ODKAR: “Ontology-Based Dynamic Knowledge Acquisition and
Automated Reasoning Using NLP, OWL, and SWRL
Claire Ponciano
, Markus Schaffert
and Jean-Jacques Ponciano
i3mainz, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
{claire.ponciano, markus.schaffert, jean-jacques.ponciano}@hs-mainz.de
Ontology Generation, Natural Language Processing (NLP), OWL (Web Ontology Language),
SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language), Text-to-Ontology, Knowledge Extraction,
ChatGPT Comparison, Knowledge Representation.
This paper introduces a novel approach to dynamic ontology creation, leveraging Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP) to automatically generate ontologies from textual descriptions and transform them into OWL (Web
Ontology Language) and SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) formats. Unlike traditional manual ontology
engineering, our system automates the extraction of structured knowledge from text, facilitating the develop-
ment of complex ontological models in domains such as fitness and nutrition. The system supports automated
reasoning, ensuring logical consistency and the inference of new facts based on rules. We evaluate the per-
formance of our approach by comparing the ontologies generated from text with those created by a Semantic
Web technologies expert and by ChatGPT. In a case study focused on personalized fitness planning, the system
effectively models intricate relationships between exercise routines, nutritional requirements, and progression
principles such as overload and time under tension. Results demonstrate that the proposed approach generates
competitive, logically sound ontologies that capture complex constraints.
The integration of Natural Language Processing
(NLP)(Shamshiri et al., 2024; Chen et al., 2024; Yin
et al., 2024; Osman et al., 2024) with Semantic Web
technologies (Matthews, 2005) offers significant po-
tential for creating intelligent systems that automat-
ically convert unstructured text into formal knowl-
edge representations. Ontologies (Fensel and Fensel,
2001), as a cornerstone of the Semantic Web, provide
a structured, machine-readable format for represent-
ing domain knowledge, while automated reasoning
(Wang et al., 2004) over these ontologies enables sys-
tems to infer new information, ensure logical consis-
tency, and support sophisticated decision-making pro-
cesses. This combination opens up new possibilities
for dynamically acquiring, managing, and reasoning
over knowledge extracted from natural language in-
Traditionally, the construction and management of
ontology-based systems have required expert knowl-
edge of formal description logic languages, such
as OWL (Web Ontology Language)(Antoniou and
Harmelen, 2009), RDF(Pan, 2009) and SWRL (Se-
mantic Web Rule Language)(Horrocks et al., 2004).
Creating ontological definitions, formulating logical
rules, and implementing automated reasoning mech-
anisms are technically demanding tasks that necessi-
tate a deep understanding of Semantic Web technolo-
gies. This complexity poses a barrier for domain ex-
perts who may excel in their fields but lack the spe-
cialized skills required to formalize knowledge in on-
tological formats. Consequently, there is a growing
need for tools that facilitate the automatic generation
of ontologies such as (Ponciano et al., 2022; Prud-
homme et al., 2020; Prudhomme et al., 2017), lower-
ing the technical barriers for non-experts in Semantic
Web technologies.
This paper addresses this challenge by proposing
a system for automatic ontology creation and reason-
ing. Instead of relying on manual input or conversa-
tional agents, the system uses NLP techniques to ex-
tract key concepts and relationships from unstructured
text, translating them into formal OWL and SWRL
representations. Automated reasoning is then applied
to maintain logical consistency and infer new knowl-
Ponciano, C., Schaffert, M. and Ponciano, J.
ODKAR: “Ontology-Based Dynamic Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Reasoning Using NLP, OWL, and SWRL”.
DOI: 10.5220/0013071500003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 457-465
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
edge. The system’s ability to convert text into struc-
tured knowledge is evaluated through a comparative
analysis, contrasting the results of our approach with
those generated by ChatGPT and a Semantic Web
technologies expert.
To demonstrate the system’s capabilities, we ap-
ply it to the domain of personalized fitness planning,
modeling intricate relationships between exercises,
nutrition, and training principles such as progressive
overload and time under tension. The resulting on-
tologies are used to generate tailored fitness plans that
accommodate individual needs and goals. Our system
contributes to the field of artificial intelligence and the
Semantic Web by providing a framework for the auto-
mated creation of ontologies, enabling real-time rea-
soning and supporting the development of expert sys-
tems from unstructured text, even by non-experts in
Semantic Web technologies.
