A Smart Hybrid Enhanced Recommendation and Personalization
Algorithm Using Machine Learning
Aswin Kumar Nalluri and Yan Zhang
School of Computer Science and Engineering, California State University San Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway,
San Bernardino, CA, 92407, U.S.A.
Personalized Movie Recommendation, Hybrid Filtering, Content-Based Filtering, Term Frequency-Inverse
Document Frequency, Collaborative Filtering, Alternating Least Squares.
In today’s era of streaming services, the effectiveness and precision of recommendation systems are pivotal
in enhancing user satisfaction. Traditional recommendation systems often grapple with challenges such as
data sparsity in user-item interactions, the need for parallel processing, and increased computational demands
due to matrix densification, all of which hinder the overall efficiency and scalability of recommendation sys-
tems. To address these issues, we proposed the Smart Hybrid Enhanced Recommendation and Personalization
Algorithm (SHERPA), a cutting-edge machine learning approach designed to revolutionize movie recom-
mendations. SHERPA combines Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) for content-based
filtering and Alternating Least Squares (ALS) with weighted regularization for collaborative filtering, offering
a sophisticated method for delivering personalized suggestions. We evaluated the proposed SHERPA algo-
rithm using a dataset of over 50 million ratings from 480,000 Netflix users, covering 17,000 movie titles.
The performance of SHERPA was meticulously compared to traditional hybrid models, demonstrating a 70%
improvement in prediction accuracy based on Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) metrics during the training,
testing, and validation phases. These findings underscore SHERPAs ability to discern and cater to users’ nu-
anced preferences, marking a significant advancement in personalized recommendation systems.
In recent years, personalized recommendation sys-
tems have gained significant popularity due to the
growing prevalence of online shopping platforms, so-
cial networks, and streaming services. Consider the
last time you tried to choose a movie on a stream-
ing site it wasn’t easy, was it? The challenge lies
in the limitations of the engines behind those ”Rec-
ommended for You” lists. These systems often rely
on what you’ve already watched (collaborative filter-
ing) (Ni et al., 2021) or suggest content based on gen-
res you seem to prefer (content-based filtering) (Per-
mana and Wibowo, 2023)(Philip et al., 2014). How-
ever, they frequently end up showing you more of the
same, making it difficult to discover something new
and exciting. This highlights the need for a smarter
approach which truly understands your current mood
by blending various advanced techniques from the
world of machine learning, introducing you to con-
tent you’ll genuinely enjoy.
In the competitive landscape of streaming plat-
forms, the key to success hinges on engaging and de-
lighting audiences. A crucial element in achieving
this is providing movie recommendations that capti-
vate viewers, almost like a touch of magic. Getting
these recommendations right can increase user reten-
tion and encourage word-of-mouth promotion, which
is vital in the ongoing streaming wars. It’s not just
about suggesting what an algorithm thinks you should
watch; it’s about understanding what viewers really
want to see next, turning casual viewers into devoted
fans eager to discover their next favorite movies.
This project introduces the Smart Hybrid En-
hanced Recommendation and Personalization Algo-
rithm (SHERPA) with the goal of revolutionizng
movie recommendation processes. SHERPA com-
bines collaborative filtering, content-based filtering,
and advanced machine learning techniques to deliver
tailored, accurate, and personalized content recom-
mendations. Our goal is to simplify the movie discov-
ery process by aligning recommendations with your
preferences, not just based on what you’ve already
Nalluri, A. and Zhang, Y.
A Smart Hybrid Enhanced Recommendation and Personalization Algorithm Using Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0013064100003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 465-472
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
seen. The focus is on creating a journey of content ex-
ploration that resonates with you, because, ultimately,
every movie night should be about discovering some-
thing that truly hits the spot. SHERPA aims to elimi-
nate the need for endless scrolling, ensuring that find-
ing your next favorite movie is just a click away.
Traditional machine learning approaches in recom-
mendation systems primarily focus on collaborative
filtering and content-based filtering strategies (Ni
et al., 2021). Collaborative filtering predicts user
preferences by analyzing interactions and drawing
insights from user behavior (Son and Kim, 2017).
While this technique is widely used for its simplicity
and effectiveness, it often faces challenges, particu-
larly with new users (the cold start problem) and spar-
sity in user-item interactions (Wu et al., 2018)(Rahul
et al., 2021).
Content-based filtering, on the other hand, sug-
gests items based on their features and user prefer-
ences, emphasizing item metadata (Permana and Wi-
bowo, 2023). However, this method may lead to a
lack of diversity in recommendations, as it tends to
suggest items similar to those the user has already in-
teracted with (Philip et al., 2014).
Recent advancements in recommendation systems
have made significant progress in overcoming these
limitations. Techniques such as Singular Value De-
composition (SVD) have been employed to analyze
user-item interactions and predict ratings by uncov-
ering latent factors (Rahul et al., 2021). Addition-
ally, new algorithms like Alternating Least Squares
(ALS) with Weighted Regularization have enhanced
collaborative filtering by prioritizing known interac-
tions and incorporating regularization to prevent over-
fitting (SurvyanaWahyudi et al., 2017).
By combining these approaches, hybrid models
that integrate elements of both content-based and
collaborative filtering have been developed (Burke,
2002). These hybrid systems provide more compre-
hensive recommendations by considering both user
behavior and content characteristics (Parthasarathy
and Sathiya Devi, 2023). Zhou, et al. proposed
an collaborative filtering algorithm Alternating-Least-
Squares with Weighted-λ-regularization (ALS-WR),
which is implemented on a parallel Matlab platform.
They claimed that the performance of ALS-WR (in
terms of root mean squared error (RMSE)) mono-
tonically improves with both the number of features
and the number of ALS iterations (Zhou et al., 2008).
Chiny, et al. implemented a recommendation System
based on TF-IDF and Cosine Similarity (Chiny et al.,
2022). Hybrid systems not only improve the preci-
sion of recommendations but also offers a deeper un-
derstanding of user preferences and content relevance,
paving the way for a new era in recommendation sys-
tems (Parthasarathy and Sathiya Devi, 2023).
3.1 Dataset
The project involves two main datasets: the Movie Ti-
tles dataset and the Movie Ratings dataset, which are
included in the Netflix Prize dataset posted on Kag-
gle (Netflix, 2006).
The Movie Titles dataset contains the information
of 17,770 movies, with each movie represented as a
tuple in the form: <Movie ID, Release Year, Movie
Title, Director, Cast, Genre, Overview>. The origi-
nal Movie Titles dataset contains Movie ID, Release
Year, and Movie Title information of movies. We get
extra information about these movies such as Direc-
tor, Cast, Genre, Overview of Movie, from IMDB, an
online database of information related to films, televi-
sion series, etc.
This dataset provides a comprehensive overview
of movies released from 1890 to 2005, with titles in
English. The following is an examples of movie en-
Example: <1, 2003, Dinosaur Planet, Christian
Slater, Scott Sampson, Animation, A four-episode
animated series charting the adventures of four di-
nosaurs each on a different continent in the pre-
historic world.>. This tuple shows that the movie
ID is 1, the release year of this movie is 2003,
the movie title is Dinosaur Planet, the director is
Christian Slater, the cast is Scott Sampson, and
the genre is Animation.
The Movie Ratings dataset comprises over 50
million ratings from 480,189 Netflix users, covering
17,770 movie titles, collected between October 1896
and December 2005. Each rating entry or instance
contains User ID, Movie ID, Date of Rating, and
Rating. Movie IDs are sequentially numbered from
1 to 17770. User IDs range from 1 to 2,649,429,
with some numbers missing, representing a total of
480,189 users. Date of Ratings are consistently for-
matted as YYYY-MM-DD across all files. Ratings
are on a five-star scale, ranging from 1 to 5 to show
user opinion, where 5 represents the highest rating.
To ensure customer privacy, unique customer IDs
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
have been anonymized. The 50 million movie rat-
ings dataset is splitted into three datasets. The train-
ing dataset contains total of 35, 721, 947 ratings, the
test dataset contains total of 7, 654, 704 ratings, and
the validation dataset contains total of 7, 654, 704 rat-
ings. The following is an examples of movie rating
Example: 1, 401047, 4, 2005-06-03
This example shows that the user with ID 401047
rated the movie with ID 1 as 4 stars on June 3,
3.2 Data Preprocessing
During the data preprocessing stage, we structured
unprocessed data to align with the machine learning
model’s format for effective learning. This involved
parsing data from a file, extracting movie IDs, cus-
tomer IDs, and ratings, and structuring them into a
list. We converted this list into a pandas DataFrame
for easier manipulation and handled format issues by
skipping lines that didn’t match the expected format.
Additionally, we cleaned the data by replacing any
NaN values with empty strings, preparing it for fur-
ther analysis.
Recommendation systems use filtering algorithms
to provide recommendations to users. These al-
gorithms are classified or categorized majorly into
collaborative-based filtering, content- based filtering,
and hybrid algorithms. The proposed Smart Hybrid
Enhanced Recommendation and Personaliza- tion
Algorithm (SHERPA) integrates Term Frequency-
Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) for content-
based filtering and Alternating Least Squares (ALS)
with weighted regularization for collaborative filter-
ing, offering a sophisticated method for delivering
personalized suggestions.
4.1 Term Frequency-Inverse Document
Frequency (TF-IDF)
Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-
IDF) is a statistical measure used to evaluate how
important a word in a document within a collection
of texts known as a corpus (Rajaraman and Ullman,
2011). It is often used in text mining and informa-
tion retrieval to weight and evaluate words differently
based on their importance to a document relative to a
collection. Words that are frequent in one document
but less common across others receive a TF-IDF value
suggesting they could be crucial, for comprehending
the content of that document (Chiny et al., 2022).
Term Frequency (TF) is the number of times a
term appears in a document relative to the total word
count of that document. TF is calculated using Equa-
tion 1 as follows (Rajaraman and Ullman, 2011):
t f (t, d) =
, (1)
where N
represents the number of times that term
t occurs in document d, and N
represents the total
number of terms in the document d.
Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) measures the
rarity of a term across all documents. IDF is calcu-
lated using Equation 2 as follows (Rajaraman and Ull-
man, 2011):
id f (t, D) = log
d D : t d
, (2)
where N is the total number of documents in the col-
lection in the corpus N = |D|;
d D : t d
is the
number of documents where the term t appears.
By combining Equation 1 and Equation 2, The
TF-IDF score for term t in document d is calculated
as follows:
t f id f (t, d, D) = t f (t, d) × id f (t, D) (3)
Words with high TF-IDF scores in a document are
used more in that document and less in others, making
them key indicators of what the document is about.
4.2 Singular Value Decomposition
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a matrix de-
composition method that allows you to approximate
a matrix as a product of 3 matrices (Kadhim et al.,
2017). This process allows us to uncover connections
in the data. For example, when we have information
about how users rated items such as movies, but not
every user rates every item, SVD comes in to com-
plete the missing information (Widiyaningtyas et al.,
2022). The SVD of an m × n complex matrix M is a
factorization of the form
M = U ×
, (4)
where M is the original user item rating matrix, U is
the matrix where each row represents a user in terms
of latent factors, Σ is a diagonal matrix with singular
values that indicate the importance of each latent fac-
tor, V
is the transpose of a matrix where each column
represents an item in terms of latent factors.
A Smart Hybrid Enhanced Recommendation and Personalization Algorithm Using Machine Learning
4.3 Alternating Least Squares (ALS)
Alternating Least Squares (ALS) is a technique that
handles sparse data by optimizing matrix factoriza-
tion process by breaking it down into two smaller
or more manageable subproblems (Tak
acs and Tikk,
2012). Unlike Singular Value Decomposition (SVD),
which considers all entries in the user-item interac-
tion matrix (including unknown or missing values),
ALS focuses only on the known ratings and it scales
well for large datasets and integrates regularization di-
rectly to prevent overfitting, making it ideal for col-
laborative filtering (Pil
aszy et al., 2010).
ALS with Weighted-λ-Regularization is an en-
hancement to the standard ALS approach. It intro-
duces a regularization term to the optimization pro-
cess, which helps to avoid overfitting a common prob-
lem where a model performs well on the training data
but poorly on unseen data. The goal of ALS with
Weighted-λ-Regularization is to find user and item
feature matrices that predict how users would rate
items, even new or previously unrated ones (Zhou
et al., 2008).
The effectiveness of this method is measured by
a loss function that captures two things (Zhou et al.,
How well the model predicts the known ratings.
How complex the model is (the size of the user
and item feature matrices).
The loss function is represented mathematically as:
f (U, M) =
(i, j)I
i j
+ λ
where r
i j
is the actual rating of item j by user i, u
the feature vector representing user i, m
is the fea-
ture vector representing item j, I is the set of all (user,
item) pairs for which the rating is known, λ is the reg-
ularization weight that controls the trade-off between
fitting the training data well and keeping the model
simple to avoid overfitting, n
is the number of items
rated by user i, which weighs the user’s feature vec-
tor, n
is the number of users who have rated item j,
which weighs the item’s feature vector.
Loss function with efficient weighted regulariza-
tion controls the complexity of the model and pre-
vents overfitting by penalizing large values of the user
and item feature vectors.
ALS with Weighted-λ-Regularization is highly
suitable for large-scale datasets because of its abil-
ity to efficiently handle sparse user-item matrices by
focusing on observed interactions, reducing memory
requirements, and allowing for parallel computation.
4.4 Content-Based Filtering
Content-Based Filtering is a method used by recom-
mendation systems to suggest items to users based on
the characteristics of the items themselves rather than
on the user’s interaction with other users (Van Me-
teren and Van Someren, 2000). This method uses
item features (like overview, genre, director, cast in
movies) to recommend items similar to what the user
has liked and positively rated in the past (Philip et al.,
Several algorithms are commonly used in content-
based recommendation systems. TF-IDF is cho-
sen over traditional techniques because it provides a
more sophisticated way to evaluate the importance
of words (or terms) in the content (Van Meteren
and Van Someren, 2000). Unlike simple frequency
counts, TF-IDF accounts for the rarity of terms across
all documents, thus giving higher weight to terms that
are unique to a particular item (Permana and Wibowo,
2023). This is crucial in differentiating items with
similar but not identical content, as common terms do
not overly influence the similarity score.
4.5 Collaborative Based Filtering
Collaborative filtering functions, as a recommenda-
tion system algorithm, forecasts a user’s preferences
by considering the preferences of users (Hameed
et al., 2012). It operates on the premise that if users A
and B share viewpoints on an item, it is probable that
A will align with B’s perspective on another item that
A has not yet encountered (Wu et al., 2018) (Konstan
and Riedl, 2012). By analyzing user item interactions
like ratings or viewing history, the algorithm detects
patterns and resemblances among users or items (Ni
et al., 2021) (Goyani and Chaurasiya, 2020). This ap-
proach enables tailored recommendations by tapping
into the preferences of the user community, making it
widely adopted in suggesting movies, music, and var-
ious products. Figure 1 illustrates the mechanisms of
collaborative and content-based filtering techniques.
Collaborative filtering recommends items by identify-
ing patterns among similar users, while content-based
filtering suggests items based on their similarity to
content previously liked by the user.
4.6 Hybrid Filtering
A Hybrid filtering algorithm enhances recommenda-
tion systems by merging collaborative and content-
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Comparison of collaborative and content-based
based filtering strategies leveraging the strengths of
each to compensate for their shortcomings (Goyani
and Chaurasiya, 2020)(Sharma et al., 2022). This
strategy integrates the Singular Value Decomposition
(SVD) technique, which forecasts user preferences
based on patterns, in user item interactions with TF-
IDF which examines item content to gauge its sig-
nificance (Burke, 2002)(Thorat et al., 2015). By
merging the personalized forecasts of SVD and the
content specificity of TF-IDF, the hybrid model pro-
vides varied and thorough recommendations effec-
tively tackling issues, like the cold start dilemma and
enhancing recommendation accuracy (Parthasarathy
and Sathiya Devi, 2023).
The proposed Smart Hybrid Enhanced Recommen-
dation and Personalization Algorithm (SHERPA) is
a recommendation system that intelligently combines
the strengths of two methods: Alternating Least
Squares (ALS) with Weighted Regularization for col-
laborative filtering, and Term Frequency-Inverse Doc-
ument Frequency (TF-IDF) for content-based filter-
ing, as shown in Figure 2.
By utilizing ALS with Weighted-λ-
Regularization, SHERPA focuses on implicit
data like known ratings and handles sparse data by
optimizing matrix factorization process with loss
function to avoid overfitting problem by computing
independently user and item matrices across multiple
processors or nodes in a cluster. At the same time,
the incorporation of TF-IDF allows SHERPA works
on explicit data by assigning weights ( ’Overview’ -
45%, ’Genre’ - 25%,’Director’ - 15%, ’Cast’ - 15%)
to movie attributes based on their importance in a
document. This weighting scheme helps identify
the most distinctive and relevant terms for each
Figure 2: SHERPA Recommendation System Architecture.
document and transforms text-based movie attributes
into numerical vectors. This vectorization allows the
system to quantify and compare movie characteristics
This dual strategy working on both implicit and
explicit data enables SHERPA to effectively handles
large datasets, supports scalability and parallelization.
it addresses the limitations of traditional methods to
deliver more relevant recommendation and enhancing
user satisfaction.
To demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed
SHERPA algorithm, we implemented a series of ex-
periments. In the experimental setup, a dual-core pro-
cessor and at least 2 GB of RAM are essential for gen-
eral system operation. For the computationally inten-
sive tasks of training and test, a GPU with a minimum
of 2 GB of VRAM is necessary. Examples of suitable
GPUs include the NVIDIA GTX 1050 or higher-end
5.1 Evaluation Metric
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is a standard way
to measure the error of a model in predicting quan-
titative data (Hyndman and Koehler, 2006). It’s par-
ticularly useful in recommender systems to evaluate
A Smart Hybrid Enhanced Recommendation and Personalization Algorithm Using Machine Learning
the difference between predicted and actual ratings.
RMSE provides a way to quantify the magnitude of
prediction errors, taking the square root of the aver-
age squared differences between the prediction and
the actual observation. The formula of RMSE is:
, (6)
where p
represents the predicted value for the ith in-
stance, a
is the actual value for the ith instance, N is
the total number of instances.
A lower RMSE value indicates a better fit of
the model to the data. It’s especially effective in
highlighting the impact of large errors, given that it
squares the differences before averaging. However, it
should be noted that RMSE can be sensitive to outliers
and might not be well-suited if the error distribution
is not uniform.
In the context of our paper, RMSE will serve as
a key indicator of the accuracy of our recommenda-
tion system’s predictions, allowing us to fine-tune the
algorithm for optimal performance.
5.2 Evaluation Scenarios
We have designed two distinct scenarios to evaluate
the performance of the SHERPA algorithm. One is
designed for the existing users and the other is for new
users. These scenarios are constructed to evaluate the
system’s responsiveness to each user’s unique needs
whether they’re browsing casually or conducting spe-
cific searches based on their past interactions.
5.2.1 For Existing Users
For existing users, we designed two different scenar-
ios to evaluate the proposed algorithm. One is to rec-
ommend movies to existing users who log in but do
not conduct any search; the other is to recommend
movies to existing users who log in and search a key
Existing User Log in and Without Search.
When an existing user logs in without conducting any
searching, the system uses their interactions to rec-
ommend movies. Since the user is simply browsing,
collaborative filtering is used. This involves the algo-
rithm analyzing the activities of users, with interests
and suggesting movies that those users have enjoyed.
The following are the recommendation results
from Hybrid and SHERPA approaches, the top 10
movies for existing user id = 401047 and without
search keyword:
HYBRID Results:
1. Unknown Pleasures
2. The Swindle
3. Saint Sinner
4. Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in Peril
5. Die Hard 2: Die Harder
6. Seems Like Old Times
7. Kati Patang
8. Korn: Deuce
9. Hocus Pocus
10. The Usual Suspects
SHERPA Results:
1. Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ
2. The Best of Friends: Vol. 4
3. Stargate SG 1: Season 7
4. The Winds of War
5. Stargate SG 1: Season 8
6. Friends: Season 6
7. Alias: Season 3
8. 24: Season 1
9. CSI: Season 3
10. Shania Twain: Up Close and Personal
Existing User Log in and Search with Keyword.
When an existing user logs in and searches for a term
like ”The Company”, the system transitions to the rec-
ommendation method. It combines the user’s data
with the search query to suggest options that cater not
only to popular choices or similar users but also to
results directly related to the search term.
The following are the recommendation results
from Hybrid and SHERPA approaches, the top 10
movies for existing user id = 401047 and with search
keyword ”The Company”:
HYBRID Results:
1. Center Stage
2. Ballet Favorites
3. Expo: Magic of the White City
4. A Raisin in the Sun
5. Robin and the 7 Hoods
6. Unknown Pleasures
7. Out of Sync
8. Orchestra Rehearsal
9. Category 6: Day of Destruction
10. The Usual Suspects
SHERPA Results:
1. Center Stage
2. Ballet Favorites
3. Expo: Magic of the White City
4. A Raisin in the Sun
5. Robin and the 7 Hoods
6. Swan Lake: Tchaikovsky (Matthew Bourne)
7. Out of Sync
8. Orchestra Rehearsal
9. Category 6: Day of Destruction
10. What Have I Done to Deserve This?
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
5.2.2 For New Users
New User Log in and Search with Keyword: When a
new user looks up a term like ”The Company” with-
out any viewing history, the algorithm uses content-
based filtering. This approach analyzes factors such
as genre, storyline, and actors of the movie to sug-
gest movies with similar content to ”The Company”.
The aim is to provide tailored recommendations based
solely on the search query.
The following are the recommendation results
from Hybrid and SHERPA approaches, the top 10
movies for new user and with search keyword ”The
HYBRID Results:
1. Center Stage
2. Ballet Favorites
3. Expo: Magic of the White City
4. A Raisin in the Sun
5. Robin and the 7 Hoods
6. Unknown Pleasures
7. Out of Sync
8. Orchestra Rehearsal
9. Category 6: Day of Destruction
10. The Usual Suspects
SHERPA Results:
1. Center Stage
2. Ballet Favorites
3. Expo: Magic of the White City
4. A Raisin in the Sun
5. Robin and the 7 Hoods
6. Swan Lake: Tchaikovsky (Matthew Bourne)
7. Out of Sync
8. Orchestra Rehearsal
9. Category 6: Day of Destruction
10. What Have I Done to Deserve This?
5.3 Results
In this Section, we compare the SHERPA algorithm’s
performance against traditional hybrid systems using
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) metric across the
training, test, and validation datasets as detailed be-
Table 1: The comparison of Hybrid and SHERPA algo-
Models Training Test Validation
Hybrid 2.8289 2.9487 2.9492
SHERPA 0.8606 0.9039 0.9041
Improvement 69.6% 69.4% 69.3%
The comparison of the Hybrid and SHERPA al-
gorithms across training, test, and validation datasets
reveals significant differences in their performance.
In the training dataset, the Hybrid model shows an
RMSE of 2.8289, indicating some challenges in un-
derstanding user preferences, while SHERPA im-
pressively reduces this to 0.8606, marking a sub-
stantial 69.6% improvement. Moving to the test
dataset, Hybrid exhibits an RMSE of 2.9487, sug-
gesting occasional inaccuracies, whereas SHERPA
achieves a more reliable RMSE of 0.9039, a 69.4%
enhancement. In the validation dataset, Hybrid scores
2.9492 in RMSE, highlighting room for improve-
ment, whereas SHERPA excels with an RMSE of
0.9041, showcasing consistent and reliable perfor-
SHERPAs success is attributed to its ad-
vanced matrix factorization technique, weighted-λ-
regularization, parallelization for scalability, com-
putational efficiency, hybrid filtering approach, and
continuous learning, which collectively result in a
70% improvement over traditional Hybrid algorithms.
SHERPAs balanced approach ensures both technical
superiority and a more personalized recommendation
experience for users.
This paper introduced Smart Hybrid Enhanced
Recommendation and Personalization Algorithm
(SHERPA), an advanced machine learning algo-
rithm created to enhance and personalize the movie
recommendation process. By combining content-
based filtering using TF-IDF and collaborative fil-
tering through ALS with Weighted Regularization,
SHERPA has shown an improvement in recommen-
dation accuracy and user satisfaction.
Through analysis using metrics like RMSE,
SHERPAs performance compared to traditional hy-
brid models was highlighted. Notably SHERPA
achieved a decrease in prediction errors with en-
hancements of around 70% across training, testing
and validation datasets when compared to its pre-
decessor. This emphasizes the algorithms improved
capability to comprehend and forecast user prefer-
ences providing relevant content suggestions. More-
over, SHERPAs innovative methodology tackles is-
sues seen in existing recommendation systems such
as overfitting and addressing the cold start problem.
This ensures a scalable solution that caters to user in-
teractions. Its proficiency in managing datasets and
customizing content based on user behaviors as well
as item traits sets a new standard in recommendation
system technology.
In summary, the SHERPA algorithm signifies
A Smart Hybrid Enhanced Recommendation and Personalization Algorithm Using Machine Learning
a progression in recommendation systems. The
users content discovery experience is enhanced by
SHERPA, which also paves the way for advance-
ments in machine learning and artificial intelligence
research and development. In the changing world
personalized recommendation systems like SHERPA
play a crucial role in driving future innovations.
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