MERGE App: A Prototype Software for Multi-User Emotion-Aware
Music Management
Pedro Lima Louro
1 a
, Guilherme Branco
1 b
, Hugo Redinho
1 c
, Ricardo Correia
1 d
Ricardo Malheiro
1,2 e
, Renato Panda
1,3 f
and Rui Pedro Paiva
1 g
University of Coimbra, Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC), Department of
Informatics Engineering, and LASI, Portugal
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria School of Technology and Management, Portugal
Ci2 Smart Cities Research Center, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal,,, {ricardocorreia, rsmal, panda,
Music Information Retrieval, Music Emotion Recognition, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Software.
We present a prototype software for multi-user music library management using the perceived emotional
content of songs. The tool offers music playback features, song filtering by metadata, and automatic emotion
prediction based on arousal and valence, with the possibility of personalizing the predictions by allowing each
user to edit these values based on their own emotion assessment. This is an important feature for handling
both classification errors and subjectivity issues, which are inherent aspects of emotion perception. A path-
based playlist generation function is also implemented. A multi-modal audio-lyrics regression methodology
is proposed for emotion prediction, with accompanying validation experiments on the MERGE dataset. The
results obtained are promising, showing higher overall performance on train-validate-test splits (73.20% F1-
score with the best dataset/split combination).
The digital era has brought an unprecedented amount
of music right at our fingertips through digital mar-
ketplaces and streaming services. With the sudden
availability of millions of songs to users, the neces-
sity to automatically organize and find relevant mu-
sic emerged. Current recommendation systems pro-
vide personalized suggestions to users based on lis-
tening patterns and using tags, such as genre, style,
etc. However, options are lacking when we consider
recommendations based on the automatic analysis of
the emotional content of songs.
The field of Music Emotion Recognition (MER)
has seen considerable advances in recent years in
terms of the more classical approaches. Panda et al.
(2020) proposed a new set of features that consid-
erably increased the performance of these systems,
achieving a 76.4% F1-score with the top 100 ranked
features. Although the feature evaluation is limited
to one dataset, the improvements are significant com-
pared to the best results from similar systems that
reached a glass ceiling Hu et al. (2008).
One drawback of audio-only methodologies is
their shortcomings when differentiating valence. Var-
ious systems have been proposed using a bimodal
approach leveraging both audio and lyrics, attaining
considerable improvements when compared to sys-
tems using only one or the other Delbouys et al.
(2018); Pyrovolakis et al. (2022). Such systems have
also implemented Deep Learning (DL) architectures
to skip the time-consuming feature engineering and
extraction steps from the classical systems and con-
siderably speed up the inference process of the overall
In this study, we present the MERGE
MERGE is the acronym of ”Music Emotion Recog-
nition nExt Generation”, a research project funded by the
Portuguese Science Foundation.
Louro, P., Branco, G., Redinho, H., Correia, R., Malheiro, R., Panda, R. and Paiva, R.
MERGE App: A Prototype Software for Multi-User Emotion-Aware Music Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0013067800003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 159-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: MERGE application interface. The AV plot, alongside music playback and song display controls, is seen in yellow.
The table view is highlighted in blue with red highlight filtering search bar and button for adding music. Finally, green
highlights the buttons for application information and user logout.
which automatically predicts the arousal and valence
of songs based on Russell’s Circumplex Model Rus-
sell (1980). Two axes make up this model: arousal
(Y-axis), which depicts whether the song has high or
low energy, and valence (X-axis), which represents
whether the emotion of the song has a negative or pos-
itive connotation.
The integrated model used for prediction is also
presented in this study alongside validation experi-
ments, which received both audio and lyrics informa-
tion to map the song more accurately into the above
mentioned model.
The MERGE application is a follow-up of the
MOODetector application, previously created by our
team Cardoso et al. (2011). The new MERGE app
was built from scratch, with significant code refactor-
ing and optimization, while keeping the overall user
interface of the MOODetector app. In addition, sig-
nificant novel features and improvements were im-
plemented, namely: i) a bimodal app, which ex-
ploits the combination of audio and lyrics data for im-
proved classification (unlike the single audio modality
in the MOODetector app); ii) an improved classifica-
tion model, training with the MERGE dataset Louro
et al. (2024b) and following a deep learning approach
Louro et al. (2024a); iii) and a shift from the mono-
lithic single-user paradigm to the web-based multi-
user paradigm.
The MERGE application is implemented using
JavaScript, with the addition of the jQuery library to
handle AJAX, for its frontend, while the backend is
served using the Express library on top of Node.js.
The application interface is depicted in Figure 1.
2.1 Application Overview
The components can be broken down as: i) the Rus-
sell’s Circumplex model where all songs can be seen
(highlighted in yellow); ii) a table view of the songs
with various options for sorting (highlighted in blue);
iii) options to filter and add new songs (seen in the
red region, from left to right); iv) information about
the application, the current user, and an option to lo-
gout (highlighted in green, also from left to right).
Songs are placed in the plot described in i) accord-
ing to the estimated arousal and valence (AV) values
in an interval of [-1, 1] for each axis. The process
for obtaining these values is described in Section 3.
Beyond the AV positioning, each point on the plane
is also color-coded depending on the quadrant: green
(happy), red (tense), blue (sad), and yellow (relaxed).
The view of the graph can be switched between a)
”Uploaded” to show only songs uploaded by the cur-
rent user, b) ”My Library” to display a user’s library,
i.e., the songs uploaded by the current user, plus songs
uploaded by other users added by the current user, and
c) ”All songs” to show all the songs available in the
database. A note regarding the latter option is the dif-
ferentiation of songs not added by the user, appearing
as grey dots in the plot, also depicted in Figure 1.
Each user can change the song’s position directly
by moving the point in the plane view, or by editing
the AV values through the table view. These new AV
values are unique to the user.
The application can be used as an audio playback
software, thus offering usual features such as:
Playback controls for mp3 files (play, pause,
Volume controls, including mute;
Double-clicking a song to be played either in the
plot or table view;
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: MERGE App Backoffice. Users with administrative privileges can overwrite the model used for AV values’ predic-
tion (highlighted in green) and export a CSV file with information regarding the annotations for all users to each song in the
database (highlighted in blue).
Figure 3: Entity relation diagram for the application’s database.
Filtering and sorting by any of the available song
properties (title, artist, valence, arousal, emotion);
Adding and deleting songs from the user’s library.
The application also provides a backoffice for
users with administrative privileges, pictured in Fig-
ure 2. After logging in, the user can perform one of
two actions: upload and deploy a new model for AV
prediction, and export a CSV with the existing user
AV annotations. The latter option is designed to eas-
ily retrieve each user’s available annotations for songs
in their respective libraries. In this way, the MERGE
app can be used as a crowdsourcing data collection
and annotation tool, promoting the creation of size-
able and quality MER datasets, a current key need in
MER research Panda et al. (2020).
Regarding the database used to store all the rel-
evant data from users and songs, the corresponding
entity relationship diagram is depicted in Figure 3.
The user table stores the user’s personal information,
as well as the user role, for access privileges pur-
poses. The path for the model used for AV predic-
tion is saved in the corresponding table and identifies
the user that uploaded the currently deployed model.
The song table stores all song-related information, in-
cluding metadata, the AV values first predicted by the
presently deployed model, the mapped quadrant in the
plot view, the path for the uploaded audio clip, and the
reference to the user who first added the song.
The user-specific annotations are stored in the an-
notation table, which stores the AV values defined per
the user’s perception, the corresponding quadrant, and
a reference to the song and user for that annotation.
Finally, the library table stores all user libraries, con-
taining only songs added by the user, either through
uploading or from other users’ libraries.
MERGE App: A Prototype Software for Multi-User Emotion-Aware Music Management
Figure 4: At the top, ”Another One Bites The Dust” by Queen is added to the library and placed in the plane according to the
predicted AV values. At the bottom, the point representing the song is moved to a more accurate position, according to the
2.2 Building an Emotionally-Aware
After adding a new song from an available MP3 file,
AV values are automatically predicted, and a point is
added to the plot alongside a new entry on the table.
Should the user disagree with the predicted values,
these can be easily changed by editing the entry from
the table view or moving the point in the plot. An ex-
ample of the initially predicted position for a newly
added song and the final position after adjustment can
be seen in Figure 4. This personalization mechanism
provides users with the ability to address the intrin-
sic subjectivity in MER. However, tackling this issue
continues to present a significant challenge.
2.3 Path-Based Playlist Generation
The ability to generate a playlist based on a user-
drawn path is currently implemented, as depicted in
Figure 5. This feature allows users to freely create an
emotionally-varying playlist.
This is done by computing the distance of the user-
defined N closest songs to the reference points that
make up the drawn path. The user may also configure
how far the songs can be from the path to be consid-
ered into the calculations. This threshold is defined as
a decimal number between the plane interval ([-1, 1]).
In this section, we discuss the methodology used to
predict AV values for a given song. First, the DL
model’s architecture is presented, followed by the pre-
processing steps for each modality, a description of
the optimization used, and the evaluation conducted.
3.1 Model Architecture
The proposed architecture, depicted in Figure 6, is
based on the one by Delbouys et al. Delbouys et al.
(2018). Distinct audio and lyrics branches receive
Mel-spectrogram representations and word embed-
dings, respectively. The learned features for each
modality are then fused and further processed by
a small Dense Neural Network (DNN), finally out-
putting the AV values prediction.
We opted for a bimodal audio-lyrics approach
considering that both modalities have relevant infor-
mation for the different axes of Russell’s Circum-
plex Model. Audio has been shown to better predict
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 5: The user can be seen drawing a path to generate a playlist with the desired emotional trajectory at the top. The result
of the path-based playlist generation is presented at the bottom.
arousal, while lyrical information is more relevant for
valence prediction Louro et al. (2024b).
Starting in the audio branch, Mel-spectrogram
representations of each sample are fed to the feature
learning portion of the baseline architecture presented
in Louro et al. Louro et al. (2024a). It is composed
of four convolutional blocks, composed of a 2D Con-
volutional layer, followed by a Batch Normalization,
Dropout, and Max Pooling layer, finishing with ReLU
activation. As for the lyrics branch, the word em-
beddings of lyrics are also fed to four convolutional
blocks, each comprising a 1D Convolutional layer,
followed by Max Pooling and a ReLU activation lay-
ers. To balance the information from each modality,
we significantly reduce the overwhelming amount of
learned features from lyrics using a Dense layer be-
fore merging the learned features from both branches.
The classification portion of the model is com-
posed of alternating Droupout and Dense layers,
which reduce and further process the set of features
respectively, finally outputting one of Russell’s Cir-
cumplex model’s four quadrants.
3.2 Pre-Processing Steps
A set of pre-processing steps is necessary to obtain
the data representations used for each branch of the
architecture detailed above.
The librosa library McFee et al. (2015) is used to
obtain the Mel-spectrogram representation for the au-
dio branch. The audio samples, provided as mp3 files,
are first converted to waveforms (.wav) and down-
sampled from 22.5 to 16kHz. This is done to reduce
the complexity of the model, along with the compu-
tational cost for optimization. The downsampling has
been shown to provide similar results to higher sam-
pling rates, showing the robustness of DL approaches
Pyrovolakis et al. (2022). The spectral representations
are then generated using default parameters for the
length of the Fast Fourier Transform window (2048)
as well as the hop size (512).
As for word embeddings, the Sentence Trans-
former library from Hugging Face was used, specifi-
cally, the all-roberta-large-v1 pre-trained model. The
embedder receives a context of up to 512 tokens and
outputs a 1024 embedded vector. Given that the best
results were provided by using the full context win-
dow, some of the lyrics had to be cut off at some
point. After some simple tokenization steps, namely
removing new line characters and converting all text
to lowercase, the embeddings were obtained up to the
already mentioned context size.
MERGE App: A Prototype Software for Multi-User Emotion-Aware Music Management
Figure 6: The multi-modal audio-lyrics regression model. Emotionally-relevant features are learned for both the audio repre-
sentation in the Mel-spectrogram-receiving branch and the lyrics representation in the branch receiving the previously gener-
ated word embeddings. AV values are predicted after concatenating and processing the learned features from both branches.
3.3 Model Optimization
Model optimization was conducted using the
Bayesian optimization implementation of the Keras
Tuner library O’Malley et al. (2019). This method
finds the best combination of hyperparameters in pre-
viously defined intervals for each, either maximizing
or minimizing an objective function defined by the
Since our methodology is based on a regression
task to predict arousal and valence for a given sam-
ple, the objective is defined as minimizing the sum
of the mean squared error (MSE) for both. This en-
sures that none is prioritized, leveraging both audio’s
better predictability in terms of arousal and the same
for lyrics’ predictability of valence. The intervals for
each considered hyperparameter, namely, batch size,
optimizer, and corresponding learning rate, are pre-
sented in Table 1.
Table 1: Optimal Hyperparameters For Each Dataset.
Best Hyperparameters
Batch Size Optmizer Learning Rate
64 SGD 1e-2
The optimization process is run over ten trials, per
the library’s default, starting at the lower end of each
interval. For each trial, the model is trained to a max-
imum of 200 epochs, with an early stopping strategy
defined to check for no improvements to the valida-
tion loss for 15 consecutive epochs. This considerably
reduces the time needed to conduct the full optimiza-
tion phase since less time is spent on underperforming
sets of hyperparameters. We used a 70-15-15 train-
validate-test (TVT) split as our validation strategy, as
defined in Louro et al. (2024b). The resulting models
for each trial are backed up for later usage, including
the evaluation phase, which is discussed next.
3.4 Data and Evaluation
The MERGE Bimodal Complete dataset was used for
validating our approach. Proposed in Louro et al.
(2024b), it comprises a set of 2216 bimodal samples
(audio clips and corresponding lyrics). For each sam-
ple, the dataset provides a 30-second audio excerpt of
the most representative part of the song, links to the
full lyrics, labels corresponding to each of the quad-
rants in Russell’s Circumplex model, and AV values,
used to obtain the previously mentioned labels, cal-
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: TVT 70-15-15 Results For MERGE Audio Complete.
F1-score Precision Recall
(A/V) (A/V)
73.20% 74.53% 73.49%
0.454 0.133
0.506 0.339
culated based on the extracted emotion-related tags
available in AllMusic
The above-mentioned AV values are obtained
through the following process. First, the available
tags for each song in the dataset are obtained from
the All Music platform. Using Warriner’s Adjective
Dictionary Warriner et al. (2013), the existing tags are
translated to arousal and valence values. Finally, The
values are then averaged across all tags correspond-
ing to a specific song, obtaining its final mapping on
Russell’s Circumplex model.
For the TVT strategy, both the training and vali-
dation sets are used in the optimization function. The
set of optimal hyperparameters is found using the lat-
ter. After training the model for each dataset, the fol-
lowing metrics are computed between the actual and
predicted AV values in the test set for each class as
well as for the overall performance: F1-score, Preci-
sion, Recall, R
(squared Pearson’s correlation), and
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).
Before computing these metrics, the predicted and
real AV values were mapped to Russell’s Circumplex
model to obtain classes for calculating Precision, Re-
call, and F1-score.
Tables 2 and 3 show the overall results for the dis-
cussed methodology. The arousal and valence stan-
dalone results for the R
and RMSE metrics are pre-
sented in consecutive lines in the order displayed in
the tables.
The obtained results for both datasets are lower
than those obtained in previous studies focused on
static MER as a categorical problem Louro et al.
(2024a). The best result attained is a 73.20% F1-
score, which is around 6% lower than the results ob-
tained for the same dataset and evaluation strategy in
the mentioned article. The lower results are mostly
due to the semi-automatic approach to obtain AV val-
ues (see Section 3.4, considering that the tags avail-
able on All Music are user-generated and its curation
is unknown.
