Using Chat GPT for Malicious Web Links Detection
Thomas Kaisser
and Claudia-Ioana Coste
Department of Computer Science, Babes
-Bolyai University, Mihail Kog
alniceanu street, no. 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Malicious Web Links Detection, Machine Learning, Ensembles, OpenAI API, Chat GPT.
Over the last years, the Internet has monopolized most businesses and industries. These outstanding advance-
ments lead to the dangerous development of specialized threats employed to outsmart everyday users, collect
personal data and financial benefits. One of the most relevant attacks is malicious web links, which can be
inserted into private messages, emails, social media posts and others to deceive consumers and trick them into
clicking. Present approach will classify links based on multiple manually extracted features. Then, we per-
form a feature importance analysis. Moreover on a smaller dataset, we employ OpenAI’s models to classify
and then add a new feature representing the Chat GPT classification. Thus, we manage to improve the overall
performance of multiple machine learning methods. The first experiment considers only a Random Forest
classifier but in the second one, we added thirteen other intelligent algorithms and ensembles constructed from
the best performing ones. The best obtained accuracy (95%) is reached by the RF model on the whole dataset.
The last decade was marked by an undeniable evolu-
tion of the online environment. According to Statista
(Statista Research Department, 2024), in 2023 there
were 93.09% of all European households having an
Internet connection. Moreover, 2022 was irrevoca-
bly marked by the launch of the Chat GPT 3 by
OpenAI, which proved to be one of the most per-
formant general online chatbot. After it, multiple
companies developed other Large Language Models
(LLMs) for general usage, providing human-like as-
sistance for everyday tasks. LLMs are implemented
using the self-attention mechanism, which was cre-
ated to make the model attentive towards specific in-
put data that may be relevant later. Transformers are
an encoder - decoder type of architecture, where mul-
tiple multi-headed attention layers are used (Vaswani
et al., 2017). These types of layers will compute an
attention score associated with each token, how rele-
vant it is considering the context.
Even if Chat GPT and other popular LLMs (e.g.,
Gemini, Llama 2, Copilot, etc.) provide online, easy-
to-use and fast functionalities to users for a large vari-
ety of redundant tasks (e.g., code debugging, content
creation, brainstorming, explaining new concepts,
etc.) it also introduced an easy manner to create harm-
ful content to be spread online. The malicious con-
tent can be created by evading the OpenAI’s guards
(OpenAI, 2024b). An analysis on how Chat GPT is
able to generate phishing attacks is tackled in (Roy
et al., 2023), where nine examples of credentials theft
attacks were deployed by impersonating 50 famous
website brands (e.g., Facebook, Amazon, PayPal,
etc.). The malicious strategies include: regular phish-
ing, reCAPTCHA, vicious links presented as QR
codes, Browser-in-the-Browser attack, iFrame injec-
tion (clickjacking), exploiting DOM classifiers, poly-
morphic URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), text en-
coding exploits and browser fingerprinting. All the
attacks were implemented using Chat GPT’s prompts
with little to no human influence.
Present paper proposes to investigate the usage of
Chat GPT models in detecting malicious tasks. Our
contributions are the following:
Build a baseline Random Forest (RF) model with
multiple hand-crafted features and analyze their
Link classification using the OpenAI’s Chat GPT
4 and 3.5-turbo and four different prompts;
Enrich the baseline model with an additional fea-
ture representing the Chat GPT’s classification;
Experiment with multiple machine learning (ML)
algorithms and ensembles.
This research paper is split into five chapters. We
continue with the ”Introduction” 1 section, then with
Kaisser, T. and Coste, C.
Using Chat GPT for Malicious Web Links Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0013069200003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 425-432
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a section 2 reviewing the state-of-the-art concerning
malicious web links detection. Next, we describe our
empirical methodology with the steps taken towards
achieving our objectives 3. The following section will
describe our experiments, configurations and results
4, including comparisons with other approaches. Fi-
nally, we conclude this study and draw some future
directions for research.
Malicious web links detection is often a binary clas-
sification or a multi-classification problem. To prop-
erly detect the link’s class, scientists take into con-
sideration a large variety of characteristics, extracted
from the URL (i.e., content-independent) or from the
web content (i.e., content-dependent). Most of the
published approaches are working with ML, however
there are ideas considering blacklists, anti-viruses,
and complex network theory.
2.1 Content Independent Approaches
Content-independent solutions are employing just
features extracted from the URL, such as lexical,
computer network information based on Domain
Name System (DNS), WHOIS or other external ser-
vices. As example in (Oshingbesan et al., 2021)
there are a total of 380 lexical features extracted from
the URL (e.g., word2vec, N-grams, etc.). The ap-
proach compared ten ML algorithms such as Logis-
tic Regression (LR), Linear Support Vector Machine
(SVM), Decision Tree (DT), RF, Categorical Boost-
ing, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Feed Forward Neu-
ral Network (FFNN), Naive Bayes (NB), K-Means
and Gaussian Mixture Model. The experiments are
done on multiple datasets, which were aggregated
from multiple sources. KNN was the best perform-
ing algorithm and word2vec features were not found
to be relevant in the link classification.
With more types of characteristics extracted from
the URL (i.e., lexical, DNS related and third-party in-
formation), (Mahdavifar et al., 2021) propose a KNN
achieving 98.9% accuracy. The final model depicted
the best thirteen features according to information
gain. Additionally, it was proved that third-party data
(e.g., domain age, geolocation, domain name, Alexa’s
rank, etc.) was more relevant in link classification.
KNN was compared with SVM, Multi-layer Percep-
tron (MLP), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) and LR.
The experiments were conducted on a novel dataset
with 400,000 benign samples, and 13,011 malicious.
One of a more traditional and old method of de-
tecting the maliciousness of a link is using blacklists,
which are public-available lists containing the mali-
cious domains. These lists are periodically updated.
Such a method was implemented in (Ma et al., 2009)
as the first step of the labeling. Blacklist approaches
have disadvantages, such as that they are not suitable
for zero-days attacks. Moreover, web domains and
web content are very dynamic in time. A malicious
website could be taken down and a new safe website
could be replacing it and vise versa.
2.2 Content Dependent Approaches
Content-dependent strategies operate with other fea-
tures which can be extracted from the content of
the web page, from Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML), JavaScript (JS), Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) or media files, such as images, audios, videos,
font files, etc.
In (Wejinya and Bhatia, 2021), there are added
handcrafted content-based features besides lexical
and host-based ones. Out of a total of 30 charac-
teristics, the NB model works best with just 15 of
them considered to be the most relevant. Similarly,
in (Kumi et al., 2021) the model is enriched with
content-based features extracted from the HTML or
JS data. The classification is done using a data-mining
algorithm, association classifier, which is achieving
an accuracy of 95.8%. It is compared with other
approaches and with other ML methods (e.g., LR,
SVM, NB). The most important features proved to
be the entropy of the domain name, JS tags, DOM
functions and other information extracted from the JS
files. Likewise, (Nagy et al., 2023) is proposing a sim-
ilar idea with most attributes elected from the JS and
HTML content. All features were passed through the
chi-square test and depicted just the best 15 of them to
form the detection model. The compared models in-
clude RF, NB, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), the best re-
sults being reached with NB (96.01% accuracy).
A more complex approach is done by (Rozi
et al., 2021), where JS code was parsed and trans-
formed into a graph, which was then passed through
graph2vec and given as input to the classification
model. The intelligent method was chosen based
on multiple comparisons between: a neural network
(NN), MLP, NB, LR, DT, Gradient Boosted Tree
(XGB), and SVM with Radial basis function kernel.
Recently, there have been developed a novel solu-
tion with the rise of generative artificial intelligence
as the one proposed in (Koide et al., 2023). LLMs are
employed to help with the phishing/non-phishing link
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
classification. The models used take into considera-
tion multiple features: URL, HTML and text infor-
mation collected from the screenshot of the website.
The detection models were developed as text models
and as multimodal ones, the last ones are able to pro-
cess images as input. The proposed solution, Chat-
PhishDetector, is also checking the website for brand
impersonation. The dataset on which the experiments
were driven, contains 1,000 samples for each class.
The LLMs were configured with two prompts, which
asked for an explaination on why a certain class was
chosen. The authors compared Chat GPT 4, 4vision
and 3.5-turbo; Gemini Pro and Pro Vision; Llama-2.
Even before, cybersecurity companies were en-
riching their products with Generative AI. An ex-
ample is VirusTotal’s Code Insight (Quintero, 2023)
utilizing Sec-PaLM, a proficient LLM provided by
Google. The product helps cybersecurity specialists
to faster analyze code, by translating the code into
natural language. Another example is described in
(Tushkanov, 2023) where a series of simple experi-
ments are delivered with the task to classify phish-
ing websites. The performance achieved is around
87% accuracy with a high false positive rate, which
means that many websites were considered unsafe
even though they were safe.
Still, there are not a large variety of solutions in
using the capacities of LLMs, in different ways. Thus,
we propose to enrich ML models with an supplimen-
tary feature representing the classification done by a
Herein, we present the methodology followed when
experimenting with malicious web links detection
task and Chat GPT. Present empirical study passes
through the next stages:
Dataset selection and preprocessing;
Feature modeling;
Chat GPT classification;
ML models development;
3.1 Dataset Selection and Preprocessing
The depicted dataset can be accessed at (Siddhartha,
2021). It includes a total of 651,191 URLs, classified
into four categories: 428,103 benign, 96,457 deface-
ment, 94,111 phishing, and 32,520 malware. It suc-
cessfully captures a large variety of web threats, ag-
gregating data from multiple sources, such as ISCX-
URL-2016 (Mamun et al., 2016), Faizan’s github (Jo-
erg, 2017), Phishtank (PhishTank, 2023), PhishStorm
(Marchal et al., 2014) and ””
(malwaredomainlist, 2010).
Even though we started with multi-classification
we continued with binary classification since it was
easier to compare with other approaches. All labels
from the dataset including: phishing, defacement and
malware were remapped to ”unsafe”. The benign
samples were renamed to ”safe”. The dataset is not
balanced and we consider this a proper and realis-
tic representation on how many benign and malicious
links there are in a real scenario.
3.2 Feature Modeling
The characteristics elected were based on the pre-
vious work done in the domain of malicious / be-
nign link classification using manually-engineered
features. Present experiment could be split into three
the simple stage - adding each feature one by one
and observe if accuracy increases;
the feature importance score - where characteris-
tics were dropped based on their relevance score;
covariance matrix - where the highly coupled fea-
tures were eliminated.
The simple method, where starting from an initial set
of features, we added one at a time to observe some
improvements in accuracy score. We started with an
initial set of features S
. The baseline model on which
this experiment was performed is RF. After running
the experiments, we developed the final set of fea-
tures S
. All attributes were extracted based on the
URL and they fall into the lexical and host-based cat-
egories. In table 1 there can be found a compilation of
all features tried and added into the model. The gray
rows indicate the starting set of characteristics for the
model together with a brief explanation. Pink and
white rows contain the added features that we have
selected to enrich the model and improve its perfor-
The next experiment considers the importance
scores, which are calculated as the mean decrease in
impurity across all trees within the RF model. The
computation is automatically done by the Sklearn li-
brary (Pedregosa et al., 2011). In this stage, we fur-
ther eliminate the features with a small contribution
to the classification.
In the final stage, the covariance matrix was com-
puted and based on it, the most redundant features
were dropped. If there are multiple features highly
correlated, the one having the lowest importance
score will be eliminated.
Using Chat GPT for Malicious Web Links Detection
Table 1: The features selected and their descriptions.
Feature name Description
has IP address checking if the URL contains an IP address
no. full stops counting the ”.” sign
no. ”@” sign counting the ”@” sign
Google Index checks if the URL is indexed by Google service, offering an indication on the legitimacy of the
URL (Vikramaditya, 2024)
no. embedded domains count of the domains found within the URL (separated by ”//”)
no. directories counting the directories found in the URL path (separated by ”/”)
length of the URL total length of the URL
no. digits counting the digits found in the URL
no. special chars. count the special characters (”/”, ”%”, ”#”, ”&”, ”=”, ”?”) found in the URL
Shannon entropy computed on the network location of the URL (including the domain, port or subdomains if
there is any) (Lin, 1991)
longest token FQDN the length of the longest token found in the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) considering
the network location
no. vowels counting the vowels (”a”, ”e”, ”i”, ”o”, ”u”) found in the URL path
query length length of the query string (the URL part between the ”?” and the fragment sign ”#”)
is HTTPS checking the presence of the HTTPS protocol in the URL
no. phishing words counting general phishing words (”webscr”, ”secure”, ”banking”, ”ebayisapi”, ”account”, ”con-
firm”, ”login”, ”signing”) (Alabdulmohsin et al., 2016)
port indicator checking the presence of the port number within the URL
3.3 Chat GPT Classification
We employ two OpenAI models: GPT 3.5-turbo and
GPT 4, using OpenAI Python API (OpenAI, 2024a).
Four simplistic prompts were engineered and they are
exemplified in Table 2. The first one is the most sim-
ple one. The second one and the third one are inspired
by the Zero-Shot technique detailed in (Kojima et al.,
2022). Lastly, the forth prompt considers the Chain
of Though technique described in (Wei et al., 2022).
Due to financial limitations and the costs charged
by the OpenAI’s models we proposed to run our tests
on just 1000 random links. Depending on the prompt
type, GPT-3.5-turbo has a cost between 0.12$ and
0.27$ per testing set, while GPT-4 is more expen-
sive with 1.72$ - 9.06$. The longer the prompt the
more expensive it was to test the model. There will
be eight combinations of prompts and models which
will be tested and compared. Then, we enriched the
RF model and the other ML models with an additional
feature representing the LLM’s labeling. By doing so,
we should achieve a greater performance. The mod-
els using Chat GPT features will be trained and tested
on a total of 1000 links randomly sampled from the
dataset (Siddhartha, 2021). 800 of the web links will
be used for training and 200 of them for testing.
3.4 ML Models Development
The baseline model used is a RF implemented in
Sklearn library (Pedregosa et al., 2011) and a man-
ual parameter calibration after multiple runs. The
rest of the used models are the following: RF, XGB,
ADA, DT, LR, Gaussian NB (GNB), Multinomial NB
(MNB), Complement NB (CNB), Quadratic Discrim-
inant Analysis (QDA), Linear Discriminant Analy-
sis (LDA), Passive Aggressive Classifier (PAC), SVM
and KNN. All algorithms were utilized from SKlearn
Python library (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The parame-
ters for all models were the default ones.
Moreover, we employ an ensemble using the three
of the best performing algorithms. The ensemble is
developed with a Voting Classifier from (Pedregosa
et al., 2011). Multiple types of ensembles are tried
with different voting mechanisms (”hard”, ”soft”) and
different weights generated based on the accuracy
score of the individual classifiers. For all tests the
dataset was randomly split into 80% training and 20%
3.5 Comparisons
Our proposed approach is combining ML models and
ensembles with a Chat GPT feature. This idea will be
compared with other similar literature solutions us-
ing the same dataset (Siddhartha, 2021). All records
from the dataset are used in (Zhang and Yan, 2023),
in (Shetty et al., 2023) and in (Coste, 2024). Ad-
ditionally, there are other literature papers using the
same dataset but on a subset of 40,000 links. Thus,
to preserve a fair comparison, regarding the number
of records, we consider just these three solutions rel-
evant for comparisons.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: The prompts tried for both Chat GPT models.
No. Prompt
1 Check if the url is safe or not, respond with SAFE for safe url and UNSAFE for unsafe url
2 Check if the url is safe or not, respond with SAFE for safe url and UNSAFE for unsafe url. Try to look at the
entropy of the domain, the length of the domain, the number of the special characters, the longest token in the url.
3 Check if the url is safe or not, respond with SAFE for safe url and UNSAFE for unsafe url. Try to look at the
entropy of the domain, the length of the domain, the number of the special characters, the longest token in the url.
Examples: 1.,unsafe
2. virtuemart&page=shop.browse&
category id=31&Itemid=70,unsafe
4. Catholic cathedrals in Canada,safe
6. instruction/mobile-payments-rostelekom-ural-utel/,safe
7. id=14,unsafe
4 Check if the url is safe or not, respond with SAFE for safe url and UNSAFE for unsafe url. Look at these features:
- Number of directory levels
- Length of the URL: 38 characters
- Number of special characters (from ”/%#&=?”)
- Shannon entropy of the domain
- Length of the longest token in the FQDN
- Number of dots in the URL
- Number of vowels in the path
Examples: is Safe because the values of the
extracted features are: [4, 58, 4, 0.0, 0, 2, 10] c4d12146ebce8e1684d3542308399779/8fa39
dab95edb1b676b638a672278eae/particuliers-45636.php is Unsafe because the values of the extracted features are:
[8, 153, 10, 3.78, 13, 3, 25]
In the following section, we describe the feature im-
portance experiment and how by adding the GPT’s
prediction into different ML models they are able to
improve prediction in malicious web links detection.
4.1 Feature Importance Results
All feature importance experiments could be split into
3 stages (i.e, simple stage, feature importance stage
and covariance matrix stage) as previously described
in the Methodology section 3.2. The first assessment
started with a simple RF model and a predefined set of
characteristics selected from other solutions from the
state-of-the-art. The initial features are marked with
pink in Table 1 from Methodology section 3.2. To the
initial set, there were added one at a time the rest of
the features to observe an improvement in accuracy.
Features marked with white (see Table 1) did not im-
prove the performance of the RF, and the experiment
needed more time to extract these features. The gray
ones added a significant increase in metrics.
The second experiment took into consideration the
feature importance score computed by the Sklearn RF
model (Pedregosa et al., 2011). Current stage includes
five runnings and the features obtaining the lowest
score were dropped in an iterative method such that
the evolution of the accuracy could be observed as
well. Finally, the following features were dropped
due to their low score: IP address, number of ”@”
sign, Google index, the number of embedded domains
and of directories. With the final set of features (i.e.,
number of full stops, number of directories, length
of the URL, count of special characters, Shannon en-
tropy, length of the longest token in FQDN and num-
ber of vowels), the RF model achieved 93.78% accu-
Further, the final stage will select features consid-
ering the covariance matrix. There was observed a
high correlation between the length of the URL, the
count of digits and the count of special characters.
This correlation is normal to happen since both the
number of digits and special characters are included
in the total length of the web link. If the URL is longer
it is a high probability that the number of special char-
acters and digits is larger. Therefore, considering the
importance score, we dropped the number of digits to
avoid this redundancy.
4.2 Using Chat GPT for Link
OpenAI’s models were used for a standalone classifi-
cation using two models (GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4)
Using Chat GPT for Malicious Web Links Detection
and four prompts as described in Table 2. Then, based
on the best combination of a model and a prompt, a
new feature was added into the baseline RF model.
The tests were done on 1000 randomly sampled links.
Considering the obtained performance, GPT-4
outperformed GPT-3.5-turbo as it can be observed in
Table 3. The best model was GPT-4 with the third
prompt, reaching 65% accuracy. The best model with
GPT-3.5-turbo was achieved with the second prompt.
Regarding the cost, GPT-3.5-turbo is considerably
cheaper than GPT-4. Moreover, if we compare the
best classification with GPT-3.5-turbo and the best of
GPT-4, we can observe a small difference in perfor-
mance but a significant one regarding cost.
Afterwards, we added a new feature (”ope-
nAICallCheck”) in the previously developed RF
model with the final aim to further increase its ac-
curacy. This feature represents the link classification
as done by the GPT-4 model with prompt 3, our best
GPT configuration. We observed that on the evaluat-
ing set of 1000 links, the RF accuracy rose from 88.8
to 89%. The metrics were computed for five different
dataset splits. Thus, even though GPT models do not
have a high accuracy on their own, using their classifi-
cation as input to a ML model, there may be a modest
increase in performance.
Table 3: The performance of the chat GPT models (3.5-
turbo and 4) for link classification (testing set).
Prompt Acc.(%) Precision Recall F1 Cost
1 48.5 65 54 40 0.12 $
2 63 66 65 62 0.15 $
3 54.5 65 58 51 0.24 $
4 44.5 64 51 34 0.23 $
1 60 64 60 60 1.72 $
2 61 67 64 60 3.15 $
3 65 65 65 65 7.35 $
4 64 66 65 64 9.06 $
4.3 Performance of the Other ML
Taking into consideration the potential of the ”ope-
nAICallCheck” feature, we propose to further ex-
periment with multiple ML algorithms and ensemble
models. Table 4 details the accuracy scores for all
ML models employed and they were computed on
the testing set on five dataset splits. The first two
columns contain the accuracies without the openAI’s
feature and with it. The final column has the accu-
racies achieved on the whole dataset, which will be
used for reference and to observe if the ML models
generalize well. These experiments do not take into
Table 4: The accuracy of the all ML models (testing set).
Model Acc. Acc. (with GPT) Acc. (all)
RF 88.8 89 95
XGB 93.4 93.3 92.86
ADA 92.6 93.3 91.08
DT 91 90.9 94.35
LR 87.9 88.3 85.43
GNB 85.1 86.2 84.56
MNB 86.9 87.8 84.55
CNB 86.6 86.9 84.47
MLP 90.8 91.2 93.3
KNN 87.8 88.5 93.38
QDA 88.2 87.3 84.67
LDA 88.1 87.9 84.99
PAC 87.7 72.1 83.84
SVC 86.9 87.9 87.33
account OpenAI’s prediction due to financial limita-
tions. The total cost for all the 651,191 links would
have reached 4,700 $ by using GPT-4 and prompt 3.
It can be observed that most algorithms have a mod-
est improvement in accuracy when adding the ”ope-
nAICallCheck” feature. Usually, there was a slight
decrease in accuracy was noted for XGB, DT, QDA,
and LDA. However, for the PAC algorithm the GPT’s
information proved to be rather detrimental. This may
happen because PAC is an online learning algorithm,
where the training set is processed sequentially and
the model is updated in the same manner. PAC is suit-
able for large data while small amounts of data may
not be enough. For the rest of the ML methods (i.e.,
RF, ADA, LR, NB algorithms, MLP, KNN, and SVC)
there can be seen an increase between 0.2 and 1.1,
which we consider to be relevant.
Regarding generalization, RF, DT, MLP and KNN
prove to achieve a greater performance when trained
on more data. Even though the rest of the algorithms
generalize well, there is not a significant drop in ac-
curacy when trained on all 651,191 records. It is def-
initely a case of overfitting and it should be investi-
gated more.
Overall, the best performing ML methods are
XGB, ADA and DT, which will be depicted to form
the heterogeneous ensembles. The weights represent
the accuracy score obtained by the models in an in-
dividual setting. Ensembles were calibrated consid-
ering the voting mechanisms (i.e., soft or hard) and
by adding weights or not. The experiment was con-
ducted in the same configuration as the one for the
single models. While for most ensembles, adding
the GPT’s feature was detrimental, for the no-weights
soft-voting ensemble it was observed a light increase
in accuracy (0.1%). This may be due to the fact that
hybrid models need more data to be effective. This is
sustained by our results on the whole dataset, where
all ensembles significantly improved in accuracy (1-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
5%). Thus, testing the ”openAICallCheck” feature on
just 1000 links may not be enough to properly train
an ensemble model. Moreover, by comparing the en-
semble with the individual results of the classifiers on
1000 URLs, it did not lead to an increase in accu-
racy. Although, on the whole dataset, the ensemble
achieves rather better results (e.g., 94.29%).
4.4 Comparisons and Discussion
Figure 1: Comparisons with other literature approaches.
Our purpose was to investigate the support of using
Chat GPT in classifying web links as malicious or
benign. This idea was tested with multiple intelli-
gent algorithms including ensembles. The best per-
forming algorithm on the whole dataset (Siddhartha,
2021) was RF with 95% accuracy. On the smaller
dataset formed by 1000 randomly sampled links, the
best accuracy was obtained by XGB, closely followed
by ADA. Also, both of these models were the most
accurate when adding the GPT’s prediction as a fea-
ture. The best ensemble was formed by XGB, ADA
and DT and it is characterized by a hard voting mech-
anism and weights. This ensemble has the highest
accuracy rate on the 1000 links dataset. On the whole
dataset, the soft-voting ensemble has a higher accu-
racy rate. Figure 1 presents all our best models. The
blue bars represent the classification for the whole
dataset even if it is a binary classification or it is a
multi-classification. The red ones mark the results
obtained on the smaller dataset of 1000 links. The
green bars signify the accuracy scores reached by our
best algorithms on the smaller dataset, but adding the
GPT’s classification to the model. The orange bars
present the best accuracies obtained from the stan-
dalone OpenAI’s models.
Considering the whole dataset, there can be ob-
served that our models outperform the solution pro-
vided by (Zhang and Yan, 2023), but unfortunately,
they are behind with other more performant models
from (Shetty et al., 2023) and (Coste, 2024). Re-
garding the smaller dataset using just hand-crafted
features, the ensemble model does not reach a bet-
ter accuracy rate compared to the individual model,
which we would have expected. By comparing with
the models using the ”openAICallCheck” character-
istic, we can observe a small improvement for ADA,
but for the ensemble or XGB, the accuracy has a tiny
decrease. Nevertheless, set side by side with the stan-
dalone GPT’s models (i.e., gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4),
our models certainly are a better solution. We chose
to not include the solution from (Koide et al., 2023)
in the Figure 1 because the comparison would not be
fair since the dataset is different. Still, their approach
is much more accurate with higher metrics obtained
and multiple LLMs engines and tasks. All in all, our
approach can pave the way for novel solutions by ex-
tracting features from OpenAI’s models to advance
the classification of malicious links.
Malicious web links account for multiple security at-
tacks directed against inexperienced users and can
lead to drive-by-downloads, credentials theft, imper-
sonating brands and deceiving people. Present pa-
per proposes to tackle the application of OpenAI’s
models (i.e., GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4) to counter-
act web-malware. Our experiments contain a feature
importance analysis on web links with multiple hand
crafted features. Then, a large variety of intelligent
methods including ML models and ensembles were
extended with a feature considering the GPT’s pre-
diction. The experiments proved that by appending
OpenAI’s prediction of a link as a new feature model
it can slightly improve the accuracy of most algo-
rithms. The best models achieve 94-95% accuracy on
the whole dataset.
Using the capabilities provided by LLMs could
lead to major improvements regarding cybersecurity.
For future work, we propose to add other Chat GPT
related features into the ML classification models
such as an explanation on why a link is malicious,
its domain similarities with other brands on the In-
ternet, etc. As well, other engines, such as Gemini,
Llama, GPT-4o etc. should be use for comparisons.
Additionally, by using transfer learning, a large lan-
guage model could be trained specifically on the task
of malicious web links detection. Moreover, the prob-
lem should be addressed on a larger scale since links
need to be checked in a continuous and fast way not
to interfere with the online environment.
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WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies