Semantic Segmentation with GLCM Images
Akira Nakajima
1 a
and Hiroyuki Kobayashi
2 b
Graduate School of Robotics and Design, Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, Japan
Department of System Design, Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, Japan
{m1m23r25, hirokyuki.kobayashi}
GLCM Images, Semantic Segmentation, U-Net, Ready-Mixed Concrete.
At construction sites, there is a problem of excess ready-mixed concrete due to ordering errors being disposed
of as industrial waste, and there is a need to introduce image recognition technology as an indicator to de-
termine the appropriate amount to order. In this study, we attempted to detect ready-mixed concrete using a
machine learning technique called semantic segmentation. We believe that texture analysis can solve the prob-
lem that raw concrete is difficult to recognize accurately because its texture is similar to that of other building
materials and backgrounds and its texture fluctuates depending on the amount of moisture and mixing condi-
tions. In this study, we proposed to perform texture analysis using GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix)
and use the resulting image dataset. the results using GLCM images show that, compared to conventional
segmentation, the GLCM images can be used to identify a variety of raw The results using the GLCM images
provided highly accurate predictions for a wide variety of raw concrete placement conditions at construction
sites, compared to conventional segmentation methods.
The problem of excess ready-mixed concrete due to
over-ordering at construction sites is becoming a se-
rious issue as it is disposed of as industrial waste.
In 2023, more than 2 million cubic meters of ready-
mixed concrete were discarded annually in Japan, not
only posing environmental challenges but also plac-
ing a financial burden on concrete manufacturers for
disposal costs. Therefore, determining the appropri-
ate order quantity has become a pressing issue. To ad-
dress this, there is a growing demand for the introduc-
tion of image recognition technology to provide accu-
rate order volume estimations, especially in order to
accommodate the various concrete pouring conditions
on construction sites. In this study, we propose using
semantic segmentation, a machine learning technique,
to detect ready-mixed concrete from construction site
images. However, the texture of fresh concrete is
similar to that of other construction materials and the
background, and the texture fluctuates depending on
the amount of moisture and mixing conditions, mak-
ing accurate recognition difficult. Therefore, we be-
lieve that by introducing texture analysis, it will be
possible to extract the texture and detailed surface fea-
tures of raw concrete and enable recognition that can
cope with texture similarity and variation, which has
been difficult with conventional segmentation meth-
ods. In this study, we propose to use images with tex-
ture analysis added using Gray Level Co-occurrence
Matrix (GLCM) as a dataset. Semantic segmentation
using texture analysis has demonstrated its effective-
ness in various fields. For example, in garment seg-
mentation, combining texture and semantic decoding
modules has been shown to improve accuracy.(Liu
et al., 2023) In the classification of herbal plants, hy-
brid methods using GLCM with CNN or SVM have
achieved high classification accuracy (Purnawansyah
et al., 2023). Additionally, for 3D urban scene mesh
data, the introduction of a texture convolution module
significantly improved segmentation accuracy com-
pared to traditional methods (Yang et al., 2023). Fur-
thermore, for SAR images, a new method based on
texture complexity analysis and key superpixels has
been proposed, enhancing noise resistance and distin-
guishing different landforms (Shang et al., 2020).
Nakajima, A. and Kobayashi, H.
Semantic Segmentation with GLCM Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0013072200003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 1, pages 527-531
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 GLCM Images
Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) is one of
the methods used in image texture analysis. It is a ma-
trix that represents the frequency with which a partic-
ular gray level combination occurs between adjacent
pixels in an image.
GLCM defines pairs of pixels based on a given
direction (e.g., 0, 45, 90, or 135 degrees) and distance.
