Predicting Agricultural Product and Supplies Prices Using Artificial
Ioannis Dionissopoulos
1 a
, Fotis Assimakopoulos
2 b
, Dimitris Spiliotopoulos
2 c
Dionisis Margaris
3 d
and Costas Vassilakis
1 e
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of the Peloponnese, Tripoli, Greece
Department of Management Science and Technology, University of the Peloponnese, Tripoli, Greece
Department of Digital Systems, University of the Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece
Keywords: Agricultural Products, Price Forecasting, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Integration, Forecasting
Abstract: This work focuses on the prediction of agricultural product and supply prices using historical data and
artificial intelligence methods. Agricultural product and supply prices are important for the economy and
growth of agriculture. Using modern data analysis and deep learning methods, a forecasting model was
developed to help us predict future price trends. The data used include the sales prices of crop products and
the purchase prices of agricultural inputs. The developed forecasting methods exhibit high accuracy for
predicting the actual prices of products and supplies, with error margins ranging from 0.29% to 9.8%, while
they can also predict price rises and falls, with respective success rates ranging from 73.29% to 84.96%.
In recent years there has been an explosion in data
collection. Developments in internet technology have
led more and more organisations, both private and
public, to organise the collection and dissemination
of their data. Some of this data is posted on open-data
portals for public use.
Machine learning (ML) frameworks offer a clear
knowledge of the process by analysing the massive
amounts of data and interpreting the information
extracted. These technologies are employed in the
construction of models that delineate the connections
between elements and actions. Furthermore, ML
models can be utilised to predict future actions in a
specific scenario (Rashid et al., 2021).
Precision farming uses algorithmic approaches
and data to improve productivity, by predicting
weather conditions, soil analysis, crop
recommendations, and fertilizer and pesticide usage.
It uses advanced technologies like IoT, Data Mining,
and Machine Learning (ML) to collect data and train
the respective systems. This approach reduces manual
labour and increases productivity. Farmers face
challenges like crop failure and soil infertility (Durai
& Shamili, 2022).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used in
agriculture to improve crop production, disease
prediction, supply chain management, operational
efficiency, and water waste reduction (Pallathadka et
al., 2023). Machine learning (ML) and deep learning
(DL) are commonly used for data prediction, disease
prediction, water irrigation optimisation, sales
growth, profit maximisation, inventory management,
security, fraud detection, and portfolio management.
Various ML approaches can be utilised for crop
price prediction, including regression-based methods,
time series forecasting techniques, ensemble
methods, DL strategies, and hybrid models (Singh &
Sindhu, 2024). ML approaches have strengths,
limitations, and practical applications. However,
there are challenges like data accessibility, feature
Dionissopoulos, I., Assimakopoulos, F., Spiliotopoulos, D., Margaris, D. and Vassilakis, C.
Predicting Agricultural Product and Supplies Prices Using Artificial Intelligence.
DOI: 10.5220/0013071600003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 371-379
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
selection, model interpretability, scalability, and
generalisation (Cravero et al., 2022).
Many works provide insights for researchers,
practitioners, and policymakers, facilitating informed
decision-making in agricultural contexts
(Assimakopoulos et al., 2024). ML and IoT-enabled
farm machinery are key components of the next
agriculture revolution. ML applications in agriculture
focus on soil parameters, crop yield prediction,
disease detection, and species detection. ML with
computer vision can monitor crop quality and yield
assessment. This approach can enhance livestock
production, predict fertility patterns, diagnose eating
disorders, and reduce human labour. Knowledge-
based agriculture improves sustainable productivity
and product quality (Sharma et al., 2021).
Smart farming, utilising AI, addresses
agricultural sustainability challenges (Akkem et al.,
2023). ML, DL, and time series analysis are crucial
for crop selection, yield prediction, soil compatibility
classification, and water management. These
algorithms classify soil fertility, crop selection, and
forecast production. Time series analysis helps
predict demand, commodity price, and crop yield. As
population growth increases, crop production
forecasting is crucial to overcome food insufficiency.
Using ML and DL techniques, crop recommendations
can be made based on time series analysis to reduce
future food insufficiency (Benos et al., 2021).
The purpose of this paper is to develop a model
for forecasting agricultural commodity prices using
historical data. The development includes the entire
process flow, from data collection to the evaluation of
the results using performance metrics of our
forecasting model. Data analysis and the use of
advanced ML techniques will enable the prediction of
future prices of these products and the future
agricultural production.
For the purposes of this work, data from Eurostat
were used, as well as ancillary data of other
parameters from other internet sources. Eurostat's
open data portal offers us in a user-friendly and
structured way information relating to the European
Union and figures concerning a wide range of sectors
and activities in its area of competence, including data
relating to agricultural production.
In the remainder of the paper, Section 2 discusses
the related work in ML and other related technologies
for precision agriculture. Section 3 presents the data
used and the preprocessing and integration methods
that were applied to construct the training dataset.
Section 4 presents the price forecasting methods that
were implemented, while section 5 presents and
discusses the results obtained. Finally, section 6
concludes the paper and outlines future work.
Agricultural data, economy data (market, local
economy, wholesale), and world data are but a few
domains that are useful for price prediction of
agricultural goods. The data provide a strong
foundation for innovative agricultural economic
management and contributes to scientifically sound
price prediction, as well as decision making in
precision agriculture (Su & Wang, 2021).
Kumar et al. researched crop yield prediction
using historical data to forecast crop yields,
considering factors like temperature, humidity, and
rainfall. The approach found that the Random Forest
(RF) algorithm provides the best predictions,
considering the least number of models, making it
useful in the agriculture sector (Kumar et al., 2020).
Zhao used a wavelet method to smooth multiple
sources of data and build a model to process the
hierarchical information after signal decomposition
(Zhao, 2021). Another study compared predictive
accuracies of various ML techniques, focusing on
GRNN, with the Autoregressive integrated moving
average (ARIMA) model (Paul et al., 2022). Results
showed GRNN outperforms other techniques in all
seventeen markets, while RF is comparable in four.
The Diebold-Mariano test confirmed these superior
performances. Other techniques like SVR, GBM, and
ARIMA are not as effective.
Xu & Zhang investigated corn cash price
forecasting using univariate neural network (NN)
modelling and bivariate NN modelling with futures
prices. Results show high accuracy for one-day ahead
horizons, with futures prices benefiting cash price
forecasting. The framework was deemed easy to
deploy and can be generalised to other commodities
(Xu & Zhang, 2021).
Oktoviany et al. proposed a two-step hybrid
model using ML methods to incorporate external
factors in price changes (Oktoviany et al., 2021). The
model assigns price states to historical prices and
predicts future price states using short-term
predictions. The model is applied to real corn futures
data and generates price scenarios through Monte
Carlo simulations. The simulations can be used to
assess price risks in risk management systems or
support trading strategies under different price states.
Another research used supervised ML for
intelligent information prediction analysis to improve
farming efficiency and profitability (Shakoor et al.,
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
2017). The approach suggests area-based beneficial
crop rankings, based on static data from previous
years. This happens before the cultivation process. It
indicates the crops that are cost effective for
cultivation for a particular area of land. The study
used Decision Tree Learning-ID3 and K-Nearest
Neighbours Regression algorithms.
Time-series and ML models have also been
deployed to predict monthly areca nut prices using
SARIMA, Holt-Winter's Seasonal method, and
LSTM neural networks (NNs). The LSTM NN model
was found to be the best fit for the data (Sabu &
Kumar, 2020). ANNs have also been used to predict
soybean harvest area, yield, and production,
comparing it with classical methods of Time Series
Analysis (Abraham et al., 2020).
The work in (Purohit et al., 2021) proposed two
additive hybrid methods and five multiplicative
hybrid methods to predict the monthly retail and
wholesale prices of three commonly used vegetable
crops in India: tomato, onion, and potato (TOP).
Extensive statistical analyses confirmed the
superiority of the hybrid methods against existing
statistical models, ML models, and existing hybrid
methods in predicting TOP prices.
An alternative method that addresses the
nonlinearity problem if time series approaches is
wavelet transformation in generating hybrid models
for predicting monthly prices markets. This hybrid
model approach significantly improved over
conventional techniques, utilising a combination of
ANN and ML techniques (Paul & Garai, 2021).
Xu & Zhang investigated the use of nonlinear
autoregressive neural networks (NARNN) and
NARNN with exogenous inputs (NARNNX) for
price forecasting soybeans and soybean oil for
periods that spanned over fifty years. The models
exhibited accurate and stable performance, with
relative root mean square errors of 1.701% and
1.777% for soybeans and 1.757% for soybean oil,
respectively. Also, the approach can be generalised
for other similar commodities (Xu & Zhang, 2022).
Menculini et al. examined various techniques for
forecasting sale prices in an Italian food wholesaler,
comparing ARIMA models, Prophet, which is a
scalable forecasting tool from Facebook, and deep
learning models, such as LSTM and CNNs. Results
showed that ARIMA models and LSTM neural
networks perform similarly, while the combination of
CNNs and LSTMs achieved the best accuracy but
requires more tuning time. Prophet was quick and
easy to use but less accurate (Menculini et al., 2021).
Agricultural price prediction is a highly complex task,
due to the fact that prices depend on numerous
factors, both within the agricultural value chain and
in the macroeconomic environment. Besides building
a comprehensive dataset, encompassing the widest
possible range of factors affecting prices, the quality
and trustworthiness of data are of critical importance,
in order to achieve high prediction accuracy. In the
following paragraphs we describe the data sources
used, as well as the integration and preprocessing
methods used to formulate the training datasets.
3.1 Data Sources
Two key datasets for this research were obtained from
Eurostat. These datasets are as follows:
1. Selling prices of crop products. These data
cover the historical dimension of agricultural
sales, supporting the dimension of analysis,
which assumes that future patterns of
agricultural prices will follow similar
patterns, already been observed in the past.
2. Purchase prices of agricultural production
means. The analysis considers this data, since
the selling prices of agricultural products
obviously depend on the prices of the means
used for their production.
These datasets contain information spanning from
1969 to 2023; each dataset is provided in two parts,
with the first covering the period 1969-2000 and the
second spanning from 2001 to 2023. Since our price
data is sourced from Eurostat, they contain only data
for EU countries, hence price predictions in our
experiments are limited to member states of the EU.
Energy cost is an important factor in the cost of
agricultural production since oil is extensively used to
operate motorised equipment, such as tractors and
tillers, and is thus involved in the production cost.
Consequently, we take Brent oil prices into account,
in our predictions. It is considered as the most
important indicator of energy spent in agricultural
production, since its two main fuels, diesel and
gasoline, are used to drive motorised equipment with
internal combustion engines. Data concerning Brent
oil prices were obtained from At this
stage of our research, Brent oil price is used as an
overall indicator for energy cost. The inclusion of
more detailed energy costs, notably electricity costs,
is considered as part of our future research.
Land use data, from the World In data website,
were also considered in our work. This dataset
provides information on overall land use, cropland
Predicting Agricultural Product and Supplies Prices Using Artificial Intelligence
land use, grazing land use and built-up area, per
country and year.
The availability of human resources in
agricultural production is also a factor impacting the
prices of agricultural production. These data were
obtained from Eurostat and cover the period from
1973 to 2023. The dataset provides a detailed
breakdown of the total labour force to salaried and
non-salaried workers. In our work, we consider all
types of employees and hence we maintained only the
sum of these two categories.
In our work, we also consider indicators of
economic nature, concerning agriculture. From the
Economic Accounts for Agriculture dataset, sourced
from Eurostat, we extract and use the following data:
(a) Production Value at Basic Price, (b) Subsidies on
Products, (c) Tax on Products, and (d) Production
Value at Producer Price.
3.2 Preprocessing and Integration
The data obtained from the above listed data sources
were not directly utilisable for model training,
necessitating preprocessing and integration activities.
Preprocessing activities concern the handling of
missing data, noisy data, inconsistent data, encoding
and value range discrepancies, and handling of
textual data. In the following paragraphs, we outline
the specific activities taken to address these issues.
Missing Data. Some attribute values may be
missing due to an error, either in the registration
process or because they were not provided by the
relevant agency. For these cases, we considered
firstly to find supplemental datasets that provided the
missing values and integrate them into our dataset.
Values that were still missing, we applied
imputers to fill in the missing values. For each data
element, different imputers were considered and the
effectiveness of the use of each imputer to predict a
data element on the accuracy of the predictions was
assessed. Experimental results demonstrated that the
most accurate results were obtained by using the
following imputers: (a) for Brent oil prices, backward
fill (i.e. if a price is missing, use the price for the next
known data point); (b) for the labour workforce,
linear regression. For the agricultural economic
accounts, a KNN-based imputer was applied, using
N=20 (N denotes the number of nearest neighbours
considered for computing a missing value).
For the cases which after the use of imputers data
were still missing (because the imputers could not
calculate the missing data due to the sparsity of the
original dataset), the relevant records were dropped.
Noisy data: Data containing errors or outliers,
which are highly deviant from the normal pattern,
were discarded, since their use affected negatively the
accuracy of predictions. The interquartile distance
method (Vinutha et al., 2018) was used for
identifying potential outliers and subsequently visual
verification was conducted using graphs.
Inconsistent Data. Either duplicate values or data
providing different values for a specific data element,
for the same country and period. Data that were
verified to be duplicates were discarded.
Differences in Units. Due to the currency change
in many European countries, our data contained
prices in both Euros and the previous local currency.
For the algorithm to have comparable data at its
disposal, price conversions to Euro were performed
for countries that underwent currency changes.
Differences in Encoding. The price datasets
obtained from Eurostat used different codes for
agricultural products and supplies for the period
1969-2000 than for the period 2001-2023. To produce
the integrated dataset, the product/supplies codes for
the data concerning the period 1969-2000 were
replaced by the respective codes used for the period
2001-2023. A fuzzy match on the names of the
products was used to perform the mapping.
Handling of Textual Data. AI-based regression
methods that were used for price prediction mainly
work with numeric data and not textual data. Our
datasets contain multiple cases where textual data are
present, e.g., country names/codes and agricultural
products/supplies names and codes For these cases,
label encoding was employed, i.e., each distinct value
of the respective data element was mapped to a
unique integer, and only the mapped value was
considered in the prediction process.
Different Scales. Different data elements had
highly divergent scales (e.g. land availability and
Brent oil prices), and this aspect negatively affected
the accuracy of the predictions, due to overfitting. To
mitigate this issue, each data column (except encoded
labels and prices) was normalized to the range [0,1]
using the Min Max Scaler; the normalized value NV
produced by the Min Max Scaler for a value V is
computed as 
, where MinVal and
MaxVal are the minimum and maximum values for
the specific column, respectively.
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
In the previous section we presented the data
collection, preprocessing and integration process.
Following the above, all input data have been
formulated in two comprehensive datasets:
The crop products selling prices dataset,
The agricultural production means dataset.
Each of these two datasets contains records with
the following data elements: (i) country, (ii)
agricultural product or means of production, (iii) year,
(iv) price, (v) availability of labor in agricultural
production, (vi) purchase and rental prices of the land,
(vii) Brent oil prices and (viii) economic indicators of
agricultural production (production value at basic
price, subsidies on products, tax on products, and
production value at producer price). These datasets
can be used to train ML algorithms to perform
Since multiple AI-based methods and
configurations are available for performing
predictions, and each of these can be tuned through a
number of hyperparameters, we resorted to the use of
automatic machine learning (autoML) toolkits which
underpin the tasks of method selection and
hyperparameter tuning. To this end, the Autokeras
and the TPOT autoML toolkits were used.
AutoKeras ( is an open-
source ML library, based on Keras and Tensorflow,
which aims to build and optimise NNs automatically.
In its basic function, the user only specifies whether a
classification or a regression model is required, and
the columns that are used for training, designating the
target column for prediction.
TPOT ( is an
open-source library that explores the performance of
ML models in an automatic way, as well. It allows to
search for the most efficient ML algorithm for the
dataset used each time.
The hyperparameters used for the
autoconfiguration process performed by the
AutoKeras toolkit are as follows:
Tries. The number of attempts AutoKeras
will perform to arrive at the most efficient
model. In this work we will experiment with
25 attempts for each dataset.
Test Size. The percentage of training data that
we will use for testing, in order to avoid
Overfitting. In this work we will experiment
with 30% of the data.
Number of Training Epochs: i.e. the number
of iterations in which each of our models is
trained to approach the best result. In this
work we will experiment with 30 seasons.
Table 1 illustrates the topology of the NN. This
topology is designated as optimal for both price
prediction tasks (agricultural products and supplies).
Table 1: The topology of the neural network.
Layer (type)
Output Shape
input_1 (InputLayer)
(None, 20)
(None, 20)
normalization (Normalization)
(None, 20)
dense (Dense)
(None, 32)
re_lu (ReLU)
(None, 32)
dense_1 (Dense)
(None, 128)
re_lu_1 (ReLU)
(None, 128)
regression_head_1 (Dense)
(None, 1)
Table 2: Parameters for the Random Forest regressor.
n_estimators (The number of trees in the
max_features (number of features to
consider when looking for the best split)
75% of the number
of input features
min_samples_leaf (τhe minimum number of
samples a leaf node must contain)
min_samples_split (minimum number of
samples required to split an internal node)
Table 3: Parameters for the Gradient Boosting regressor.
loss (Loss function used in optimization; the value
huber combines squared error and absolute error)
alpha (The alpha-quantile of the huber loss function
and the quantile loss function)
learning_rate (moderates the contribution of each tree)
max_depth (moderates the maximum number of nodes
in a tree, setting the maximum depth of the individual
regression estimators)
max_features (number of features are considered in
each split; value 1 indicates that all features are taken
into account)
min_samples_leaf (the minimum number of samples a
leaf node must contain)
min_samples_split (minimum number of samples
required to split an internal node)
n_estimators (number of boosting stages that will be
Subsample (percentage of samples used for fitting the
individual base learners)
For the TPOT toolkit, the number of generations
was set to 15, while the population size was set to 15.
The population size refers to the number of
individuals in each generation that retain their
characteristics, as compared to the previous
Predicting Agricultural Product and Supplies Prices Using Artificial Intelligence
generation. The output of the TPOT toolkit
determined that the optimal prediction method for
agricultural product price prediction would be the
random forest regression method, under the
parameters illustrated in Table 2. Agricultural
supplies prices, on the other hand, are more
accurately predicted using Gradient Boosting, under
the parameters listed in Table 3.
In the following section, the results and evaluation
of this work will be presented and analysed.
In this section, the results and evaluation of this work
are presented and analysed.
The prediction accuracy of our model can be
assessed using performance metrics, which evaluate
the closeness between the prediction result and the
actual result. The metrics used in this work, are
widely used in related research works that measure
prediction The metrics are illustrated in Table 4,
along with their respective formulas.
Table 4: The performance metrics used in our work.
Metric Name
Root Mean Square Error
Mean Average Error (MAE)
Normalized MAE (NMAE)
The RMSE metric boosts the significance of large
deviations between the prediction result and the
actual result, while the MAE handles all errors
uniformly. The NMAE has the property of amortizing
differences in the scale of the predicted variables,
however, when the actual values are very small,
errors are over-emphasised. In all the aforementioned
metrics, lower values indicate smaller divergence and
hence more accurate predictions.
In addition to the above, in this work, we include
an additional performance metric, namely the
Percentage of Successful Predictions (PSP); this
metric computes the percentage of predictions that are
deemed to be ‘successful’, and a price prediction
for time point i is considered successful iff
 
are the actual prices at time points
i and i-1, respectively. Effectively, a prediction is
considered to be successful iff either (a) a rise in the
price is predicted and a rise actually occurred or (b) a
drop in the price is predicted and a drop actually took
place, otherwise the prediction is deemed
unsuccessful. The percentage of successful
predictions metric can be useful for assessing the
utility of the approach for investment decisions, e.g.,
to invest on a particular product.
Tables 5 and 6 depict the accuracy metrics
obtained from our experiments regarding the
prediction of agricultural product sale prices and
agricultural supplies, respectively.
In Table 5 we can observe that the NN optimised
and proposed by AutoKeras achieves predictions that
deviate from the actual prices by 6.6% on average (c.f.
the NMAE metric), surpassing the accuracy of the
Random Forest predictor proposed by TPot (average
deviation 9.8%). The AutoKeras NN also achieves
superior performance in predicting price rises or
drops (80.96% vs. 73.29%).
In Table 6 we notice that both the AutoKeras NN
and the gradient boosting predictor, proposed by TPot,
formulate predictions with very small deviations from
the actual prices (2.7% and 0.29%, respectively).
While the gradient boosting predictor estimates actual
prices better than the AutoKeras NN, it lags behind
concerning the prediction of price rises or drops.
Table 5: Prediction accuracy for agricultural product sale
Neural network
Random forest (Tpot)
Table 6: Prediction deviation agricultural supplies prices.
Neural network
Gradient boosting
The performance recorded for price predictions in
our experiment surpasses the price prediction
accuracy recorded for the works surveyed in section
2, which exhibit deviations from actual prices ranging
from 12% to 26%. Since our experiment is limited to
EU countries only, involving only countries for which
historical data of high accuracy and ample time depth
are available, more experimentation is required to
fully compare the proposed algorithm against
approaches proposed in the literature. This is
considered a part of our future work.
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Finally, in our experiments we can observe that
prices of the means of agricultural production are
predicted with higher accuracy than prices of
agricultural products. This may be attributed to a
dependence of agricultural product prices to
additional factors than the ones considered in our
work, while these factors suffice for the prediction of
prices of means of agricultural production; this aspect
will also be examined in our future work.
In this paper, we have presented a model for
forecasting agricultural product and supply prices
using historical data. We analysed the entire process
flow, including data selection, preprocessing and
integration, model training and algorithm tuning, as
well as performance metrics and model evaluation.
The proposed model exhibits high accuracy for
price predictions, especially for agricultural supplies,
while it is also able to predict price rises or drops.
Thus, the proposed algorithm can be used for
budgeting production, estimating earnings and
investment planning.
As richer datasets become available, especially
with the advent of IoT, additional data can be taken
into account for performing price predictions. Yet,
developing countries are still challenged regarding
the availability and accuracy of data. These aspects
will be surveyed in our future work, elaborating on
methods and techniques that are able to achieve high
prediction accuracy over more sparse datasets.
This research was funded by project SODASENSE
( under grant agreement No.
MIS 6001407 (co-financed by Greece and the EU
through the European Regional Development Fund).
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Predicting Agricultural Product and Supplies Prices Using Artificial Intelligence