The Effects of Exergaming on Executive Functions in Children with
ADHD: A Protocol of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Febryansah Gilang Aris Pradana
, Rakhmat Ari Wibowo
and Graham Baker
Physical Activity for Health Department, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Keywords: Exergaming, Executive Functions, Children, ADHD.
Abstract: Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common
neurodevelopmental disorders that affect children. Symptoms of ADHD have been associated with reduced
executive functions (EFs). Physical activity (PA) was suggested as an optional treatment; however, adherence
to PA in children with ADHD is low. Exergaming has shown the beneficial effects on EFs; however, the
evidence-base results were varied. This study will review primary studies investigating the effects of
exergaming to increase EFs. Methods: This protocol of systematic review and meta-analysis is developed
following the PRISMA guidelines. The study protocol has been registered in PROSPERO
(CRD42024549395). Studies from eleven databases, published articles from the same authors, forward and
backward, and co-citing and co-cited citation searches will be screened by two researchers based on inclusion
and exclusion criteria. Two researchers will assess the risk of bias using The Cochrane Risk of Bias 2.
Narrative synthesis will be presented, and meta-analyses will be performed on EF outcomes using random-
effect meta-analyses. GRADE will be used to assess the quality of evidence by two researchers. Conclusion:
This study will be the first systematic review and meta-analysis which offer insights on the effects of
exergaming on EFs and adherence to PA in children with ADHD.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is
one of the most common neurodevelopmental
disorders in children (Salari et al., 2023). The key
symptoms of ADHD are inattention,
hyperactivity/impulsivity, or combined presentation
and mostly arise during school-age children
(American Psychiatric Association, 2022; Colomer et
al., 2017). Those symptoms have been associated
with the reduction in executive functions (EFs) (Nigg
et al., 2002; Willcutt et al., 2005).
EFs are meta-cognitive functions that are
essential for goal orientation, behaviour flexibility,
and adaptation because they control fundamental
cognitive processes (Diamond, 2013). According to
Biederman et al. (2004), EFs consist of three main
processes which are inhibition, working memory, and
cognitive flexibility. Those three processes are highly
associated with learning and academic achievement
in children. Therefore, children with ADHD usually
experience low performance and poor academic
achievement due to problems with their EFs (Arnold
et al., 2020).
Engaging in physical activity (PA) could be one
of the options to deal with reducing EFs. There are
substantial evidence-based studies indicating that PA
has positive impacts on EFs (Welsch et al., 2021;
Chan et al., 2022). However, although the positive
impacts of doing PA for children with ADHD are
known, children with ADHD engage in less PA
(Mercurio et al., 2021). Boman & Bernhardsson
(2023); Ogrodnik et al. (2023) found that one of the
barriers for children with ADHD to engage in PA is
low motivation and forgetfulness since PA is often
perceived as fatiguing and uninteresting.
Therefore, there is a need for another approach as
adjunct or independent treatment for children with
ADHD. Halperin & Healey (2011) argued that
combining PA with cognitive challenges might be a
Pradana, F., Wibowo, R. and Baker, G.
The Effects of Exergaming on Executive Functions in Children with ADHD: A Protocol of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0013064800003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 251-256
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
good treatment to deal with EF problems and low
adherence in PA to children with ADHD. This
combination approach could be implemented through
Exergaming is an innovation that combines
exercise with gaming; therefore, players should make
body movements that appear on the digital games to
play exergaming; by doing so, the players will get the
benefits of doing PA (Wijffelaars & Markopoulos,
2023). Using game field approaches, exergaming
could be fun exercises that can increase motivation,
EFs, and adherence to PA in children (Staiano &
Calvert, 2011; Primack et al., 2012).
There are growing numbers of studies that
examine the effects of exergaming on the EFs in
children with ADHD and found the beneficial effects
(Chang et al., 2022; Benzing & Schmidt, 2019).
However, the effects of the outcomes of those studies
are varied from moderate effects (Benzing &
Schmidt, 2019) to large effects (Chang et al., 2022).
Therefore, it could be suggested to conduct a
systematic review to solve the gaps in understanding
the effects of exergaming to increase EFs in children
with ADHD.
To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first
systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the
effects of exergaming on EFs in children with ADHD.
This systematic review and meta-analysis aim to
review primary studies that have investigated the
effects of exergaming on EFs in children with ADHD
and to summarise their findings.
1.1 Research Questions
1. What is the effectiveness of exergaming on
executive functions in children with ADHD
compared with the control group?
2. What is the adherence of children with ADHD
in exergaming interventions?
A systematic review will be conducted to answer the
research questions. The review protocol was written
based on the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols
(PRISMA-P) statement (Moher et al., 2015;
Shamseer et al., 2015) and the Cochrane Handbook
(Higgins et al., 2023). The protocol has been
registered in the International Prospective Registers
of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO)
(CRD42024549395; Pradana et al., 2024).
2.1 Eligibility Criteria
Studies will be selected based on the following
inclusion and exclusion criteria using Population,
Intervention, Control, Outcomes, and Study design
(PICOS) framework: (1) Population: children aged 4
– 12 years of age who have been diagnosed as having
ADHD symptoms using the standardised diagnostic
tool, for instance the International Classification of
Diseases (ICD) criteria or the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM); (2)
Intervention: studies that used exergaming as at least
one of their interventions. All exergaming domains,
structured or semi-structured, and indoors or outdoors
will be included. However, studies using single-bout
interventions will be excluded.; (3) Control: control
groups with no treatment or using waiting list or using
non-active treatment, such as usual care and cognitive
training; (4) Outcomes: EFs (inhibition, working
memory, and cognitive flexibility) and the adherence
on exergaming interventions; (5) study design:
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs). Only English-
language published articles with no date and location
restriction will be included to identify relevant studies
(Lefebvre et al., 2023).
2.2 Information Sources
A systematic search will be conducted on the 11
electronic databases to identify published literature
which will be included in the review: MEDLINE
(Ovid); SPORTDiscus (EBSCO); PsycINFO (Ovid);
Scopus (Elsevier); Web of Science (Clarivate); ACM
Digital Library; IEEE Xplore Digital Library; and
Sport Medicine & Education Index.
2.3 Search Strategy
The search strategy will be developed based on 5
categories from the PICOS (Table 1). The search
strategy for the MEDLINE database is provided in
Table 1 and will be adapted for other databases.
Moreover, the researchers will search for additional
papers by the same author and perform forward and
backward, and co-cited and co-citing citation
searches of all eligible studies.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 1: Search strategies.
ories Terms
Children child* OR kid* OR
outh OR
ADHD ADHD OR “attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder” OR “attention
deficit disorder” OR “attention deficit-
hyperactivity disorder” OR “attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder” OR
“hyperactivity disorder” OR
“hyperkinetic syndrome” OR “minimal
brain damage” OR “minimal brain
dysfunction” OR “neurodevelopmental
Exergame exergam* OR video gam* OR game*
OR gaming OR “active video games”
OR “computer games” OR “online
gam*” OR “internet gam*” OR “virtual
reality” OR vr OR “augmented reality”
OR “immersive virtual reality” OR
“immersive vr” OR ivr OR wii OR
“nintendo wii” OR “wii gam*” OR “wii
fit” OR “virtual cycl*” OR “xbox
kinect” OR “physical action gam*” OR
“executive function*” OR “executive
dysfunction” OR “cognitive function*”
OR “executive abilit*” OR “cognitive
ability*” OR “cognitive control” OR
“executive process*” OR cognit* OR
memor* OR vigilance OR distractibility
OR “cognitive flexibility” OR impulsiv*
OR inhibit* OR “dual task” OR
“inhibitory control” OR “working
memory” OR “short term memory” OR
“interference control” OR “speed
reaction” OR “processing speed” OR
“cognitive dysfunction” OR “cognition
RCTs “randomized controlled trial” OR rct OR
“randomised controlled trial
2.4 Data Management
The researchers will use the Covidence tool
( to automatically
remove duplicates and to improve efficiency in time.
Moreover, the PRISMA diagram will be used to
manage records of every process (Page et al., 2021).
2.5 Selection Process
Two researchers will independently screen articles
based on the eligibility criteria. Firstly, the reviewers
will conduct an initial search followed by two-step
screening processes which are screening the titles and
the abstracts to exclude studies that do not meet the
eligibility criteria. The reviewers will choose ‘yes’ to
the eligible study and “no” to the study which is not
meet a particular criterion. If the reviewers are unsure
about the decision, the reviewers will follow through
to the next step which is screening the full text.
Secondly, the reviewers will screen the full text of
selected studies to identify the final eligible studies to
be included in the synthesis. If there are
disagreements during abstract and full-text screening,
they will be resolved through discussion. If there are
any disagreements that cannot be resolved, the arbiter
from the third author will mediate the discussion of
the discrepancies.
2.6 Data Collection Process and Data
The data collection process will be performed by two
independent researchers who will collect the data of
following study characteristics in the Excel: the
reference, study location, participant characteristics
(age, gender, type of ADHD), intervention details
(type of exergame, exergame features, dose, setting,
delivery mode, theoretical frameworks), and
outcomes (measurement tool, unit of measurement,
EFs domains, adherence) from included studies based
on the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trial-
EHEALTH checklist (Eysenbach & CONSORT-
EHEALTH Group, 2011) and the Consensus on
Exercise Reporting Template (CERT) (Slade et al.,
2016). The author will contact the study authors if
there are missing or unclear data. Discussion will be
conducted to resolve discrepancies between
reviewers. If conflicts cannot be resolved, the third
author will conduct mediation.
2.7 Outcomes and Prioritization
The primary outcome of this study is EFs (inhibition,
working memory, and cognitive flexibility). Studies
exploring changes in EFs between baseline and the
end of interventions which used standardized
outcome measures assessing either EFs or any
specific domain of EFs as a continuous outcome will
be included. For instance, Chang et al. (2022) used
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, while Benzing &
Schmidt (2019) used computer-based tests using E-
Prime Software.
The secondary outcome of this systematic review
and meta-analysis is the adherence to the exergaming
interventions which will be measured through the
drop-out rate.
The Effects of Exergaming on Executive Functions in Children with ADHD: A Protocol of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2.8 Risk of Bias in Individual Studies
The risk of bias (RoB) in the included studies will be
independently assessed by two researchers using the
Cochrane RoB 2 tool for RCT. The authors will
present RoB table for all included studies. Conflicts
between reviewers will be resolved through
discussion. The third author will conduct mediation if
there are discrepancies that cannot be resolved.
The researchers will assess RCTs on the allocation
concealments, sequence generation, blinding of
outcome assessments, incomplete outcome data,
reporting bias, and validity of outcome measures
(Higgins et al., 2011). Blinding of participants and
personnel to the group allocation will not be assessed
since this would not be suitable for the exergaming
intervention study. Rating as low” or “some
concernsor “high” risk of bias will be used.
2.9 Data Synthesis
A narrative synthesis of the results in EFs outcome
will be presented. A meta-analysis will be conducted
where possible by pooling the appropriate data using
Review Manager 2014. The authors will use random-
effects meta-analysis since high variance of the unit
of measurement and intervention design. The authors
will use outcome data which reported using the
change from baseline to calculate the standardised
mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence
intervals (CIs). The authors will conduct imputation
on p-value to obtain the standard deviation (SD) of
the change from baseline if the studies did not report
using change from baseline (Deeks et al., 2019).
The authors will calculate the I
statistics to assess
heterogeneity (Higgins, 2002) and will be depicted as
part of the forest plots in Review Manager. Where
possible, the authors will independently perform
subgroup analyses on the type of ADHD and
exergame, the measurement methods between
studies, and male versus female. Moreover, the
authors will perform sensitivity analyses.
2.10 Publication Bias
The authors will utilize a funnel plot when the meta-
analysis contains at least 10 studies.
2.11 Confidence in Cumulative Evidence
Two reviewers will use the Grading of
Recommendation, Assessment, Development and
Evaluation (GRADE) tool by Higgins & Green
(2008) to independently assess the quality of
evidence. Disagreements between reviewers will be
solved through discussion. If discrepancies cannot be
resolved, the third author will conduct mediation.
The needs of optional approaches to treat executive
dysfunctions in children with ADHD are crucial.
Exergaming has shown beneficial effects to increase
EFs in children with ADHD (Chang et al., 2022;
Benzing & Schmidt, 2019). As far as authors
concerned, this will be the first systematic review and
meta-analysis investigating and summarising the
evidence on the effects of exergaming on EFs in
children with ADHD.
This proposed systematic review and meta-
analysis may introduce some limitations. Since our
topic is specific and the exergaming interventions to
treat EFs in children with ADHD is relatively new,
the results of eligible studies may be limited. Those
can affect the possibility to conduct meta-analysis,
sub-group analysis, and sensitivity analysis (Higgins
et al., 2023). However, to address those limitations,
the authors will use 11 databases and comprehensive
search strategies which have been consulted with an
academic librarian. Another potential limitation is the
possibility of bias in the included studies; therefore,
the authors will use the RoB 2 tool to assess the risk
of bias of eligible studies.
On the other hand, there are some potential
strengths of our study. Two reviewers and one arbiter
will involve in the screening, data extraction, and
RoB and GRADE assessments. Those approaches can
minimize the selection bias (Stoll et al., 2019).
Moreover, the authors will adhere to the PRISMA
guideline to implement robust and rigorous
systematic review and meta-analysis (Page et al.,
This study will be the first systematic review and
meta-analysis which will synthesis primary studies
and summarise their findings on the effects of
exergaming on EFs and adherence to PA in children
with ADHD.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
The authors would like to acknowledge the Indonesia
Endowment Fund for Education Agency (LPDP RI)
who funded this research under a master’s degree
scholarship for the primary author (FGAP)
(202308122023612). Additionally, the authors would
like to acknowledge Ishbel Leggat, an academic
librarian at The University of Edinburgh, who
assisted the development of the search strategy.
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support