In this case, the direction is 0 degrees and the distance
is 1 pixel. Based on the direction and distance, count
how often a given gray level pixel i and its adjacent
pixel gray level j occur simultaneously and reflect it
in the matrix P(i, j). For example, if one gray level is
1 31 2 2
1 2 2
3 13 4 4
2 43 3 4
2 42 3 3
3 3
j = 1
2 2 0 1
2 6 4
1 0 3 4
0 4 8 3
i = 1 2 3 4
i = 1 2 3 4
1/20 1/20 0 1/40
1/20 3/20 1/10
1/40 0 3/40 1/10
0 1/10 1/5 3/40
j = 1
Figure 1: Procedure for calculating the GLCM.
“2” and the gray level of an adjacent pixel is “3” as
in Figure1, there are four combinations, so we assign
“4” to the positionP(i, j) in the GLCM.
Furthermore, by dividing the value of each element of
the GLCM by the total number of pixel pairs, we can
express the co-occurrence frequency as a probability.
A scalar value is obtained by applying a function to
the GLCM matrix. This is the GLCM feature. In this
study, six GLCM features were obtained by applying
the functions shown in Equation 1 to Equation 6 to
the GLCM matrix.
Contrast =
(i j)
i j
Homogeneity =
i j
1 + |i j|
Energy =
i j
Dissimilarity =
|i j|P
i j
Correlation =
(i µ
)( j µ
i j
Entropy =
i j
i j
) (6)
Contrast represents the difference in intensity of
edges and gray levels in an image. Homogeneity in-
dicates the uniformity of the image texture. Energy
indicates the regularity or consistency of repeated pat-
terns in the texture of an image. Dissimilarity repre-
sents the difference in gray levels in the image and is
used to detect changes in the texture. Correlation rep-
resents regularity in the texture of an image. Entropy
indicates randomness or complexity in an image.
GLCM features are obtained as a single scalar value
for a single image, but to use them as a segmenta-
tion dataset, a GLCM feature is needed for each pixel.
Therefore, we divided the image into smaller regions
and calculated GLCM features for each region as Fig-
ure 2.
12 1
33 3
3 31 2
3 3
2 2
1 1 32 2
1 1 32 2
1 2 2
2 2 3
2 3 3
i = 1 2 3
0 1/9 0
1/9 2/9 2/9
0 2/9 1/9
j = 1
GLCM imageGLCM matrix
Gray scale image
Figure 2: Truth A.
Specifically, for a 512 x 512 pixel RGB image, we
generated a GLCM matrix using a 7 x 7 pixel kernel
and applied six different functions to obtain GLCM
features for each pixel. Figure 3 shows the original
image and examples of GLCM images are shown in
Figures 4 through 9.
Figure 3: Sample.
Figure 4: Contrast.
Figure 5: Homogeneity.
Figure 6: Energy.
Figure 7: Dissimilarity.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 8: Correlation. Figure 9: Entropy.
2.2 U-Net++
256 256
128 128
64 64
32 32
16 16
Skip conection
Figure 10: U-Net++
U-Net is a convolutional neural network (CNN) spe-
cialized for image segmentation.(Ronneberger et al.,
2015) It has a structure with an encoder to extract im-
age features and a decoder to reconstruct images, and
can retain spatial information through skip connec-
tions. Its advantage is that it can perform highly accu-
rate segmentation even with small amounts of data. In
this study, we employed U-Net++ (Figure 10), which
has been improved to extract more detailed features
by increasing the number of skip connections.(Zhou
et al., 2018)
2.3 Transfer Learning
The technique of pre-training another dataset to
improve segmentation accuracy is called “Transfer
Learning”. ResNet is a very deep convolutional
model, and the skip connection solves the problem
of “learning does not proceed well with deeper layers
of the model, even though gradient loss does not oc-
cur.(He et al., 2015) VGG11 was used as the encoder
in the TernausNet(Iglovikov and Shvets, 2018) pa-
per that showed the effectiveness of U-Net transition
learning, but we chose ResNet, which has deeper lay-
ers and better performance. I used ResNet, a model
that excels at image recognition, which has already
been trained on a large dataset called ImageNet, as
the encoder for the training model. I applied learned
weights to the encoder and random weights to the
decoder. These weights are updated during the re-
training process.
When training the new 9-channel dataset, the weights
for the 6 channels corresponding to the additional
GLCM features were set randomly, since ImageNet
is a 3-channel image dataset. To increase the effec-
tiveness of the transition learning, we also normal-
ized the distribution of the new dataset to match the
distribution of the pre-training data. The mean and
standard deviation of each channel of the pre-training
data were used for normalization; the mean and stan-
dard deviation corresponding to the 3-channel images
were taken from ImageNet, and for the additional 6
channels, the mean was set to 0 and the standard devi-
ation to 1, based on batch normalization.(Bjorck et al.,
2.4 Augmentation
Augmentation is a method of extending data by per-
forming various transformations on the original im-
age. In this case, the data was theoretically augmented
by a factor of 4 by applying a horizontal inversion and
a viewpoint change in 3D space at each epoch with a
probability of 50 % each.
2.5 Loss Functions and Evaluation
The Dice coefficient was used as the loss function and
the IoU score as the evaluation index. Both are widely
used in segmentation tasks, with the Dice coefficient
emphasizing the degree of overlap between predicted
and true regions and the IoU score being a direct mea-
sure of agreement between predicted and true regions.
Dice =
2|A B|
|A| + |B|
IoU =
|A B|
|A B|
The dataset consisted of 104 images of 9 channels
with the addition of the GLCM image, and the num-
ber of epochs was set to 120 for the comparison ex-
periment with the 3-channel image. The Dice coeffi-
cient was used as the loss function, and the loss func-
tion was optimized using Adam. Evaluation was per-
formed on two images A and B. The IoU score, which
indicates overall recognition accuracy, is shown in
Tab.1, and the segmentation prediction results are
shown in Fig.11 to Fig.14.
Semantic Segmentation with GLCM Images
Table 1: Accuracy.
3 channels 9 channels
IoU score 0.8888 0.8979
Figure 11: Truth A.
(a) 3 channels (b) 9 channels
Figure 12: Prediction A.
Figure 13: Truth B.
From Table 1, the 9-channel image with the
GLCM features was more accurate than the 3-channel
image using the conventional method. In Fig. 12,
the 3-channel image had a detection error from the
center to the lower right, whereas the 9-channel im-
age showed a detection error in the upper left. The
3-channel image had a false positive in the upper left
corner, but there was no significant difference in over-
all prediction accuracy. Furthermore, in Fig. 14, the
prediction result for the 3-channel image showed a
false positive in the upper right corner, while the pre-
diction result for the 9-channel image had no false
positive and was accurate.
From Fig.12, the reason for the higher number of false
positives in the prediction results for the 9-channel
(a) 3 channel (b) 9 channel
Figure 14: Prediction B.
images compared to the 3-channel images can be at-
tributed to overfitting of the model. Factors contribut-
ing to overfitting include the fact that the model be-
came too complex due to the increased dimensional-
ity of the features, and that the training data set was
On the other hand, from Fig.14, the reason why
the prediction results for the 9-channel image were
more accurate than for the 3-channel image is that the
model was able to capture the boundaries between the
raw concrete surface and the interior walls. The fea-
tures that were effective in detecting edges and bound-
aries were Contrast, Correlation, and Entropy.
The addition of GLCM images for texture analysis
to the segmentation dataset resulted in more accurate
recognition of raw concrete at construction sites, with
texture and boundaries being effectively extracted as
features. This improvement is expected to facili-
tate the determination of appropriate order quantities,
thereby reducing the amount of raw concrete that be-
comes industrial waste.
The approach is to reduce the dimensionality of the
features in the dataset to mitigate model overfitting.
Specifically, we will consider using 3-channel images
as the dataset and computing GLCM features within
the model.
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Semantic Segmentation with GLCM Images