An Empirical Study to Use Large Language Models to Extract Named
Entities from Repetitive Texts
Angelica Lo Duca
Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council,
via G. Moruzzi, 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
Large Language Models, Prompt Engineering, Named Entities Extraction.
Large language models (LLMs) are a very recent technology that assists researchers, developers, and people
in general to complete their tasks quickly. The main difficulty in using this technology is defining effective
instructions for the models, understanding the models’ behavior, and evaluating the correctness of the produced
results. This paper describes a possible approach based on LLMs to extract named entities from repetitive texts,
such as population registries. The paper focuses on two LLMs (GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 4), and runs some
empirical experiments based on different levels of detail contained in the instructions. Results show that the
best performance is achieved with GPT 4, with a high level of detail in the instructions and the highest costs.
The trade-off between costs and performance is given when using GPT 3.5 Turbo when the level of detail is
The advent of Large Language Models
(LLMs) (Brown et al., 2020) has opened the
way for new strategies to automate different tasks,
including extracting information from repetitive
texts, with potential benefits for humans (Weber
et al., 1980). In this context, numerous industrial
and academic initiatives are present in various
sectors, such as healthcare (Gebreab et al., 2024),
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) (Fani Sani et al.,
2023), and finance (Olaoye and Jonathan, 2024).
These initiatives leverage the advanced capabilities
of LLMs to process and interpret vast amounts of
unstructured text data, thereby facilitating more
efficient research and development processes. How-
ever, using LLMs is still immature, as it is a very
recent technology that requires formulating adequate
instructions, understanding the models’ behavior, and
a rigorous evaluation of the produced outputs (Zhang
et al., 2023). In addition, the challenges associated
with deploying LLMs involve ethical and societal
considerations. For instance, integrating LLMs into
workflows should consider the potential biases in the
training data, which can perpetuate stereotypes and
unfair decisions if not adequately addressed (Bang
et al., 2023).
This paper focuses on a practical experiment us-
ing LLMs to extract named entities and their relations
from repetitive texts and convert them into a tabu-
lar format. Traditional rule-based approaches (Waltl
et al., 2018) often struggle to handle the nuances
and variations present in repetitive texts. In contrast,
LLMs have demonstrated their ability to generalize
patterns and adapt to diverse textual formats (Pakhale,
This paper improves on previous work, which
used an approach that combined rule-based and man-
ual correction by a domain expert to extract named
entities from a registry of births (Lo Duca et al.,
2023). This combination of rule-based and manual
corrections reached an accuracy of about 0.99. The
main drawback of this approach was the presence
of humans who signaled and modified rules in the
event of detected errors. This human presence made
the algorithm particularly slow, time-consuming, and
This paper follows the line of research of few-shot
prompting, which is a prompt engineering technique
that tries to obtain satisfactory results from LLMs
by providing examples as input (Ma et al., 2023).
In particular, this paper applies an LLM-based ap-
proach to perform the same task without human in-
tervention. Compared to the rule-based approach,
the LLM-based approach is generated via machines
Lo Duca, A.
An Empirical Study to Use Large Language Models to Extract Named Entities from Repetitive Texts.
DOI: 10.5220/0013066500003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 417-424
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and does not rely on human correction. The objec-
tive is to see whether LLMs can still generate accept-
able results while reducing time and resources. This
approach was partially described in a previous pa-
per (Lo Duca et al., 2024), where only Generative Pre-
trained Transformer 3.5 Turbo (GPT-3.5-turbo) was
used as an LLM. Instead, this paper compares GPT
3.5 Turbo and GPT 4 (Achiam et al., 2023) to define
different scenarios. The objective is to investigate the
effectiveness of these models in handling repetitive
textual data and to evaluate the impact of varying lev-
els of detail in the provided instructions. This empir-
ical study aims to assess the efficacy of LLMs in ex-
tracting named entities from repetitive texts without
domain-specific adaptations or manipulations. Due to
their extensive training on diverse datasets, this ap-
proach is grounded in the belief that LLMs can inher-
ently generalize across various domains and extract
named entities effectively.
To assess the performance of our approach, some
empirical experiments are described, each employing
different instruction levels. Results show that the best
performance is obtained when instructions maintain a
high level of detail. However, in some cases, a mod-
erate level of detail reaches the same performance as
the high level. The paper also includes a discussion
on associated costs.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews the related literature, and
Section 3 describes the experiments followed in this
paper. Section 4 discusses results. Finally, Section 5
gives conclusions and future work.
