Contrato360 2.0: A Document and Database-Driven Question-Answer
System Using Large Language Models and Agents
Antony Seabra
1,2 a
, Claudio Cavalcante
1,2 b
, Jo
ao Nepomuceno
1 c
, Lucas Lago
1 d
Nicolaas Ruberg
1 e
and Sergio Lifschitz
2 f
Area de Tecnologia da Informac¸
ao, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
PUC-Rio, Departamento de Inform
atica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Information Retrieval, Question Answer, Large Language Models, Documents, Databases, Prompt
Engineering, Retrieval Augmented Generation, Text-to-SQL.
We present a question-and-answer (Q&A) application designed to support the contract management process
by leveraging combined information from contract documents (PDFs) and data retrieved from contract man-
agement systems (database). This data is processed by a large language model (LLM) to provide precise and
relevant answers. The accuracy of these responses is further enhanced through the use of Retrieval-Augmented
Generation (RAG), text-to-SQL techniques, and agents that dynamically orchestrate the workflow. These tech-
niques eliminate the need to retrain the language model. Additionally, we employed Prompt Engineering to
fine-tune the focus of responses. Our findings demonstrate that this multi-agent orchestration and combination
of techniques significantly improve the relevance and accuracy of the answers, offering a promising direction
for future information systems.
Contract management in large corporations involves
overseeing legally binding agreements from their ini-
tiation through to execution and finalization. This
process encompasses ensuring that services or prod-
ucts are delivered in accordance with contractual
terms, monitoring their execution, and continuously
evaluating both operational and financial performance
throughout the service or product lifecycle. In the
case of public sector companies, this process becomes
even more complex due to stringent regulatory frame-
works. In Brazil, for instance, Law No. 14,133/2021
mandates that contract management includes a wide
range of activities, such as technical and adminis-
trative oversight, adherence to contract duration, re-
evaluation of economic and financial terms, modifica-
tions to service scope, and the enforcement of penal-
ties and fines when necessary. These regulations im-
pose an additional layer of complexity on the contract
management process, demanding a robust and sys-
tematic approach to ensure compliance and efficiency.
Beyond contract managers, dedicated organiza-
tional units are essential to support the contract man-
agement process, ensuring that the diverse range of
activities associated with contract execution is man-
aged efficiently. Often, these units require special-
ized knowledge to handle complex services effec-
tively. Notable examples include information and
communication technology (ICT) services, property
and asset management, and construction and engi-
neering projects, each of which demands a high level
of expertise. Additionally, these units typically rely
on Contract Management Systems (CMS) to stream-
line their operations. Public companies may either de-
velop these systems in-house or opt for widely-used
market solutions, such as SAP Contract Life-cycle
Management and IBM Emptoris Contract Manage-
ment, among others.
While these systems efficiently handle general
contract information, such as signatures, expiration
dates, payment terms, and contract agents, many spe-
cific details required to support effective management
activities remain accessible only through the original
documents. For instance, traditional Contract Man-
agement Systems (CMS) are often unable to respond
to inquiries concerning particular aspects of a con-
tract, such as penalties, discounts, or fines associated
with delays in service or product delivery. More-
Seabra, A., Cavalcante, C., Nepomuceno, J., Lago, L., Ruberg, N. and Lifschitz, S.
Contrato360 2.0: A Document and Database-Driven Question-Answer System Using Large Language Models and Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0013070400003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 167-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
over, they lack the capability to provide insights into
comparative characteristics across different contracts,
such as penalty clauses related to database support
agreements. These tasks are highly time-consuming.
The objective of this study is to provide a solu-
tion that aids contract managers in addressing queries
related to both contract documents and data housed
within traditional Contract Management Systems.
One of the key challenges faced by contract man-
agers is the time-consuming process of searching for
and retrieving relevant information from lengthy and
complex contract texts. To address this, we lever-
age state-of-the-art large-scale Language Modeling
(LLM) technologies to analyze and extract pertinent
details from contract documents efficiently. This not
only improves the accuracy of the information re-
trieved but also significantly enhances the productiv-
ity of contract managers by reducing the manual effort
required to locate specific information. Additionally,
our approach integrates data from traditional Con-
tract Management Systems, ensuring that responses
are both relevant and comprehensive, thereby stream-
lining contract management activities.
In this work, we evaluated and integrated sev-
eral Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques
to develop a Q&A system specifically designed for
IC contracts, using contract PDF files and data from
Contract Management Systems (CMS) as primary
data sources. To enhance the relevance of user
queries, prior work by (Seabra et al., 2024) employed
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques
and a static approach to text-to-SQL for extracting
relevant metadata from contract systems. Building
upon this, our approach utilizes agents to dynamically
improve the accuracy and contextual relevance of re-
sponses, with a particular focus on a context-aware
text-to-SQL agent that interprets user queries more
effectively. Furthermore, similar to (Seabra et al.,
2024), we applied Prompt Engineering techniques to
standardize responses and ensure greater precision in
the answers provided.
One of the primary challenges in interpreting con-
tract documents lies in distinguishing between rele-
vance and similarity, a complexity that arises due to
the standardized formats and repetitive textual struc-
tures commonly found in these documents. This stan-
dardization is a challenge for LLMs because there is
a great deal of textual similarity, which does not nec-
essarily translate into relevance. Using a mix of NLP
techniques, we developed a solution that minimizes
the impact of standardization and provides relevant
answers. This approach made it possible to design
a solution without needing traditional fine-tuning or
re-training of language models.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides technical background on LLMs, RAGs text-to-
SQL, agents, and prompt engineering. Section 3 dis-
cusses the methodology of the use of the presented
techniques, while Section 4 details the architecture of
our solution. Section 5 describes how we evaluated
the proposed solution and the experimentation of the
Q&A application. Finally, Section 6 concludes our
study and proposes directions for future research in
this field.
The dissemination of several applications in the area
of Natural Language Processing (NLP) was made
possible by Large Scale Language Models (LLMs),
including question and answer (Q&A) systems. Re-
cently, the use of agents has been introduced as a cru-
cial component in LLM-based systems to orchestrate
and manage task execution dynamically. Agents, such
as router agents, SQL agents, and RAG agents, enable
the efficient allocation of tasks by directing queries to
the most suitable processing modules, enhancing sys-
tem adaptability and performance. This approach al-
lows LLMs to better handle complex queries, making
responses more accurate and contextually relevant by
integrating external data sources and specialized pro-
cessing routines (Mialon et al., 2023).
2.1 Large Language Models
Large-scale Language Models (LLMs) have revolu-
tionized the field of natural language processing with
their ability to understand and generate human-like
text. In their architecture, they utilize a specific neu-
ral network structure, Transformers, which allows the
model to weight the influence of different parts of the
input texts at different times (Vaswani et al., 2017).
Conversational applications, a specific use case
for LLMs, specialize in generating text that is co-
herent and contextualized. This is achieved through
training, in which the models are fed vast amounts
of conversational data, allowing them to learn the
nuances of dialogue (OpenAI, 2023a). In this way,
LLMs have established a new paradigm for NLP.
Moreover, by expanding the search space with exter-
nal data or specializing through fine-tuning, LLMs
become platforms for building specialized applica-
tions. In this work, all language models utilized were
based on OpenAI’s GPT series. Specifically, we em-
ployed the text-davinci-002 model for generating em-
beddings and the gpt-4-turbo model for generating
answers to user queries.
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2.2 Retrieval-Augmented Generation
According to (Chen et al., 2024), LLMs face signif-
icant challenges such as factual hallucination, out-
dated knowledge, and lack of domain-specific exper-
tise. In response to these challenges, RAG represents
a paradigm shift in the way LLMs process and gen-
erate text. The principle behind RAG involves us-
ing vector storage to retrieve text fragments similar
to the input query (Gao et al., 2023b). This tech-
nique converts both the query text and the information
database into high-dimensional vectors, allowing one
to retrieve similar information, which is then fed to an
(Gao et al., 2023b) and (Feng et al., 2024) de-
scribe frameworks that exploit the advantages of this
technique by providing additional data to the LLM
without re-training the (Li et al., 2022) model. By di-
viding the available text into manageable chunks and
embedding these chunks in high-dimensional vector
spaces, it is possible to quickly retrieve contextually
relevant information in response to a query, which in-
forms the next processing steps. As shown in Figure
1, the first step (1) involves reading the textual con-
tent of the PDF documents into manageable chunks
(chunks), which are then transformed (embedding) (2)
into high-dimensional vectors. The text in vector for-
mat captures the semantic properties of the text, a for-
mat that can have 1536 dimensions.
These embeddings vectors are stored in a vector-
store (3), a database specialized in high-dimensional
vectors. The vector store allows efficient querying of
vectors through their similarities, using the distance
for comparison (whether Manhatan, Euclidean or co-
Once the similarity metric is established, the
query is embedded in the same vector space (4); this
allows a direct comparison between the vectorized
query and the vectors of the stored chunks, retriev-
ing the most similar chunks (5), which are then trans-
parently integrated into the LLM context to generate
a prompt (6). The prompt is then composed of the
question, the texts retrieved from the vectorstore, the
specific instructions and, optionally, the chat history,
all sent to the LLM which generates the final response
In RAG, the chunking strategy is important be-
cause it directly influences the quality of the retrieved
information. A well-designed chunk generation en-
sures that the information is cohesive and semanti-
cally complete, capturing its essence.
A key aspect of RAG is the difference between
similarity and relevance. Similar passages may not
contain the information relevant to answering a query,
posing a challenge to accurately retrieve information,
especially in cases where data comes from multiple
documents with similar structure. In such contexts,
documents may share a high degree of structural and
lexical similarity, making it difficult for retrieval algo-
rithms to distinguish between content that is merely
similar in form and content that is truly relevant to a
2.3 Text-to-SQL
Text-to-SQL is a technology that enables the conver-
sion of natural language queries into SQL commands
based solely on the database schema, eliminating the
need for knowledge of the underlying data (Liu et al.,
2023). This approach leverages the capabilities of
LLMs to understand and interpret human language,
allowing users to retrieve data from databases through
plain text input without requiring specialized knowl-
edge of SQL syntax (Gao et al., 2023a).
By translating natural language into SQL queries,
text-to-SQL brings complex database structures and
end users closer together, making access more in-
tuitive and efficient. This technique is particularly
useful because it allows non-expert users to access
databases by asking natural language queries. It im-
proves data accessibility, reduces the learning curve
associated with database querying, and speeds up data
analysis processes, enabling more users to make data-
driven decisions.
The main distinction between RAG and text-to-
SQL techniques lies in how information is retrieved.
RAG relies on retrieving text segments from a vec-
tor store that are similar to the user’s question, and
using these segments to generate a coherent and con-
textually relevant answer. This method is effective
for questions where the answer can be synthesized
from existing text. However, it is not always pos-
sible to identify the information expected as the an-
swer. In another aspect, text-to-SQL translates natu-
ral language queries into SQL commands, as demon-
strated in (Pinheiro et al., 2023), which are then exe-
cuted against a structured database to retrieve exact
data matches. This ensures that if the text-to-SQL
translation is accurate, the user will receive a highly
specific answer directly from the database fields.
Therefore, while RAG operates on the principle
of textual similarity and generative capabilities, text-
to-SQL offers a more intrusive mechanism for data
retrieval by executing queries that directly match the
user’s intent, making it particularly effective for data
Contrato360 2.0: A Document and Database-Driven Question-Answer System Using Large Language Models and Agents
Figure 1: Retrieval-Augmented Generation.
2.4 Prompt Engineering
Prompt engineering is the art of designing and opti-
mizing prompts to guide LLMs in generating desired
outputs. The goal of prompt engineering is to maxi-
mize the potential of LLMs by providing them with
instructions and context (OpenAI, 2023b).
In the context of prompt engineering, prompts
are a fundamental part of the process. Through
prompts, engineers can outline the script for a re-
sponse, specifying the desired style and format for
the LLM response (White et al., 2023) (Giray, 2023).
For example, to define the style of a conversation, a
prompt could be formulated as ”Use professional lan-
guage and treat the customer with respect” or ”Use
informal language and emojis to convey a friendly
tone. To specify the format of dates in responses, a
prompt instruction could be ”Use the American for-
mat, MM/DD/YYYY, for all dates.
On the other hand, context refers to the informa-
tion provided to LLMs along with the main prompts.
The most important aspect of context is that it can pro-
vide additional information to support the response
given by the LLM, which is very useful when im-
plementing Q&A systems. This supplemental context
can include relevant background details, specific ex-
amples, and even previous dialogue exchanges, which
collectively help the model generate more accurate,
detailed, and contextually appropriate responses. Ac-
cording to (Wang et al., 2023), prompts provide guid-
ance to ensure that the model generates responses that
are aligned with the user’s intent. As a result, well-
crafted prompts significantly improve the effective-
ness and appropriateness of responses.
Recent studies have begun to explore the syner-
gistic integration of these techniques with LLMs to
create more sophisticated Q&A systems. For exam-
ple, (Jeong, 2023) reinforces the importance of us-
ing Prompt Engineering with RAG to improve the re-
trieval of relevant documents, which are then used to
generate both contextually relevant and information-
rich answers. Similarly, (Gao et al., 2023a) ex-
plores the integration of text-to-SQL with Prompt En-
gineering to enhance the model’s ability to interact
directly with relational databases, thereby expanding
the scope of queries that can be answered accurately.
2.5 Agents
The use of agents in applications built around Large
Language Models (LLMs) is relatively recent but has
already became common. Agents act as intelligent in-
termediaries that route, process, and present informa-
tion in ways tailored to the context of the query. These
agents leverage recent advancements in AI, such as
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and tool uti-
lization, to perform more complex and contextually
aware tasks (Lewis et al., 2020). They play a piv-
otal role in orchestrating complex tasks, integrating
various data sources, and ensuring that the system re-
sponds accurately and efficiently to user queries.
In a complex LLM-based system, different tasks
often require specialized handling. Agents enable
task orchestration by directing queries to the most ap-
propriate component, whether it’s for retrieving data,
performing calculations, or generating visualizations.
For example, an application may have a Text-to-SQL
agent to perform queries over a relational database
and a Graph agent to visualize graphs after an answer,
if appropriate. According to (Jin et al., 2024), apply-
ing LLMs to text-to-database management and query
optimization is also a novel research direction in nat-
ural language to code generation task. By converting
natural language queries into SQL statements, LLMs
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
help developers quickly generate efficient database
query code. In the realm of integrating heteroge-
neous data sources, Q&A applications often need to
access data from documents, databases, APIs, and
other repositories. Agents facilitate the seamless in-
tegration of these heterogeneous data sources, allow-
ing the system to extract relevant information dynam-
There are several agent types. As outlined in
(Singh et al., 2024), agent workflows allow LLMs
to operate more dynamically by incorporating spe-
cialized agents that manage task routing, execution,
and optimization. These agents serve as intelligent
intermediaries, directing specific tasks—such as data
retrieval, reasoning, or response generation—to the
most suitable components within the system. One
of the most important ones in place are the Router
Agents, as they are the decision-makers of the sys-
tem. When a user poses a query, the router agent an-
alyzes the input and decides the best path forward.
For instance, if a query is identified as needing fac-
tual data, the router agent might direct it to a RAG
model. If the question involves specific data retrieval
from a database, it will engage an SQL agent instead.
As mentioned before, RAG and SQL Agents
are very relevant too. According to (Saeed et al.,
2023), SQL agents can effectively manage data re-
trieval tasks by leveraging LLMs. The SQL queries
are transformed into prompts for LLMs, allowing
the system to interact with unstructured data stored
in the model, mimicking traditional database opera-
tions. (Fan et al., 2024) provides a comprehensive
overview of the integration of RAG techniques in
LLMs but moreover, (Wang et al., 2024) introduces a
novel approach that combines RAG techniques with a
drafting-verification process to improve the reasoning
capabilities of LLMs when handling retrieved docu-
ments. The RAG agent, termed the ”drafter, gener-
ates multiple answer drafts based on retrieved results,
while a larger generalist LLM, the ”verifier,” assesses
these drafts and selects the most accurate one. This
approach effectively integrates retrieval and genera-
tion, enhancing the overall performance of LLMs in
knowledge-intensive tasks such as question answer-
ing and information retrieval systems.
To address the challenges faced by contract managers
in terms of complex information retrieval, we pro-
pose Contrato360, a Q&A system supported by an
LLM and orchestrated by agents. The system em-
ploys a range of techniques designed to enhance the
relevance of responses while mitigating the risks asso-
ciated with the standardized textual structures of con-
To achieve this goal of increasing the relevance
of the responses obtained by Contrato360, we com-
bined four techniques: 1) Retrieval-Augmented Gen-
eration (RAG) to increase the relevance of informa-
tion about contracts contained in PDF documents; 2)
Agents to orchestrate and route the flow of execu-
tion, enabling the dynamic selection of the most ap-
propriate approach for each query context; 3) Text-to-
SQL agent to retrieve the relevant information from
contract systems; 4) Prompt Engineering techniques
to standardize and ensure greater accuracy in the re-
sponses produced.
3.1 Applying RAG
One of the first decisions to be made is to choose
the best strategy to segment the document, that is,
how to perform the chunking of the PDF files. A
common chunking strategy involves segmenting doc-
uments based on a specific number of tokens and an
overlap (overlap). This is useful when dealing with
sequential texts where it is important to maintain the
continuity of the context between the chunks.
Contracts have a standardized textual structure,
organized into contractual sections. Therefore, sec-
tions with the same numbering or in the same vicinity
describe the same contractual aspect, that is, they have
similar semantics. For example, in the first section of
contract documents, we always find the object of the
contract. In this scenario, we can assume that the best
chunking strategy is to separate the chunks by section
of the document. In this case, the overlap between
the chunks occurs by section, since the questions will
be answered by information contained in the section
itself or in previous or subsequent sections. For the
contract page in the example in Figure 3, we would
have a chunk for the section on the object of the con-
tract, another chunk for the section on the term of the
contract, that is, a chunk for each clause of the con-
tract and its surroundings. This approach ensures that
each snippet represents a semantic unit, making re-
trievals more accurate and aligned with queries.
Having the contract section as the limit of the
chunks improves the relevance of the responses within
a single contract. However, when increasing the num-
ber of contracts that the Contract360 intends to re-
spond to, we observe the problem in correctly deter-
mining the contract to be treated. In the following
example, we detail this aspect:
Consider the contract documents shown in Fig-
ure 3. showcases two service contracts be-
Contrato360 2.0: A Document and Database-Driven Question-Answer System Using Large Language Models and Agents
Figure 2: Methodology Workflow Combining Different Techniques.
tween BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento
omico e Social) and companies (Oracle do Brasil
Sistemas Ltda. and IBM Brasil Ind
ustria M
aquinas e
Servic¸os Ltda.), highlighting key clauses relevant to
the provision of technical support and software up-
dates. The contracts are presented in Portuguese, re-
flecting the original legal terms and specific obliga-
tions of each party. For instance, the contract with
Oracle (Contract No. 278/2023) details the provision
of services for Oracle Database and associated tech-
nologies, emphasizing software support and entitle-
ment to updates. Similarly, the contract with IBM
(Contract No. 159/2021) focuses on support services
related to IBM Content Management software. The
AUSULA PRIMEIRA - OBJETO" (first clause - ob-
ject) details the object of the contract and a frequently
asked question is: ”What is the object of contract
OCS 278/2023?”. In this example, the RAG will
store vectors containing the sections of both contracts,
since this clause is common to both. However, when
we inspect what is expressed in the chunk, its content
does not contain the contract number, Figure 3. Thus,
with great probability, a query about a specific con-
tract may return a segment (chunk) unrelated to the
contract, for example OCS 159/2021, being retrieved
instead of the contract we want. In the case of our ex-
ample, the chunk referring to the question that should
be returned is related to contract OCS 278/2023.
To overcome this issue, it is necessary to add se-
mantics to the chunks, by including document meta-
data. And when accessing the vectorstore, use this
metadata to filter the information returned. In this
way, we improve the relevance of the retrieved texts.
Figure 4 displays the most relevant metadata for the
contracts (source, contract and clause). Where source
is the name of the contract PDF file), contract is the
OCS number and clause is the section title. Thus,
for the question ”What is the object of contract OCS
278/2023?”, the chunks of contract OCS 278/2023
are retrieved and then the similarity calculation is ap-
plied, retrieving the text segments to be sent to the
3.2 Applying Text-to-SQL
Contracts are dynamic and undergo several events like
operational changes and management adjustments
throughout their life-cycle. To deal with this com-
plexity, organizations use contract monitoring sys-
tems, such as SAP Contract Life-cycle Management
and IBM Emptoris Contract Management. These sys-
tems control several aspects, such as the technical per-
son responsible for the contract, changes in the con-
tractor’s representative, and the end of the provision
of services. During the contract term, these events can
occur and significantly affect contract management.
The Contract360 retrieves those events from the
Contract Management System (CMS) and incorpo-
rates them so the LLM can provide relevant responses
to the user. Therefore, a text-to-SQL technique was
natural to implement the reasoning and decision-
making task (Yao et al., 2023) to obtain relevant re-
sponses from the CMS database to the contract man-
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 3: Chunking applied to Contracts.
Figure 4: Contracts metadata.
The LangChain SQL Agent (Langchain, 2024)
has proven to be a highly flexible tool for interact-
ing with the CMS database. Upon system startup,
our SQL agent establishes an authenticated connec-
tion to the database and retrieves the schema. When
it receives a user question, it performs Entity Recog-
nition, maps those entities to the database tables and
columns, and prepares the SQL statement.
Ensuring the safety of our SQL agent is central.
We validate each generated query to ensure it does
not contain harmful commands, such as ’UPDATES,
’DROP TABLE, ’INSERT, or any other command
that can alter the database, providing a sense of secu-
rity about the system’s integrity.
Finally, the output generated from the executed
SQL statement goes to a prompt generation stage for
further analysis of the LLM.
3.3 Applying Prompt Engineering
The prompt engineering technique provides a pattern
for the style of responses and the reuse of the solution
when accessing the LLM, as it provides instructions
and context. Based on these observations, instruc-
tions were developed in the application to improve the
responses. The instructions include basic guidelines,
such as ”Do not use prior knowledge”, which ensures
that the responses are based only on vectorstore con-
tracts, and specific instructions, such as ”Whenever
you answer a question about a contract, provide the
OCS number. Thus, the question ”Do we have an
Oracle Support contract?” would have as a possible
answer ”Yes, we have an Oracle Database Support
contract. The OCS number is 278/2023..
Maintenance and guidelines on how to use the
chat context were also applied to ensure uniformity
Contrato360 2.0: A Document and Database-Driven Question-Answer System Using Large Language Models and Agents
and coherence. For example, we inform the expected
style for responses: ”You should use a formal and
objective tone., determining the style of LLM re-
sponses. Another guideline instructs LLM: ”Given
the chat history and the question asked, construct the
response completely, without the user needing to re-
view the history”.
Finally, the context passed to the LLM can be use-
ful to establish the style of the answers according to
the role of the user of the Q&A system. In the case
of Contract360, we have three roles: 1) contract man-
ager; 2) contract management support; and 3) man-
ager of the contract management support unit. For
each of these roles a specific context was defined, for
example for role 3 we have: ”You are an assistant
specialized in answering questions about administra-
tive contracts, who provides management and sum-
marized information about the contracts.
With these three techniques we obtained more rel-
evant answers. In the following section, we detail the
implementation and the components used in the de-
velopment of the system.
3.4 Applying Agents
In Contrato360, Agents play a pivotal role in orches-
trating the flow of execution and enhancing the overall
efficiency of the question-and-answer process. Also,
considering the workflow on understanting the user
query, an agent approach is a clever choice to imple-
ment this several specialized activities that needs to be
taken in building the correct answer for the user. We
designed three agents to implement this workflow.
As shown in figure 2, the Router Agent is cen-
tral to its architecture, acting as the primary decision-
making entity that orchestrates the flow of tasks
needed to answer a user’s question. The ”Router
Agent” decides if the user’s question is related to
the Contract Manager domain, e.g., ”How are you?”,
”Will Bologna FC win the 2025 Champions League?”
or ”Who is the contract manager for the Database sup-
port?”. An out-of-topic question is redirected to the
LLM with a context limiting its role to the domain of
contract management. In A question on the contract
domain will follow our workflow to find a relevant
In the sequel, the Router Agent sends the user
question to two specialized agents: a) SQL agent and
b) RAG agent. The RAG agent retrieves from the vec-
torstore chunks of documents similar to the user ques-
tion. In parallel, a SQL agent retrieves form the CMS
database content related to the user question. This ar-
chitectural choice proved to be robust in the reports of
the contract managers, as it semantically enriches the
contract information, as shown in Figure 1.
One of the specialized agents in Contrato360 is the
RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Agent, re-
sponsible for retrieving relevant information from the
contracts vectorstore. When directed by the Router
Agent, the RAG Agent searches for similar data
chunks that can help contextualize the question. An-
other specialized component is the SQL Agent, which
handles queries requiring structured data extraction
from the contracts database. Upon receiving routing
instructions from the Router Agent, the SQL Agent
executes SQL queries to retrieve specific data points
relevant to the user’s question.
With all textual and information retrieve, another
”Router Agent” craft an answer. If needed to add
an visual information, the Graph Agent and LLM
Answer Generation Agent add further depth to Con-
trato360’s response capabilities. The Graph Agent is
tasked with creating visual representations, such as
charts, when the Router Agent determines that a vi-
sual answer would better serve the user’s needs. This
agent ensures that complex data can be conveyed in a
clear and understandable format, enhancing user com-
prehension. Meanwhile, the LLM Answer Genera-
tion Agent works closely with the prompt generation
module to produce coherent and contextually relevant
textual responses. Together, these agents provide a
multi-faceted approach to answering questions, com-
bining data retrieval, visualization, and language gen-
eration to deliver comprehensive solutions.
The architecture of the Contrato360 application illus-
trates a comprehensive system designed to facilitate a
question-answering application that integrates Large
Language Models (LLMs), document processing, and
databases. The architecture consists of three main lay-
ers: the User Interface Layer, the Backend Layer, and
the Language Model Integration Layer, each playing
its role in delivering accurate and context-aware re-
sponses to users.
The User Interface Layer is represented by the
User Interface (Streamlit), which serves as the front-
end of the application. This layer provides an interac-
tive platform where users can input their queries and
view the responses generated by the system. The in-
terface directly communicates with the backend layer,
sending user inputs for processing and displaying the
responses generated by the various integrated compo-
At the heart of the system lies the Backend Layer,
which is primarily managed by the Backend Agents
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 5: Application architecture.
(Python and Langchain). This layer orchestrates in-
teractions between the document processing, vector
storage, contracts database, and the language model
integration layer. The backend layer leverages Python
and Langchain to handle the logic, task execution,
and chat functionalities, particularly through Ope-
nAI’s chat models. It processes user inputs received
from the interface and interacts with both the Con-
tracts Database and Vectorstore (ChromaDb) to re-
trieve relevant information necessary for formulating
comprehensive answers.
Within the backend layer, the Contracts Database
(SQLite) serves as the structured data source, storing
structured information related to contracts. This com-
ponent allows the system to handle contract-related
questions by processing SQL queries generated by the
backend agents. The contracts database responds to
these queries with relevant data, which is then used to
construct natural language responses for the user.
The Vectorstore (ChromaDb) is another vital com-
ponent of the backend layer, acting as a storage so-
lution for vectorized data, including document em-
beddings. It plays a key role in efficient similar-
ity searches and retrieval tasks, enhancing the sys-
tem’s ability to provide context-aware responses.
The backend agents utilize the Vectorstore to match
user queries against stored embeddings, enabling ad-
vanced semantic search capabilities. This compo-
nent also stores embeddings generated from docu-
ment processing, ensuring that data is readily avail-
able for future query matching.
The Language Model Integration Layer is respon-
sible for transforming and embedding data for use
within the system. This layer includes the PDF Docu-
ments Processing module, which ingests and prepro-
cesses documents, particularly PDFs, to make them
suitable for use within the application. This step in-
volves reading and extracting text and relevant meta-
data, preparing the content for the next stages of
processing. The Chunking and Metadata Generation
component further refines the documents by dividing
them into manageable chunks and generating meta-
data that improves retrieval efficiency, ensuring that
the data is optimally split for better embedding gener-
ation and response times.
The final stage of the language model integra-
tion layer is the Embeddings Generation module,
which converts the chunked documents and meta-
data into vector embeddings using LLM-based mod-
els like OpenAI Embeddings. These embeddings cap-
ture the semantic nuances of the text, facilitating ef-
ficient search and retrieval tasks within the system.
Once generated, these embeddings are stored in the
Vectorstore (ChromaDb), where they can be accessed
for matching against user queries.
The overall workflow begins when a user inputs
a question through the User Interface Layer, initi-
ating a sequence of processes across the backend
and language model integration layers. The back-
end agents handle query processing, interacting with
the Contracts Database for SQL queries and perform-
ing semantic searches using embeddings from the
Vectorstore. The document processing involves pre-
processing PDFs, chunking the content, and generat-
ing embeddings that are then stored for efficient re-
trieval. The backend agents combine data retrieved
from the contracts database and the Vectorstore to
generate a coherent response, which is then presented
back to the user through the User Interface Layer.
This architecture effectively combines the User
Interface Layer, Backend Layer, and Language Model
Integration Layer, enabling Contrato360 to function
Contrato360 2.0: A Document and Database-Driven Question-Answer System Using Large Language Models and Agents
as a robust and powerful application for answering
questions based on complex data sources. The seam-
less integration of multiple technologies ensures that
users receive accurate and contextually relevant re-
sponses, enhancing the overall functionality and us-
ability of the system.
The experiment to validate the application was con-
ducted by two IT contract specialists from BNDES.
The system was prepared with 75 contracts (PDFs and
data from the contract system). And to validate the
relevance of the answers, benchmark questions were
prepared, from two distinct groups: ”direct” and ”in-
direct” questions. ”Direct” questions are those that
can be answered through the PDFs and their meta-
data. ”Indirect” questions are those that obtain better
relevance when searched in the contract system data.
In Tables 1 and 2 we present the users’ perception of
the quality of the answers. In the evaluation, the rel-
evance of the answers was categorized as ”Correct”
and ”Incomplete”.
We can observe that for the ”direct” questions the
system presents relevant answers for all experiments.
However, in the ”indirect” questions, despite being
satisfactory, the results in one specific question were
limited and incomplete. In our evaluation, these ques-
tions require a more elaborate semantic evaluation. In
the first case, we realized that the concept of ”Waiver
of Bidding” was not well captured. We believe that
an adjustment in the queries and/or in the prompt can
add this type of semantics.
Table 1: Direct Questions.
Question Correct Incomplete
What is the subject of the OCS
nnn/yy contract?
10 -
Do we have any contract whose
subject is xxxx?
9 1
Do we have any contract with the
supplier xxx?
10 -
Who is the manager of the OCS
nnn/yy contract?
10 -
Who is the supplier of the nnn/yy
10 -
What is the term of the OCS nnn/yy
10 -
A key aspect observed from the users is the so-
lution’s capability to combine answers from both the
structured data store and the contract’s texts. This in-
A third category would be ”Incorrect”, but this option
was not obtained in any of the questions.
Table 2: Indirect Questions.
Question Correct Incomplete
How many active IT contracts do we cur-
rently have?
10 -
List the contracts that will end in the year
10 -
How many contracts do we have with
supplier xxxx?
10 -
How many contracts have we signed due
to inflexibility?
9 1
How many DLs (Exemptions from Ten-
ders) were contracted in yy?
- 10
Who are the managers of the contracts
we have with company xxxx?
8 2
How many contracts does employee
xxxx have under his/her management?
8 2
Show a summary of contract nnn/yy. 10 -
tegration is perceived as a significant time-saving fea-
ture, as users typically need to locate the relevant con-
tracts, open the respective PDFs, and manually search
for additional information. The example below illus-
trates this. It identifies contract managers and out-
lines the penalties associated with contractual non-
compliance. The system’s ability to deliver precise,
context-relevant answers from contracts highlights its
effectiveness in reducing manual search efforts for
Figure 6: Contracts Q&A Streamlit application.
In fact, by directly addressing questions with spe-
cific details, the system saves time and improves the
user experience, as users can quickly access criti-
cal information without sifting through lengthy doc-
uments. Finally, the system’s ability to automatically
generate graphs using its Plotly agent, when a table of
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
values is included in the response, has been positively
received by users. This feature not only provides im-
mediate visual insights, enhancing the understanding
of the data, but also supports users in creating pro-
fessional presentations. The integration of dynamic
graph generation into the query response process sig-
nificantly enriches the user experience, allowing for a
more comprehensive analysis and efficient communi-
cation of contract-related information.
Figure 7: Plotly Agent.
We developed a Q&A application in the domain of
service and product contracts, using PDF contracts
and data from the Contract Management System as
information sources. In this development, we em-
ployed four techniques to improve the relevance of the
answers: 1) Augmented Retrieval (RAG) combined
with semantic augmentation using metadata to re-
trieve information from PDFs; 2) Text-to-SQL, aggre-
gating dynamic information from the contracts made
available in the Contract Management System; 3)
Prompt Engineering to contextualize, instruct and di-
rect the answers produced by the LLM; and 4) Agents
to call the most appropriate approach depending on
query context and determining the flow of execution
of tasks in the system.
The 8 demonstrates the ability of Contrato360 in
retrieving and summarizing contract information re-
lated to Oracle through a question-and-answer inter-
face. When asked if there is a contract with Ora-
cle, the system efficiently identifies the relevant con-
Figure 8: Contract Summarization.
tract, numbered 0278/2023, and provides a concise
summary of its key details stored in the database.
The summarized information includes the contract’s
object, which covers technical support and software
upgrades for Oracle’s Database Management System
(DBMS), details about the contract manager, supplier,
total value, validity dates, and the current situation.
This functionality highlights the system’s ability to
streamline access to specific contract data, facilitating
quick and accurate information retrieval for users by
directly interacting with the database through natural
language queries
In our experiment, we addressed an initial set of
questions that were able to produce a robust system
that meets current user needs. However, exploring
other questions in depth will allow us to enrich the
metadata and the set of queries that extract informa-
tion from traditional systems.
Finally, to consolidate the techniques developed to
address our application, we envision that building a
system in a different problem domain may shed light
on limitations and the possible need for refinement
or adaptation. Such future exploration will not only
reinforce confidence in the implementation of these
techniques in real-world scenarios, but also pave the
way for their optimization and possible customization
for specific domains, ultimately increasing the utility
and impact of LLMs in enterprise applications.
Contrato360 2.0: A Document and Database-Driven Question-Answer System Using Large Language Models and Agents
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