
with additional test cases to efficiently evaluate sys-
tem security. This approach saves time and resources,
enabling a more targeted testing process.
Improving Regulatory and Compliance: SE-
CURER offers a structured approach to testing and
validating IoT security, helping organizations meet
regulatory demands and build trust with users and
Leveraging the Knowledge About Cybersecurity:
SECURER process offers a comprehensive approach
to understanding cybersecurity risks and testing effi-
ciency. It incorporates technical safeguards, aware-
ness, education, and an ethical framework for han-
dling and protecting data.
In this paper, Section 2 presents the motivations,
Section 3 discusses current state-of-the-art, and Sec-
tion 4 presents the architecture and behavioral model
for SECURER. Its preliminary implementation and a
showcase example are presented in Section5 and Sec-
tion 6, respectively. Section 7 concludes the paper.
The current motivations inspire SECURER:
Protection Against Vulnerabilities: Therefore, cy-
bersecurity testing is crucial for carefully identifying
and addressing these vulnerabilities before they are
exploited, ensuring the security and integrity of IoT
systems and devices.
Maintaining User Trust: Any security breach or
failure within the IoT ecosystem can significantly lose
public trust (Huang et al., 2023) in these technological
advancements. It is vital to enforce robust cybersecu-
rity measures to uphold the safety and dependability
of these technologies and maintain the trust of users
and stakeholders.
Regulatory Compliance: This creates complex
challenges for businesses seeking to navigate the
landscape of regulations. Cybersecurity testing
helps in regulation compliance, avoiding potential
reputational damage, and legal penalties for non-
Enabling Innovation: Through the assurance of ro-
bust cybersecurity measures, businesses, and individ-
uals can feel more confident in their innovation en-
deavors, accelerating innovation. It is primarily due to
the reduction of concerns related to intellectual prop-
erty theft and other potential cyber threats, which of-
ten hinder the free exchange of ideas and progress in
technological advancement.
Business Continuity: In a cyberattack, the impact
can be far-reaching, disrupting services, causing ir-
recoverable financial losses, and tarnishing the com-
pany’s reputation. Comprehensive cybersecurity test-
ing is crucial to establish robust defense mecha-
nisms. By conducting extensive testing, businesses
can achieve proactive cyber-secure systems, ensuring
uninterrupted operations even when confronted with
cyber threats.
Protecting User Data: Given the vast amount of
data these devices handle, cybersecurity testing is
paramount to identify and mitigate potential vulner-
abilities, protect against unauthorized access or data
breaches, and uphold user information’s integrity, pri-
vacy, and security. Conducting these mentioned IoT
devices thorough and regular cybersecurity testing
helps ensure that IoT devices have the potential to
safeguard sensitive data and maintain user trust in the
ecosystem of connected devices. Furthermore, we
have explored the current solutions and frameworks
to understand the recent utilization of cybersecurity
testing to achieve more secure architectures.
Leveraging Human-Centric Testing: Integrating
user behavior into cybersecurity strategies can en-
hance testing effectiveness, making efforts more re-
silient against cyber attacks. A comprehensive testing
framework is necessary due to the evolving complex-
ity of cyber threats. Prioritizing the user aspect fosters
a comprehensive security culture, enhancing aware-
ness and vigilance against potential threats.
Without pretending to be exhaustive, the section po-
sitions the SECURER proposal inside the state of
the art and overviews the currently available testing
framework and ongoing cybersecurity strategy.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) (Pietran-
tuono et al., 2023) is a computing framework de-
signed to bring computation and data storage closer to
the user, providing low-latency access to applications
and efficiently utilizing network resources. MEC fa-
cilitates seamless integration of emerging Internet of
Things (IoT) applications, enhancing scalability, reli-
ability, and real-time responsiveness, particularly in
addressing cybersecurity challenges and enhancing
IoT application resilience against cyber attacks.
A framework for identifying botnets has been pro-
posed, which involves Mirai botnet (Ali et al., 2024)
and additional red-teaming tools that perform denial-
of-service (DoS) attacks, scanning activities, and tar-
geting of Internet of Things (IoT) protocols. The
multifunctional testbed (S
aez-de C
amara et al., 2023)
serves as a cyber range for simulating cyber attacks,
testing and validating security solutions, and gather-
ing network and application data to generate compre-
hensive datasets for analysis and research purposes.
Recent studies (Heiding et al., 2023) emphasize
the need for more extensive vulnerability assessments
in penetration testing. Researchers conducted thor-
ough cybersecurity tests on 22 devices across five cat-
egories in connected homes: intelligent door locks,
smart cameras, smart car adapters/garages, smart ap-
pliances, and miscellaneous smart home devices.
Traditional security measures often allow commu-
nications before appropriate authentication, present-
ing vulnerabilities that malicious entities can exploit.
The solution in (Puthal et al., 2020) aims to authenti-
cate users and devices before communication and es-
tablish a secure channel, enhancing security and net-
work performance in IoT and distributed Edge data
center infrastructures.
Researchers have proposed DecisionTSec(Puthal
et al., 2022), an innovative security approach utiliz-
ing decision trees to ensure communication security
in IoT networks. The method incorporates edge data
centers at the network’s periphery to enhance secu-
rity measures. Practical experiments on a real-time
testbed have validated its effectiveness and theoreti-
cal robustness in assessing system performance and
security integrity.
Through a case study, the researchers (Barhamgi
et al., 2018) examine the requirements future data col-
lection frameworks in these systems must meet to of-
fer substantial privacy protection for users through
user-centric privacy engineering strategies. The re-
searchers (Rivadeneira et al., 2023) focus on user-
centric privacy preservation models within an IoT
context, highlighting unresolved issues and research
opportunities. Moreover, the creation of frameworks
that position the user at the heart of data management
Figure 1: SECURER Architecture.
ensures they have complete oversight and decision-
making power over how their data should be utilized
while prioritizing safeguarding their privacy.
The current strategies do not prioritize user-
centric security and privacy solutions or simultaneous
testing. Establishing a comprehensive framework that
enhances cybersecurity through user-centric testing is
crucial for the responsible and effective implementa-
tion of IoT. This testing process helps protect against
potential breaches and ensures that technologies are
secure, reliable, and compliant with regulatory stan-
dards to maintain user trust.
We need modern solutions to assess cybersecurity
from the user’s perspective. Currently, there are no
user-centric cybersecurity testing frameworks avail-
able. We need one, like SECURER, to identify vul-
nerabilities in IoT systems and protect against evolv-
ing cyber threats. Our framework aims to make strong
security solutions accessible and understandable to
non-expert users, increasing their adoption and proper
The section describes the SECURER architecture to
provide an effective framework for shifting from tra-
ditional reactive quality control methods to a more
proactive and collaborative system. SECURER can
help businesses optimize their operations while miti-
gating cybersecurity risks, enhancing their reputation,
and building user trustworthiness for industrial and
commercial IoT systems. SECURER targets the chal-
lenges presented in Section 2 and proposes a method-
ology for integrating cutting-edge technologies like
IoT while addressing cybersecurity challenges and
improving quality. In the next sections, the overall
description of the SECURER architecture and its be-
havioral model will be described.
SECURER: User-Centric Cybersecurity Testing Framework for IoT System
4.1 Framework Conceptualization
SECURER is a user-centric testing framework that
emphasizes the shared responsibility of security. It
highlights resilience and recovery strategies and con-
sists of the components shown in Figure 1.
User-centric Test Manager (UCTM): a user-centric
test manager gathers comprehensive user require-
ments, aiming to pinpoint specific and detailed testing
objectives. It will be achieved using questionnaires
designed to clarify and bridge the gap between what
users expect and their testing needs. The component
also manages the testing feedback and the different
decisions during the testing activity execution. All
the user interactions are performed through a dedi-
cated UI/GUI.
Test Generator: it manages the selection and gener-
ation of test cases. The test cases are provided con-
sidering the specific user’s requirements and needs.
According to the different conditions, the component
can provide testing strategies and help the user select
the best one. A selection of the most proficient in
identifying and effectively mitigating potential secu-
rity risks will be provided among the generated test
cases. Executing test cases will guarantee the seam-
less availability, confidentiality, and overall cyberse-
curity of crucial information within an IoT system.
Test Executor: According to available testing li-
braries it finalizes the test cases for the application’s
domain-specific execution environment (provided by
the user or retrieved through open-source proposals).
Test Controller: It provides a collection of test strate-
gies and pre-defined test cases, if available. It helps
create questionnaires for user-centric test managers
and ensures test cases meet the outlined requirements.
Additionally, it uses Generative AI to create test case
instances and expand test suites to maintain qual-
ity standards in response to evolving cybersecurity
Analysis and Results: It helps understand the im-
pact of vulnerabilities and identify redundant paths in
the source code of application domains or connected
IoT devices and third-party libraries or APIs (Appli-
cation Programming Interface). The analysis is pri-
marily conducted through path coverage testing. Ad-
ditionally, this component’s main responsibility is to
analyze the test results generated by SECURER and
produce test reports for users via the UI/GUI of our
user-centred test manager.
Test DB: It collects the knowledge and results gen-
erated during the testing activity. Indeed, the compo-
nent provides adequate resources to other components
(like GitHub) and facilities for constructing and de-
signing questionnaires and datasets of pre-defined test
cases. Furthermore, it stores and maintains user feed-
back and test reports, which contributes to designing
a more effective questionnaire for the next iteration
and improves the overall testing process.
SECURER’s architecture is designed for the In-
ternet of Vehicles (IoV), cobots, drones, and IoT. The
user-focused cybersecurity approach allows for cre-
ating specific testing scenarios based on user require-
ments, simulating malicious behavior and system vul-
nerabilities while encouraging users to identify and
reduce risks, ultimately increasing their knowledge of
cybersecurity and the testing process. Cybersecurity
testing is evolving through SECURER to address the
risks of interconnected IoT systems. It aims to cre-
ate an ecosystem where security is a shared responsi-
bility, emphasizing resilience and recovery strategies.
Involving users in testing helps them understand their
behaviors and expectations for more secure architec-
4.2 SECURER Behavioral Model
The goal of SECURER, as depicted through the be-
havioral model, is to prioritize user needs and con-
tribute to developing secure, high-quality systems that
enhance the future commercial potential of IoT while
strengthening cybersecurity to foster trust among
stakeholders. Therefore, this section in Figure 2 de-
scribes the SECURER behavioural model, illustrating
how users can interact with SECURER to conduct cy-
bersecurity testing by following several steps:
UTM GUI: Is the GUI of UCTM (User-centric Test-
ing Manager)the user first must register and correctly
log in to UTM (User Testing Manager) to perform cy-
bersecurity testing and express his requirements, test-
ing environment, and domain application. Moreover,
UCTM can utilize this information to prepare an ad-
hoc questionnaire.
Preparing Questionnaire: To prepare the question-
naire, the UCTM requests collaboration from Test
DB, as it comprises predefined test cases or informa-
tion that could be utilized to leverage the question-
Finalizing Questionnaire: UCTM displays the ques-
tionnaire to the users to let them fill it out. User and
provides more concrete details useful for the specifi-
cation of the test cases during the test case generation.
For instance, the user specifies which components in
the IoV (Internet of Vehicles) system should be tested
against replay attacks.
Extracting User Specifications: The user completes
the questionnaire and sends it back to UCTM; at this
point, internal interaction tends to start within SE-
CURER, and then UCTM extracts user specifications
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
from the questionnaire results. Further, the UCTM
requests the Test Controller to prepare a set of test
cases according to SECURER requirements provided
by the user in the previous step.
Generating Test-Cases: As per the request from
UCTM, the Test Controller starts exploring a suitable
test suite and test strategy satisfying the request re-
ceived. In the case of predefined test suite availability,
the Test Controller provides the features for refining
or updating it according to the test specifications re-
ceived. In this case, AI generative support could also
be used.
Refining Test-Cases for Execution: UCTM may re-
quest the Test Generator to leverage the test cases as
predefined test cases do not fully satisfy the cyberse-
curity needs or assess the desired cybersecurity qual-
ity level. The predefined and newly generated test
cases will be selected and possibly combined to be
executed by the Test Manager.
Generating Test Report: Analysis and Results com-
ponent collects test results and sends back the user
detailed statistical analysis. Moreover, it generates
suggestions and recommendations to mitigate vulner-
abilities revealed during test execution. Test results
and suggestions are displayed to the user through
UTM GUI or UI (User Interface), which could pro-
vide feedback for further improvement and optimiza-
tion of the SECURER testing process. The following
section will discuss the preliminary implementation
of the SECURER components and their potential in-
tegration with state-of-the-art tools to perform cyber-
security testing and detect vulnerabilities through the
user as a tester.
The architecture and the behavioral model described
in the previous section have been preliminary imple-
mented into a prototype solution. In its realization,
the primary aim waweb.skys to demonstrate the feasi-
bility of the SECURER proposal, even at the expense
of its effectiveness and overall performance. Indeed,
open-source solutions and tools have been selected
for all SECURER components shown in Figure 1,
with minimal integration and some manual interac-
tions. The Test Generator, Test Executor, Test Con-
troller, and Test DB have been realized by employing
available (open-source) tools and facilities. In par-
ticular, frameworks such as the OWASP Top Ten
, and CVE (Common Vulnerabil-
ities and Exposures)
databases have been taken into
A pre-selection of needs and requirements was
manually collected to create the questionnaire for cy-
bersecurity testing using OLLAMA (Large Language
, while MySQL or Mongo DB
, has been
used for Test DB realization.
A preliminary version of UI/GUI of UCTM has
been realized through React
The core part of our preliminary implementation
was the test generator. For its realization, the avail-
able (open-source) test generation tools and facilities
have been explored, and GitHub resources and test
suites are already available and integrated into the im-
plementation. The possibility using language learning
models (LLMs) integrated via OPEN API
was also
For the test case execution, available testing li-
braries, extensions, and frameworks like Pytest
, JU-
, and NUnit
, have been considered. Finally, a
Test DB has been included to collect details about the
executed test cases and any identified vulnerabilities
that have been classified according to their severity,
and potential recommendations for mitigation should
also be included in the report.
In the remaining part of this section, more tech-
nical details about the tool used for implementing
the SECURER components and a discussion about its
compliance and optimization are provided. In certain
cases, some specific components have been realized
through stubs or some manual interaction. Addition-
ally, for feasibility reasons, the current SECURER
implementation has been limited to two IoT domains:
drone and cobot systems. In particular, we used:
: Metasploit is a powerful tool for sim-
plifying hacking. It allows users to select exploits,
choose payloads, configure options, and execute at-
tacks against target systems. Metasploit has been used
for realizing our Test Executor in Figure 1.
: It is a suite of tools for assessing
WiFi network security. It is utilized to test the security
of wireless communications used by IoT.
SECURER: User-Centric Cybersecurity Testing Framework for IoT System
Figure 2: Sequence Diagram SECURER. Note: DA: Domain Application; U1: User-1;Q: Questionnaire; DR: Domain
Requirements; T1: Testing-1/Tester-1; F1: Feature 1 (Feature to be tested against cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities);T-C:
Test-cases (Generating test-cases for the feature to be tested by the user as per their domain requirements).
Aircrack-ng has been used to realize our Test Ex-
ecutor in Figure 1.
OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy)
: It is open-
source web application security scanner. It can be
used to test web interfaces that might be present in
cobot systems.
OWASP ZA Phas has been used to realize our Test
Executor in Figure 1.
This network protocol analyzer cap-
tures real-time data on a network.
Wireshark has been used to recognize the infor-
mation for our Test Controller extracted for the Test
Generator in Figure1.
It’s an open-source, customizable
Complex Event Processing Monitor Infrastructure for
monitoring test case execution and vulnerability de-
tection. It has been evaluated in various contexts and
application domains (such as (Barsocchi et al., 2018;
o et al., 2021; Barsocchi et al., 2021)). This
component has been used to realize our Test Executor
in Figure 1.
The SECURER prototype complies with interna-
tional standards and regulations for security and in-
dustrial safety. It aims to enhance IoT security and
develop reliable components for more productive and
cyber-secure industrial operations.
To showcase the SECURER prototype in a realistic
environment, we focused on cyber-attacks targeting
the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). In particular, we con-
sidered the rolling code technology used in some au-
tomotive security keys. This system generates a new
code for each operation, ensuring that the same code
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
is never used twice. The purpose is to test it against
vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks such as replay at-
tacks and Man-in-the-middle. As with any other do-
mains, automotive manufacturers and the broader in-
dustry should prioritize implementing robust cyberse-
curity testing strategies to identify and address vul-
nerabilities in IoV software because attacks may vary
significantly based on the attackers’ skill sets and the
specific areas they target (Hsu et al., 2023).
To experiment, we populated the Test DB com-
ponent of Figure 1 with the required information
about the most prevalent threats and attacks of the
IoV rolling code system. We also look for a pre-
selection of test cases focused on specific attacks that
could cover different roles and scenarios. The differ-
ent data have been classified into various specific cat-
egories, each posing unique threats and challenges.
The section explores prevalent threats to the IoV and
IoT ecosystem. Cyber-attackers can assume various
roles, exhibiting passive, aggressive, and malicious
behaviors, locally and internationally. Access to the
IoV network could disrupt the entire system. Cyber-
attacks on IoV are classified into specific categories,
each posing unique threats and challenges. In re-
sponse to the unobtainable commercial IoV system,
our team replicated a replacement for the security-
key mechanism in our laboratory. It was carried out
with readily accessible open-source components. The
aim was to demonstrate how the SECURER operates
and its potential to resolve cybersecurity issues and
vulnerabilities in various application domains such as
cobots and drones.
Typically, these signals, which are meant to be a
single-use code to safeguard against unauthorized ac-
cess, can also be intercepted using off-the-shelf de-
vices like Flipper Zero
or more advanced devices
like HackRF-One
shown in Figure 3. Once cap-
tured, the attacker can replay this signal to unlock
the vehicle. This kind of vulnerability not only puts
the physical security of the car at risk but also opens
up pathways for further attacks on the connected in-
frastructure, potentially leading to broader disruptions
within the IoT ecosystem.
Wherever possible, the Analysis and Result com-
ponent of Figure 1 has also provided some available
countermeasures to mitigate potential cyber-attacks.
As described in the previous section, this information
can be provided to the User-centric Test Manager of
Figure 1 as feedback and for ensuring proactive cy-
bersecurity activity(Gupta et al., 2023).
In this experiment, all the activities concern-
ing generating the UI activity have been performed
Figure 3: Two off-the-shelf devices for MiM attacks.
through stub. The UI stub was in charge of manag-
ing the questionnaire and subsequent data filling, as
described in section 4. In this case, the User-centric
Test Manager of Figure 1 received from the UI stub
a prefilled form in which the replay attack has been
selected and considered critical. A replay attack con-
sists of intercepting the signals of the rolling codes
during the locked or unlocked operations and using
the collected code to unlock the vehicle without need-
ing the original key fob. This attack compromises the
vehicle’s security and poses a significant threat to the
automotive ecosystem to which the car might belong.
Thanks to the questionnaire data User-centric Test
Manager, Test DB and Test Controller Figure 1 col-
laborated in identifying the most suitable test strate-
gies and test cases mitigate the risks associated with
replay attacks. In this instance, the Test Generator
component’s generative AI provided 20 distinct test
cases in response to a request to simulate attack sce-
narios on the security of the tested rolling code sys-
tems. Through stub UI, the Test Executor received
then the rolling code systems instance
to be tested
and the link to the simulation environment where the
test could be automatically executed.
The test case execution simulated the potential at-
tackers, enabling testers to identify weaknesses in the
received code implementation. During the execution,
the Analysis and Result component performed Static
Analysis (SAST) of the collected test results. It eval-
uated the security level of the tested Internet of Vehi-
cles (IoV) applications.
In this experiment, the test case execution reveals
minor failures in the analyzed rolling code. How-
ever, the Analysis and Result, still using generative
AI, provided adequate guidelines suggesting regular
security audits and stress tests on the rolling code
systems to ensure they remain impervious to replay
SECURER: User-Centric Cybersecurity Testing Framework for IoT System
attacks. Moreover, the SECURER recommends the
integration of encrypted signals and implementing a
dynamic code verification system that can invalidate
a code immediately once it is used, further enhancing
the system’s security. Even if very simple, the ex-
periment proves the proposal’s feasibility and lets us
highlight the peculiarity, potentiality, and criticalities
of the SECURER implementation.
The findings indicate that vehicles do not automat-
ically realign the rolling codes upon receiving sequen-
tial lock/unlock prompts from various sources. This
discovery, alongside the identified test scenarios and
the examination of real-time replay attacks, is antici-
pated to refine our approach to cybersecurity, focusing
on user safety and trust. This strategy of consistent
user feedback and achieving optimization is outlined
in our SECURER’s designed architecture and opera-
tional model. However, the integration of components
within our SECURER is crucial for the effectiveness
of our cybersecurity testing framework.
The SECURER framework provides a plan to protect
against replay attacks on rolling code systems, crucial
for safeguarding vehicles and the broader IoT ecosys-
tem. The paper outlines the framework’s structure
and core functionality and a preliminary prototype to
demonstrate its feasibility. Future improvements in-
clude integrating with updated cybersecurity tools to
cater to a wider range of users and application do-
mains, enhancing the process of collecting user test
requirements, and exploring the possibility of inte-
grating GitHub Lab for user feedback and test reports.
This work was partially supported by the project
RESTART (PE00000001) and the project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU - NextGenerationEU.
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