Data Visualization for Dynamic Strength Index: A Qualitative
Approach for Enhanced Interpretation and Decision-Making
Zane Šmite
, Artūrs Paiķis
and and Līga Plakane
Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Latvia, Jelgavas Street 1, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Personalized Training, Testing, Data Visualization, Strength, Power.
Abstract: Dynamic strength index (DSI) serves as an important metric for assessing the balance between athletes
maximal and ballistic strength. However, its interpretation can be limited if the effects of both isometric and
ballistic components are not considered. The aim of this study is to develop a qualitative approach for
interpreting DSI through data visualization, providing strength and conditioning coaches’ clearer insights that
may guide more effective training recommendations. Thirty male college-level basketball athletes performed
countermovement jumps (CMJ) and isometric mid-thigh pulls (IMTP) as a part of late-season testing. The
peak IMTP force normalized to body mass was 39.02±3.57 N/kg, while peak CMJ force was 25.57±2.92 N/kg.
The mean DSI was 0.66±0.09, where 2 athletes attained a DSI ≥0.80, 19 athletes between 0.60 and 0.80, and
9 athletes ≤0.60, corresponding to recommendations for maximal strength, concurrent, and ballistic training,
respectively. T-score adjustments, used to categorize athletes based on maximal strength, resulted in the
reclassification of 5 athletes from the concurrent training group to the maximal strength development group,
and 5 athletes from the ballistic training group to the concurrent training group. Visualizing the DSI in a
scatter plot, alongside T-score performance bands from the IMTP, allows for better evaluation of athletes'
weaknesses and may guide more effective strength training recommendations.
Basketball is defined by many high-intensity
neuromuscular activities, such as sprinting, jumping,
and rapid changes in direction, with frequent physical
contacts between athletes (Stojanović et al., 2018,
Petway et al., 2020, Wellm et al., 2024).
Consequently, developing significant strength and
power is essential for optimal athletic performance in
Assessing an athletes’ strength capacity through
targeted testing can provide valuable insights into
neuromuscular function, enabling coaches to develop
more personalized and effective training
recommendations (McGuigan et al., 2013, Lockie et
al., 2018, Morrison et al., 2022). Dynamic strength
index (DSI) has been proposed as a promising method
for balance evaluation between athletes maximal and
ballistic strength capabilities (Sheppard et al., 2011,
McMahon et al., 2017, Pleša et al., 2024). It is
calculated as the ratio between an athlete's peak
ballistic force (e.g., countermovement jump (CMJ),
squat jump) and peak isometric force (e.g., isometric
mid-thigh pull (IMTP), isometric squat) (Comfort et
al., 2018). Generally, a low DSI (≤0.6) suggests a
focus on ballistic training to improve power output,
while a high DSI (≥0.8) indicates a need for maximal
strength training. For intermediate DSI values (0.6
0.8), a concurrent training approach that incorporates
both ballistic and strength training is recommended
(Sheppard et al., 2011).
However, when interpreting DSI, many studies
recommend considering the effects of both isometric
and ballistic components. DSI alone should not be
used to track training-induced progress, as
simultaneously increasing both components may not
significantly change DSI but would still indicate
positive training adaptations (Bishop et al., 2023,
Pleša et al., 2023, 2024). Additionally, for athletes
with poor relative strength, prioritizing the
development of maximal strength might be more
beneficial than focusing solely on achieving a specific
Šmite, Z., PaiÄ ˚uis, A. and Plakane, L.
Data Visualization for Dynamic Strength Index: A Qualitative Approach for Enhanced Interpretation and Decision-Making.
DOI: 10.5220/0013069600003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th Inter national Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 271-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
DSI value (Cormie et al., 2010, Suchomel et al.,
2020). Therefore, it is essential for coaches to
consider the broader context of different strength
quality development when using DSI to guide
training recommendations.
In sport science, decision support systems that
incorporate data visualization are gaining increasing
popularity due to their ability to simplify complex
data and improve information delivery. By converting
raw performance data into visually accessible
formats, these systems allow for quicker, more
comprehensive analysis and support better informed
decision-making (McGuigan et al., 2013, Calder et
al., 2015, Lockie et al., 2018, Torres-Ronda et al.,
In addition, normalized scores like z-scores and t-
scores are used to standardize data and create
benchmarks, allowing for meaningful comparisons
among individuals within a group (McGuigan et al.,
2013, Lockie et al., 2018, Turner et al., 2019,
McMahon et al., 2022). A z-score shows how many
standard deviations a data point is from the group
mean, which helps evaluate an individual's
performance relative to the group norm. T-score is a
transformed z-score, calculated by multiplying the z-
score by 10 and adding 50, resulting in a more user-
friendly format ranging from 0 to 100 (Turner et al.,
2019, McMahon et al., 2022). By visualizing athletes'
normalized score data, coaches can effectively assess
each athletes’ performance in comparison to their
teammates and identify individual strengths and
weaknesses (McGuigan et al., 2013, Lockie et al.,
2018, Turner et al., 2019, McMahon et al., 2022).
The aim of this study is to develop a qualitative
approach for interpreting DSI through data
visualization, providing strength and conditioning
coaches’ clearer insights that may guide more
effective training recommendations.
2.1 Participants
This cross-sectional study involved thirty male
college-level basketball athletes (age 19.5 ± 2.4 years;
height 1.94 ± 0.08 m; body mass 87.2 ± 9.5 kg) who
participated in a single testing session as part of their
late-season evaluation. To ensure recovery, the
testing was done one day after a rest day. Written
informed consent was obtained from all participants
prior to testing. The study was approved by the
Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of
Biology and the Faculty of Geography and Earth
Sciences at the University of Latvia (Nr. 18-29/30)
and adhered to the ethical guidelines outlined in the
World Medical Association’s Declaration of
2.2 Testing
After arriving at the gym, each athlete completed a
standardized warm-up consisting of activation
exercises and dynamic lower body stretching.
Following a brief rest, athletes performed two sets
of three maximal-effort countermovement jumps,
with a 20-s rest between each jump and 3-min rest
between sets. Athletes were instructed to place their
hands on their hips and maintain this position
throughout the entire movement. They were asked to
perform a countermovement to a self-selected depth
and then jump as high and as fast as possible.
To prevent potential post-activation performance
enhancement effect of the IMTP on the CMJ
(Blazevich et al. 2019), the IMTP test was conducted
after the CMJ. IMTP was conducted with participants
positioned at a knee joint angle of 125 – 145 degrees
and a hip joint angle of 140 150 degrees, resulting
in the barbell being positioned at approximately mid-
thigh level. Once the bar height was established,
athletes’ hands were strapped to the bar using
standard lifting straps. Before the main test,
participants completed two warm-up pulls at 50% and
75% of their perceived maximum effort followed by
three maximal effort IMTPs, with each trial separated
by 1-min rest period. If peak force varied by >250 N,
the trial was repeated. Athletes were instructed to pull
the bar as hard as possible while also pushing their
feet into the force plates for 3 5 s and received
strong verbal encouragement throughout the test
(Comfort et al., 2019).
All IMTP and CMJ were performed on dual force
plates (MuscleLab, Ergotest Innovation AS, Norway)
set at sampling rate of 1000 Hz and data was stored
within the MuscleLab Professional Software, which
enables immediate and reliable calculation of force-
time variables. The best value from the test trials was
used for subsequent data analysis. The DSI was
calculated by dividing peak CMJ force by peak IMTP
force. All athletes were familiar with the tests, having
completed them in previous sessions, ensuring
consistency and reducing variability in performance.
2.3 Statistical Analyses
Data are presented as mean ± SD. The normal
distribution of IMTP and CMJ metrics was confirmed
using the Shapiro-Wilk test. To establish benchmarks
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
for the IMTP data, T-score performance bands using
IMTP peak force normalized to body mass were
created. These T-score bands were defined using 1
SD around the mean and assigned the following
qualitative descriptions: ≤40 (poor), >40 ≤60
(average), and >60 (good) (Robertson et al., 2017,
McMahon et al., 2022).
The calculation of T-score performance bands
was done using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
(McMahon et al., 2022). The plots have been created
using Rstudio (R Core Team, 2020) and the ggplot2
(Wickham, 2016) and ggExtra (Attali & Baker, 2023)
During the late season, the peak force for the college-
level men’s basketball athletes in the IMTP test was
3397.34 ± 454.82 N, while the peak force in the CMJ
test was 2223.09 ± 296.16 N. When normalized to
body mass, the peak IMTP force was 39.02 ± 3.57
N/kg and 25.57 ± 2.92 N/kg in the CMJ test.
The mean DSI across all athletes was 0.66 ± 0.09.
Two athletes recorded a DSI ≥0.80, 19 athletes had a
DSI between 0.60 and 0.80, and 9 athletes had a DSI
≤0.60, with corresponding training recommendations
for maximal strength, concurrent, and ballistic
training, respectively (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Visualization of ballistic and maximal strength
with dynamic strength index recommendations shown as
background colors.
Based on T-score performance bands, the
following benchmarks for peak IMTP force
normalized to body mass were established: poor
maximal strength ≤35.45 N/kg, average maximal
strength >35.45 ≤42.60 N/kg, and good maximal
strength >42.60 N/kg.
Table 1: T-score performance bands for IMTP peak force
normalized to body mass.
Description T-score
Peak IMTP force,
Good >60 >42.60
Average >40 – ≤60 >35.45 – ≤42.60
Poor ≤40 ≤35.45
If an athletes' IMTP peak force normalized to
body mass was classified as poor, the original DSI
training recommendation was adjusted to prioritize
enhancing maximal strength. For athletes with
average IMTP peak force, recommendations were
adjusted so that incorporating some degree of
maximal strength training remained necessary
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: Dynamic strength index recommendation
adjustment to maximal strength performance bands.
After considering the T-score based maximal
strength performance band adjustments, a
reassessment of the athletes' training
recommendation group assignments was conducted.
As a result, 5 additional athletes from the DSI-
prescribed concurrent training group were moved to
the group focused on maximal strength
improvements, and 5 athletes from the ballistic
training group to the concurrent training group
(Figure 3).
Data Visualization for Dynamic Strength Index: A Qualitative Approach for Enhanced Interpretation and Decision-Making
Figure 3: Visualization of ballistic and maximal strength
with dynamic strength index recommendations adjusted for
maximal strength performance bands.
The athletes of current study have higher peak IMTP
forces compared to those reported in previous
research on basketball players (Thomas et al., 2017;
Pleša et al., 2024). However, peak CMJ force are
similar to other studies with male basketball players
(Thomas et al, 2017, Pleša et al., 2023, 2024).
The DSI values in previous research were higher
than those recorded in this study (Thomas et al., 2017;
Pleša et al., 2024). This discrepancy could be
attributed to seasonal fluctuations in DSI (Pleša et al.,
2023), as the current data were collected during the
late season. Further, differences may be caused due
to the fact that in the current research basketball
player resistance training still emphasized maximal
strength development, which may have helped to
maintain maximal strength capacity. However,
accumulated fatigue over the season might have
contributed to lower peak CMJ force values, as CMJ
has been shown to be sensitive to detecting fatigue
over time (Wu etl al. 2019, Alba-Jiménez et al. 2022).
Given the association between maximal strength
and power, traditional training periodization models
emphasize the development of maximal strength
before transitioning into power-oriented training
(Taber et al., 2016, Stone et al., 2021). This strong
foundation helps athletes’ transition more effectively
to high-velocity, power focused training. By
employing T-score derived IMTP performance
bands, this visualization assists in identifying athletes
who have suboptimal maximal strength and may
benefit from further strength development, even when
the DSI indicates otherwise. For example, the current
data of college-level basketball players shows that five
athletes from the ballistic training group, initially
assigned based on their DSI, could be reassigned to the
concurrent training group, as they have not yet
achieved good maximal strength. Additionally, five
athletes in the concurrent training group exhibited poor
maximal strength, suggesting that their primary focus
should remain on maximal strength development. If
ballistic training is included concurrently, the emphasis
should still be on building a strong foundation of
maximal strength to ensure balanced progress and
optimal performance outcomes.
Preparing and visualizing athlete testing data is
essential for clearly communicating insights to
stakeholders and enhancing decision-making. By
incorporating details on how peak IMTP force
changes independently from peak CMJ force and
adding maximal strength performance bands, this
approach can help coaches to better identify
weaknesses in both ballistic and maximal strength.
This provides a clearer understanding than relying on
numeric DSI data alone, leading to more informed
and targeted training decisions.
However, it should be noted that to establish
accurate benchmarks, a larger sample size than used
in this study is necessary (Turner et al., 2019).
Additionally, benchmarks should ideally be
calculated when athletes are at peak performance,
unaffected by the accumulated fatigue of the season.
Therefore, further studies are needed to develop
precise benchmarks that can be used to create
accurate visualizations for basketball players, aiding
in more informed training recommendations.
Nevertheless, this approach holds promise, as it
overcomes some of the limitations of relying just on
a single numeric DSI value.
Visualizing the DSI in a scatter plot, alongside T-
score performance bands from the IMTP, addresses
some of the limitations of relying solely on the DSI
value. This approach offers a more comprehensive
evaluation of athletes' weaknesses and may guide
more effective strength training recommendations.
This research was funded by a project of University
of Latvia Nr. ZDA 2023/15 “An individualized
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
approach to improving physical performance and
preventing injuries in basketball players, through the
development of athlete-specific sports profiles and
continuous monitoring of the daily training process”
and granted by the company “MikroTik” project
Nr.2314 “A set of devices for quantitative testing of
physical indicators of basketball players”,
administered by the University of Latvia Foundation.
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support