Connecting Critical Infrastructure Operators and Law Enforcement
Agencies to Share Cyber Incident Information with Early Warning
Harri Ruoslahti
1 a
and Ilkka Tikanmäki
1,2 b
ResLab, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vanha maantie 9, Espoo, Finland
Department of Warfare, National Defence University, Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: Early Warning System, Information Sharing, Law Enforcement, Critical Infrastructure.
Abstract: Cyber incidents and business interruptions rank as the foremost business risks. With Early Warning Systems
(EWS), that work in parallel with other cyber mechanisms, organisations can independently manage cyber-
sensitive intelligence-related data. This article provides a qualitative multi-case study analysis. The data
consists of systematic reviews and cross-case conclusions of six (n = 6) case studies on information sharing.
EWS is a valuable tool that can help critical infrastructure providers protect against cyberattacks. EWS can
provide a platform for sharing information and resources. This can help improve situational awareness,
enhance incident response, and facilitate collaboration. between critical infrastructure providers, as critical
infrastructure operators and relevant Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) can share information on cyber
incidents and monitor cyber incident progress. EWS can be used to exchange cyber threat intelligence and
information sharing can be facilitated with a common reference library where alerts can be shared as tickets.
This would enable information exchange in both directions.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) can be aided by an
Early Warning System (EWS) to provide any type of
organisation with an increased capability to share
information needed to detect and respond to cyber
incidents. An EWS is a security operation support
tool that enables the coordination and sharing of
cyber-incident information in near real-time. An
EWS will help provide timely and accurate
information to all involved parties.
The development of EWSs can be rooted in
information sharing and trust models from within the
cyber domain as well as models from other domains
(Rajamäki & Katos, 2020).
This article provides a qualitative multi-case
study analysis consisting of systematic reviews and
cross-case conclusions of six (n = 6) case studies on
information sharing among partners. This analysis
provides a deeper understanding of how EWS can
enable cyber incident information sharing across
organisational boundaries between critical
infrastructure operators and Law Enforcement
Agencies (LEA).
An EWS for cyber intelligence can serve as a
security operations support tool in that it enables all
network members to share information and
coordinate their responses in near real-time
(Rajamäki & Katos, 2020), e.g., connect critical
infrastructure and service providers with law
enforcement authorities (Almén et al., 2022).
With EWS stakeholders can retain their
independent management of cyber-sensitive
intelligence and related data management, while the
EWS will work parallel with other cyber mechanisms
(Rajamäki & Katos, 2020).
The ECHO project (European network of
Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for
innovation and Operations) was one of four Pilot
projects launched by the European Commission to
establish and operate a Cybersecurity Competence
Network focused on the ECHO Early Warning
System (E-EWS) and ECHO Federated Cyber Range
Ruoslahti, H. and Tikanmäki, I.
Connecting Critical Infrastructure Operators and Law Enforcement Agencies to Share Cyber Incident Information with Early Warning Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0013067100003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 347-355
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(E-FCR) and related inter-sector prototypes (ECHO
project, 2021).
The development of EWS can be traced to
information sharing and trust models within the cyber
domain (Rajamäki & Katos, 2020). Project ECHO
conducted demonstration activities that highlighted
e.g., the benefits of the features and capabilities of the
E-EWS, and promoted the technology roadmaps for
E-EWS, E-FCR, and inter-sector prototypes to show
their value in multi-sector scenario requirements and
demonstration cases (ECHO project, 2021).
This study's research question (RQ) is: How can
an Early Warning System enable the sharing of cyber
incident information between critical infrastructure
operators and law enforcement agencies?
According to the Allianz Risk Barometer 2023 cyber
incidents and business interruptions rank as the
foremost business risks (Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty SE, 2023). Today’s critical infrastructure
operators face critical incidents and cyber-attacks.
Organisations need to reconsider their approaches to
information-sharing-based resilience-building
(Pöyhönen et al., 2020).
Organisations operating critical infrastructures or
providing critical services for society are more and
more dependent on complex and interlinked cyber
systems and their interconnections (The International
Chamber of Commerce, 2024).
