Characterizing Locomotor Activity and Internal Load in VR-Based
Exergames for Post-Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation
Elvio R
ubio Gouveia
, Pedro Campos
, Krzysztof Przednowek
, Andreas Ihle
Adilson Marques
, Hugo Sarmento
, Diogo Martinho
and Bruna Gouveia
LARSYS, Interactive Technologies Institute, 9020-105 Funchal, Portugal
Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Madeira, 9020-105 Funchal, Portugal
CIPER, Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Gerontology and Vulnerability, University of Geneva, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
Department of Informatics Engineering and Interactive Media Design, University of Madeira, 9020-105 Funchal, Portugal
Wowsystems Inform
atica Lda, Funchal, Portugal
Institute of Physical Culture Sciences, Medical College of Rzesz
ow University, Rzesz
ow University, Rzesz
ow, Poland
Department of Psychology, University of Geneva, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
Swiss Center of Expertise in Life Course Research LIVES, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
Environmental Health Institute (ISAMB), Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, 1649-020 Lisbon, Portugal
University of Coimbra, Research Unit for Sport and Physical Education (CIDAF), Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical
Education, 3004-504 Coimbra, Portugal
Saint Joseph of Cluny Higher School of Nursing, 9050-535 Funchal, Portugal
Regional Directorate of Health, Secretary of Health of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, 9004-515 Funchal, Portugal
VR-Based Exergames, Rehabilitation, Physical Activity.
This study investigated the use of VR-based exergames in musculoskeletal injury rehabilitation, focusing on
locomotor activity and internal load, as well as the influence of involvement, sensory fidelity, and interface
quality. Thirty-seven participants (aged 19-53) engaged in five customized VR games designed for rehabili-
tation. These games included ”Weight Transfer, ”Military March, ”Side Squat, ”Progressive March, and
”Walking along a Straight Line. Data were collected using HTC Vive Pro hardware and full-body tracking,
with the E4 wristband measuring heart rate and movement and the OMNI scale assessing perceived exertion.
The Witmer-Singer Presence Questionnaire evaluated user experience. The results revealed significant differ-
ences in heart rate, movement, perceived exertion, and exercise intensity across the exergames. ”Progressive
March” produced the highest heart rate and intensity, while ”Side Squat” generated the most movement and
exertion. ”Weight Transfer” had the lowest values across all metrics. Additionally, higher levels of presence
in the VR environment were linked to more physical activity. These findings suggest that this VR-based ex-
ergame session effectively meets each rehabilitation phase’s needs. Higher Presence in VR enhances user
engagement and realism, leading to increased physical activity.
Musculoskeletal injuries profoundly impact daily
functioning and overall health, affecting around 40%
of the U.S. population (NHIS, 2012; Katz, 2015).
These impairments, caused by conditions like chronic
joint pain, arthritis, and neurological diseases, can
significantly disrupt the performance and participa-
tion of athletes, whether elite or amateur, in sports
activities. Traditional rehabilitation methods, often
repetitive and exhausting, can lead to mental health
challenges and reduced motivation, which hinders re-
covery (Elwyn et al., 2012; Putukian, 2016). There-
fore, well-designed and engaging rehabilitation pro-
grams are essential for restoring function, preventing
long-term disabilities, and ensuring sustained recov-
In this context, virtual reality (VR) is emerging
as a promising tool in musculoskeletal rehabilitation.
Although evidence supporting its efficacy is currently
limited to specific areas like upper limb rehabilitation
(Chaplin et al., 2023), VR systems could offer cus-
tomizable treatment platforms that improve patient
engagement, adherence, and rehabilitation outcomes
Gouveia, É., Campos, P., Przednowek, K., Ihle, A., Marques, A., Sar mento, H., Martinho, D. and Gouveia, B.
Characterizing Locomotor Activity and Internal Load in VR-Based Exergames for Post-Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation.
DOI: 10.5220/0013069500003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 265-270
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(Aderinto et al., 2023). Growing evidence in the lit-
erature supports VR’s potential to offer immersive,
engaging rehabilitation options, improving both per-
formance and health outcomes (Aderinto et al., 2023;
Chaplin et al., 2023). However, the relationship be-
tween immersion, satisfaction, and adherence in VR-
based rehabilitation remains inconsistent, as current
data is still limited (Rose et al., 2018).
Immersion in a virtual environment (VE) pro-
duces the sensation of ”Presence, the feeling of be-
ing present in the VE (Riva et al., 2003). Presence
is key in VR and is considered an indicator of its
”ecological validity, referring to the potential trans-
fer of skills acquired in the virtual world to the real
world. The ultimate goal of exergame-based training
is to improve performance using gamified scenarios,
suggesting that if a link between presence and perfor-
mance is established, exergame designers can manip-
ulate presence to maximize participant performance,
thus making the practice more long-lasting. This is
particularly significant as VR training is increasingly
adopted due to cost and time efficiency (Stevens and
Kincaid, 2015).
The main objectives of this study were to charac-
terize the locomotor activity and internal load associ-
ated with VR-based exergames used in musculoskele-
tal injury rehabilitation and to examine how different
levels of involvement, sensory fidelity, and interface
quality influence these factors. The study’s hypothe-
ses are as follows: (i) locomotor activity and internal
load during the proposed VR-based rehabilitation ses-
sion align with the exercise guidelines recommended
by the American College of Sports Medicine in terms
of the intensity characterizing each phase of the ses-
sion, and (ii) higher presence in VR exergames is as-
sociated with higher levels of physical activity.
The results of this study are expected to pro-
vide an important understanding of improving mus-
culoskeletal rehabilitation protocols by aligning VR-
based exergames with recommended training guide-
lines. Furthermore, understanding the locomotor ac-
tivity and internal load in these sessions will help
healthcare professionals optimise exercise intensity
and progression. Additionally, the positive relation-
ship between higher presence and better performance
in VR exergames suggests that immersive environ-
ments can increase patient engagement and physi-
cal effort, leading to better rehabilitation outcomes.
These results have practical value in clinical settings,
allowing healthcare professionals to integrate tailored
and engaging VR exergaming sessions into rehabili-
tation programs for more effective injury recovery.
2.1 Participants
This study included 37 participants (18 males) aged
between 19 and 53 years (M = 23.69; SD = 6.98),
recruited from an academic institute. The partici-
pants were students enrolled in various engineering,
tourism, physical education, and sports programs. In-
clusion criteria were: (1) students aged 18 years or
older from the academic institute and (2) voluntary
willingness to participate. The only exclusion crite-
rion was the presence of any medical contraindica-
tions to sub-maximal exercise, as per the guidelines
of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM,
2022). All procedures were approved by the Faculty
of Human Kinetics Ethics Committee, CEIFMH No.
39/2021. The study adhered to the Declaration of
Helsinki, and informed consent was obtained from all
2.2 Virtual Reality Gaming
Five customized VR games ’Weight Transfer’, ’Mil-
itary March’, ’Side Squat’, ’Progressive March’, and
’Walking along a Straight Line’ were developed to
facilitate a complete rehabilitation session for people
recovering from musculoskeletal injuries. All partic-
ipants followed the same order of games during the
session, aiming to include in the training session a
warm-up and cool-down, stretching exercises, and a
gradual progression of the session’s volume and in-
tensity, as recommended. The creation of these VR
games involved exploratory research, including open
interviews with physiotherapists. The session was set
within a soccer-themed environment, incorporating
specific soccer elements and gamification techniques
to maintain user engagement. Each VR game was de-
signed to address key training domains, such as aer-
obic endurance, upper and lower body strength, and
motor skills. An overview of Exergames, including
purposes, scoring, and the functional fitness capaci-
ties stimulated, can be found in (Gouveia et al., 2023).
The games were developed by two researchers on the
topic of computer engineering.
2.3 Software and Hardware
The system integrates HTC Vive Pro hardware, in-
cluding full-body trackers, and Unity3D software for
developing a VR application with full-body tracking.
Trackers placed on key body points allow accurate
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
exercise performance monitoring, while inverse kine-
matics (IK) in Unity calculates joint angles for realis-
tic avatar movement. The VR environment, modeled
in Blender as a realistic soccer stadium, enhances im-
mersion, and a customizable avatar increases user en-
gagement. Unity3D’s multi-platform capability and
SteamVR integration support efficient VR application
development across various devices. A detailed de-
scription of Software and Hardware can be found in
(Gouveia et al., 2023).
2.4 Locomotor Activity and Internal
2.4.1 E4 Wristband
The E4 wristband is an advanced device that provides
real-time physiological data through four sensors:
(1) an electrode for Electrodermal Activity (EDA),
(2) a 3-axis accelerometer, (3) a temperature sensor,
and (4) a photoplethysmograph (PPG) that measures
blood volume pulse (BVP), from which heart rate
(HR) and inter-beat interval (IBI) are derived (Em-
patica, 2022). This study focused on the MEMS-type
3-axis accelerometer, which measures the continuous
gravitational force (g) in three spatial dimensions (x,
y, and z) and heart rate calculated from the BVP data.
2.4.2 Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale
The RPE is a scale that measures the intensity level
of physical activity. This study used the OMNI rating
of perceived exertion (Robertson et al., 2003). Be-
fore the VR game, all participants were individually
instructed on the specifics of the OMNI Scale. Then,
right after each VR game, the researcher interviewed
each participant using the OMNI picture system that
elucidated the different levels of effort and the dif-
ferent possible response options (with ‘0 indicating a
minimum response and ’10 indicating a maximum re-
2.5 Presence
The Witmer-Singer Presence Questionnaire was used
to characterize the experience in the VR games en-
vironment (Witmer and Singer, 1998; Witmer et al.,
2005). The Presence Questionnaire is a questionnaire
that measures the extent to which a user feels present
in the virtual experience. It consists of 24 questions
divided into four components: involvement, sensory
fidelity, adaptation/immersion, and interface quality.
This instrument uses a scale of 1 to 7, with one being
“Not Convincing” and 7 “Very Convincing”.
Figure 1: Estimated 3-axis Accelerometer Movement
Across Various VR-Based Exergames: A Comparison Be-
tween High and Low Presence Levels.
Figure 2: Estimated heart rate Across Various VR-Based
Exergames: A Comparison Between High and Low Pres-
ence Levels.
Figure 3: Estimated Rated Perceived Exertion Across Var-
ious VR-Based Exergames: A Comparison Between High
and Low Presence Levels.
In this study, we considered a high level of pres-
ence for all participants who scored above the median
(Med = 127).
Characterizing Locomotor Activity and Internal Load in VR-Based Exergames for Post-Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation
Table 1: Comparison of Locomotor Activity and Internal Load Across 5 VR-Based Exergames for Post-Musculoskeletal
Injury Rehabilitation.
Weight Transfer (G1) Military March (G2) Side Squat (G 3) Progressive March (G4) Semi-tandem walk (G5) p
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
HR (b/min) 88 19.4 98.9 16.1 100.2 17.3 107.7 21.6 103.3 20.3 <.001
Movement (g) 416643 164887 324539 171375 506299 156377 208196 82355 301632 117662 <.001
RPE (n) 1.7 1.3 3.8 1.5 4.3 1.5 4.1 1.6 2.8 1.2 <.001
Intensity (% HR max) 44.9 10.1 50.4 8.1 51.1 8.9 54.9 10.9 52.6 10.3 <.001
The results presented in the table demonstrate sta-
tistically significant differences across the five VR-
based exergames in terms of heart rate (HR), move-
ment (g), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and ex-
ercise intensity (%HR max), with all p-values less
than .001. Notably, the Progressive March exergame
elicited the highest heart rate (Mean = 107.7 bpm) and
exercise intensity (Mean = 54.9% HR max), while the
Side Squat resulted in the highest movement (Mean
= 506299.2 g) and perceived exertion (Mean RPE =
4.3). Conversely, the Weight Transfer exergame was
associated with the lowest heart rate (Mean = 88.0
bpm), perceived exertion (Mean RPE = 1.7), and ex-
ercise intensity (Mean = 44.9% HR max), highlight-
ing the variability in physical demands across differ-
ent exergames.
The exergames had a significant main effect on
movement F(4, 25) = 37.01, p <.001, and a partial
eta squared of .856. The comparison of movement
across five exergames between high and low levels of
presence revealed a significant difference, F(1, 28) =
4.30, p = .047, partial eta squared = .13, indicating
that the high presence group engaged in more physi-
cal activity during the analyzed games (Figure 1).
The exergames had a significant main effect on
heart rate F(4, 30) = 6.415, p <.001, and a partial eta
squared of .461. The comparison of heart rate across
five exergames between high and low levels of pres-
ence revealed a non-significant difference, F(1, 28) =
.08, p = .78, partial eta squared = .003, indicating no
differences between high presence and low presence
during the game (Figure 2).
The exergames had a significant main effect on
Rated Perceived Exertion F(4, 30) = 25.948, p <.001,
and a partial eta squared of .776. The comparison of
heart rate across five exergames between high and low
levels of presence revealed a non-significant differ-
ence, F(1, 33) = 2.10 p = .16, partial eta squared =
.06, indicating no differences between high presence
and low presence during the game (Figure 3).
The first purpose of this study was to characterize the
locomotor activity and internal load associated with
VR-based exergames. We found significant variabil-
ity in physical demands across different VR-based ex-
ergames, with each game setting distinct heart rate,
movement, perceived exertion, and exercise intensity
levels. “Progressive March, a game focused on aer-
obic and lower body strength typically included in
the conditioning phase of a session, was the most
demanding, showing the highest heart rate and ex-
ercise intensity, making it practical for cardiovascu-
lar improvement, as expected. The “Side Squat”
exergame, focused on lower body strength, induced
the most movement and perceived effort, indicat-
ing strong muscular activation. In contrast, “Weight
Transfer, an exergame focused on balance, was the
least demanding and suitable for the first phase of
a rehabilitation session (warm-up), characterized by
light-to-moderate-intensity activity.
The first point to highlight in this study’s results is
the statistically significant differences in HR, move-
ment (g), RPE, and exercise intensity (%HR max)
parameters across the different VR-based exergames.
This outcome suggests that each exergame imposes
varying levels of physical demand, which aligns with
expectations for a Post-Musculoskeletal Injury Reha-
bilitation training session. In this context, the design
of this session is considered a typical single exercise
training session, which generally consists of the fol-
lowing phases: (i) Warm-up/Initiation, (ii) Condition-
ing, and (iii) Cool-down (ACSM, 2022). The warm-
up or initiation phase serves as a transitional stage
that allows the body to adapt to the exercise session’s
changing physiological, biomechanical, and bioener-
getic demands. It should include light-to-moderate
intensity activities, specifically targeting the muscle
groups that will be engaged during exercise (Mc-
Gowan et al., 2015; Garber et al., 2011). During
the conditioning phase, training exercises can include
aerobic, resistance, flexibility, or sports activities, de-
pending on the specific goals of the session (ACSM,
2022). Finally, the cool-down phase allows the body
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
to return to near-resting levels. Low-to-moderate in-
tensity flexibility exercises, such as static stretching,
can also be incorporated during this phase to help the
body reach a more relaxed physiological state (Behm,
As shown, the characterization of locomotor ac-
tivity and the internal load associated with this VR-
based exergame session for rehabilitation following
musculoskeletal injuries adheres to the exercise train-
ing session components suggested by the American
College of Sports Medicine. The ”Weight Transfer”
game, which is the first game in the session (i.e.,
warm-up or initiation phase), was identified as the
least demanding exergame, with the lowest heart rate
values (88.0 bpm), perceived exertion (RPE = 1.7),
and exercise intensity (44.9% HR max), as expected.
Additionally, we emphasize the convergence of re-
sults between heart rate and exercise intensity for in-
ternal load assessment. This result is significant be-
cause, in the absence of HR monitors, RPE can be
reliably used as a safe and accurate alternative (Borg,
1998). The ”Progressive March” game, correspond-
ing to the conditioning phase, was characterized as
the most demanding exergame, producing the highest
average heart rate (107.7 bpm) and exercise intensity
(54.9% HR max). This game aims to improve car-
diovascular fitness and promote greater physiological
adaptations. Finally, we highlight the ”Side Squat”
game, also part of the conditioning phase, where we
observed the highest movement activity and perceived
exertion. Once again, we found a convergence be-
tween the highest average movement (506299.2 g)
(external training load) and the highest perceived ex-
ertion (RPE = 4.3) (internal training load). This fur-
ther validates using RPE as a reliable tool for evaluat-
ing exercise intensity (Borg, 1998).
The second aim of this study was to compare the
impact of Presence (i.e., involvement, sensory fidelity,
adaptation/immersion, and interface quality) on loco-
motor activity and internal load during the VR expe-
rience. As expected, players with higher Presence in
the virtual environment engaged in more physical ac-
tivity, although Presence did not significantly affect
heart rate or perceived exertion (internal load). Our
study supports the hypothesis that high levels of Pres-
ence can enhance user engagement and realism, lead-
ing to greater locomotor activity (Luo et al., 2023).
Sensory fidelity and interface quality directly influ-
ence user immersion, fostering a more natural phys-
ical response, which, in turn, elevates exertion lev-
els (Zhang and Song, 2022). These findings are fur-
ther supported by a study that examined the relation-
ship between presence and performance during a psy-
chomotor task in a virtual environment, suggesting
that a higher sense of presence in virtual simulations
may positively influence performance and contribute
to skill acquisition during virtual training (Stevens
and Kincaid, 2015). The relationship between Pres-
ence, defined as the sensation of ”being there” in a vir-
tual environment (VE), and its impact on locomotor
activity observed in our study aligns with the theory
of Presence and Immersion by Ijsselsteijn and Riva
(Riva et al., 2003). This supports the idea that greater
immersion leads to heightened engagement, as users
immersed in the virtual environment are more likely
to interact physically and respond naturally to the vir-
tual stimuli.
Some limitations must be acknowledged when in-
terpreting our results. The small and homogeneous
sample, which is all students from specific academic
programs, restricts the generalizability of the findings
to a broader population. Additionally, external fac-
tors such as prior experience with VR and varying
fitness levels were not controlled, which could influ-
ence locomotor activity and internal load. These un-
controlled variables might affect the accuracy of as-
sessing the relationship between Presence and phys-
ical engagement in the virtual reality environment.
Further research is needed to address these limita-
tions and enhance the study’s applicability. These
limitations suggest that further research with larger,
more diverse samples and greater control over exter-
nal influences is needed to validate and extend the
study’s findings. On the other hand, the strengths of
this study include the comprehensive characterization
of locomotor activity and internal load across vari-
ous VR-based exergames for rehabilitation. It effec-
tively demonstrates how different exergames impose
distinct physical demands, validating the use of RPE
as a reliable intensity measurement. Additionally, it
explores the impact of Presence on user engagement
and physical activity, emphasizing the importance of
immersive design for effective rehabilitation
The main conclusion is that VR-based exergame ses-
sions present varied physical demands and effectively
meet the needs of each rehabilitation session phase.
The “Progressive March” promoted cardiovascular
fitness, while “Weight Transfer” was the least de-
manding and appropriate for warm-up. The study also
validated the use of the RPE scale as a reliable tool for
assessing exercise intensity, particularly when heart
rate monitors are unavailable. Additionally, higher
levels of presence in the virtual environment corre-
lated with increased locomotor activity, emphasizing
Characterizing Locomotor Activity and Internal Load in VR-Based Exergames for Post-Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation
the importance of sensory fidelity and immersion for
enhancing user engagement and physical responses.
This work is part of the eGames Lab research
project. The Portuguese Recovery and Resilience
Program (PRR) funded the research through
IAPMEI/ANI/FCT under Agenda C645022399-
00000057 (eGamesLab).
ERG, BRG, and PC are also supported by
FCT projects: 10.54499/LA/P/0083/2020,
10.54499/UIDP/50009/2020, and 10.54499/UIDB/
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based recommendations to establish baselines for
maintaining physical health and decreasing the risk
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support