Extracting named entities and their relations from
repetitive texts is a task belonging to the domain of
Named Entity Recognition (NER). NER is a well-
known Natural Language Processing (NLP) task that
identifies and classifies named entities in texts, such
as persons, locations, organizations, dates, etc. Tradi-
tional NER techniques include rule-based, learning-
based, and hybrid approaches (Waltl et al., 2018;
Goyal et al., 2018; Humbel et al., 2021). The liter-
ature about NER is vast and reviewing all the works
is beyond the scope of this paper. In this section, we
describe only some representative works that help to
contextualize the research done in this paper.
2.1 Traditional Approaches to NER
Rule-based approaches rely on predefined rules and
patterns crafted based on the language’s linguistic
properties. These rules identify entities based on their
grammatical and contextual features. For instance, in
our previous paper, we used a rule-based approach to
perform the same task as in this paper (Lo Duca et al.,
2023). Other examples include the research done
by Eftimov et al., who presented a rule-based NER
method called drNER for extracting evidence-based
dietary recommendations from text (Eftimov et al.,
2017), and MeTAE (Medical Texts Annotation and
Exploration), a platform for the annotation of med-
ical entries (Ben Abacha and Zweigenbaum, 2011).
Learning-based approaches utilize machine learning
algorithms to learn from annotated datasets. These
approaches can range from traditional machine learn-
ing methods to more advanced deep learning tech-
niques. A notable example is the work by Pooja and
Jagadeesh, who used a deep learning-based approach
using Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiL-
STM), Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT), and Conditional Random Field
(CRF) models for biomedical NER (Pooja and Ja-
gadeesh, 2024). Hybrid approaches combine the
strengths of both rule-based and learning-based meth-
ods. They often employ machine learning models to
capture complex patterns and use rule-based systems
to handle well-defined entities. An example of a hy-
brid approach is presented by Ji et al., who applied
a BiLSTM-CRF model with an attention mechanism
and post-processing rules for NER in Chinese elec-
tronic medical records (Ji et al., 2019).
While rule-based approaches can be very effec-
tive for well-structured entities, learning-based ap-
proaches offer greater flexibility and adaptability to
diverse and complex entity patterns. Hybrid ap-
proaches leverage both advantages to achieve optimal
performance on NER tasks. The choice of approach
often depends on the task’s specific requirements, the
text’s nature, and the availability of annotated data.
2.2 LLM-Based Approaches to NER
Given the growing interest in LLMs, a thriving lit-
erature is also developing around the use of LLMs
to perform NER tasks. One way to use LLMs for
NER is to transform the sequence labeling task of
NER to a generation task that can be easily adapted
by LLMs. Wang et al. propose a method to en-
code the input sentence and the entity type as a sin-
gle prompt and decode the entity span as the out-
put (Wang et al., 2023). They also introduce a self-
verification strategy to address the hallucination issue
of LLMs (Braverman et al., 2020), where they may
generate spurious entities that do not exist in the in-
put sentence. Another way to use LLMs for NER is
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: The architecture of the proposed system.
to leverage their ability to access external knowledge
sources, such as Wikipedia or other knowledge bases.
Malmasi et al. present a large multilingual dataset
for NER that covers three domains (Wiki sentences,
questions, and search queries) across 11 languages
and multilingual and code-mixing subsets (Malmasi
et al., 2022). Some works have also performed NER
without labeled data or pre-trained models. For ex-
ample, Luo et al. propose a fully unsupervised NER
model that only relies on pre-trained word embed-
dings (Luo et al., 2019). Another approach uses natu-
ral language prompts to guide LLMs to perform NER
without fine-tuning or labeling data (Ashok and Lip-
ton, 2023). Shen et al. propose a simple method that
applies an LLM to encode queries and documents into
dense vectors and then computes their cosine similar-
ity (Shen et al., 2023).
Compared to the current literature, this paper de-
scribes an empirical study to evaluate the performance
of two popular LLMs, without any domain- adapta-
tion or other manipulations, to extract named entities
from repetitive texts. The objective is to evaluate if
LLMs can be used as they are for this type of task
without any adaptation.
This paper uses an LLM-based application to extract
named entities and their relationships from repetitive
texts. Figure 1 illustrates the implemented system ar-
chitecture for the task. First, the workflow splits the
repetitive text into single records. Next, each record
and an instructions template containing text describ-
ing the task to perform are provided as input to the
LLM-based app. As an output, the LLM-based app
generates data in a tabular format.
This architecture is used to compare the perfor-
mance of two LLMs: GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 4. For
each LLM, three levels of instruction templates are
defined: simple, medium, and detailed, based on the
level of detail they describe. Each instruction tem-
plate is provided as an input to the LLM-based app.
Results are compared to evaluate the minimum detail
required to achieve satisfactory results. In total, six
Original Text in Italian
5510 Giorno di domenica primo giorno di Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan che corresponde a 12 ottobre 1749.
Naque una figlia al Signore Salamon Sezzi e si pose nome Ribqa bemazal tov
5510 Sunday first day of Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan which corresponds to
October 12, 1749. A daughter was born to Lord Salamon Sezzi and she was
named Ribqa bemazal tov
Figure 2: An example of a record in the Registry of Births
of the Historical Archive of the Jewish Community of Pisa.
experiments have been run.
3.1 Case Study
The case study considered the Registry of Births of
the Historical Archive of the Jewish Community of
Pisa (Lo Duca et al., 2023). This registry contains
262 records related to the members of the Pisa Jew-
ish community, their date of birth, their sex, and their
father’s name. The birth registry started on October
12, 1749, and ended on November 1809. Each record
contains the date of birth, indicated according to the
Jewish and Gregorian systems (for a baby born on
March 10th, the registry also shows the day of Rosh
Chodesh Cheshvan 5510). The original document is
written in Italian, and all the records have more or less
the same structure. Figure 2 shows a sample record
within its original version (the manuscript at the top
of the figure), the Italian transcription (in the middle),
and the English translation (at the bottom). The fig-
ure shows the text translated into English for conve-
nience, although tests have been done using the orig-
inal Italian language.
3.2 Model Instructions
Three levels of instructions were defined: simple,
medium, and detailed, based on the level of detail they
describe. Each instruction was provided as an input
to the models. Results were compared to evaluate the
minimum detail required to achieve satisfactory re-
3.2.1 Simple Scenario
The following snippet of code shows the simple in-
structions used in this first experiment:
For each line extract:
- extract child name, father name,
gender, date of birth and format as CSV
An Empirical Study to Use Large Language Models to Extract Named Entities from Repetitive Texts
- If you find a son, set gender to M
- If you find a daughter, gender is F
- Do not include besiman tov
in the child’s name
Answer by formatting the output in CSV.
Only the information to extract and some record-
specific details were provided as an input, such as how
to extract the sex and to omit the words besiman tov
from the child’s name since this is a Jewish expression
the model may not know.
3.2.2 Medium Scenario
This scenario slightly complicated the instruction by
adding an example of how to format the output, as
shown in the following snippet of code:
For each line extract:
- extract child name, father name, gender,
date of birth and format as CSV
- If you find a son, set gender to M
- If you find a daughter, gender is F
- Do not include besiman tov
in the child’s name
Follow this example:
<5510 Giorno di domenica primo giorno
di Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan che
corresponde a 12 ottobre 1749.
Naque una figlia al Signore Salamon Sezzi
e si pose nome Ribqa bemazal tov>
Ribqa,Salamon Sezzi,F,1749-10-17
Answer by formatting the output in CSV.
This instruction provides an example in angular
brackets, defines the desired output, and shows how
to format it. For instance, it asks the model to format
the date following the yyyy-mm-dd notation.
3.2.3 Detailed Scenario
The detailed scenario complicated the instruction by
adding what the model should do if some informa-
tion is missing, as described in the following piece of
For each line extract:
- extract child name,father name,
gender, date of birth and format as CSV
- If you find a son, set gender to M
- If you find a daughter, gender is F
- Do not include besiman tov in
the child’s name
- If the child’s name is not present,
add only a comma
- If the father’s name is not present,
add only a comma
- If the date of birth is not present,
add only a comma
Follow this example:
<5510 Giorno di domenica primo giorno
di Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
che corresponde a 12 ottobre 1749.
Naque una figlia al Signore Salamon Sezzi
e si pose nome Ribqa bemazal tov>
Ribqa,Salamon Sezzi,F,1749-10-17
Answer by formatting the output in CSV.
3.3 Metrics
In total, six experiments were run. Results gener-
ated by each model were compared with a ground
truth generated using the improved rule-based ap-
proach described in a previous paper (Lo Duca et al.,
2023). Thanks to the presence of a human using the
rule-based approach, previous results identified all the
records correctly; thus, the output produced by that
approach is used as a ground truth for this paper.
In this paper, the following metrics are measured:
Father Ratio: the ratio between the number of en-
tities recognized correctly as a father and the total
number of records;
Child Ratio: the ratio between the number of en-
tities recognized correctly as a child and the total
number of records;
Sex Ratio: the ratio between the number of
records where the child’s sex is correctly identi-
fied and the total number of records;
Date Ratio: the ratio between the number of
records where the child’s date of birth is correctly
identified and the total number of records.
Total Ratio: the ratio between the sum of the num-
ber of entities recognized correctly as a father, the
number of entities recognized correctly as a child,
the number of records where the child’s sex is cor-
rectly identified, the number of records where the
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: The Father, Child, Sex, and Date ratios for all the
experiments. The darker the cell color, the better the model
performance. The father is the hardest entity to extract in
all scenarios, while the easiest is the date. This is because
the parent entity sometimes has a different structure from
the classic one, while the date is almost always in the same
child’s date of birth is correctly identified and the
total number of records multiplied for four.
3.4 Results
Figure 3 shows the Father, Child, Sex, and Date ratios
for all the experiments. As expected the best model
is GPT 4 with detailed instructions. However, the Sex
and Date ratios are the same for GPT 4 with medium
and detailed instructions. Adding details to the in-
structions does not improve the model’s performance.
It is also interesting to notice that GPT 3.5 Turbo with
detailed instructions performs better than GPT 4 with
simple instructions. This suggests the importance of
instructions in obtaining the correct outputs.
Figure 4 shows the Total Ratio for all the exper-
iments. Only GPT 4 with medium and detailed in-
structions has a Total Ratio greater than 0.95. The
only surprise is given by GPT 3.5 Turbo medium and
detailed, which outperforms GPT 4 simple. This con-
firms the importance of formulating instructions prop-
GPT 4 Detailed
GPT4 Medium
GPT 3.5 Detailed
GPT 3.5 Medium
GPT 4 Simple
GPT 3.5 Simple
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Total Ratio for all the Entity Types
Only GPT4 Medium and GPT4 Detailed have a ratio greater than 0.95
Figure 4: The Total Ratio for all the experiments.
The experiments show that GPT 4 detailed is the best
model. However, any model can reach a ratio of
100%, so it is essential to understand which types
of errors each model makes. The first consideration
involves the formatting style. Any of the GPT 3.5
Turbo models can generate a perfect CSV file. Figure
5 shows an example of a formatting error when us-
ing GPT 3.5 Turbo. If the model cannot identify the
entities correctly, it writes additional text.
(a) GPT-3.5 Turbo Simple.
(b) GPT-3.5 Turbo Medium.
(c) GPT-3.5 Turbo Detailed.
Figure 5: Formatting problems with GPT 3.5 Turbo. When
the model does not find an entity in a record: (a) GPT-3.5
Turbo simple adds a long text that specifies what it did not
find. (b) GPT-3.5 Turbo medium uses three lines for the
missing entity. This causes formatting problems for the fol-
lowing lines. (c) GPT-3.5 detailed uses two lines for the
missing entity but does not cause formatting problems for
the following lines.
As the instructions become more detailed, the
model makes fewer formatting errors (as shown in
Figure 5), which include additional text or the ” sym-
bol. A more in-depth study should be done on how
to eliminate these types of errors starting from input
instructions. This aspect would lead to a complica-
An Empirical Study to Use Large Language Models to Extract Named Entities from Repetitive Texts
Figure 6: Total costs for each model.
tion of the instructions and could be studied as future
work. Anyway, this type of problem is completely
solved when using GPT 4. However, GPT 4 simple
introduces another formatting problem, which con-
sists of adding extra quotes (”) to some rows, such as
in the following example: ”Ribqa,Salamon Sezzi,F,12
ottobre 1749”. This problem is completely solved
with GPT 4 medium and detailed.
The second consideration refers to the type of en-
tities not recognized. All the models cannot properly
recognize the father’s name with the following struc-
ture: Name Surname del fu Name Surname, where the
first pair Name Surname refers to the father’s name,
del fu is an Italian expression to literary indicate of
the past and the second Name Surname is the grand
father’s name. Among all the records, there are six
records with this expression. Only GPT 4 medium
and GPT 3.5 Turbo detailed can recognize 3 of the
six entities with this expression. GPT 3.5 Turbo sim-
ple recognizes two entities, while GPT 4 detailed only
one. The remaining models do not recognize any en-
tity of this type.
The third consideration regards costs. OpenAI
(which GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 4 belong to) calcu-
lates costs based on the model type and the number
of input and output tokens. The sum of the input and
output costs gives the total cost. Based on the prices
updated on 2024 June 19, the output cost C
for GPT-
3.5 Turbo is 1.5 $/ 1M tokens, and for GPT-4, it is 120
$ / 1M tokens. We calculate the total output cost for a
model as follows:
out put
× N
× C
where T
is the number of tokens in output, N
is the
number of records (262) and C
is the output cost. We
consider an average output size of 32 characters. If a
token is four characters, we can set T
= 8.
The input cost C
for GPT-3.5 Turbo is 0.5 $/ 1M
tokens, and for GPT-4, it is 60 $ / 1M tokens. We
calculate the total input cost for a model as follows:
× N
× C
where T
is the number of tokens in input, it is given by
the sum of the record size (an average of 171 records)
and the length of the instruction divided by the token
size (4). The sum of the input and output costs gives
Figure 7: Trade-off between Ratio and Costs.
the total cost for each model. Figure 6 shows the total
costs in Dollars for each scenario.
While the cost of GPT 3.5 Turbo is minimal (less
than one dollar) for all scenarios, the cost of GPT
4 explodes as the number of input tokens increases.
Figure 7 shows the trade-off between ratio and costs.
GPT 4 models are in the top right part of the chart,
meaning they reach high performance but are expen-
sive. GPT 3.5 Turbo detailed and medium are in the
top left part of the chart, meaning they have high per-
formance but are cheaper. GPT 3.5 Turbo simple is
the most affordable but has the worst performance.
Based on this chart, the best models are GPT 3.5
Turbo detailed and medium.
When choosing between models, in addition to
costs, the task’s complexity, token length, accu-
racy needs, and frequency should also be consid-
ered. For simple tasks like summarization or basic
queries, GPT-3.5 Turbo medium and detailed are cost-
effective choices, while more complex or high-stakes
tasks requiring deeper reasoning or precision justify
the higher cost of GPT-4 medium and detailed. If
speed and frequent usage are priorities, cheaper mod-
els are preferable, but for specialized domains or high
accuracy, GPT-4 may be necessary despite its cost.
A final consideration concerns optimizing instruc-
tions for maximum performance and cost efficiency.
However, to achieve maximum performance, the
model should know the context in which it operates
well, and the instructions provided as input must be as
clear as possible. A separate analysis should be done
to evaluate the model’s efficiency, response times, and
human difficulty in writing optimized instructions.
These aspects will be the subject of future work and
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The main limitation of this study is that the ana-
lyzed records have a standardized format. Thus, the
observed results may differ significantly in different
scenarios where the input text is less rigidly struc-
tured. However, the overall architecture described in
1 remains valid, although more research should be
done on the instructions to be provided as input to the
This paper explored the application of LLMs, specifi-
cally GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 4, for extracting named
entities from repetitive texts. This investigation aimed
to study the effectiveness of these models in handling
such structured texts by defining different types of in-
structions with an increasing level of detail. This pa-
per has demonstrated that all the tested LLMs reach a
total ratio greater than 0.75. In all cases, costs should
also be considered while choosing the best model.
This paper has investigated two specific models:
GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 4. As new models are re-
leased continuously, future work could include com-
paring them and the costs of models released by dif-
ferent providers, such as Google and Meta.
Future work could also use the best scenario at
scale and implement an LLM-based app that receives
input from repetitive text and an output example and
returns the formatted CSV text as output. In addition,
instruction optimization could be investigated, with a
more detailed analysis of the model to use based on
the task requirements.
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