These additions enabled the system to handle flexible
scheduling requests and context-sensitive data man-
agement, making it adaptable to the varying demands
of the local administration. One could argue that what
we are doing with DEMO’s ARS is complex and al-
most amounts to programming at a similar level as
other languages. However, what we are aiming to
offer is different and at a much higher level: a way
to visually specify complex processes and flow logic
in the most technologically neutral and user-friendly
way possible. In fact, if one looks at life before com-
puters, human and paper based information systems
were already performing all these complex process
logic and flow operations, albeit in a very slow way,
and the ”programming logic” was imbued in the pro-
cesses. With our approach, by using a visual and
block-based interface that eliminates the risk of syn-
tactic errors and allows dynamic semantic, and even
pragmatic validations with runtime and production
data, thanks to the flexibility provided by Blockly, we
expect that we will be able to bring a lot of power back
to the business users, as citizen developers, if not for
all kinds of software systems (not reasonable or feasi-
ble), at least for a good amount of typical information
The other contribution is the conceptual models of
the Process and Facts of the MHP process, which con-
stitutes a generic pattern that might be used for other
similar ends in other public institutions, with a sim-
ilar process and information to manage. Some rele-
vant aspects of this model are the nuances of: splitting
the request for the hearing from the scheduling of the
hearing itself, while taking into account the historical
record of hearings of requesting citizens; and flexible
functionalities for rescheduling hearings and manag-
ing officers’ hearing slots. The municipality currently
uses a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf software solution
for managing scheduling, which is expensive and not
flexible to accommodate this and other nuances of the
process that need to be supported in order to achieve
higher operational efficiency in the use of the officer’s
time. When they saw the potentialities of DISME in a
public presentation, they immediately approached us
to test our platform to implement a better system for
their purposes. This implementation of the low-code
based system to support the MHP is not yet finished,
as some use cases are still missing to be specified.
Completing this specification and making it available
to the academic, industrial and scientific communi-
ties is one of the other lines of future work. Looking
ahead, we plan to refine the DEMO Action Model fur-
ther by collaborating with municipal staff and public
administration experts. Our focus will be on enhanc-
ing the usability of our Blockly-based interface, mak-
ing it more intuitive for non-technical users in gov-
ernment settings. Usability studies within this pub-
lic administration context will guide the future itera-
tions of the platform, ensuring it meets the operational
needs of diverse public institutions. So, detailed us-
ability studies on these more recent implementations
will also be done and reported in the near term.
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KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development