cause it mirrors the inherent data distribution. Con-
versely, strategies like tag count or fluctuation history
appear to select beneficial subsets of data, thereby
mitigating errors in low-frequency labels. This is also
illustrated in Figure 5, where these strategies outper-
form random selection even in the region where the
data sets begin to converge (∼ 10k documents), fur-
ther demonstrating their efficacy in reducing bias.
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analysis of Active Learning (AL) strategies in the con-
text of entity recognition (ER). Based on a systematic
selection of corpora and strategies, guided by a com-
prehensive scoping review, we conducted 115 exper-
iments within a standardized evaluation setting. Our
assessment referred to both performance and runtime.
We identified conditions where AL achieved signifi-
cant improvements, as well as situations where its re-
sults are more limited. Two strategies came out as
clear winners: tag count and fluctuation history.
Future work may expand the evaluation to a
broader range of AL strategies and corpora, includ-
ing those that do not adhere to the rigorous construc-
tion standards of benchmark datasets, to explore their
specific challenges.
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