Table 3: TVT 70-15-15 Results Confusion Matrix For
MERGE Audio Complete.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 61.3% 10.4% 6.6% 21.7%
Q2 9.8% 82.4% 5.9% 2.0%
Q3 1.4% 4.3% 78.3% 15.9%
Q4 7.3% 0.0% 18.2% 74.5%
As shown in Table 2, the R
metric for valence
outperformed the one for arousal, although having a
larger RMSE. This indicates that the relative valence
throughout songs is reasonably captured, despite the
larger RMSE error.
Although the attained results show room for im-
provement, they are a good starting point for the user.
Given the subjective nature of each user’s emotional
perception, we believe that the personalization feature
included in the MERGE app is a valuable mechanism
for handling subjectivity in MER.
In terms of the results for separate quadrants (Ta-
ble 3), we can see that some Q1 songs are confused
with Q4 songs (21.77% Q1 songs are incorrectly clas-
sified as Q4). Moreover, there is also some confusion
between Q3 and Q4 (15.9% of Q3 songs are predicted
as Q4 and 18.2% of Q4 songs are classified as Q3).
This is a known difficulty in MER, as discussed in
Panda et al. (2020) that needs further research.
We presented the prototype for the MERGE applica-
tion. Currently, the initial version has implemented
music playback features, the ability to add and filter
songs to a shared database, list and plane views, the
latter based on Russell’s Circumplex model, and user
management functionalities. Moreover, a bimodal
audio-lyrics model is incorporated into the backend
of the prototype to allow for AV value prediction of
user-uploaded songs. Path-based playlist generation
has also been implemented, enabling users to craft
a playlist that follows a specific emotional trajectory
they have selected.
Still, many more functionalities are planned for
the application in future iterations. The highlighted
MERGE App: A Prototype Software for Multi-User Emotion-Aware Music Management
functionalities include user-generated tags for a more
customized filtering experience that would be avail-
able to other users; automatic lyrics for the full song
scraped from an available API, e.g., Genius; and Mu-
sic Emotion Variation Detection (MEVD) prediction
support, including visualization with the same color
code used in the plot. A standalone desktop applica-
tion is also planned without the cross-user features.
in addition to implementing these upcoming features,
We plan to conduct in-depth user experience studies
to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the
system’s efficacy and user satisfaction.
Validation experiments on two recently proposed
datasets are provided alongside a thorough system de-
scription, relaying insights into the obtained results.
These are still below the categorical approach pre-
sented in Louro et al. (2024b) due to the already dis-
cussed semi-automatic AV mapping approach in Sec-
tion 3.4. Despite this, the predictions are a good start-
ing point to be further adjusted to the user’s percep-
Regarding the actual model, neither feature learn-
ing portion may be ideal for the problem at hand
since they were originally developed for a categori-
cal problem. Developing more suitable architectures
should thus be considered future work. Furthermore,
the data representations, especially the word embed-
dings, may also be further improved, considering that
the pre-trained model used is limited to a context win-
dow of 512 tokens.
To conclude, we believe the proposed app might
be useful for music listeners. Although there is room
for improvement (as the attained classification results
show), the personalization mechanism is a useful fea-
ture for handling prediction errors and subjectivity.
Finally, the personalization feature and the multi-user
environment have the potential to acquire quality user
annotations, leading to a future larger and more robust
MER dataset.
This work is funded by FCT - Foundation for Sci-
ence and Technology, I.P., within the scope of
the projects: MERGE - DOI: 10.54499/PTDC/CCI-
COM/3171/2021 financed with national funds (PID-
DAC) via the Portuguese State Budget; and project
CISUC - UID/CEC/00326/2020 with funds from the
European Social Fund, through the Regional Opera-
tional Program Centro 2020. Renato Panda was sup-
ported by Ci2 - FCT UIDP/05567/2020.
We thank all reviewers for their valuable sugges-
tions, which help to improve the article.
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval