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tor using Servosila Engineer and a group of 3 Turtle-
bot3 Burger robots. The tests demonstrated that small
RSE models do not have a critical impact on perfor-
mance and can be effectively used in the time ac-
celeration mode. However, large and complex mod-
els of 2500+ RSE blocks cause a drop in perfor-
mance, and larger size values combined with com-
plex robot model can lead to errors in calculating
physics by Gazebo and Webots simulators. LIRS-
RSEGen-2 is available for free academic use at Git-
lab account of our Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic
Systems (LIRS)
This paper has been supported by the Kazan Federal
University Strategic Academic Leadership Program
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics