Cybersecurity Testing for Cobots
Tauheed Waheed
, Eda Marchetti
and Antonello Calabr
CNR-ISTI Pisa, Italy
IoT, Cobots, Cybersecurity Testing, Vulnerabilities.
IoT (Internet of Things) rapid evolution and interconnected nature emphasize the urgent need for robust cyber-
security measures. Cybersecurity presents considerable risks and threats for the cobots (collaborative-robots)
industry. Cyber attackers can leverage these weaknesses, potentially allowing unauthorized entry and com-
promising critical assets. The proposed CTF (Cybersecurity Testing Framework) framework emerges as a
promising answer to these issues, providing an adaptable, robust, and thorough method for cobots cybersecu-
rity assurance. Understanding why cybersecurity testing is needed for cobots industry and how cobots users
interact with the system is vital, considering the changing landscape of cyber threats.CTF seeks to enhance
cobots cybersecurity by leveraging available testing suites and adhering to regulatory standards. We aim to
showcase our testing framework’s effectiveness and potential uses by depicting a specific testing strategy to
address vulnerabilities and cyber threats in cobots. The paper details the CTF theoretical foundation and criti-
cal features and presents its initial prototype to prove its suitability.
Over the years, Information Technology’s (IT) role
has dramatically changed in both the social and work
sectors. Recent studies have shown that 90% of users
need an adequate level of confidence in the cyberse-
curity of their IoT systems or applications (Gemalto,
2023). However, the recent advent of collaborative
robots, or cobots, in many industries has increased
the speed of this process. The collaborative robots do-
main provides an environment of working in a shared,
communal workspace with human workers to keep
building the trust of humans in technology, particu-
larly robots.
The collaborative robot is accountable for hum-
ble, repetitious duties in most applications, while a
human employee completes more complicated tasks.
Collaborative robots’ uptime, precision, and repeata-
bility improve human worker’s problem-solving skills
and intelligence.
Cobots are designed to collaborate and interact
with humans in shared workspace, transforming tra-
ditional production processes and increasing human
productivity in various industrial and commercial ar-
eas. Indeed, cobots have several benefits, such as
greater productivity, adaptability, and security. In
2021, the collaborative market size comprised $701
Million, and it will increase to $2506.90 Million in
2030 at a growth rate of 15.2% as per the prognosis
period. Moreover, there is pressure to fulfill indus-
trial needs and explore innovative ways to carry out
massive widespread integration among various stake-
holders to resolve complex problems through collab-
orative robots.
However, when integrated into intricate cyber-
physical systems and commercial and industrial envi-
ronments, addressing the cybersecurity and trustwor-
thiness issues surrounding their use is critical. Mali-
cious actors may attempt to compromise system in-
tegrity, endanger public safety, or impede vital op-
erations by taking advantage of flaws in cobot soft-
ware, communication protocols, or physical inter-
faces. Conventional cybersecurity testing techniques
might need to adequately reflect the complexity of
cobots-infused environments despite helping evaluate
traditional IT systems.
To address these challenges, the paper first pro-
vides an overview of the issue and challenge of cy-
bersecurity testing in the cobots domain. It clarifies
the cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities unique to
cobots, considering technical and human-centric fac-
tors. Then, it proposes a cybersecurity testing plat-
form explicitly tailored for cobots, focusing on en-
Waheed, T., Marchetti, E. and Calabrò, A.
Cybersecurity Testing for Cobots.
DOI: 10.5220/0013071000003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 449-456
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
hancing trustworthiness and security resilience for in-
dustrial collaboration scenarios. By integrating in-
sights from robotic experts, testers, cybersecurity an-
alysts, and cognitive psychology, the proposed plat-
form aims to bridge the gap between technical cyber-
security assessments, thereby fostering a holistic un-
derstanding of cobots trustworthiness.
Current methods ignore testing, the consequence
of cyberattacks, and affecting people’s trust in cobot
systems. Furthermore, because cobot deployments
are dynamic, proactive and adaptive testing method-
ologies are needed to react quickly to new threats
and vulnerabilities in cyber-attacks. Consequently,
it is crucial to develop specialized cybersecurity test-
ing methodology and framework suited to cobots and
their networked ecosystem.
In its exploration, the paper overviews the follow-
ing research questions (RQs):
RQ 1: Why is Cybersecurity Testing Critical for
Specifically, we examine the damage caused by
inadequate testing procedures for innovative tech-
nologies like cobots and the achievable mitigation
RQ 2: What Are the Current Solutions or Frame-
works for Cobots Cybersecurity Testing?
In distinct, we scrutinize and evaluate the impact
of the lack of testing and processes on the users’
trustworthiness and cobots’ cybersecurity of prod-
ucts used by companies, organizations, ordinary
people, and governments.
RQ 3: What Are the Main Research Gaps?
We analyze current research trends in cobots cy-
bersecurity testing to recognize the significant
gaps and guarantee the development of secure,
trustworthy, and sustainable services aligned with
social, inclusiveness, legal requirements, and eth-
ical values.
RQ 4: Which Could be a Possible Solutions?
Solutions for reducing uncertainty and increasing
overall reliability, cybersecurity and trustworthiness
must move in two technological and societal direc-
Considering the fragile nature of cybersecurity
testing, we in Section 2 have presented the current cy-
bersecurity testing strategies for cobots, and we ana-
lyze available solutions. Moreover, we have discussed
the need for cybersecurity testing for cobots in Sec-
tion 3. Then, we conceptualize and discuss our Cy-
bersecurity Testing Framework for cobots in Section
Then, Section 5 comprises of CTF architecture
and its components. Moreover, it discusses our CTF’s
workflow and implementation details for cobots. Fur-
thermore, the Section 6 conclusion and future work.
Human-robot collaboration (HRC) is a fascinating
field that explores the interaction between humans
and robots as they work together to achieve shared
goals. cobots are more straightforward to program
and reconfigure for different tasks. Any team mem-
ber can train a cobot, making them more accessible
than traditional industrial robots, requiring special-
ized programming knowledge.
Cobot involves collaborative processes where hu-
man and robot agents cooperate to perform tasks.
These tasks span various domains, including offices,
space exploration, homes, hospitals, and manufac-
turing. Autonomous vacuum cleaners such as Whiz
(Rindfleisch et al., 2022) are one of the many cases
where cobots already impact various industries while
improving employee satisfaction. To position this
work in the state-of-the-art, this section provides an
overview of the main recent proposals for the cyber-
security testing of cobots.
Considering the risk-oriented approaches to as-
sessing the cybersecurity and safety of robotic sys-
tems, in (Abakumov and Kharchenko, 2023), re-
searchers proposed a robotics security methodology,
emphasizing combining various assessment tech-
niques. The testing strategies involve Penetration
Testing (PT), Faults and Vulnerabilities Injection
Testing, Risk and Vulnerabilities Assessment, Attack
Tree Analysis (ATA), and their combinations to assess
the cybersecurity and safety of robotic systems. How-
ever, it lacks an adequate testing strategy or frame-
In developing a methodology for addressing secu-
rity and safety simultaneously, the embedded Man-
ufacturing Function Deployment (MFD) 4.0 de-
sign Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) and
Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) systems within
the e Factories of the Future (FoF) (Caruana and Fran-
calanza, 2023). It focuses on innovative technologies,
comprises six steps, and includes tools like Hazard
and Risk Assessments (Saf, 2024), Morphological
Charts (Mor, 2024), and Risk Score Analysis (Kan-
dasamy et al., 2020). The testing methodology is
too generic and inadequate to prevent cyber-attacks
within Industry 5.0 and modern-day disruptive tech-
To assess the safety of industrial robotic systems
and emphasise the importance of addressing vulnera-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
bilities to prevent cyberattacks and ensure safety dur-
ing operation, a proposal is presented din (Abakumov
and Kharchenko, 2022). The methodology includes
Intrusion Modes and Criticality Analysis (IMECA)
analysis with penetration testing. However, It lacks
transparent testing strategies and tools for assessing
Robotic Systems (RS) cybersecurity and safety.
As the previous proposal in the work presented in
(Abakumov and Kharchenko, 2022), penetration test-
ing is also considered an essential part of assessing
the cybersecurity and safety of industrial robotic sys-
tems. In this work, the authors focus on information
gathering, scanning, IMECA, attack, countermea-
sures selection, and reporting. The researchers rec-
ommended using tools like Wireshark (Wir, 2024),
Nmap (Nma, 2024), Metasploit (Met, 2024), and
Burp Suite Professional (Bur, 2024) to conduct pen-
etration testing. However, It lacks (Abakumov and
Kharchenko, 2022) transparent testing strategies and
tools for assessing Robotic Systems (RS) cybersecu-
rity and safety.
Considering the more generic V&V (Verification
and Validation) process, researchers in (Kanak et al.,
2021) focus on designing, implementing, and evalu-
ating methods and tools to reduce the cost and time
of these activities. They propose automated systems
enhance safety, cybersecurity, and privacy assessment
but lack human-centricity while conducting these test-
ing activities.
The potential of cobots to work alongside humans
in the shared workspace has led to the development
of innovative solutions (Thummapudi et al., 2024) in
Industry 4.0. Finally, considering the important role
of in rising automation and enhancing productivity,
especially in Industry 5.0, the proposal of (Abishek
et al., 2023) focuses on the role of cobots in enhancing
productivity, the importance of cybersecurity, and the
potential for future advancements in manufacturing
through the integration of cobots and cybersecurity
measures. However, it is recommended to pay more
attention to cybersecurity concerns and how they con-
nect to the system’s safety. The researchers (Hollerer
et al., 2021) have conducted a security evaluation of
the Franka Emika Panda. For this particular cobot,
potential vulnerabilities have been explored and how
they could affect parameters critical to safety.
As evidenced by this overview of related work,
even if there are proposals for improving cybersecu-
rity in several application domains, there are still gaps
in the integration of cobots and cybersecurity testing
and the involvement of humans in the loop. As dis-
cussed in the rest of this paper, the evidence collected
motivates the current proposal.
Even if not exhaustive, the above examples evi-
dence that only integrated quality-control testing pro-
cess, associated with certification procedures, guide-
lines, and round-breaking to conduct collaborative re-
search, can solve cybersecurity criticalities (Heiding
et al., 2023).
As highlighted in Section 2, cobots (Nahavandi,
2019) help pave the way for effective human-
robotic operations alongside humans in an interac-
tive workspace. Cybersecurity testing of cobots
refers to assessing and evaluating the security mea-
sures, vulnerabilities, and potential risks associated
with cobots. It involves thoroughly examining the
cobot systems, software, communication protocols,
and physical interfaces to identify weaknesses that
cyber-attackers or malicious actors could exploit.
Cybersecurity testing is paramount to protect or-
ganizations from cyber-attacks and ensure the con-
tinuity of their business operations. It is criti-
cal to evaluate the effectiveness of security mea-
sures(Athanasopoulos and et al., 2022; Daoudagh and
Marchetti, 2023). Furthermore, cybersecurity testing
significantly enhances the security and reliability of
software supply chains, thereby strengthening trust in
essential software systems.
It aims to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and
availability and operations within cobot-enabled envi-
ronments. Moreover, the testing helps organizations
identify and mitigate cybersecurity threats that could
compromise the functionality of cobots, jeopardize
human safety, or lead to unauthorized access to sensi-
tive information.