2.1 Resilience
(Vos, 2017) defines resilience as the ability to adapt
to a changing environment and mitigate emergency
crises. Resilience can be demonstrated as flexibility,
endurance, and an ability to recover from adverse
events or to adapt to an after-crisis new normal
(Cauffman, 2018). Crises are often caused by external
risks, while the resilience of an organisation will also
include many internal priorities, such as preventive
behaviours, and preparing guidelines and procedures
to when a response to a critical event may be needed
(Linkov et al., 2014).
Four event management cycle phases (plan,
absorb, recover, and learn/adapt) can be combined
with the domains of physical, information, cognitive,
and social can help understand resilience in the fields
of Information Technology (IT) and systems sciences
(Linkov et al., 2013).
Resilient organizations or networks show
organizational stability, agility, and a culture that
promotes situational awareness to detect and identify
clues that may indicate the realization of risks for
appropriate mitigation and reaction (Hytönen et al.,
2023, p. 163).
Examples of threats against critical
infrastructures and vital societal services include e.g.,
the attacks that impaired the functionality of the
English National Health Service (NHS) in 2017
(Ghafur et al., 2019), halted a hospital network in the
Czech Republic in 2021 (Muthuppalaniappan &
Stevenson, 2020), and stopped the movement of
goods by a South African port and rail operator in
2021 (Fitch Solutions, 2021). Similarly, an attacker
stole the records of thousands of patients from the
Finnish private psychotherapy service provider
Vastaamo from 2018 to 2020 and tried to use the
stolen files to blackmail individual patients
threatening to expose documents that contained their
personal identity codes and therapy session
transcripts (Tuttle, 2021; Whitney, 2021).
Promoting resilience calls for leadership, resource
allocation, planning, and awareness (O’Rourke &
Briggs, 2007). Understanding how network members
view a common problem can help enhance
communication and understand interdependencies
(Linkov et al., 2014). Systems that combine
principles of business continuity with cyber threat
warning systems can promote better preparedness and
cyber resilience against cyber incidents (DYNAMO
project, 2024).
Transparent dialogue on resilience management,
and potential risks, supported by innovative
leadership, effective planning, and long-term
commitment to allocate needed resources help build
and maintain acceptance of resilience (Linkov et al.,
2014; O’Rourke & Briggs, 2007). Systems often
show complex interactions between people,
technologies, and processes (Vos, 2017), and the
vulnerability of many of these socio-technical
systems (combining human and technical aspects)
have increased; understanding the mutual
entanglement of material structures and human
organisations help create practices to anticipate
possible incidents and promote feedback and learning
(Amir & Kant, 2018; Rajamäki & Ruoslahti, 2018).
(Vos, 2017) states that organisational resilience as
a framework can create tools and conditions to help
reduce risks, understand issues, and mitigate crises.
Resilience requires adaptive capacities and
cooperation (Vos, 2017), where information on
threats and vulnerabilities helps identify trends,
understand risks, and determine preventive measures
(Stanciugelu et al., 2013).
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
The resilience matrix integrates the phases of
planning, absorbing, recovering, and
learning/adapting combined with domains physical,
information, cognitive, and social (Linkov et al.,
2013). Domains can be based on business continuity
management (BMC), adding elements: risks, critical
functions, key personnel, guidelines/procedures, and
open communication (Ruoslahti, 2020). These
principles are combined in the project DYNAMO
matrix (Hytönen & Ruoslahti, 2023).
2.2 Cybersecurity
The growing numbers and increasing sophistication
of cybersecurity threats and attacks are a reality and
one of the foremost risks to business continuity
(Michel & King, 2019). Continuity management for
critical infrastructure operators and their networks
rely on the interconnectivity between other networks
and systems of systems (Linkov et al., 2013).
Cybersecurity helps make the online secure and
safe; cybersecurity uses technology and legislation to
protect and manage information (Ruoslahti &
Tikanmäki, 2022). Cybersecurity can be seen as
processes and measures that protect cyberspace, its
systems, physical aspects, devices, and software,
which have no geographical boundaries leaving only
digital traces (Mohammed, 2015) from foreseen
threats (Craigen et al., 2014). Cyber events can have
very tangible effects though cyberspace in itself is
intangible (Shoemaker & Conklin, 2011), and
cybersecurity as well as security in general should be
solidly embedded in all organisational processes
(Kilani, 2020).
New cyber threats and vulnerabilities are
constantly emerging, so cybersecurity needs to be a
consistent and continuous process (Cavelty, 2010).
Cybersecurity is needed to protect applications and
cyberspace from various threats that could
compromise their safety (Craigen et al., 2014).
Making cybersecurity part of comprehensive security
and part of one’s organisational security culture
shared by all builds situational awareness, defined
direction and guidelines (Limnéll et al., 2014).
Cybercrime internationally is one recognised
threat to cybersecurity (Mohammed, 2015), and costs
caused by cybercrime have continuously increased
(Cavelty, 2010). Cybercrime is seen as all illegal and
criminal acts against computer data, systems,
unauthorised access, modification or impairment of
digital or computer systems (Mohammed, 2015;
Payne, 2020).
ICT skills can upgraded through proper ICT
training (Conkova, 2013; Isidro-Filho et al., 2013).
Building skills and competencies aim at people to
better navigate the cyber domain (Aaltola & Taitto,
2019). With appropriate knowledge of ICT, workers
can capture, store and share organisational knowledge
that makes their expertise better available within the
organisation (Im et al., 2013), and that organisations
can develop the skills needed to absorb state-of-the-
art knowledge from external sources (Cupiał et al.,
2.3 Information Sharing
A secure barrier formed by cybersecurity can protect
a most valuable organisational asset. Cybersecurity
measures can enhance business continuity when well-
organised and widely applied. According to literature,
business continuity is the primary focus of every
organisation, and Figure 1 shows how cyber security
can be seen as a circle surrounding it (Frisk et al.,
Figure 1: Model of the dimensions of cybersecurity (Frisk
et al., 2022).
Cyber security is the key to achieving business
continuity. The foundation for comprehensive cyber
security combines appropriate levels of cyber skills
and well-functioning trusted technical environments.
Ethical configuration and use of technical
environments are necessary to ensure privacy when
using applications, as neither alone can guarantee
security. Cyber security insight is provided by the
company's IT applications, which have both digital
and physical elements and are cyber-physical in
nature. (Frisk et al., 2022).
The Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness
(MARISA) project’s user community's collaboration
Connecting Critical Infrastructure Operators and Law Enforcement Agencies to Share Cyber Incident Information with Early Warning
was complicated due to its nature. The use cases of
the MARISA project involved numerous actors from
various sectors and countries. The complexity of the
sector was further complicated by the presence of
multiple authorities, such as police and gendarmerie,
in some EU member states. (MARISA Project, 2017).
Collaboration is a key factor in the development
of knowledge (Pirinen, 2015), and it is necessary to
work intensely (Ruoslahti, 2018, p. 115), including
interdependence and resource integration (Ruoslahti
& Tikanmäki, 2017).
The consequence is the requirement to use
resources belonging to others and generate exchange
value: Knowledge itself is an increasingly important
source to competitive advantage and a key to the
success of modern organisations and creative higher
education, strengthening the collective expertise,
industry-service clusters, employees and
competitiveness in the global economy” (Pirinen,
2015, p. 315).
The dynamic interaction between several different
actors with different interests must be highlighted in
organisations' multi-stakeholder communication,
including consortia of publicly funded innovation
projects (Vos et al., 2014). Issues that hold the most
significance to people are those that are central to them,
as stated by (Luoma-aho & Vos, 2010). Problem-
solving arenas for exchanging practical, legal, and
ethical issues are provided by authority communities,
where actors work together to define and refine
creative use cases. These arenas are also places where
people compete for problem-solving and influence,
with their decisions being influenced by both common
agendas and one's activities (Vos, 2018).
(Pirinen, 2017) states that sharing information and
situational information is necessary to enhance
resilience. Awareness and communication can help
promote flexible networks (O’Rourke & Briggs,
2007). To be effective in addressing resilience
training, it is necessary to include all stakeholders,
such as industry, industry associations, and decision-
makers (Ruoslahti et al., 2018).
The importance of communication with
stakeholders in terms of resilience is highlighted by
(Linkov et al., 2014). Networked organisations are
striving to enhance their resilience due to the
vulnerability inherent in interdependencies.
Building situational awareness and promoting
collaboration requires the interaction between
authorities and the sharing of information, which is
important in increasing safety. Cooperation aims to
enhance the situation by increasing recognition,
exchanging best practices, enhancing
interoperability, decreasing overlap, and promoting
cooperation across borders and sectors. (Tikanmäki &
Ruoslahti, 2017).
Situational awareness is a crucial factor in
resolving security incidents. Understanding the
current situation and how their actions affect it is what
it means to a person. Following an appropriate
security policy can lead to a higher level of
understanding and awareness. All employees are
required to undergo training and continuous cyber
security development as part of the security policy
(Almén et al., 2022).
Network disruption data sharing between critical
infrastructure administrators and law enforcement
authorities can provide them with a shared situational
awareness of new threats. A more proactive defensive
position can be achieved through the identification of
attack patterns, emerging vulnerabilities, and
potential targets through this cooperation. Potential
attackers can be deterred by a robust information
sharing framework. Preventing adversaries from
targeting critical infrastructure by quickly detecting,
sharing, and responding to any cyber intrusion.
This study is a qualitative multi-case research
analysis consisting of systematic reviews and cross-
case conclusions of six (n = 6) case studies on
information sharing among partners.
Table 1: Six (n = 6) case studies on information sharing
among partners.
Data sources
ECHO Deliverable D8.2
demonstration surveys
Rajamäki & Katos, 2020
Information Sharing Models
for Early Warning Systems of
Cybersecurity Intelligence
Simola, J., & Lehto, M. 2020
National cyber threat
prevention mechanism as a
part of the E-EWS.
Rajamäki et al., 2024
View of E-EWS-based
Governance Framework for
Sharing Cyber Threat
Intelligence in the Energy
Hytönen, E., Rajamäki, J., &
Ruoslahti, H., 2023
Managing Variable Cyber
Environments with
Organizational Foresight and
Resilience Thinking.
Almén, C., Hagström, N., &
Rajamäki, J., 2022
ECHO Early Warning
System as a Preventive Tool
against Cybercrime in the
Energy Sector.
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
The final analysis provides a deeper
understanding of how EWS can enable cyber incident
information sharing across organisational boundaries
between critical infrastructure operators and Law
Enforcement Agencies (LEA).
Early Warning Systems (EWS) can help critical
infrastructure providers share information on cyber
threats in near real-time, which allows them to be
more proactive in protecting their systems from
attacks (Simola & Lehto, 2020).
The ECHO Early Warning System (E-EWS) will
allow the collection and preservation of evidence in a
forensically sound manner through information
sharing between CERTS/CSIRTS, Critical
infrastructure and services providers, and LEA
(Rajamäki & Katos, 2020).
Table 2: EWS network partners. Modified from (Rajamäki
& Katos, 2020).
EWS User
National/EU CERTS
Protect critical infrastructure
Protect Internet and its services
Organisational CERTS
Protect organisation
Protect products
Law enforcement
Ensure public safety and security
of society
Critical infrastructure
Provide products and services
critical to society
Individuals, Researchers
Secondary users that may be
involved when handling
The E-EWS is a tool used to enhance proactive
cyber defence through effective information sharing.
It facilitates trusted cooperation among multiple
parties in the cybersecurity domain, providing
reliable incident handling and collaboration
capabilities (Almén et al., 2022).
Sharing essential information quickly between
stakeholders requires automated information sharing.
E-EWS is designed to provide a security support tool
that facilitates the coordination and sharing of
information among ECHO network members in near
real-time (Simola & Lehto, 2020). Proactive cyber
defence is improved and strengthened through
efficient and effective information sharing through
the E-EWS tool. A reliable cooperation between
multiple parties on the cyber security scene is created
by the tool. (Almén et al., 2022).
Cyber-sensitive data management and related data
management can be completely independent for
ECHO partners in E-EWS. In the public safety
environment, the early warning system functions as a
supplementary component to other mechanisms.
(Simola & Lehto, 2020). Collaboration and case
handling are enhanced by its excellent and reliable
features. These are suitable for use both at the start of
attacks and during the duration of the attack (Almén
et al., 2022).
Critical infrastructure operators use command and
control networks and systems Industrial Control
Systems (ICS) / Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems designed to support
industrial processes. Today, ICS and SCADA
systems are widely used in many critical
infrastructure sectors to help for process control,
automation, and safety (Almén et al., 2022).
The tool aims to aid and improve the performance
of computer/cyber emergency response teams,
including CIRTs and SOCs. Alerts are shared among
partners and are the main source of information for E-
EWS. An enriched data model that can be accessed
by both humans and machines is produced by
analysing and using alerts. Alerts give access to a vast
array of attributes for records that can be utilised.
(Almén et al., 2022). Table 3 provides three specific
examples of how the EWS can help critical
infrastructure providers.
Table 3: Examples of benefits of EWS to critical
infrastructure. Modified from (Simola & Lehto, 2020).
Possible actions
Provider receives alert from
the EWS about a new
malware that is targeting
critical infrastructure.
Protect systems from
malware, such as installing
security patches or updating
their antivirus software
Provider receives alert from
the EWS about a denial-of-
service attack that is targeting
a specific critical
infrastructure sector.
Protect systems from the
attack, such as increasing
their bandwidth or
implementing security
measures to prevent the
attack from succeeding
Provider may participate in
coordinated response to a
cyber incident with other
providers, government
agencies, and other
Sharing information about
the incident, coordinating
security measures, or
developing a plan for
Firstly, as seen above (Table 3) a critical
infrastructure provider receives an alert from the
EWS about a new malware targeting critical
infrastructure. The provider is prompted to take steps
to protect their systems from the malware, e.g., by
Connecting Critical Infrastructure Operators and Law Enforcement Agencies to Share Cyber Incident Information with Early Warning
installing security patches or updating their antivirus
software, Secondly, a provider receives an alert from
the EWS about a denial-of-service attack that is
targeting a specific critical infrastructure sector. This
would allow the provider to take steps to protect their
systems from the attack by e.g., increasing their
bandwidth or implementing security measures to
prevent the attack from succeeding, Thirdly, a
provider participates in a coordinated response to a
cyber incident with LEA, government agencies, and
other providers or stakeholders, involving e.g.,
sharing information about the incident, coordinating
security measures, or developing a recovery plan.
(Simola & Lehto, 2020).
Projects ECHO and DYNAMO connect
information sharing with the concept of situation
awareness understanding the current situation of a
security incident and how one’s actions impact the
situation is an important element in solving critical
infrastructure security incidents (Almén et al., 2022,
pp. 17). Cyber situational awareness to support
decision-making can be improved by combining
systematic Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) and
Business Continuity Management (BCM) (Hytönen
et al., 2023).
Early warning systems can be highly beneficial
for users in countering potential threats and attacks
(Simola, 2019). However, it's crucial to note that the
effectiveness of these systems may be compromised
if the users operating them are unsure of how to act in
difficult circumstances (Matveeva, 2006).
Cybercriminals and state-sponsored actors can
exploit vulnerabilities in industrial control systems
and SCADA systems (Alanazi et al., 2023). The E-
EWS, further developed at DYNAMO, offers the
energy sector valuable resources to secure
infrastructure availability and performance in the
event of a cyber threat and prevent this type of attack
(Rajamäki et al., 2024).
The complexity of interdependencies and their
impact on operational continuity is often forgotten
during traditional risk assessments and information
security management processes (Hytönen et al.,
2023). All company or organisation staff should have
an understanding of cybersecurity-related issues and
countermeasures (National Cyber Security Centre,
EWSs assist in orchestrating responses to cyber
incidents, potentially reducing the impact of attacks
and preventing their spread to other service providers
(Simola, 2019).
Fighting cybercrime requires a powerful
combination of situation awareness and Early
Warning Systems (Almén et al., 2022). Improving
cyber security awareness, coordination, and response
capabilities can be achieved through EWS, which can
be an important instrument for safeguarding critical
infrastructure against cyber threats (Ramaki & Atani,
Providing a common platform for cybersecurity
information sharing can help improve
communication and collaboration between providers,
government agencies, and other stakeholders. Early
warning systems (EWS) can help raise awareness
about cybersecurity threats and best practices among
critical infrastructure providers (Almén et al., 2022;
Rajamäki & Katos, 2020; Simola & Lehto, 2020).
Figure 2: The concept to connect critical infrastructure
operators and law enforcement agencies with Early
Warning Systems to share cyber incident information (by
Critical infrastructure operators and law
enforcement agencies (LEA) can share information
on cyber incidents and monitor cyber incident
progress (Figure 2). The two entities would use an
EWS to exchange cyber threat intelligence.
Information sharing can be facilitated with a common
reference library where alerts can be shared as tickets.
This would enable information exchange in both
The security of critical infrastructure like power
grids, water supplies, transportation systems, and
communication networks has become crucial in an
interconnected world. The breakdown of these
systems is a significant risk to economic, social, and
national security, as they are the backbone of modern
society. Fostering strong collaboration between
critical infrastructure operators and law enforcement
agencies is a highly effective strategy for securing
these vital assets. Our collective ability to detect,
prevent, and respond to cyber threats is enhanced by
this partnership, which enables us to share cyber
incident information through EWS.
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Cybercriminals and nation-state actors are
attracted to critical infrastructure due to its central
role in societal functioning. A cyber-attack that
succeeds in attacking these systems can cause
widespread outages, economic losses, and even death.
The power grid may be disrupted by a cyber-attack,
which can have an impact on hospitals, emergency
services, and everyday operations. The protection of
these systems is a national responsibility, not just a
technical challenge.
The investigation of cybercrimes, gathering
intelligence on potential threats, and coordinating
responses to cyber incidents are all carried out by
LEA. The early detection of anomalies and potential
cyber intrusions by critical infrastructure operators
can be strengthened by timely and accurate
information exchange with their efforts.
Cyber threats are detected by early warning
systems before they can cause significant damage. To
identify and report suspicious activity, these systems
utilise continuous monitoring, data analytics, and
threat intelligence. Early warning systems can gain a
broader perspective on the threat landscape by
integrating inputs from multiple sources, such as
critical infrastructure operators and LEAs.
By sharing information, coordinating response
can be achieved and all relevant parties can be
informed to take appropriate action to mitigate
impacts. The significance of this is amplified for
critical infrastructure, as a delay in response can lead
to significant consequences.
EWS can help critical infrastructure providers
improve their situational awareness with a more
comprehensive picture of the cyber threat landscape,
which can help them identify and prioritise risks.
EWS facilitate collaboration by helping critical
infrastructure providers to collaborate with each other
and with LEA to share information and resources.
EWS enhance incident response by providing them
with access to information and resources.
Our contribution to theory is the understanding
that EWS can greatly facilitate cyber incident
information sharing between critical infrastructure
operators and LEAs, and the contribution to practice
is, despite only providing a preliminary take on the
subject, opening a practical discussion on how critical
infrastructure operators and LEAs can better
collaborate in cyber incident management. Further
study is recommended to gain a more in-depth
discussion of the practical ramifications and real-
world uses of EWS. These future studies should look
to understand how different critical infrastructure
operators and LEAs can use EWS as a common
information-sharing environment in various practical
settings and national structures that may differ
between EU member states.
Sharing cyber incident information through early
warning systems with critical infrastructure operators
and law enforcement is a crucial step in improving
cybersecurity. Overcoming challenges associated
with trust, standardisation, legal frameworks, and
technical integration can result in more effective
threat detection, better incident response, and a more
resilient society through collaboration. As cyber
threats progress, so do our methods to safeguard the
vital systems that support our way of life. The overall
security and stability of an interconnected world are
strengthened through this collaborative approach,
which not only secures critical infrastructure but also
enhances its overall security and stability.
This study has received funding from the European
Union projects DYNAMO, under grant agreement
no. 101069601 and CONNECTOR, under grant
agreement no. 101121271. The views expressed are
those of the authors only and do not necessarily
reflect those of the European Union. Neither the
European Union nor the granting authority can be
held responsible for them.
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