This study provides insight into the performance of
three adaptive control strategies under various condi-
tions when applied to a nonlinear process with vari-
able parameters and dominating delay. The tested
controllers used were Adaptive PID, Dual-Adaptive
PID, and Adaptive Gain FO-PID . The Adaptive Gain
FO-PID consistently minimized the ISE and main-
tained a low ISCO, contributing to the life of the fi-
nal control element with precise control and energy
Adaptive Gain FO-PID achieved rapid stabiliza-
tion with minimal overshoot and smooth disturbance
response, making it suitable for tight control and ro-
bustness. Conversely, the Dual-Adaptive PID con-
troller responded more aggressively to disturbances,
resulting in higher ISE and ISCO values, which can
be suitable for environments prioritizing quick adap-
tation but non-efficiency in energy. The Adaptive PID
controller balanced error minimization and control ef-
fort, making it suitable for moderate error reduction,
although its oscillations may limit effectiveness in dy-
namic or noise-sensitive environments.
These findings stress the importance of select-
ing the appropriate adaptive control strategy based
on application requirements, balancing error mini-
mization, energy efficiency, response time, and distur-
bance robustness. Therefore, the Adaptive Gain FO-
PID presents the best for precision and performance,
the Dual-Adaptive PID for rapid adaptation, and the
Adaptive PID for a balanced approach.
Despite their advantages in performance for iden-
tification and control, fractional-order controllers re-
quire further development for practical implementa-
tions. Implementing Adaptive Gain FO-PID con-
trollers involves fractional calculus, making them
challenging since transitioning to fractional order re-
quires advanced numerical methods, adding complex-
ity and computational overhead. The gap between
theory and practice should be reduced, and improve-
ments in the knowledge of fractional calculus should
be made so that plant operators can prove the advan-
tages over conventional PID solutions.
SV and MV thank the Advanced Control Systems Re-
search Group at USFQ for a research internship.
The Universidad San Francisco de Quito sup-
ported this work through the Poli-Grants Program un-
der Grant 24280.
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics