to the CIL model. Nevertheless, the co-existence
based loss in Equation 4 only showed improvement
compared to the basic classification model but failed
to outperform the CIL regression model. MTL ap-
proaches such as MoEs (Jacobs et al., 1991), soft
parameter sharing and sluice networks (Ruder et al.,
2019) showed improvement to the CIL model espe-
cially in new town, but failed to outperform our CIC
model while stitch network (Misra et al., 2016) failed
to learn the driving task, sine wave encoding (Eraqi
et al., 2017) also showed slight improvement com-
pared to the CIL model.
In this work, we propose two contributions to the end-
to-end steering problem tackled by the conditional
imitation learning (CIL) model, the CIL model suf-
fered from lack of generalization and poor perfor-
mance when tested in unseen environment, the first
contribution of this work is conditional imitation co-
learning (CIC), the introduced approach proposes a
modified network architecture that allows the special-
ist branches in the CIL model to co-learn to overcome
the generalization issue and increase the model’s ro-
bustness in unseen environment, the other contribu-
tion is posing the steering regression problem as clas-
sification by using a combination of CCE and MSE
losses. The CIC model showed a significant improve-
ment to performance in unseen environment by 62%
while posing regression as classification showed only
improvement by 21%.
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End-to-End Steering for Autonomous Vehicles via Conditional Imitation Co-Learning