The pap e r has provid ed techniques to analyze and
synthesize bounds of the synchronization error f or a
network of diffusively coupled nonidentical nonlin-
ear limit cycle oscillators. Since the synchronization
error cannot be derived as analytic expression due to
the non linear dynamics of the local oscillators, over-
approximating reachable sets of the error are deter-
mined for evaluation over time. Based on the obtained
reachable set, a suitable coupling gain to preserve
the sync hronizatio n can be synthesized with a guar-
anteed bound on the maximal synchronization e rror.
Effectiveness of this method is con firmed in differ-
ent simulations with respect to both, the reachable set
computations and the synthesis of the cou pling gain.
The method s can be applied to any possible coupling
topology of the oscillator network.
Future work aims at applying the method to other
types of n onlinear oscillators, and to the consideration
of exogenous signals imposed on the oscillators.
Partial funding from the German Research Founda-
tion (DFG) as part of the Research Training Group
’Biological Clocks o n Mu ltiple Time Scales’ is grate-
fully acknowledged.
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