CNNs, in general, are renowned for their ability
to learn hierarchical features from data. They ex-
cel in recognizing patterns through convolutional lay-
ers, which apply filters to the input data to detect lo-
cal features, followed by pooling layers that reduce
the dimensionality while retaining critical informa-
tion. Fully connected layers then integrate these fea-
tures to perform the final predictive tasks. Although
CNNs are widely used in image processing, their
adaptation to one-dimensional data sequences proves
valuable for predicting battery performance, as they
can capture temporal relationships and nuances in the
data(Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014).
In summary, by employing a 1D-CNN, our re-
search aims to leverage the model’s capability to pro-
cess and analyze time-series data from battery cycles,
thereby enhancing the accuracy of predictions related
to battery degradation and lifespan. This methodol-
ogy offers a promising avenue for improving the re-
liability and efficiency of battery performance assess-
In this study, we used the dataset from the ”Data-
driven prediction of battery cycle life before capac-
ity degradation” (Schmush, 2018). This dataset con-
sists of data from 136 commercial lithium-ion batter-
ies that were cycled between 150 and 2,300 times un-
der 72 different fast-charging conditions, totaling ap-
proximately 96,700 cycles. The dataset includes 15
variables, such as voltage, charge capacity, discharge
capacity, charge energy, discharge energy, and inter-
nal battery temperature(Table 2). The batteries are
Table 2: Data set variables.
Data Point Test Time
Date Time Step Time
Step Index Cycle Index
Current Voltage
Charge Capacity Charge Energy
Discharge Capacity Discharge Energy
dV/dt Temperature
fff Internal Resistance
lithium iron phosphate (LFP)/graphite cells manufac-
tured by A123 Systems (APR18650M1A), cycled us-
ing a 48-channel Alvin LBT potentiometer in a forced
convection temperature chamber set at 30°C. The pur-
pose of this study was to optimize fast charging. All
cells were charged using a one-step or two-step fast
charging policy in the format of ”C1(Q1)-C2.” Charg-
ing was conducted at 1C CC-CV up to 80% SOC,
with upper and lower cutoff voltages set at 3.6V and
2.0V, respectively. All cells were discharged at 4C.
The dataset is divided into three batches, each
based on the ”batch date” and containing approxi-
mately 48 cells per batch. Temperature was measured
using a T-type thermocouple; however, it is important
to note that measurement accuracy varied, and con-
tact may have been lost during cycling. Internal re-
sistance was measured during charging at 80% SOC
using ±3.6C pulses.
Additionally, the data used in this study was ob-
tained from the publicly available Severson dataset,
which contains data from 127 batteries with lifespans
ranging from 450 to 1,325 cycles. The dataset in-
cludes six attributes: voltage, charge capacity, dis-
charge capacity, charge energy, discharge energy, and
internal battery temperature. For training purposes,
data from the first 100 cycles of each battery was
used, yielding a total of 12,700 data points (100 cy-
cles × 127 batteries).
To evaluate the proposed method, we compared it
with the results of a previous study on battery life pre-
diction. In that previous research, one data point was
obtained from each battery using data from cycles 1
to 100. The learning model employed was a CNN, as
in the current study.
In the proposed method, a 1D CNN was used,
but when training on data from cycles 1 to 100, the
convolutional operations on the features remained un-
changed. However, since the current data consists of
two-dimensional data with time steps and 100 cycles,
a 2D CNN was utilized. In the next section, we will
compare the prediction accuracy and data volume be-
tween the previous study and the proposed method.
For training data, 84 batteries were used, with 100 cy-
cles of data collected from each battery, resulting in a
total of 8,400 data points. The remaining 43 batter-
ies were used for validation data, yielding a total of
4,300 data points from 100 cycles of data each.The
current study(Figure 3) and the previous study(Figure
4) show graphs with the actual measured life cycles
on the x-axis and the predicted life cycles on the y-
axis.The closer the results are to the red line in the
graph, the better. However, due to the difference in
the amount of data between this study and the previ-
ous one, it may be difficult to discern from the graph.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics