Viewpoint Analysis of Autism-Related Comments in Reddit During
Narges Azizifard
, Lidia Pivovarova
and Eetu Mäkelä
University of Helsinki, Finland
Autism, COVID-19, Reddit, Social Media.
Major events, such as the COVID-19 health crisis, have different effects on various groups, with vulnerable
populations like individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) being especially affected. Social media
platforms capture the unique experiences of these individuals and their families, offering a wide range of per-
spectives and voices. This study utilizes text analysis methods to examine Reddit discussions concerning both
autism and COVID-19. Through the analysis of these comments, we identify key themes, including chal-
lenges in education, employment, and family life, as well as conspiracy theories and propaganda surrounding
vaccination. Our findings shed light on the struggles faced by individuals with autism during the lockdown
and highlight their coping strategies. Additionally, the study reveals significant variations in sentiment and
emotions across different themes within the comments, providing deeper insights into how these experiences
are expressed and understood in online communities.
Significant events, like the COVID-19 outbreak, im-
pact various groups differently and can be particularly
challenging for vulnerable populations, such as indi-
viduals with conditions like Autism Spectrum Disor-
der (ASD). In the digital age, they have the opportu-
nity to share their unique experiences online through
social media. At the same time, a variety of views
and opinions on these people is also presented in so-
cial media. Thus, social media allows for studying
a multidimensional discussion of certain events and
conditions, and for revealing communities discussing
same themes from different angles. Various language
analysis techniques, such as topic modelling, senti-
ment analysis, etc. help to organize collections of so-
cial media posts and comments into subsets that differ
in their viewpoint. In addition, in many of social me-
dia platforms, discussions are organized in a form of
groups and channels, that provide an additional facet
of analysis.
In this paper we focus on analysis of ASD-related
discussions in Reddit during the COVID outbreak. To
investigate the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown
on individuals with ASD or people who are close
to them, we find all comments regrading autism in
COVID-related subreddits, and all comments from
autism-related subreddits linked to COVID time. This
research aims to uncover patterns, sentiments, and
emotions, providing insights into autism during the
COVID-19 lockdown. Overall, our goal is to high-
light the challenges that arise in such situations, which
often result in shock and confusion.
We utilized a variety of NLP techniques, such as
including topic modeling and sentiment analysis to
identify recurring themes in the discourse and exam-
ine how different signals detected by these tools are
distributed across communities and themes.
We discovered significant differences among dis-
cussed topics particularly in the emotions and senti-
ments expressed in the comments. We combine data-
driven analysis with close reading and demonstrate
that the differences found by automatic tools are in-
deed reflected in different attitudes and discussion
culture variety among topics which we extracted.
To sum up, our objective is to explore the follow-
ing research questions (RQs):
RQ1: What are the most frequently discussed topics
in the discourse? What types of issues they address?
RQ2: Do users exhibit the different emotional reac-
tions to the different extracted topics?
Azizifard, N., Pivovarova, L. and Mäkelä, E.
Viewpoint Analysis of Autism-Related Comments in Reddit During COVID-19.
DOI: 10.5220/0013064700003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 401-408
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
RQ3: Are there any differences in community reac-
tion on the comments within each topic?
The main contributions are the following:
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first at-
tempt to provide a quantitative analysis of subred-
dit comments regarding ASD during the COVID-
19 lockdown.
Our analysis encompasses a wide range of sub-
reddit communities without restricting to spe-
cific subreddit, community types, genders, or age
groups. This ensures that the filtered comments
represent a diverse cross-section of the autistic
population and minimize bias.
Our approach offers a novel insight for a more
comprehensive perception of unrecorded issues
related to ASD, especially during public disasters
such as global health crisis and lockdowns. This
can lead to prevention, resolution, and control of
public health effects.
The utilization of social media as a medium for dis-
seminating health information has gained consider-
able attention in recent years. While some families
of children with ASD prefer to obtain health informa-
tion from established, local resources, others turn to
social media for support and information. This trend
highlights the necessity of understanding how health-
related issues are represented in online discussions.
Social media platforms provide users with the op-
portunity to discuss health-related information and
advocacy (Whisenhunt Saar et al., 2023). Reddit,
in particular, is popular due to its accessibility and
user-generated content but remains relatively unex-
plored in empirical research compared to larger plat-
forms like Twitter and Facebook (Yeung et al., 2022).
Moreover, a recent review indicates that much of the
knowledge about Reddit content is derived from com-
putational textual analysis, and it advocates for further
contextualization of this data (Proferes et al., 2021).
Reddit is a pseudonymous social media platform,
where users create accounts that do not directly re-
veal their identities but may still include personalized
information. For instance, the subreddits that an ac-
count follows indicate the user’s interests, although
this information is not immediately recognizable to
individuals unfamiliar with the account holder. Red-
dit’s pseudonymous nature facilitates intimate discus-
sions among users, who do not fear to disclose identi-
fiable public information (Palonis, 2021). An increas-
ing body of research examines Reddit as a forum for
Table 1: Basic statistics of filtered dataset.
Subreddit # com-
# users
AskReddit 9,622 8,066
conspiracy 3,708 2,145
wallstreetbets 3,088 2,483
DebateVaccines 2,302 485
insanepeoplefacebook 2,083 1758
vaxxhappened 2,069 1,500
memes 2,114 1,880
AmItheAsshole 2,016 1,048
politics 1,884 1,561
autism 1,817 1,273
worldnews 1,755 1,482
news 1,654 1,377
Coronavirus 1,547 1,283
AntiVaxxers 1,292 552
TrueAntiVaccination 1,147 277
insaneparents 1,109 984
facepalm 1,108 982
aspergers 1,032 743
total 41,875 28,270
discussing topics related to ASD. These discussions
generally occur within specific subreddits, i.e. ded-
icated forums that address various aspects of autism
(Whisenhunt Saar et al., 2023).
Qualitative methods are also frequently used to
analyze Reddit comments related to autism. For ex-
ample, in (Thom-Jones et al., 2024), the authors em-
ployed a qualitative approach to study how individu-
als discuss and reflect on their experiences of mother-
hood within a Reddit community dedicated to autistic
parents. This method allowed them to explore the nu-
anced perspectives and personal experiences shared
by community members, providing a deeper under-
standing of the unique challenges and insights associ-
ated with parenting as an autistic individual.
Among those empirically investigating Reddit
content related to ASD (Bellon-Harn et al., 2022) ex-
plored the representation of applied behavior anal-
ysis (ABA) interventions within Reddit discussions
through topic modeling. Additionally, the study in
(Whisenhunt Saar et al., 2023) analyzed ABA dis-
course on Reddit using inductive manual coding of
contextualized thread content.
Other studies investigate how user use internal
voting system to shape their communities by promot-
ing content they find useful, relevant, and trustworthy,
while downvoting and thus suppressing content they
consider irrelevant, false, or self-serving(Leavitt and
Robinson, 2017; Richterich, 2014).
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.1 Data Collection and Filtering
Data retrieval was conducted using the Reddit Appli-
cation Programming Interface (API).
All comments and subreddit titles were converted
to lowercase. To retain comments related to both
COVID-19 and autism, we applied the following fil-
tering criteria:
We considered Reddit comments from March
2020 to October 2021 to ensure they were written
during the COVID-19 lockdown, as documented
on Wikipedia
Next, after searching related phrases on Google
and the Reddit website, we filtered comments
that contained at least one of the following
COVID-related terms: “covid”, “corona”,
“c19”, “c-19”, “sars-cov-2”, “sars-cov2”,
“sarscov2”, “china_flu”, “china-flu”, “chinaflu”,
“wuhan_flu”, “wuhan-flu”, “wuhanflu”, “lock-
down”, “quarantine”, “vaxx”, or “vaccine”, and at
least one of “asperg” or “autis” for autism-related
To analyze the filtered comments, we excluded non-
English posts. For preparing the data for further anal-
ysis, we performed data cleaning using Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) techniques to remove unnec-
essary information from the collected tweets, includ-
ing URLs, special characters (e.g., @, /, ...), and stop-
words (e.g., in, the, ...). After these steps, a total of
111,507 comments remained for analysis.
We focused on subreddits with more than 1000
comments. Among these subreddits, we excluded the
"csci040temp" after determining that it was a tempo-
rary subreddit active only during October and Novem-
ber 2020. The final dataset consisted of around 42
thousand comments from 18 subreddits.
3.2 Data Analysis
3.2.1 Explanatory Analysis
In Table 1 we present the basic statistics of our
dataset. We also performed an analysis of the tempo-
ral distribution of comments within our selected sub-
reddits from the official start of quarantine to its con-
clusion. As shown in Figure 1, at the start of the quar-
antine, there was an increase in comments related to
our themes in most of the subreddits, although these
discussions eventually decreased (except conspiracy
subreddit). The initial surge was largely driven by
the fear and uncertainty people felt during the early
stages of the lockdown, as the situation was unprece-
dented and many were unsure how to cope. The sig-
nificant amount of news, particularly on social media,
further contributed to the heightened anxiety. Many
users also debated vaccines, the anti-vaxx movement,
and the pros and cons of vaccination. This trend re-
flects a growing need for individuals to seek guidance
and information regarding autism-related issues dur-
ing the lockdown. In the following section, we ex-
plore the themes of these discussions to gain a deeper
understanding of the issues raised.
3.2.2 Topic Modeling
We utilized Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to an-
swer the first RQ, i.e. to reveal the most frequently
discussed topics during the COVID-19 lockdown, as
well as the challenges faced by people with autism
and those who support them. We applied LDA
model using different number of topics, from 2 to 20
and choose the best model based on coherence met-
ric (Röder et al., 2015)
3.2.3 Emotion and Sentiment Analysis
To answer RQ2 and uncover differences between top-
ics and the users’ reactions to the issues they face, we
performed emotion and sentiment analyses on filtered
comments for each topic separately.
For sentiment analysis, we employed VADER
(Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner),
a lexicon and rule-based tool specifically designed to
detect sentiments expressed in social media.
For emotion analysis we utilized Plutchik’s model
of emotions(Plutchik, 1980), which identifies eight
primary emotions—anger, fear, sadness, disgust, sur-
prise, anticipation, trust, and joy—from user com-
ments. To extract emotions based on Plutchik’s
framework, we employed the NRC emotion lexi-
con(Mohammad and Turney, 2013), which comprises
a list of English words associated with each primary
emotion, as well as two sentiments: negative and pos-
itive. The annotations within the lexicon were man-
ually curated through crowdsourcing. To detect text
emotions, we count a number of tokens from each lex-
icon category in comments and then average them for
each topic.
We did not take the negative and positive senti-
ments from the NRC lexicon into account in this anal-
ysis, as this is analysed separately using VADER.
We used Gensim implementation, https:
Viewpoint Analysis of Autism-Related Comments in Reddit During COVID-19
Figure 1: Temporal distribution of comments in subreddits.
Table 2: Categorical variable of vote score.
Category name Score range
Slightly upvoted 2–10
Moderately upvoted 11–50
Greatly upvoted 51–200
Very greatly upvoted 201–1000
Extremely upvoted Greater than 1000
Slightly downvoted -10–0
Moderately downvoted 50 to 11
Greatly downvoted 200 to 51
Very greatly downvoted 1000 to 201
Extremely downvoted Less than 1000
3.3 Vote Scores
To address RQ3, we analyzed the comment scores to
identify any changes in user voting behavior across
different topics, applying the categories defined in
(Davis and Graham, 2021). The Reddit vote score is
determined by subtracting the number of downvotes
from the number of upvotes. This score is then clas-
sified into one of ten categories, reflecting whether a
comment is slightly, moderately, greatly, very greatly,
or extremely upvoted (or downvoted)(Davis and Gra-
ham, 2021) as shown in Table 2.
3.4 Results
3.4.1 Topic Modeling
Table 3 presents a selection of words associated with
each identified topic. We further analysed each topic
through a close reading of the comments related to
each topic, focusing on the dominant keywords asso-
Table 3: Prominent words for each topic.
Topic 0 Topic 1 Topic 2
vaccine doctor people
autism fact kid
study money work
children government school
cause health parent
claim mask mom
evidence disease family
anti_vaxxer science live
risk opinion job
support issue hard
ciated with each topic. The primary discussions cen-
tered around the following themes:
Topic 0:
Issues regarding vaccination and its potential
harms: This topic accounts for 47 percent of
all comments in the dataset. Some users discuss
claims and studies suggesting that vaccines may
have side effects, such as causing autism in chil-
dren or increasing the risk of having autistic off-
spring in the future. Consequently, some individ-
uals are concerned about why others take the per-
ceived risk of using vaccines. Additionally, it is
argued that vaccines can lead to death and cer-
tain diseases. Therefore, discussions on this topic
tend to either support vaccinations or align with
the views of anti-vaxxers.
Topic 1:
Conspiracy theories and propaganda regard-
ing vaccination and wearing mask: Topic 1
comprises 31 percent of all comments in the
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
dataset; it also discusses whether to trust vac-
cinations, particularly in the context of con-
spiracy theory,propaganda,and governmental per-
spectives. Many users argue that medical research
and science affirm the safety of vaccines, while
those who deny science and promote conspir-
acy theories, anti-science propaganda, and anti-
government narratives claim that vaccines cause
autism, death, and disease. Numerous comments
ridiculed these claims by comparing the state-
ment "vaccines cause autism" to assertions like
"5G technology is deadly","the Earth is flat", and
"COVID is a hoax". Additionally, there was dis-
cussion about the influence of authorities in shap-
ing political opinions. Some users argued that
governments, pharmaceutical companies and doc-
tors have plans to profit from vaccines by promot-
ing their brands as safe and not causing autism or
disease. However, other users disagreed, express-
ing appreciation for the efforts and hard work
of healthcare workers. Similar discussions arose
around wearing masks, with some users criticiz-
ing anti-maskers who claimed that mask mandates
were driven by financial motives and intended to
prevent a market crash due to COVID-19.
Topic 2: This topic makes up 22 percent of the com-
ments in the dataset, and discuss several themes re-
lated to effects that the crisis causes in everyday life.
Parental issues related to COVID-19 lock-
down: This topic explores how the COVID-19
has affected family dynamics, particularly focus-
ing on how parents, especially single mothers,
have struggled with managing autistic children
exhibiting aggressive behavior due to quarantine
measures and the loss of recreational activities,
and challenges to cover expenses while struggling
to meet the needs of their autistic children. Many
autistic individuals or parents of autistic children
have been unable to speak with therapists or ac-
cess other services due to COVID-19, adversely
affecting their mental health.
Issues related to incorrect behavior of parents:
Numerous autistic users voiced concerns about
how their parents blamed and punished them for
their condition. Due to lockdown restrictions and
social distancing rules, they could not access af-
fordable shared living spaces and were forced to
live with their aggressive parents. Many parents
also pressured their autistic children not to receive
vaccines, fearing it would worsen their condition.
Issues related to work: Some users discussed
losing their jobs and the challenges of employ-
ment as autistic individuals, given the high un-
employment rate within the autistic community.
Single mothers, in particular, face significant chal-
lenges as they must work more to cover expenses
while struggling to meet the needs of their autistic
Issues related to wearing mask: The final issue
raised in the comments was the difficulty autis-
tic children face in wearing masks and adhering
to other rules, such as social distancing at school.
