bilities to prevent cyberattacks and ensure safety dur-
ing operation, a proposal is presented din (Abakumov
and Kharchenko, 2022). The methodology includes
Intrusion Modes and Criticality Analysis (IMECA)
analysis with penetration testing. However, It lacks
transparent testing strategies and tools for assessing
Robotic Systems (RS) cybersecurity and safety.
As the previous proposal in the work presented in
(Abakumov and Kharchenko, 2022), penetration test-
ing is also considered an essential part of assessing
the cybersecurity and safety of industrial robotic sys-
tems. In this work, the authors focus on information
gathering, scanning, IMECA, attack, countermea-
sures selection, and reporting. The researchers rec-
ommended using tools like Wireshark (Wir, 2024),
Nmap (Nma, 2024), Metasploit (Met, 2024), and
Burp Suite Professional (Bur, 2024) to conduct pen-
etration testing. However, It lacks (Abakumov and
Kharchenko, 2022) transparent testing strategies and
tools for assessing Robotic Systems (RS) cybersecu-
rity and safety.
Considering the more generic V&V (Verification
and Validation) process, researchers in (Kanak et al.,
2021) focus on designing, implementing, and evalu-
ating methods and tools to reduce the cost and time
of these activities. They propose automated systems
enhance safety, cybersecurity, and privacy assessment
but lack human-centricity while conducting these test-
ing activities.
The potential of cobots to work alongside humans
in the shared workspace has led to the development
of innovative solutions (Thummapudi et al., 2024) in
Industry 4.0. Finally, considering the important role
of in rising automation and enhancing productivity,
especially in Industry 5.0, the proposal of (Abishek
et al., 2023) focuses on the role of cobots in enhancing
productivity, the importance of cybersecurity, and the
potential for future advancements in manufacturing
through the integration of cobots and cybersecurity
measures. However, it is recommended to pay more
attention to cybersecurity concerns and how they con-
nect to the system’s safety. The researchers (Hollerer
et al., 2021) have conducted a security evaluation of
the Franka Emika Panda. For this particular cobot,
potential vulnerabilities have been explored and how
they could affect parameters critical to safety.
As evidenced by this overview of related work,
even if there are proposals for improving cybersecu-
rity in several application domains, there are still gaps
in the integration of cobots and cybersecurity testing
and the involvement of humans in the loop. As dis-
cussed in the rest of this paper, the evidence collected
motivates the current proposal.
Even if not exhaustive, the above examples evi-
dence that only integrated quality-control testing pro-
cess, associated with certification procedures, guide-
lines, and round-breaking to conduct collaborative re-
search, can solve cybersecurity criticalities (Heiding
et al., 2023).
As highlighted in Section 2, cobots (Nahavandi,
2019) help pave the way for effective human-
robotic operations alongside humans in an interac-
tive workspace. Cybersecurity testing of cobots
refers to assessing and evaluating the security mea-
sures, vulnerabilities, and potential risks associated
with cobots. It involves thoroughly examining the
cobot systems, software, communication protocols,
and physical interfaces to identify weaknesses that
cyber-attackers or malicious actors could exploit.
Cybersecurity testing is paramount to protect or-
ganizations from cyber-attacks and ensure the con-
tinuity of their business operations. It is criti-
cal to evaluate the effectiveness of security mea-
sures(Athanasopoulos and et al., 2022; Daoudagh and
Marchetti, 2023). Furthermore, cybersecurity testing
significantly enhances the security and reliability of
software supply chains, thereby strengthening trust in
essential software systems.
It aims to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and
availability and operations within cobot-enabled envi-
ronments. Moreover, the testing helps organizations
identify and mitigate cybersecurity threats that could
compromise the functionality of cobots, jeopardize
human safety, or lead to unauthorized access to sensi-
tive information.
Several initiatives and frameworks have been
developed and standardized, particularly OWASP’s
Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM,
), NIST’s Secure Software Development Frame-
work (NIST, ), ETSI’s standard 303 645 (ETSI, ),
Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (Martin et al.,
2021) (McGraw, 2006) and Microsoft’s SDL (Mi-
crosoft, ). It is paramount to conceive and develop (by
design) quality products, which is critical to secure
innovative technologies like cobots but inadequate to
satisfy the final requirements: building the product
right does not guarantee building the right prod-
uct (Sommerville, 2016). Testing will always remain
a pivotal strategy for human-robot trustworthiness
and cybersecurity assurance, ensuring that a product
is developed and manufactured, achieving optimum
Cybersecurity Testing for Cobots