The reviews and surveys about ontology learning
techniques (Wong et al., 2012; Asim et al., 2018;
Al-Aswadi et al., 2020) agreed on three main tech-
niques for ontology learning from text: linguistics-
based, statistics-based, and logic-based techniques.
Statistics-based and logic-based techniques are clas-
sified as machine learning approaches in the review
of (Al-Aswadi et al., 2020).
Linguistics-based techniques are mainly based on
natural language processing (NLP) tools (Wong et al.,
2012). NLP-based ontology generation (Osman et al.,
2024; Yin et al., 2024; Chen et al., 2024; Shamshiri
et al., 2024; Sui et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2023) fo-
cuses on the automatic extraction of entities, relation-
ships, and rules directly from unstructured text. +
Statistics-based techniques are mostly derived
from information retrieval, machine learning, and
data mining (Wong et al., 2012). They are mainly
used for term extraction, concept extraction and tax-
onomic relationship extraction and most make exten-
sive use of probabilities (Asim et al., 2018). They
include C/NC, contrastive analysis, clustering, co-
occurrence analysis, term subsumption and ARM
(Asim et al., 2018).
Logic-based techniques are presented as the least
common and based on knowledge representation and
rule-based reasoning by (Wong et al., 2012), whereas
in (Asim et al., 2018), the authors present Induc-
tive Logic Programming as a discipline of machine
learning that derives hypothesis based on background
knowledge and a set of examples using logic pro-
gramming, which is used to acquire general axioms
from schematic axioms. For example, the approach
(Shamsfard and Barforoush, 2004) is based on a Ker-
nel ontology and a rule-based system for handling
the linguistic, semantic, syntactic, morphological and
grammatical aspects. The texts processed by this ap-
proach enrich the Kernel’s knowledge.
In addition to these three techniques, (Wong et al.,
2012) presents also, hybrid approaches that combine
several of the previous presented techniques. These
hybrid approaches can be explained by the different
roles of the different techniques in the methodology
for ontology learning as presented by (Asim et al.,
2018). Linguistic-based techniques seem to be a must
for the pre-processing in ontology learning method.
Steps of concepts/terms and relations extraction are
generally done through statistics, linguistic- based
techniques or a combination of both. Finally, axiom
step is done through inductive logical programming
(Asim et al., 2018). One example of hybrid approach
is Text2Onto (Cimiano and V
olker, 2005), which in-
tegrates machine learning with basic linguistic pro-
cessing (such as tokenization and shallow parsing) to
model ontologies probabilistically. By adding proba-
bilistic reasoning, Text2Onto allows for scalable and
flexible ontology creation, making it a hybrid method
between NLP, machine learning, and statistical anal-
ysis. In addition, methods like OpenIE (Etzioni et al.,
2011) employ NLP to extract relationships and enti-
ties, which are then processed using learning-based
systems to identify the arguments. These systems en-
hance the generation of knowledge graphs, but they
often lack built-in support for rule-based reasoning,
which limits their utility in domains requiring ad-
vanced logical consistency.
The review (Al-Aswadi et al., 2020) also high-
lights the benefit of deep-learning in comparison to
machine learning (referred as a shallow learning).
Deep learning models, including BERT (Kenton
and Toutanova, 2019) and GPT (Brown et al., 2020),
have been applied to ontology generation and knowl-
edge extraction due to their ability to learn complex
patterns from large datasets. These models excel at
representing semantic context within text, perform-
ing well across diverse domains for tasks such as en-
tity extraction and relationship identification. Recent
transformer-based models (Mihindukulasooriya et al.,
2023; Yenduri et al., 2024) have shown improvements
in domain-specific text understanding, but they of-
ten struggle to convert unstructured text into formal
ontological models that adhere to strict logical con-
straints. Large Language Models (LLMs), such as
GPT-4 (Baktash and Dawodi, 2023), can produce se-
mantically rich outputs but still face limitations in for-
mal reasoning and ontology-based rule enforcement
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(Mukanova et al., 2024).
Our approach presented in this paper is a hybrid
one, combining linguistic-based and logic-based tech-
niques. It seeks to bridge these gaps by offering a
fully automated system that uses semantic and rule-
based reasoning to ensure logical consistency in on-
tologies generated from unstructured text. Unlike ex-
isting approaches, which rely heavily on deep learn-
ing and machine learning models, our system inte-
grates real-time reasoning based on semantic rules,
producing formal OWL and SWRL ontologies with
minimal human intervention.
This section details the methodology used to de-
velop the ontology-based approach proposed, includ-
ing the system architecture, natural language process-
ing techniques, ontology management, and reasoning
mechanisms. To illustrate the methodology, we take
the following text that describes concept in human
language as input:
The physical training component is detailed
through various exercises and sessions. Exercises like
the Bench Press and Squats are included in this struc-
ture, each targeting specific muscle groups. For ex-
ample, the Bench Press targets the chest, and Squats
target the legs. These exercises are categorized based
on whether they are compound exercises, such as
Bench Press and Squats, which engage multiple mus-
cle groups, or isolation exercises like Bicep Curls,
which target specific muscles.
3.1 System Architecture
The system architecture is designed with modularity
and scalability in mind, ensuring that the various com-
ponents responsible for natural language processing,
ontology management, and reasoning can be indepen-
dently developed, maintained, and extended. The ar-
chitecture consists of three primary components: the
Natural Language Processing (NLP) module, the On-
tology Management module, and the SWRL-based
Reasoning module. The two last modules use a rea-
soning engine for inference and consistency checking
tasks. The ontology is stored into a knowledge base.
3.2 Natural Language Processing
The Natural Language Processing (NLP) module is
essential for transforming natural language input into
structured data with an ontological form. This mod-
ule allows users to interact with the system using ev-
eryday language, without requiring expertise in on-
tology creation. It encompasses several stages that
translate user inputs into formal knowledge represen-
tations, mapped to Web Ontology Language (OWL)
classes, properties, and individuals, ensuring consis-
tent and accurate updates to the knowledge base.
The NLP pipeline processes natural language in-
puts by breaking down text, identifying entities and
relationships, and converting these into structured
data. The steps involved are described in this section.
3.2.1 Step 1: Tokenization and POS Tagging
The input sentence is first broken into smaller units
(tokens) during tokenization. Each token is assigned
a Part-of-Speech (POS) tag, identifying its grammat-
ical role, such as noun, verb, or adjective. For exam-
ple, the sentence ”Exercises like the Bench Press and
Squats are included in this structure, each targeting
specific muscle groups” would be tokenized as:
TOKENS = ["Exercises", "like", "the",
"Bench", "Press", "and", "Squats", "are",
"included", "in", "this", "structure", ",",
"each", "targeting", "specific", "muscle",
"groups", "."]
Each token is POS-tagged as follows: "Bench"
(noun), "Press" (noun), "targeting" (verb), and
so on. This establishes the syntactic structure of the
sentence, which is further analyzed in the following
3.2.2 Step 2: Named Entity Recognition (NER)
Once tokenization and POS tagging are complete,
Named Entity Recognition (NER) identifies key enti-
ties in the text. Entities generally represent objects,
people, or domain-specific terms. In this example,
"Bench Press", "Squats", and "muscle groups"
are identified as key entities. This step narrows down
the critical elements of the sentence, helping the sys-
tem focus on the most meaningful components.
The identified entities are:
ENTITIES = ["Bench Press", "Squats",
"muscle groups"]
3.2.3 Step 3: Dependency Parsing
Dependency parsing is then applied to analyze
the grammatical structure and relationships between
words. It builds a graph where tokens are connected
by grammatical dependencies. For example, in the
sentence ”Bench Press targets the chest”, the sys-
tem identifies that "Bench Press" is the subject,
"targets" is the action, and "chest" is the object.
ODKAR: “Ontology-Based Dynamic Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Reasoning Using NLP, OWL, and SWRL”
These relationships provide deeper insights into the
meaning of the sentence.
{" token ": " B e n c h P r ess " , " dep ": " nsubj
", " head ": " target s "} ,
{" to k en ": " t a rgets " , " dep ": " RO OT "} ,
{" to k en ": " ches t " , " dep ": " dob j " , "
he ad ": " targets "} ,
3.2.4 Step 4: Entity and Relation Extraction
Next, the system extracts entities and their relation-
ships based on the dependency parsing results. For
instance, in the sentence ”Bench Press targets the
chest”, the system extracts that "BenchPress" is the
subject, "targets" is the relation, and "chest" is the
object. This extraction forms the basis for structuring
the sentence into meaningful data.
SU B J E C T = [" BenchPress "]
REL A T I O N = [" targ e t s "]
OB J E C T = [" c hes t "]
3.2.5 Step 5: Mapping to OWL
The final step involves mapping the extracted enti-
ties and relationships to OWL. The system translates
subjects, objects, and relationships into correspond-
ing OWL classes, properties, and individuals. For ex-
ample, "BenchPress" is mapped as an individual of
the ex:Exercise class, "chest" as an individual of
the ex:MuscleGroup class, and the targets relation-
ship is mapped as an OWL object property. This step
results in the following mappings that is referenced as
(O) later in this paper.
Individuals (of Exercises):
Individuals (of Muscle Groups):
Individuals (without class):
Object Properties:
ex:targets (connects exercises to muscle
ex:BenchPress ex:targets ex:chest
ex:Squats ex:targets ex:legs
ex:BicepCurls ex:targets
3.3 Ontology Management Module
The Ontology Management Module (OMM) is a core
component of the system, responsible for oversee-
ing the continuous management and evolution of the
OWL ontology, which acts as the formal knowledge
representation. This module dynamically integrates
new information into the ontology, ensures logical
consistency, and supports versioning and rollback
mechanisms. By managing the dynamic construction
of the ontology, enforcing logical constraints, and per-
forming consistency checks, the OMM ensures the
system remains robust and adaptable to new data,
maintaining the overall integrity and coherence of the
knowledge base.
The OMM integrates dynamically new knowledge
(new classes, properties, individuals and relationship
resulting from the NLP module) into the ontology. As
each new text is processed by the NLP module, the
ontology evolves without requiring manual interven-
tion or redesign. This section presents the detailed
functionalities for the process of dynamic construc-
tion and the integration of new knowledge into the
existing ontology. These functionalities are illustrated
through the process of the NLP module output (O)
that includes new classes, individuals, and properties,
such as exercises and muscle group.
3.3.1 Functionality 1: Dynamic Ontology
New knowledge from O, such as new classes (e.g.,
ex:Exercise), new properties (e.g., ex:targets),
new individuals (e.g., ex:Bench Press) and new
relationships (e.g., ex:Bench Press ex:targets
ex:chest) is added to the current ontology (O) dy-
3.3.2 Functionality 2: Consistency Checking
Each time that a new element (such as a new ele-
ment from O, a relationship or a constraint) is inte-
grated, the OMM performs consistency checks. This
is achieved by employing a description logic reasoner
(e.g., Pellet or HermiT):
If the consistency check passes, the newly added
elements are fully integrated into the ontology.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
If an inconsistency is detected, the new element is
rejected, ensuring the ontology remains logically
3.3.3 Functionality 3: Versioning and Rollback
To maintain the integrity of the knowledge base, the
OMM supports version control. After consistency
checks, the updated ontology is saved as a new ver-
sion. This feature ensures that the ontology’s history
is preserved and can be rolled back to a previous, sta-
ble version if inconsistencies arise in the future.
Version Control: A new version of the ontology
is created, incorporating the latest addition.
Rollback: In case of error or inconsistency, the
system can revert to the previous version, preserv-
ing the integrity of the knowledge base.
3.3.4 Functionality 4: Enforcing Logical
Once the new consistent elements from O are inte-
grated to the knowledge base, the OMM enforces log-
ical constraints, through class hierarchies and prop-
erty restrictions. This reinforces the logical structure
of the ontology.
1. Class Hierarchy:
The class hierarchy construction uses the NER
result from the NLP module (c.f. 3.2.2). Each
entity (E) composed of several words and clas-
sified as a class is analyzed. If a class (C) exists
whose name is the last word of entity E, then
the class resulting from entity E is defined as a
subclass of C.
For example, the two classes
ex:CompoundExercise and
ex:IsolationExercise (resulting from
the two entities ”Compound Exercise” and
”Isolation Exercise” respectively) are defined
as subclass of ex:Exercise.
2. Property Restrictions:
The property restriction construction uses the
dependency parsing result from the NLP mod-
ule (c.f. 3.2.3) to identify classes that fit the
domain and range of a property.
For example, this process defines
ex:Exercise as the domain of the prop-
erty ex:targets and ex:Muscle Group as its
3.3.5 Functionality 5: Inference
Once the consistent constraints have been added
to the knowledge base, an inference process is
triggered by using Pellet reasoner engine. It al-
lows for adding new knowledge. For exam-
ple, the individual ex:specificMuscle becomes
an instance of the class ex:MuscleGroup, due
to ex:MuscleGroup is defined as the range of
the property ex:targets and the knowledge base
contains the axiom ex:BicepCurls ex:targets
3.4 SWRL-Based Reasoning Module
The SWRL-Based Reasoning Module plays a criti-
cal role in enhancing the system’s ability to infer new
knowledge, going beyond the standard reasoning ca-
pabilities provided by OWL alone. This module de-
fines and applies logical rules, specified using the Se-
mantic Web Rule Language (SWRL). It allows the
system to autonomously generate new facts by evalu-
ating the SWRL rules in conjunction with the ontol-
ogy’s structural aspects. By applying these rules, the
system can infer additional knowledge that may not
be explicitly stated in the ontology.
The SWRL-Based Reasoning Module follows a
structured process to apply rules and infer new knowl-
edge from the ontology. The key steps in the execu-
tion are outlined in this section.
3.4.1 Step 1: Rule Definition
This module defines SWRL rule, through a pattern
search based on structures and keywords such as:
if {A} then {B} that produces
whether {A}, which/that {B} or {C},
which/that {D} that produces
In the text provided in section 3, the analysis of the
sentence:”These exercises are categorized based on
whether they are compound exercises, such as Bench
Press and Squats, which engage multiple muscle
groups, or isolation exercises like Bicep Curls, which
target specific muscles. produces the definition of
the following SWRL rules:
Rule R1:
ex : targets(?x, ?y) ex : MuscleGroup(?y)
ex : CompoundExercise(?x)
Rule R2:
ex : targets(?x, ex : SpecificMuscles)
ex : IsolationExercise(?x)
ODKAR: “Ontology-Based Dynamic Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Reasoning Using NLP, OWL, and SWRL”
The rule R1 means that if X targets multiple mus-
cle groups, X should be classified as an instance of
compound exercise. Similarly, the rule R2 might in-
fer that if X targets a specific muscle, it should be
classified as an instance of isolation exercise.
3.4.2 Step 2: Rule Application
Once the rules are defined, the module applies them to
the ontology using the Pellet reasoner engine. Based
on the rules R1 and R2, the following inferences are
ex:Bench Press a ex:CompoundExercise
(from R1)
ex:Squats a ex:CompoundExercise (from
ex:BicepCurls a ex:IsolationExercise
(from R2)
3.4.3 Step 3: Consistency Checking
After new facts are inferred, the module performs
consistency checks to ensure that the inferred knowl-
edge does not introduce any logical contradictions. If
inconsistencies are detected, the conflicting inferred
facts and the rule it comes from are discarded, pre-
serving the integrity of the ontology.
3.4.4 Real-Time Inference and Scalability
The SWRL-Based Reasoning Module supports real-
time inference, applying checked and consistent rules
immediately after new data is integrated into the on-
tology. This real-time inference allows the system to
update the ontology with inferred knowledge as new
facts are added, enabling dynamic decision-making.
For example, when a new exercise is added to the on-
tology, the system automatically infers its classifica-
tion as either a compound or isolation exercise, de-
pending on the muscle group it targets.
As the ontology grows, the number of SWRL
rules may increase, requiring the system to han-
dle reasoning efficiently. To address scalability, the
SWRL-Based Reasoning Module employs incremen-
tal reasoning techniques, which focus on evaluating
only the parts of the ontology that are affected by re-
cent changes. This approach minimizes computation
and ensures that the system remains responsive, even
as the ontology becomes more complex.
To assess the performance of the three ontologies gen-
erated from the same source text, a comprehensive
evaluation was conducted comparing the ontologies
produced by ChatGPT
, an expert in Semantic Web
technologies, and the proposed approach. The eval-
uation was based on several critical criteria, includ-
ing completeness, consistency, correctness, richness,
reasoning capabilities, and the level of human effort
required to create each ontology. These criteria pro-
vide a detailed view of each approach’s strengths and
weaknesses. The input text and the corresponding on-
tologies used in this evaluation are publicly accessi-
ble via the following repository: https://github.com/
4.1 Completeness
Completeness assesses how well each ontology cap-
tures the concepts and relationships described in the
input text (cf. Physical Training Structure).
Proposed Approach: The ontology generated by
our system includes 15 classes, 3 object properties,
22 data properties, 11 individuals, and 158 axioms. It
captures key entities such as Person, Exercise, Muscle
Group. It includes object properties, such as targets
and partOfSession, and data properties (e.g., curren-
tWeight, currentReps).
ChatGPT: ChatGPT’s ontology includes 9
classes, 3 object properties, 13 data properties, 11
individuals, and 84 axioms. It covers basic concepts
such as Person, Exercise, and MuscleGroup, but
lacks concepts such as Workout routine or time under
tension for example. It includes properties such as
hasWeight and targetsMuscleGroup, but misses a lot
of data properties such as volume and start date for
Expert: The expert ontology is the most com-
prehensive, capturing all major concepts and relation-
ships. It includes 10 classes, 10 object properties, 38
data properties, 21 individuals, and 178 axioms.
4.2 Consistency
Consistency measures whether the ontology is logi-
cally sound and free of contradictions.
Proposed Approach: The ontology produced by
the presented approach is consistent with OWL re-
strictions that are included. It covers some interest-
ing restrictions such as domain and range of proper-
ties. Processes of consistency checking intervening in
ChatGPT, the official app by OpenAI, version
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Comparison of Ontologies Generated by Different Approaches.
Evaluation Criteria Proposed Approach ChatGPT Expert Approach
Completeness High Medium Very High
Consistency High High Very High
Correctness High Medium Very High
Richness Medium-High Poor Very High
Reasoning Capabilities Medium No High
Human Effort Required Low Medium High
OMM and in SWRL-based reasoning module allow
to add elements, restrictions and constraints to an on-
tology with a better logically sound, while ensuring
ChatGPT: The ChatGPT-generated ontology has
a good consistency due to the lack of logical restric-
tions. There is no inconsistency without restrictions
and constraints.
Expert: The expert ontology enforces strict con-
sistency through OWL restrictions. It ensures that
logical constraints like currentWeight and proteinIn-
take follow domain-specific constraints and that no
contradictory information is present.
4.3 Correctness
Correctness evaluates how well the ontology adheres
to domain-specific knowledge.
Proposed Approach: The generated ontology
captures domain knowledge well, including correct
classifications of exercises as compound or isolation
exercises. It also correctly models exercise instances
(e.g., Bench Press, Squats, and BicepCurls). How-
ever, it has some gaps, such as incomplete mod-
eling of finer distinctions in muscle groups, like
ChatGPT: While ChatGPT correctly identifies
basic entities like Bench Press and Squats as in-
stances of ex:CompoundExercise, it also creates
ex:CompoundExercise and ex:IsolationExercise as
two instances of ex:Exercise rather than creating a
class hierarchy between the three classes.
Expert: The expert ontology reflects domain
knowledge with high accuracy. It includes all clas-
sifications, logical relationships, and constraints (e.g.,
protein intake per body weight), making it the most
correct and comprehensive.
4.4 Richness
Richness measures the complexity and detail within
the ontology, including class hierarchy, constraints
and restrictions to capture a fine domain knowledge.
Proposed Approach: Although it retains a lower
level of refinement than that of an expert, the ontology
captures some fine knowledge such as the hierarchy
of Exercise classes, some OWL restrictions such as
domain and range of properties and some SWRL rules
(R1 and R2, c.f. subsection 3.4.1).
ChatGPT: ChatGPT’s ontology does not include
class hierarchy, logical constraints and restrictions,
limiting the detail and depth of its representation.
Expert: The expert ontology is the richest, with a
well class hierarchy, an extensive use of SWRL rules
and OWL restrictions. It models complex relation-
ships and behaviors, such as exercise type classifica-
tions, progressive overload, and protein intake con-
4.5 Reasoning Capabilities
Reasoning Capabilities assesses the ontology’s abil-
ity to support automated reasoning and infer new
Proposed Approach: The ontology includes
some OWL restrictions such as domain and range of
properties that allow for some inferences (c.f. specific
muscle in subsection 3.3.5) and some SWRL rules
(R1 and R2 to infer the classification of exercises as
compound or isolation exercise, c.f. subsection 3.4.1).
However, it lacks more advanced SWRL rules com-
pared to the expert ontology.
ChatGPT: ChatGPT’s ontology does not support
reasoning. It lacks OWL restrictions or SWRL rules,
meaning no logical inferencing or automated checks
are possible.
Expert: The expert ontology includes advanced
reasoning capabilities, using both OWL restrictions
and SWRL rules to infer new knowledge and enforce
domain-specific rules like progressive overload and
protein intake ranges.
4.6 Human Effort Required
Human Effort Required compares the amount of
manual work needed to produce the ontology.
Proposed Approach: Our approach significantly
reduces manual effort by automatically generating the
ontology from input text. It requires minimal human
intervention, making it a scalable solution.
ODKAR: “Ontology-Based Dynamic Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Reasoning Using NLP, OWL, and SWRL”
ChatGPT: ChatGPT’s ontology requires more
manual intervention. While it can generate a basic
structure, the lack of logical constraints and reason-
ing capabilities means that significant human effort is
required to refine and complete the ontology.
Expert: The expert ontology requires the most
human effort, as it is manually created by a domain
expert. This results in high accuracy and complete-
ness but is time-consuming and requires specialized
In this evaluation, the term ”expert” refers specif-
ically to an expert in Semantic Web technologies and
ontology engineering, rather than a domain expert in
the field of fitness or physical training. This distinc-
tion is important when considering the complexity
and richness of the expert-generated ontology. It is
also critical to note that the techniques applied in this
evaluation are not limited to fitness but are broadly
applicable to any domain requiring ontology-driven
knowledge representation and reasoning.
The evaluation of the proposed approach to ontol-
ogy generation reveals several strengths, particularly
in terms of completeness, consistency, and correct-
ness, achieved with minimal human intervention. By
automating the extraction of structured knowledge
from unstructured text, our system significantly re-
duces the manual effort typically required in ontol-
ogy creation. While the expert-generated ontology
demonstrates superior richness and advanced reason-
ing capabilities, it requires extensive human effort and
domain expertise. This labor-intensive process is of-
ten not feasible for dynamic applications, where rapid
ontology updates are necessary. In contrast, our ap-
proach effectively balances automation and accuracy,
allowing domain specialists who may lack deep ex-
pertise in Semantic Web technologies to contribute to
ontology development. The comparison with Chat-
GPT underscores the added value of our system. Al-
though ChatGPT can identify key concepts, it lacks
the intricate reasoning mechanisms and formal logical
structures required for a fully coherent and logically
sound ontology. The necessity for significant manual
refinement with ChatGPT limits its usability in com-
plex domains. Our system introduces domain-specific
logical constraints and consistency checks, which en-
hance the quality of the generated ontologies and re-
duce reliance on manual post-processing.
However, these observations are only an initial as-
sessment of the results of our approach. As the evalu-
ation is based on a single text source and not various
corpora, it would be necessary to broaden and deepen
the evaluation of our approach on several text sources
representing various domains in order to further val-
idate and refine its performance. Therefore, our fu-
ture work will aim to improve the experimental results
by including quantitative measures, such as precision,
recall and F1 scores, as well as qualitative analyses
to support our conclusions. This dual approach will
provide a better understanding of the performance of
our system compared with existing methods, includ-
ing other ontology generation systems. In addition,
these initial results have enabled us to identify ar-
eas for improvement in future research, such as as-
sertion enrichment, SWRL rule creation, and the sys-
tem’s ability to handle complex, multi-layered con-
straints. With these advances, we aim to increase the
practical applicability and efficiency of our approach,
ultimately contributing to the broader landscape of
knowledge management and representation.
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ODKAR: “Ontology-Based Dynamic Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Reasoning Using NLP, OWL, and SWRL”