Several initiatives and frameworks have been
developed and standardized, particularly OWASP’s
Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM,
), NIST’s Secure Software Development Frame-
work (NIST, ), ETSI’s standard 303 645 (ETSI, ),
Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (Martin et al.,
2021) (McGraw, 2006) and Microsoft’s SDL (Mi-
crosoft, ). It is paramount to conceive and develop (by
design) quality products, which is critical to secure
innovative technologies like cobots but inadequate to
satisfy the final requirements: building the product
right does not guarantee building the right prod-
uct (Sommerville, 2016). Testing will always remain
a pivotal strategy for human-robot trustworthiness
and cybersecurity assurance, ensuring that a product
is developed and manufactured, achieving optimum
Cybersecurity Testing for Cobots
Figure 1: Cybersecurity Testing.
Indeed, the lack of testing processes can affect
everyone directly or indirectly using software prod-
ucts. Moreover, companies or industrial sectors in-
volving cobots in enhancing their productivity can
be impacted by ransomware disguised as necessary
libraries or plug-ins, government organizations, and
multinationals suffering catastrophic cybersecurity at-
Going into details, cybersecurity testing of cobots
inherits and adapts key activities typical of other ap-
plication domains such as (Lonetti and Marchetti,
Vulnerability Assessment: Cobot systems, soft-
ware, and infrastructure: it may include software
code analysis or the execution of specific testing
approaches such as access control testing, config-
uration testing, or penetration testing. This last
is widely adopted for simulating cyber attacks
and assessing the resilience of cobot systems
against real-world threats. Access control testing
is instead more focused on unauthorized access
to cobot systems.
Specification-Based Testing: It mainly focuses on
cobot behavior and may involve the analysis of
cobot system configurations, access controls, and
security policies to ensure compliance with speci-
fications, cybersecurity best practices, and regu-
latory requirements. Specification testing helps
identify gaps in security controls and provides
recommendations for remediation.
Threat Modeling: Threat modeling involves identi-
fying and prioritizing potential threats and attack
vectors targeting cobot systems. Organizations
can develop proactive security measures to miti-
gate the most significant risks by analysing the ca-
pabilities and motivations of potential adversaries.
Development Lifecycle Assessment: It involves
evaluating the security practices and processes
employed during the development and deploy-
ment of cobot systems. This includes reviewing
coding standards, security testing methodologies,
and incident response procedures to ensure
that security is integrated throughout the entire
lifecycle of cobots development.
Cybersecurity testing is critical in enhancing and
evolving security measures to guarantee that cobots
operate reliably and with enhanced security. How-
ever, it is vital to maintain operational integrity and
security, with cobots indispensable in various critical
operations. Moreover, this testing is essential to for-
tify these pivotal systems against potential threats.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Overall, cybersecurity testing of cobots is es-
sential for safeguarding the security and reliability
of cobot-enabled systems.By proactively recognizing
and addressing vulnerabilities, organizations can mit-
igate cybersecurity risks and build trust in the safety
and effectiveness of cobots technology.
In Figure 1, a schema of why cybersecuity testing
is crucial for cobots is provided to better focus on the
The various domains of cybersecurity leverage ma-
jor industrial technologies such as smart manufac-
turing, the Internet of Things (IoT),cobots Artificial
Intelligence (AI),cyber-physical systems and cloud
computing, and .However, these disruptive technolo-
gies demands updated cybersecurity measures. More-
over,implementing cybersecurity testing to establish
user trustworthiness is essential.Our testing method-
ology and framework serves as a crucial direction
for protecting the environment from potential security
breaches and cyber-threats.
In the increasingly interconnected world of
cobots, it is apparent that cybersecurity measures are
crucial for managing risks and businesses, as depicted
in Figure 1. Moreover, the industry needs ethical and
proactive hackers to strengthen its defenses. Our cy-
bersecurity testing strategy also involves close col-
laboration with various stakeholders to identify and
address potential vulnerabilities and combat cyber
threats across complex and heterogeneous systems.
It has been evident from frameworks and strate-
gies presented in Section 2 that cobots lack a robust
cybersecurity testing framework. Moreover, these
frameworks do not fulfill the modern cybersecurity
testing needs and requirements for cobots as dis-
cussed in Section 3.Therefore, we propose developing
a cybersecurity testing framework focusing on test-
ing and resolving cybersecurity issues in the cobot
industry such as vulnerability detection. We pro-
pose a comprehensive cybersecurity testing frame-
work to protect the system from malicious actors
and enhance trustworthiness among manufacturers,
users, robotic engineers, and developers to intermedi-
ate RCDI (Robotic Code Deployment Infrastructure)
and various stakeholders as schematized in Figure 2.
Our proposed testing framework comprises of in-
terconnected layers, each representing a unique set
of components for conducting thorough cobots test-
ing. The main objective is to rediscover and en-
hance the cybersecurity measures for the collabora-
tive robots industry. Furthermore, our cybersecurity
Figure 2: Testing Framework.
testing framework can leverage cobots cybersecurity
and vulnerability issues as follows:
Software Testing: Software testing and quality as-
surance mechanisms are crucial to address cobot vul-
nerabilities. Moreover, continuous testing, stress test-
ing, security testing, usability testing, and updated
security measures are essential to minimize cobots
software-related risks.
Utilizing AI: One way to improve cobots cyberse-
curity is to substitute traditional security and pene-
tration testing methods with more advanced ones.For
example, instead of relying on penetration testing or
risk assessments, cobots can be tested using machine
learning algorithms to identify potential vulnerabil-
ities and risks frequently to be more committed to
making the testing process easier to understand and
implement through present AI/ML and LLM (Large
Language Models) techniques.
Cybersecurity Testing for Cobots
Figure 3: CTF Architecture.
Hybrid Testing Approach: Combining or amalga-
mating various cybersecurity testing techniques to
create a more comprehensive testing approach is cru-
cial. For instance, integrating penetration testing with
vulnerability scanning or network traffic analysis can
provide a clearer picture of the cobots security threats
from a broader perspective.
Compatibility with Upgraded Infrastructure:
cobots can be integrated with newer hardware and
software technologies that improve their cyberse-
curity capabilities. For example, adding advanced
sensors and machine learning algorithms can help
cobots detect and respond to security threats more
Innovative and Unpredictable Design: Another ap-
proach is to modify the design of the cobots to make
them more secure. It can involve using materials re-
sistant to hacking attempts or adding physical barriers
to prevent unauthorized cobot access.
Vulnerable Features: It may be possible to eliminate
security risks by removing certain features or func-
tions from the cobots. For instance, if a particular fea-
ture poses a significant security risk, it may be worth
considering whether it is necessary for the cobots op-
CTF (Cybersecurity Testing Framework) has been de-
veloped, considering security as a collaboration and a
shared responsibility among cobots developers, users,
and security professionals. Moreover, it is a testing
framework that offers an in-depth exploration of the
cybersecurity testing process for the cobots industry
from a broader perspective. It highlights the signifi-
cance of cyber-attacks,recovery and resilience strate-
gies, comprehending that breaches may emerge de-
spite preventive measures claimed by cobots manu-
facturers, as discussed in our Figure 1 and Section
3.As schematized in Figure 3, CTF architecture has
the following components:
CTF Manager: The role of the CTF Manager is to
gather broader test requirements from cybersecurity
experts, cobots manufacturers, developers, penetra-
tion testers, and robotic engineers to perform effective
cybersecurity testing for cobots. Moreover, the com-
ponent also manages the various decisions made dur-
ing the testing activity execution, selecting test strate-
gies and tools. Furthermore, all these activities are
coordinated through a dedicated UI (User Interface)
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
in CTF Manager.
Test Strategy: Test strategies provide testing tech-
niques, methods, and pre-defined test cases. More-
over, it contributes to creating questionnaires utilized
by the CTF Manager. Moreover, it aligns the test-
ing process with the needs and requirements drafted
in the collected questionnaires to guarantee that the
derived test cases are sufficient for cobots cybersecu-
rity testing. Furthermore, ensuring the testing process
remains adaptable and resilient to new cybersecurity
challenges and vulnerabilities in the cobots industry.
Test Generator: The purpose of the Test Generator
is to manage and validate the selection of testing strat-
egy through CTF Manager UI to generate test cases.
Moreover, the test cases are generated by considering
the specific cyber-attacks, vulnerabilities, and tools to
fulfill cobots testing requirements and needs. Further-
more, the component will provide a robust test suite
and help the tester select the most proficient one that
aids in identifying and effectively mitigating potential
cybersecurity risks and threats for cobots.
Test Executor: The purpose of this component is to
execute the selected test cases or test suite. However,
it depends on available testing libraries and tools to
complete the test case specification and cobots testing
execution environment (provided by the cobots man-
ufacturers or retrieved through open-source propos-
als) to execute them effectively.Furthermore, execut-
ing test cases will guarantee the seamless, confiden-
tiality,integrity and availability and overall cyberse-
curity of critical assets in functioning of cobots.
Test Tools: CTF integrates testing tools to conduct
testing during test execution and selection of test
strategies. However, these tools expand their pool
of resources by leveraging user feedback and test re-
ports. The components of CTF depend on this gath-
ered knowledge, enhancing the effectiveness of the
testing procedure. This component supplies adequate
resources to others, such as test strategy and test re-
sults, and helps create and design predefined test case
datasets and questionnaires. Furthermore, it archives
and maintains user feedback and test reports, crucial
in optimizing testing processes for future iterations.
Results: Once test cases are executed, analyzing the
results is crucial. This analysis helps grasp the im-
plications of any vulnerabilities found and pinpoint
unnecessary pathways in RCDI, interconnected IoT
devices, and external libraries or APIs. This evalua-
tion is mostly performed through path coverage test-
ing. Moreover, the essential duty of this component is
to assess the test outcomes provided by CTF and gen-
erate test reports for users through the user interface
of the UTF manager.
To thoroughly document the results of test case
executions, it is crucial to maintain a comprehensive
report. Moreover, this report should provide a com-
prehensive traceability of the test cases conducted and
details regarding any detected vulnerabilities, where
applicable. Furthermore, it is essential to categorize
each identified vulnerability based on its severity level
and to include potential recommendations for mitigat-
ing these vulnerabilities within the report.
It’s important to understand that CTF architectural
components require cutting-edge tools and strategies
for adequate functionality. Moreover, the implemen-
tation of CTF is more focused on cobot safety and
testing it against potential cyber-attacks and vulnera-
Cybersecurity is a broad domain or never-ending ar-
gument about whether it is secure or adequately se-
cure, but sincere efforts are still required to protect or-
ganizations’ critical assets. It’s crucial to understand
the need for cybersecurity testing in cobots. This
paper aims to enhance developers’ and cobots ex-
perts’ capabilities to detect vulnerabilities and counter
cyber-attacks. The CTF gives them equal opportunity
to be part of the system as testers. The critical anal-
ysis and documentation of test results play a pivotal
role in enhancing the cobots cybersecurity and effi-
ciency of systems, especially in environments as com-
plex as those involving RCDI, interconnected IoT de-
vices, and external libraries or APIs. The analysis of
test results, focusing on the implications of identified
vulnerabilities and the optimization of pathways, is a
fundamental step toward ensuring the robustness and
reliability of cobots.
In the future, several improvements will be made
in CTF, particularly in integrating updated cybersecu-
rity tools that focus on a broader set of users. It is
crucial to continue advancing the methodologies and
tools used in the testing and analysis phases. Further-
more, adopting more sophisticated AI (Artificial in-
telligence) testing tools is needed to enhance the ef-
ficiency of test case executions and vulnerability as-
sessments. These technological advancements could
offer predictive insights into potential security threats
and suggest more proactive measures for vulnerabil-
Cybersecurity Testing for Cobots
ity management in cobots.
This work was partially supported by the project
RESTART (PE00000001) and the project SER-
ICS (PE00000014) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU - NextGenerationEU.
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WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies