Online communication is important for many people,
and it can be a part of coping strategies during crisis.
At the same time, it is important to discriminate be-
tween different communities, and to be able to point
people to right places on the WEB where they can get
support. Viewpoint analysis may potentially help in
that regard.
In this paper we presented a first attempt to apply
data-driven analysis on Reddit comments devoted to
autism during COVID-19 outbreak. While the pre-
vious work studying autism in Reddit were focused
on some pre-selected subreddits and employs mostly
qualitative analysis, we combined quantitative analy-
sis with close reading. We have shown that language
analysis techniques, such as topic modelling and sen-
timent analysis, can reveal viewpoint differences in
reddit communities.
We observed various themes in the comments,
such as vaccination and disinformation, family issues,
conspiracy theories, and propaganda. Comments that
focus on the challenges faced by autistic individu-
als and their families during quarantine, as well as
their coping strategies, tend to be more emotional and
less neutral. These comments also display more pos-
itive sentiment and are generally more optimistic and
supportive. Additionally, they tend to receive fewer
downvotes compared to other types of comments.
Based on the discussions related to various top-
ics, sentiments, emotions, and vote scores, we can
observe the complex and multi-dimensional nature of
online conversations. These discussions reveal how
different themes and emotional tones interact with
user engagement, highlighting the diverse perspec-
tives and reactions within online communities. This
complexity reflects the broader structure of online dis-
course, where multiple factors contribute to shaping
the flow and tone of the conversation, making it both
dynamic and multifaceted. In general, the analysis
presented in this study offers valuable insights into the
challenges faced by autistic individuals and their fam-
ilies during the outbreak. These findings can aid com-
munities, particularly children, parents, and individu-
als with disorders, in better managing autism. Fur-
thermore, the study provides critical information for
government and authorities to enhance their policy-
making processes regarding support and services for
communities with disorders, including ASD, during
critical situations such as global health crisis.
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