The main limitation of this study is that the ana-
lyzed records have a standardized format. Thus, the
observed results may differ significantly in different
scenarios where the input text is less rigidly struc-
tured. However, the overall architecture described in
1 remains valid, although more research should be
done on the instructions to be provided as input to the
This paper explored the application of LLMs, specifi-
cally GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 4, for extracting named
entities from repetitive texts. This investigation aimed
to study the effectiveness of these models in handling
such structured texts by defining different types of in-
structions with an increasing level of detail. This pa-
per has demonstrated that all the tested LLMs reach a
total ratio greater than 0.75. In all cases, costs should
also be considered while choosing the best model.
This paper has investigated two specific models:
GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 4. As new models are re-
leased continuously, future work could include com-
paring them and the costs of models released by dif-
ferent providers, such as Google and Meta.
Future work could also use the best scenario at
scale and implement an LLM-based app that receives
input from repetitive text and an output example and
returns the formatted CSV text as output. In addition,
instruction optimization could be investigated, with a
more detailed analysis of the model to use based on
the task requirements.
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