This paper showed how the novel concept of “fuzzy
evaluator”, that was recently introduced in J-CO-
, the query language of the J-CO Framework, ef-
fectively allows users to exploit complex definitions
for the fuzzy interpretation of the AND (and OR) op-
erator. The concept of fuzzy evaluator unifies and
extends the former concepts of “fuzzy operator” and
“fuzzy aggregator”, formerly used to perform tasks of
Soft Web Intelligence on JSON datasets acquired from
Web sources (see (Fosci and Psaila, 2022b; Fosci and
Psaila, 2023b; Fosci and Psaila, 2023a).
The main contribution of the paper is to show
how an interpretation of the AND (and OR) operator
on the basis of the Vector p-norm, so as to express
the concept of “P
and possibly P
”, which relies on
the idea of “linguistic predicates with unequal impor-
tance”. Indeed, with the concept of fuzzy evaluator,
has gained a further flexibility, allowing
users to define their own (non-trivial) evaluators that
capture complex and personalized semantics. At the
end, since using the AND operator defined as a Vec-
tor p-norm is not trivial — specifically, choosing the
right configuration for its parameters — its behavior
is studied in Section 5.
Due to the lack of space, the behavioral analysis
of the AND operator defined as a Vector p-norm is lim-
ited. As future work, we plan to continue this study,
including both the AND and the OR operators. Indeed,
the J-CO Framework (with its query language) is a
very powerful tool for performing such kind of stud-
ies. Furthermore, it is possible to envision the cre-
ation of a library of fuzzy evaluators to provide com-
plex and varied interpretations of the AND and the OR
The J-CO Framework is available on a Github
This study was funded by the European Union -
NextGenerationEU, in the framework of the GRINS -
Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable project
(GRINS PE00000018 – CUP F83C22001720001).
The views and opinions expressed are solely those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the
European Union, nor can the European Union be held
responsible for them.
Github repository of the J-CO Framework:
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Soft Querying JSON Datasets with Personalized Preferences and Aggregations