This highlights the sensory challenges associated
with mask-wearing and physical contact.
Positive but still negative point: Some autis-
tic users expressed relief from the isolation, not-
ing that not attending school and taking exams
remotely reduced their stress. They also high-
lighted that being away from environments where
they are often mocked, especially by anti-vaxxer
groups, provided a sense of peace.
To enhance our analysis and determine the specific
subreddits where each topic is most prevalent, we
identified the subreddits associated with each topic
and examined the distribution of comments pertain-
ing to each topic. As illustrated in Figure 2, the
largest concentration of Topic 0, which includes dis-
cussions that either support vaccinations or align with
anti-vaccination sentiments, is found in the subreddits
“DebateVaccines” and “TrueAntiVaccination”. This
is followed by the AntiVaxxers” subreddit, which
also primarily features debates centered around vac-
cines. The content in these subreddits reflects a di-
verse range of opinions, from those advocating for
vaccination to those opposing it, highlighting the po-
larized nature of the vaccine debate.
Topic 1, which revolves around vaccine and mask
debates related to conspiracy theories and propa-
ganda, is most prevalent in the “wallstreetbets” sub-
reddit, with significant discussions also occurring in
the “politics” and “worldnews” subreddits. As men-
tioned earlier, many comments within this topic sug-
gest that vaccines and masks are perceived by some as
tools for financial exploitation and control, reflecting
a broader skepticism towards public health measures
and governmental motives.
Finally, Topic 2 primarily focuses on individuals
coping with autism, caring for autistic family mem-
bers, addressing parental challenges, dealing with
aggressive parenting, facing difficulties with mask-
wearing, navigating workplace problems, and man-
aging mental health issues. This topic is most promi-
nent in the AmItheAsshole” subreddit, which aims to
provide advice based on personal stories and conflicts
shared by users. Additionally, this topic is highly
relevant in the “aspergers” and “autism” subreddits,
which are dedicated to discussions about autism and
Viewpoint Analysis of Autism-Related Comments in Reddit During COVID-19
Figure 2: Distribution of topics per each subreddit, sorted by the prominence of Topic 0.
Figure 3: Sentiment distribution across topics.
the experiences of autistic individuals; these subred-
dits serve as support communities for those seeking
guidance, understanding and shared experiences.
3.4.2 Sentiment Analysis
Figure 3 displays the results of the sentiment analy-
sis, in relation to each of the topics. From the data
presented, it is evident that the comments associated
with Topic 1 tend to be the most negative and the
least positive overall. As mentioned in the previ-
ous section, users engaged in this topic often discuss
how powerful entities manipulate false and mislead-
ing claims, crafting conspiracy theories and propa-
ganda to influence public opinion on vaccination and
mask-wearing. These discussions suggest that these
actors are motivated by profit, exploiting the situation
for financial gain while disregarding the well-being
and health of the public.
Conversely, Topic 2 contains the highest number
of positive comments and the fewest neutral ones. As
we previously discussed, this topic primarily centers
on the challenges faced by autistic individuals and
their families during the lockdown, as well as the cop-
ing strategies they employed. These discussions tend
to be more optimistic and supportive, reflecting a pos-
itive outlook rather than a neutral stance.
The discussions in Topic 0 remain relatively neu-
tral, not leaning strongly toward one side or the other.
They generally revolve around the debate on whether
or not to trust vaccines, with participants expressing
either anti-vaccine sentiments or support for vaccina-
tion. As a result, this topic showcases a range of user
perspectives, reflecting the diverse stances within the
3.4.3 Emotion Analysis
The results of the emotion analysis are shown in Fig-
ure 4. To visualize the emotional fingerprint of the
corpora and the text annotated with Plutchik’s model,
we utilized "PyPlutchik" (Semeraro et al., 2021), a
specialized tool designed for this purpose.
Once again, the comments associated with Topic
2 exhibit the highest levels of emotional expression,
followed by those in Topics 1 and 0. This heightened
emotional intensity in Topic 2 can be attributed to the
nature of the comments, where individuals share per-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: Plutchik’s emotions of Topics.
Figure 5: Distribution of score categories among topics.
sonal experiences and seek support in coping with
their challenges, leading to a richer expression of
emotions compared to the other topics.
At the same time, it is hard to find any single emo-
tion is more prominent in any of the topics. All three
contain the whole spectrum of emotions, although
with different intensity.
3.4.4 Vote Scores of Comments
We created vote score categories for each comment in
our dataset and grouped the comments based on their
respective topics. The results are shown in Figure 5,
where we show a proportion for each vote score cat-
egory for each topic. We did not include percentage
labels for categories where the percentage was below
5%. A large number of comments had a score of 1,
which do not fall into any specific category and nei-
ther supports nor opposes the content; therefore, we
assigned these comments to a separate category la-
beled "score 1".
As it was mentioned earlier, the scores reflect
otherusers’ reactions to a comment rather than the
sentiment of the comment author. After reviewing
the scores, we discovered that there were no com-
ments in the "Extremely downvoted" category across
any of the topics, and only one comment was in the
"Very Greatly downvoted" category. Additionally, as
shown in Figure 5, the percentage of comments in the
"Slightly upvoted" category is higher than in other
categories, indicating that more comments are pro-
moted rather than suppressed. Regarding the "Moder-
ately upvoted," "Greatly upvoted," "Very greatly up-
voted," and "Extremely upvoted" categories, there are
not significant differences across the three topics.
Overall, our analysis revealed that the percentage
of downvoted categories in Topic 2, which primarily
focused on issues faced by autistic individuals and
those who interact with them, was lower compared
to the other topics. This lower rate of downvotes in-
dicates that users perceived these comments as more
valuable, insightful, and relevant. The topics dis-
cussed in this category were likely seen as meaning-
ful and resonated more strongly with the community,
suggesting a higher level of engagement and agree-
ment with the content.
Viewpoint Analysis of Autism-Related Comments in Reddit During COVID-19
Online communication is important for many people,
and it can be a part of coping strategies during crisis.
At the same time, it is important to discriminate be-
tween different communities, and to be able to point
people to right places on the WEB where they can get
support. Viewpoint analysis may potentially help in
that regard.
In this paper we presented a first attempt to apply
data-driven analysis on Reddit comments devoted to
autism during COVID-19 outbreak. While the pre-
vious work studying autism in Reddit were focused
on some pre-selected subreddits and employs mostly
qualitative analysis, we combined quantitative analy-
sis with close reading. We have shown that language
analysis techniques, such as topic modelling and sen-
timent analysis, can reveal viewpoint differences in
reddit communities.
We observed various themes in the comments,
such as vaccination and disinformation, family issues,
conspiracy theories, and propaganda. Comments that
focus on the challenges faced by autistic individu-
als and their families during quarantine, as well as
their coping strategies, tend to be more emotional and
less neutral. These comments also display more pos-
itive sentiment and are generally more optimistic and
supportive. Additionally, they tend to receive fewer
downvotes compared to other types of comments.
Based on the discussions related to various top-
ics, sentiments, emotions, and vote scores, we can
observe the complex and multi-dimensional nature of
online conversations. These discussions reveal how
different themes and emotional tones interact with
user engagement, highlighting the diverse perspec-
tives and reactions within online communities. This
complexity reflects the broader structure of online dis-
course, where multiple factors contribute to shaping
the flow and tone of the conversation, making it both
dynamic and multifaceted. In general, the analysis
presented in this study offers valuable insights into the
challenges faced by autistic individuals and their fam-
ilies during the outbreak. These findings can aid com-
munities, particularly children, parents, and individu-
als with disorders, in better managing autism. Fur-
thermore, the study provides critical information for
government and authorities to enhance their policy-
making processes regarding support and services for
communities with disorders, including ASD, during
critical situations such as global health crisis.
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WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies